i used to hold oz PR n lived in Sydney for a year. Didn't survive (homesick) so went back SG. Now married, my hubby wants to migrate oz so we both applying oz PR again hehehe...
Ya, the sun was quite strong. I remember hanging my washed clothes out to dry (in the backyard of the house i was renting) and I got sunburn on my back neck(i tied my hair). After half-year, i realized that the skin on my leg cracked (weather's dry). My face got freckles too, and they are still there on my face even now
I never put on lotion before so not in habit to put on sunblock lotion on face and body lotion on body, but we'll need to make it a habit once there hehehe...
Oh, i stil never get the habit of wearing sunglasses too hehehe... Always forgot to bring with me when going out.
abt discrimination, i'm sure there's a little here and there. Even in SG, i see how Chinese discriminates against Malay, Indian and China(mainland)pp. We just don't want to be the person being discriminated hehehe...
I think it's all in our mind. If we keep thinking or suspecting we're being discriminated, we tend to be sensitive abt how they (oz pp) treat us. So the best solution is, tell ourselves that they are no better than us (be confident), be thick-skinned (not too sensitive) and fight for your right.
Hmm.. abt getting paid less. I think it depends on how you negotiate. They tend to be fair with compensation.. at least compared to SG, where sometimes the employer 'tekan' us if we're at their mercy hehehe...
But my agent told me then that becoz i don't have oz experience, i may not able to command high salary.. i think it's just sales talk lah.. the agent want to seal the deal faster so the lower the better.
Abt making friends, hmm i dunno leh...
When i was there i made friends only with my own small community, which is not good.... But I suffer from low self-confidence so hv a hard time mixing with ang moh (other than colleagues).
Some of my colleagues there like to 'shout' and made sarcastic remarks openly to each other, which i found shocking hehehe... But that's jsut how comfortable they are with expressing their thoughts n emotion hehehe...
i can tell u many2 funny, scary, sad, stupid stories abt my adventure there hehehe...
Well, 2nd try this time, hopefully i fare better with finding Australian friends.