Hi Bear (man_tou_bear),
Pls share...
Hi Alhana,
Sure...pls share with me at
[email protected]
Oki..let me "bore"

u ladies (since you are all so nice) with my BS stories...
1.Went to one at Tg Pagar cos frens went to them n absolutely loved it ...erm...but they spent $8k!!! after toppin up pixs.. which we will not do so...
Anyway,went one day,tried on the gowns,in fact it makes me looked like someone going for costume party! Hahaha..none looked gd on me..then they offer to take off x% off pkg price if we sign on the spot..but when we said we wanna think (dun believe in impulse buying..aiyo $ lei...not $3 u know!

),the co-ordinator said "then we cannot offer u the same price if we walk out!"
Felt kind of hard selling so we left..
2.Then when we were at Tg Pagar having lunch one day,had some time to kill in between..so we jus walked into another one..but the gowns are too sweety pie for me..i dun like too sweet lookin ones..prefer to look classy..
3.Then we went to a few more more ang moh style ones..loved the gowns at Silverlining..wanted to take the OTR package but EG is a bit tough to take OTR so am at a dilemma.
4.Went to Ted collection actually just for fun...but i fell in love with one of the cheong sam!!can u imagine tat!!!
So now am at a dilemma...
Really wanna keep within the budget..and not spend too much as we believe tat it is better to save for future..hee hee..
How?? How??