Anyone Migrating to Australia?


New Member

Is anyone considering or planning migrating to Australia?

Have been doing a fair amount of reading about it recently. We are considering it basically because we are not optimistic about the future here, especially the kind of environment that kids will be growing up in.

I don't wish to get into a moral, what's right/what's wrong discussion here. I hope to have some serious views/advice on this.



New Member
Hi Aussie,

Me and my hubby share the same view of you, we are considering to migrate but cux we have just started our family not too long ago and once we are more settled down...We will want to move on from here...

There is no right or wrong discussion here, just a personal air of views...Based on the current economy, you can actually predict the kind of predictment Singapore will go thru in the future phase...

We love the different environment in Australia and we have intended to send our kids (in future) when he completes his kindy here to proceed to Au for his studies....I believe the environment is very much better for a kid to develop his individual self...Most Singapore kids are very material based and unlike kids in Au where the best play things come from the nature...

Anyway, just to let you know you are not alone!!



New Member
Hi Gals,

Me and my hubby are also thinking of migrating to Australia. We are looking into the process of applying for PR. Just would like to know if any of you planning to go thru an agency for the application?


me oso considering.. but main cause of worry will be finding a job. cos hubby's field of work in very limited (or close to none) in Australia


New Member
Same here....My hubby and I arealso not very optimistic about the future hubby is a primary school teacher and seen so much in the education system in Singapore....sigh....don't want our kid to feel pressurized by the hectic life here. The other reason is alsobecause hubby feel too stressed by the workload also.

I haven't done much research but since some of you girls have done some leg work, do you mind sharing? Basically, we want to have a 'trial' first by going there for a couple of years. The only hope is for my hubby to teach there I guess. Anyone has info on how to apply for a teaching job there for my hubby? I have a dip in Banking and finance but have since left the industry for 4 years I'm into admin.

If things are looking good in a couple of years, we may decide to stay on permanently and build our family there.


New Member
Hi everyone

wow....didn't know so many considering this option.

Maybe I share what I know so far and we can exchange info.

We don't intend to use a migration agent because of the extra cost.

You have to apply for PR first, get it approved, then get a job. Once PR is approved, you have to stay there for 2 years, without leaving Aust. The application fee is about $1700. It's non-refundable. Even if you don't get the PR, the $$ is gone.

There's a minimum number of points you must meet, depending on the category you're applying for. They give points for the job you're holding now, language ability, age, work experience, whether you've studied in Aust before etc.

What I really want to know is living cost there, things like taxes, benefits etc. Anyone knows? Have not been able to find these on the net.


New Member
hi ladies,

seems like all of us are on the same track here...

me has been thinking of applying for PR for quite some time alr...

Although life there can be quite 'shiok' in terms of quality, however, i did hear that quite a large percentage of your annual income goes to taxes. The percentage is very much higher compared to SIN. dunno exact numbers though...

the other 'practical' thing i had considered is whether it is easy for us new PRs to get jobs there now? i mean job market down south hasn't been that good either...
so although as much as i wanted to go over, i think all of us has to take these points into considerations first...

2 cents worth...


New Member
Hi all,

Application for PR is $1745, but u also have to include the cost of police checks and health checks which amts up to $300. So u should be seeing something like $2,000 for the whole application. On top of this, all ur docs and certs have to be certified by a justice of peace or lawyer which cost another $31 per documentation.

As for agents, migration agents usually dun hv extra priviledges to securing u a PR. ITs juz that they fill in the forms for u but its still as tedious. Say if they want docs from u, u hv to supply them. Hiring them, u will hv to pay extra $2,000 to $3,000 (excludes processing visa application fee of $1745).

Maybe u should go to and downlaod all the forms to see.

Basically i think if u hv an AU qualification or u r an engineer, nurse or IT based job. Chances is that u will secure a PR.

the 2 yrs security thingy, its not true that u muz stay there for 2 yrs, juz that within a 5 yr period, u hv to stay there fore 2 yrs. For offshore application, it takes approc 50 weeks for them to review ur case. But for onshore application, ie u stay in AU n apply, it takes abt 5-6mths to get ur results.

Costs of living is on par with Spore. In terms of accomodation, its cheaper as they hv land. Cars are cheap. Food and dairy products are cheap juz that personal tax is 40% and superannuation is also abt 40%.

Hope all the info i provided helps.



Hi All:

I'm also considering the possibility of migration with my husband. Just don't know which country.

What made you choose Australia? What about other countries (like US, Canada, even China)?


New Member
Wow, after reading so many, I tot im alone! Din noe so many also tot the same way.
Well, but my intention is to migrate to US.
Well, din noe that migrating needs education level too..erm....


New Member
Hello everyone,

I have the intention too....migrating to Melbourne. It's where my aunti and family and also successful migrated and became their citizen.
I have been there three just like market and to their factory.
I find being Austrailian is no STRESS at all provided you can settle down job or settle up your own biz.

Accordingly to my Aunti that as long we have Aus cert and if we study what Aust in need now esp NURSE at the moment........PR can be easily approved. With the 1st step done.......all kind of step like future setting up of your own biz will be more easy.

Both of us does not had a Aus cert and it really borther us........
Moreover study extra cert now is like no possible as we have reno, wedding to look forward first.
So we taking step by step.....and hoping within 10 years down the road we will be in Aus with our own biz........

So the only thing we can do now is keeping saving........and leave the STRESSFUL countries.


New Member

I lived in Oz for 5 years and helped to look after some houses while I was studying there. From what I know, alot of people invest in houses in Oz without knowing their rules and taxes. In the end, have to fork out more than supposed to and in the end hve to sell their houses cos profit margin low.

Let me try to recall what I remember ok. Tax is 40%. Which is very high! My fh has a PR there and next yr, we hve to go over to fullfill the 2 yrs already. But we still deciding cos of the 40% tax. No doubt the cars and houses are cheaper. But there are alot of hidden cost for houses. You have to pay tax for council rates. Electric bill can be sky high cos of the heater you used for winter. Water usage there is ok though. Also, frankly I find their system quite stupid. Dunno how to describe, if you live there for sometime, you will find that they are seriously laid-back and not as efficient as singaporeans. However putting all theses money matters aside, Oz is really a nice and cosy place to live in. But, their crime rates also climing off the roof. They like to laugh and mock at their leaders especially John Howard. It was fun to watch though. ;D


New Member
Agree with Gingerale.......I should say living in another country is no easy. Esp you have to adapt to their new system and way of handle public.

Esp the crime not like Singapore so secure and safe.

According to my have to leave your light on all day just to let robber know you are at home.
Only one day my aunti forgot and Robber was invited!
It's not easy......esp for cannot just let them go out so easily during the night.
Of course there's no so call easy lifestyle's depend on individual what come first and what kind of lifestyle you prefer.


New Member
Hi Tweetie

Thanks for info. We've infact downloaded all the necessary info / booklets / forms from the Aust Immi website. Very useful.

Did the points assessment as well. Made it thru, with some points to spare....whew...hubby also got his skills assessment done.

I thought superannuation was 15%?

Hi gingerale

yeah, both hubby & I have been there before and like the life there. And we are very aware of racism issues. Whatever it is, we are the minority there.

he was there for 2 yrs, got degree & really took the oppt to travel all over the country. so at least we also hv frens & relatives there, so hopefully it'll be slightly easier.

Anyone knows what's a comfortable / realistic monetary buffer to set aside for start-up living expenses there?


New Member

I'm really under-informed! Wow! What is superannuation?

Both hubby and I do not have a degree. He has 2 dips though - one in Banking and Finance and the other in Education. I have a dip in Banking and Finance does sound difficult to get a PR from Down-Under.


New Member
Hi everyone,

After looking through all the msgs, i realised that alot of pple are thinking of migrate to aus or other countries. My FH and i have thought of migrating to Perth before and even now. My FH graduated an uni at perth, he spent his 2 yrs uni there and i join him over there for 2 weeks, its so nice there especially the environment. But thinking of my family and his families, we are putting on hold now.

HIs friend's did apply for PR there before and was unable to get it due to his age and spend nearly 2k getting everything done. Points are given according to yr age and qualifications. If both spouses has degree in aus.. it will be easier. Actually we decided to try for it because 2 of us got a degree from aus, his from curtin and mine is from RMIT. Maybe another few more yrs we will try for it.

As living espenses there are quite cheap.. because the land and car there are much cheaper den here. Theres quite alot of chinese rest and chinese groceries store there, we bought some dumplings home to cook..hhee...

Jatling.. its true about robbersm must FH also always leave his lights on and lock his door. His classmates forget to lock his windows and this stupid robber came in and steal away his levis jeans only.. funny right.. the wallet was intact.
Some of them are just up to mischeif. SO just to be extra carefull over there.


Jus would like to find out what is the range of age that is most favourable when applying for PR?


New Member
Hi 707

I don't think there's a "favourable age" so to speak. It's just that the older you get, the lesser points you'll get. For eg, before and after 35, the difference is 5 points.

For General Skilled, I think you need a pass mark of 115 points.

I have a fren who went with his PR, without a job. He got a job within 5 mths. Guess it depends on the type of jobs as well.


New Member
happened to see this posting and i have my qualms about getting a PR. rite now i'm joining hubby in melbourne for his masters in IT, and becos of him i got a unlimited work permit which allows me to work unlimited hours in a job. I myself, graduated with an AUS cert too.

No doubt the cars and houses are cheap, come to think of it, i don't like the system here. telecommunications are kinna crappy as their monthly bills are so darn confusing, electricity bills are sky rocket when comes to winter months, taxes are also high. Hubby prefers staying here in the future as he has more freedom to set up his own biz, unlike in sing cos it's not easy and very competitive when comes to IT stuff.

The problem now lies with me i reckon. most of my friends and my family is back in sing and i can't imagine me staying here without any friends or family members. i tried persuading hubby that since we already got a flat back in sing, we might as well go back after his graduation. guess what he said? there's no future for him back there so he will definitely try for a PR and maybe settle here with the kids, which i think most importantly, the kids should have at least a sing education from Pr 1 - Sec 4, before even considering overseas education. No doubt the education here is kinna slack and less stress than in sing, i personally think that it's still very vital to have a strong basic education as sing's education is one of the best.

really in a dilemma now. sigh¬ what should i do?
we're planning to have a kid 2 years later. now the question is, whether to have the bb born in aussie or in sing?


New Member
I have got a friend who is a PR in Australia, no intention of giving up the citizenship here. His son is studying over there and it seems that his son is coping quite well with the study, but still mix around with chinese friends.

Hear from my friend that since his son is over 11 year old when they went over, so they need to keep $75,000 in Singapore to make sure that their son will come back to Singapore to finish the NS.


New Member
Hi to all here

I'm actually "aussie" in the above postings.

I've read the migration booklet and still unclear about something. Appreciate if anyone can help me understand this.

Do husband & wife apply at the same timen(ie. under the same application form) even though I only intend to go over later? Because this means one application charge only. If not, I think it's another about $1,200.

If we apply together, does it mean I have to meet the points (on my own) as well? Or just my husband the main applicant?


New Member
Hi indianwife

To my understanding, husband and wife can choose to apply under the same application, or the husband/wife can apply first, and once approved, can again apply to bring the dependant over to Australia. I attended a migration seminar recently coz my hubby and I just got married in May and he is actually an Australian citizen, and I wanted to get more information on spouse migration.

If I am not wrong, if a family applies under 1 application, if any of you fail your medical examination, the entire application will be rejected. This according to the migration agent, is one of the risk of rejection. However, if you are confident that both of you will pass your medical test, it is definitely "cheaper" in that sense to be charged only 1 application charge.

Hope this helps


New Member
Hi Nutella

thanks a lot. did the migration agent list like certain "health risks" that might jeopardise the application?


New Member
Hi indianwife,

No he didn't list them. I have his namecard but its at home. Will post his contact details here either tonight or tomorrow!


New Member
Hi again indianwife!

Sorry, was really busy at work yesterday so didn't come into the forum at all. As promised, here are the details:

AAA Australian Migration
Mr. Keith Cook
email: [email protected]

Keith is based in Perth.

There is another Singaporean guy based in an office here:
Mr. Belson Yong
email: [email protected]
tel: 9695 4428

I just wanna say that I have not used their services yet, I only went to the seminar organised by them.



New Member
Hi all,
i actually stumble upon this thread & found dat many ppl r confused by emigration.. most ppl think of emigration as having to leave.. but to me, i feel why not take it as an alternative to life.. give yourself a chance to experience another lifestyle.. while you're still young..

i know of an agency dat you can find out something.. they are based in singapore..


New Member
I am interested in finding out more in getting an australian PR, have done the online free assessments but still in doubt whether to apply online myself or to go through an agent, which can cost up to $5k at least. (But also skeptical in going to an unauthorized agent)

Anyone has any ideas or has anyone gotten their PR already and kindly give their views?



New Member
Hi all,

seems like almost everyone is more or less fixed on own thoughts for migration eh? for me also the same lor, coz it seems like it calls for the job on my hubby side so at first still kinda interested to go over for a new start of life!! & of coz there are pros & cons everywhere, its nice to get to the laid back OZ but still the security i won't say its tat great!!

some of my frds have already been over, including my relatives as well but of coz again, we are all scattered to different parts of Aus


New Member
HI Melgal,
my hubby and i alr hv our pr. we are biding our time, and planning to move over sometime next year.

We used an Australian agent, and have successfully gotten our visas. I then introduced my sister, and she has gotten hers as well. In fact, she is alr Down Under and has found a job. Have recommended a lot of my friends to them ever since.

We feel that using an agent would be better, especially since they know the policy changes and are able to update us better. In that way, they can also know when the best time is to submit the application forms. Definitely would recommend going through an agent.

hope that helps



New Member
yup.. i agree with andrea.. i feel dat its better to go to an agent too.. they are more familiar with the rules & laws of migration.. i've done quite some research myself too b4 signing with one..

me & hubby went to an agent.. more confident cos they told us how to prepare for application..



New Member
Hi andrea and zimcookies,
can i know what's the name of the agent as well, and how do they charge for the whole process right up till you've obtained yr PR?
thanks! my email: [email protected]


New Member
for those who wanan save on agent cost, there are a couple of immigration forums you can go to to get advise as well. the one on google groups is especially helpful.
There are qualified agents who post online who can advise u for free.


New Member
Hi Andrea,

Could you share with me whom you went thru'? I have consulted one agent but have been very busy lately with work so have to shelf it aside but intend to start once again.

[email protected]


New Member
last saturday, i've attended a seminar held by AAA-migration. had a talk wif one their agents. all in all, the total cost is close to 6k. it's not cheap at all.
i'm trying to get quotes from other agents like Ntrust (, and Agate ( wonder if anyone has gone thru them b4?

Also read the newpaper on sundays, regarding the pros and cons of migrating, esp to s'poreans.
maybe we can discuss what r yr views after reading that?
what is your main concern that you want to migrate?


New Member
Hi sunnygirl,
i'm interested in Melbourne.
hey, anyone heard of the latest news, i.e. migrating to the regional areas in Victoria?


New Member
hi melgal..
i've heard of e region area thing too... cos my brother-in-law is going to migrate there in dat category..

not too sure how its like cos my hubby & i didnt go with him when he talk to our agent... think its something like u need to stay in regional area for 2 years or sumting lidat.. if u want maybe u'll like to know from agents instead..



New Member
Hi Sunnygirl,
are you residing in Australia? I started my spouse visa application in late April this year and got it in1.5months. I didn't use any agents, did everything myself, cost only $1600 + cost of health and police clearance. Am migrating to Brisbane early Sept...


New Member
Hi Fern,

Could you share with me how you go about the application w/o agent? My spouse & myself intend to migrate to Aussie too but the agent cost around $10k (agent fee & all other charges). We intend to migrate on a skilled scheme.


New Member
i am using neverford lawyers for my application. yes indeed the agent fees cost ard $10k. we submitted our application early this year and guess we will have to wait for quite a while still.
we are also using the skilled migration scheme


New Member
Hi jojok, for me, it was really easy. I went to the 2 below websites to look for information regarding the category i came under, the charges, and so on. I downloaded the necessary forms of these websites, filled them up and sent together with the necessary documents such as prove of my relationship with my husband, our relationship history, etc. I stated my husband as my sponser and I also got my sister-in-law and mum-in-law (who are australian) to be give a statement about us. After my submission, they told me to go for a health check and get a police clearance. Then i got my visa. For skilled migration, i think it is more complicated and different from mine. I'd advice you to visit the below websites,they were really useful for me.

I dun believe that you must have an agent to speed up the process or to be more successful. My hubby's friend also applied under skilled migration and did it by herself.

It;s just that it can be very tedious and time consuming to find out all the information you need. I also had to spend a lot of time calling the Australian high comm in Singapore to find out some info.

Hope this helps!
