Bookclub - what are you reading?


New Member
Hi All

Chance to read on this thread and would like to join you all...

I have a 7 year old gal who loves reading and she has read a few books by Roald Dahl.Is it a good books?I find the language a bit too unique.Any advice...

Lately, I saw Children are from heaven by john grey, is it a good book?



New Member
Hi Alhana!

Ya i flew off to my HM on 19 and was back on the 26th... heehee... though it was a short trip but it was the best i had... cos everyday we went on tours... so tired by the time we were done.. but it was worth it... heehee.. Gd to hear that baby Cate is getting bigger and from the sounds of it, naughtier! heehee... i haven't got book 4 of GRRM. it is sold out everywhere.. waiting for the paperback edition lor...

Oh btw, my scholarship got approved.. i will be off to study in Jan.. kinda scared cos i m worried i can't do well.. dunno why i got this sense of dread in my tummy...

Serene, u must be very busy.. i seldom see u in the forum liao... ur new job very hectic ah?? i also need slp when i get home.. but the time i finish cooking dinner, eating it and doing up all the household chores, its already 9+... living at my own house is very tiring!!

Hello Sunshine coast.. i can't help u in this area man! i have no kids! but when i was 7 yrs old, the books i read were Nancy Drew and Judy Blume... hope it helps!


New Member
good morning ladies!! been a while since we have chatted in here.
how is everyone?

i juz finished Jeffrey Deaver's "The Cold Moon" a few weeks ago. personally i felt it had somehow lost the Deaver's touch. no doubt there r unexpected twists... but somehow, i felt it's too twisted. so much so until i gave up trying to guess who the culprit is n the motive... n it kind of lost the fun. coz usually when i read thriller n suspense... it's interesting to b guessing until the end. but not for this book, not for me...


New Member
Levynn.. i keep wanting to get the Cold Moon but u know from the 12th Card (is the title correct? i can't rem liao), i felt that he wasn't doing the usual stuff.. getting more and more convoluted and senseless!!! other authors are getting better though.. have u read Kathy Reichs? she is gd!! something like Patricia Cornwall, with more sense.. heehee..


New Member
Hello all! Been very busy with work too.. just got back from a 6 days holiday with my hubby in Chiang Mai and BKK. Sometimes I wonder what's the point of going on holidays when before and after it I've to rush my work like mad :p By the time I'm back... I need another holiday!

Alhana and Bear, any photos to see? My email [email protected]


New Member
Hi Avid

I've emailed u the link to view pics of Catelyn. So u went thru w ure trip to Thailand! Thought it was supposed to be a road trip? How was it? Sigh...I need a vacation too man. So sian to be cooped up at home all the time.


Glad to hear ure trip went well! didn't turn out to be boring after all
Any pics to share? Good to hear abt ure scholarship too! Dun be scared lah...I'm sure u'll manage fine
Is the course done locally or abroad?

Wow...the book is sold out? Think they oso dun stock too many hardbacks since they're harder to sell. Robin Hobb's new book/series is finally out on paperback, but I really doubt I'll be able to find time to read. Maybe get it later on, when things are more settled at home.

Welcome Sunshine!

How abt Enid Blyton's books? I loved her books when I was in primary school..from the naughtiest girl series to the Mallory Towers/St Clair's and Famous Five series. I also loved The Three Investigators and Nancy Drew. John Bellairs' books are also v good, although they are probably better suited to upper primary kids as the themes can be quite dark and creepy.


New Member

Avid!!! lucky u! always gg somewhere.. I also wanna go too! but cannot liao.. next yr start sch got no leave... ARGHH!! i have my HM photos but its on If u have an acc, add me. my nick is jace lau.. u can see my HM photos there... my AD photos haven't uploaded yet.. bleah...

Alhana, yups the trip was gd... we had no free day as we just signed up for all the land tours.. slpt a lot of the coach cos i was car sick.. heehee.. u can view my pixs at but u need to add me first.. heehee... My course will be with NUS done here lor... i dunno i dunno i dunno.. i dunno if i shd just give it up and start a family.. recently my hb asked if it was possible to have a family earlier... argh!

Hey gd recommendation on the kids books! i rem i had the first 3 books of St Clair bound into one. it was sooo thick that i did wanna touch it
until i was P4 and bored to tears at home. picked it up and i was hooked.. the book disintegrated over time cos i was my fav book till P6!


New Member
Alhana thanks for the photos. Baby Catelyn is so adorable!!! tick tok tick tok.. Ahemm... did you hear that? My clock is ticking away like mad! :p

We will make at least another trip before the year ends.. likely to go to Bali. Anyway we always make last minute travel plans... will still make that road trip if we're diligent enough to book soon! (We've another bali trip during CNY with friends next year). My office will be closed from X'mas onwards... and I've so many days of leave to clear still.


New Member
da jia hao

bear bear yeah...this not so new work is loading me up...been pretty i'm undergoing some tough times wif my personal life now..gonna join the single club again..


New Member

Serene did i read correctly? wat happened???? ur ah lao is famous in this forum cos u talk so much abt him!!! u guys sound so in love...hang in there ok gal?! we will be here for u if u need a shoulder to cry on (well its more like a chat box to read from)....

Avid, u are soooooo lucky! can i tag along in ur luggage?? ur clock tick so loudly, but u got open factory or not? i wanna send a big congratulation flower basket when u are officially 'opened'! heehee... sounds a bit obscene..


New Member
Hello All

Thanks for the feedback.
Looks like most of them are young free and single?So nice, just reminded me of my hay days...
My gal is still in the dreamy world, loves to read fairy tales like the latest rainbow midnight etc....Not stopping her from reading fairytale edition but really its too ....


To be single again may not be a bad thing...I always believe that there is always a reason when something happen...cheer up...


New Member
Hey Serene

Sorry to hear you're going thru a rough patch now. I'm also shocked to hear that you're experiencing problems in your marriage. Like Bear said, if you need a place to vent/seek comfort, we're here for you. I hope you and ure ah lao can work things out.


I used to have sooo many Enid Blyton & Nancy Drew books. Think I gave them away or sold them to 2nd hand bookshop. Really regret now coz I'll prob end up buying these books again for Catelyn :p Yeah I loved all the boarding house series! Also read till the books all kiam chye. I still hv my Three Investigators and John Bellairs books, and I still read them from time to time
And I still hv my entire collection of Tintin comics!

How long is your Master's course? Scally u get pregnant while studying..keke.


Yah boy...ure really lucky! Now going Bali! *faint* Open ure factory in Bali lah! Hehe..can't think of a nicer place to procreate .. *lol*

Watched any good TV shows lately? Are u following Prison Break? I'm hooked on the US version of The Office now...omg, it's so funny..but kinda painful to watch at times. Steve Carrell's character especially..most pathetic manager ever. And I thought my boss was


New Member
Alhana, me too!! i still get the urge to read the Enid Blyton books!! i gave them all away to my neighbour! i had the TV series cover for the Famous Five, that was shown in the UK in the late 70s!! gave them away liao.. haizz.. they would be a collector's item by now..

My all time fav the Children of the Cherry Tree Farm. I love Tammylan, Benji, and Scamper the Squirrel. heehee... i looked high and low for the sequel which was Children of the Willow Tree Farm. i learnt a lot from Tammylan and his teachings of animals! hehee.. prob that was wat started my interest in animals...

U guys know my hb didn't want a baby so soon, but 2 wks ago he asked if we shd try for one soon... i can't get preggie during my studies.. absolutely no-no cos i will be gg out to field... carrying a baby AND balancing on the boat is no joke... Masters will be 2 yrs lor.. i m hoping i will be done in 1.5 yrs, but dun think its possible.

Hey have to tell u all. i have been watching TV!! The Apprentice and America's Next Top Model.. very bitchy leh.. cannot tahan Jade.. who won ah?


New Member
Hi Bear

Whoa..yah boy, guess u can't get pregnant for 2 yrs then. What spurred ure hubby to change his mind?

I loved the Faraway Tree series..and the series abt Circus life. I read Cherry Tree Farm too, but can't remember much liao. Sigh...really wish I had those books again!!!

I still remember my Nancy Drew and Enid Blyton books were all hardcover w painted artwork..they dun do such things anymore. So nice....shld've kept them.


New Member
Yups Alhana, absolutely cannot get preggie. if my hb made up his mind earlier, i would not have pressed for my masters... but now? haizzz... just stick to it and do lor.. no choice...

U know my hb and i will wander around in Popular bookstore and look at all the Enid Blyton books on sale.. we will compare wat books we read before/ own etc etc... there was this rabbit.. i can't rem the title of the book, that both of us read. heehee...

Ya my Nancy Drew was the painted ones too.. later then it became the printed types.. heehee...

Serene, u sure ah?? take care ok?


New Member
serene jie jie... long time no talk. u ok?? take good care, ya??

bear... i think i know who won leh. that time i only watched twice of the America's Next Top Model... cannot tahan the Jade liao.. so hurry go find out who won... hopefully i didn't see the wrong one...


New Member
Hi levynn & Bear

Yeah, I also know who won this cycle of ANTM. Do u gals know that Jade is currently in S'pore on a modelling stint? My other favourite reality show now is Project Runway.'s on tonite!


U take care gal. Good to hear that you're better. All the best yeah?


New Member
Gd morning babes! Baby Cate inclded!

Levynn, who won? who won??! dun tell me Jade? i think its their other white and not Danielle... tell me tell me!! i hate watching tv cos i always cannot anticipate the ending...

Alhana, u know who won? tell me leh.. i dun wanna wait liao... how u know Jade is here?? u got insider news?


New Member
OMG.. its her! the person i least expected to win!!! okok.. i tot they didn't like the way she speaks or something.. u know i dislike Tara Bank's hosting.. every wk is the same line.. 'X no. of beautiful gals stand before, but only X-1 gals get to continue to be come ANTM. The gal whose photo i do not hold must immediately go back to the room, pack her things and leave.' BLAH!!!

SO CLICHE!!! and she is sooooooooohh FAKE!

Levynn, that's the reason why i dun like watching tv.. cos i can't function until i know the ending. so its a waste of time lor..


New Member

Same, I can't stand Tyra Banks, esp when she tries to show off poses to the girls. Yucks. I know she's an experienced model and all, but's PAINFUL to watch her show off her schtick.

Heh..ure reason for not watching tv is funny, but logical...keke. People like u wld do best to wait till the entire season is done and just get the DVD set :p


New Member
Hi ladies..
So nice to see we are all active once again...
Yea I loved to watch ANTM cos it is so entertaining..i agree Tyra Banks is fake but then n again..she WAS a supermodel..n the show is like a blatant self promotion..did u girls notice tat the hse they lived in even have a life size curtain in her image!! *faint*

Hi Alhana,
Me wanna see ur cute baby's to share?

Hi Serene,
How is everythin now?Better?If u need to,can always share with us here..oki?U will feel better...

As for myself..
As for updates,been sooo busy working n visiting BS after BS and also photographers..learnt alot in the process.


New Member
Gd morning!

Alhana, it is painful to watch her! u are right.. she is the epitome of SELF PROMOTION!! urgh! just becos she coined the whole thing, doesn't give her the excuse for the bad hosting and lines!!

Ya i honestly do feel that watching tv is a waste of time, yet my curiosity doesn't allow me to stop watching cos i gotta know the ending!! aren't there times where u spent 2-4 hrs watching tv, only to realise it could have been spent better doing something else?

Hello Slgerman! wah why u gg so many BS for? have u shortlisted any?? and ur PG leh??? i just got my wedding photos and video back.. i like the end products for one..


New Member
Hi slgerman

What's ure email addy? Will email the album to you
happy.gif many BS hv u visited? Have you decided on one yet?


Hehe..then just watch sitcoms favourite now is The Office. Used to love Arrested Development, but it was cancelled. Sometimes it's nice to watch something brainless n funny
AS for thinking abt the time wasted...well, I'm a confirmed couch dun find it a waste of time..haha. Anyway, it's a cheaper way to pass time then going out shopping/partying.


New Member
Hi Serene, sorry to hear about what you are going thru now... hope that you can still work something out with your ah lao..

Bear, I don't remember my multiply account name leh.. maybe I'll go set up another one later. Want to see your wedding photos!

I've watched everything that Alhana watches! :p Alhana, I still prefer the British version of The Office. Watching 24 now.. didn't think that I will like it initially.. but it's really good! Can't wait to get Prison Break on DVD.. cos we missed quite a few episodes.


New Member
Alhana, i have been catching a little bit of Everybody Hates Chris.. so sad that lil' boy.. machiam born loser... otherwise my hb watches some inane Brit comedies.. i dun really watch them cos i dun understand their jokes and puns! since my hb is flying off tmr, i might just head out to videoezy to get the last season of Friends first.. still cannot find somebody to lend me Sex in The City though...

Avid, u create liao then add me..
please let me know its u hor.. wait i reject.


New Member
Bear, I've added u as a contact..under sapphireice hor. I heard Everybody Hates Chris is quite good, but I haven't watched it. My Name is Earl is also a funny show.


Yeah, think wait for the Prison Break dvd better...every wk it ends on a cliff hanger! 24 is the same. I enjoy 24 but haven't been watching the latest season as it's on at a v weird hr and I keep forgetting to watch it. Dunno y they put it at 5pm on a weekend!


New Member
Hey Alhana, i have added u.. think u can view all my photos! happy viewing! i haven't had the time to upload my AD photos cos i just (yes just only) went to Singtel to get a landline. My internet connection shd be up by next fri...

Hahaha.. i think i made some progress in terms of watching tv, don't u think? at least i have an inkling abt the shows u are talking abt!


New Member
Alhana, i got GRRM's fourth book to read today! Hb is away on reservist in Aus for 21 days.. gonna be bored to death..

Till Mon, enjoy ur wkend gals!


New Member
Hi Bear

Saw ure pics liow..ure very pretty! I liked the drama mama studio shot..the one where u had the wispy hair :p And why r there so many pics of birds in ure HM pics :p Hehehe. Sigh, looking at ure pics really really makes me feel like going on a vacation. Looking fwd to seeing ure AD pics
I've uploaded some new pics of if u still hv the link, go take a look.

Just rented Robin Hobb's new book today..Shaman's Crossing. Hope it's good...and hope I'll be able to find time to read it! Have till Jan 07 before it's due for return. Enjoy the GRRM book!

Wah..ure hb just went to AU..then hafta go back again. U need more than one book to tide over 21 days!


New Member
Hi Bear (man_tou_bear),
Pls share...

Hi Alhana,
Sure...pls share with me at [email protected]

Oki..let me "bore":p u ladies (since you are all so nice) with my BS stories...

1.Went to one at Tg Pagar cos frens went to them n absolutely loved it ...erm...but they spent $8k!!! after toppin up pixs.. which we will not do so...

Anyway,went one day,tried on the gowns,in fact it makes me looked like someone going for costume party! Hahaha..none looked gd on me..then they offer to take off x% off pkg price if we sign on the spot..but when we said we wanna think (dun believe in impulse buying..aiyo $ lei...not $3 u know!:p),the co-ordinator said "then we cannot offer u the same price if we walk out!"

Felt kind of hard selling so we left..

2.Then when we were at Tg Pagar having lunch one day,had some time to kill in we jus walked into another one..but the gowns are too sweety pie for me..i dun like too sweet lookin ones..prefer to look classy..

3.Then we went to a few more more ang moh style ones..loved the gowns at Silverlining..wanted to take the OTR package but EG is a bit tough to take OTR so am at a dilemma.

4.Went to Ted collection actually just for fun...but i fell in love with one of the cheong sam!!can u imagine tat!!!

So now am at a dilemma...

Really wanna keep within the budget..and not spend too much as we believe tat it is better to save for future..hee hee..

How?? How??


New Member
Hi slgerman

Hv sent the album to you

I didn't hv that kinda dilemma. I went to a bridal show and kena ambushed by one of the BS. Actually we were ambushed by many, but after I told them that we weren't interested in taking studio pics, most of them lost interest in us. Only this particular BS said 'no problem' and we met up w their designer. Anyway, even tho I had no intentions in making any decisions there and then, we signed on the spot. Luckily we didn't regret our choice. Hehe. The designer was very friendly and they were ok with us cutting things out of the package thus reducing the overall price. Think we brought it down to less than $3k. But my gowns were q simple and we didn't take many pics, so it wasn't v expensive.

In any case, it's a once in a lifetime experience. If it's something u really want, then it's ok to spend a little bit more. But if it's not really that impt to u, then just go for the package that can meet ure expectations while meeting ure budget. Can be done..just hv to be patient and hunt for the right BS

Btw, my BS close down liow..haha. But they were an off shoot of Julia Wedding News (same boss), which is still doing well now.


New Member

Alhana, thanks! heehee.. i dunno why we took so many photos with birds.. only when we went back and uploaded them, did i realised all it! heehee... wait another yr or 2 before u go for a hol lah...ur time will come soon...

Oh, i didn't just borrow one book.. i borrowed 4 bks, 2 DVDs of seaon 10 of Friends and got my internet access.. heehee.. will go back soon to get more books soon.. GRRM is always hard to read cos there are many characters so u have to constantly refer back...

I deleted the link liao.. send me again? [email protected]. why dun u upload the photos on multiply?

Slgerman, i wanna share my photos with u, but u must first register an acc with, then add me jace lau as ur contact. let me know that it is u ok? thanks!

wah that's a lot of BS u went to... hrmm u know, may be u can take OTR WG but MTM EG? or get the EG separately from another BS (Ted Collection is gd for that) and exchange that for more photos? since u like classy looks, have u tried Wedding Present, Bridal Veil or Emmanual B Couture? these are the ones working more with duchess satin for the classy look rather than those organza frilly frilly type.. also can try Flamingo and Margaret's Brides.

Ted Collection doesn't have PS right? so may be u can consider to have them MTM ur EG..


New Member
Hi Bear

I created the Multiply account just to view ure pics :p But good idea..I will upload her pics there too..then u can view..will let u know once it's done.

Yah, that's the thing abt GRRM's books...I actually have to re-read the past few books to re-acquaint myself w the characters & plots before starting the new book. It doesn't help that he takes so damn long to write each book! By the time the new book comes out..already forgot alot of the plot points of the previous books.

Wow..sounds like ure catching up on loss reading/tv time
Those 21 days will pass by more quickly then :p


New Member
Alhana, ya let me know when u have finish loading! heehee.. will be interesting to see her change over the mths hor... heehee....

I haven't started reading GRRM.. got a couple of chick flicks from Jill Mansel... reading those brainless thrash first... heehee... i m counting down to the day he returns..


New Member
Ok will go check it out..

So when does ur maternity leave ends? all ready to go back to work? Baby Cate is 2 mths old today! Happy 2nd mth!


New Member
Bear..I've uploaded the album but it says 'draft' How do i publish it?

I go back to work after the new year. Dreading it man


New Member
u published it liao.. cos i m seeing it now.. u need to click and Save & Publish button... i left u some msgs there! Baby Cate is sooooo cute.. she looks more like her daddy...


New Member
Yeah, I figured it out after I sent the last post :p Does she? She looks like me when I was a baby...was looking thru my baby pics and we look so similar! But she has daddy's lips I lips are thinner.

Started reading the new Robin Hobb book. Think can only put in like 20 pages a day..if I'm lucky :p Most probably will read at nite coz she sleeps quite long now. But nite time is oso TV time...tonite's Project Runway..yay!


New Member
I'm reading this book called "When God writes your love story" is really interesting and insightful. I bring it everywhere I go and I can't seem to put it down.


New Member
Hey Bear

Saw on Multiply that you've uploaded ure AD pics..nice! How was ure cake? It looked beautiful! Did u have any leftover?

Went to watch Casino Royale over the weekend. It's good! I'm not a Bond fan (hubby is) and I absolutely hated Die Another Day (hubby dragged me to watch it) so was not keen to watch Casino Royale. Well, glad it's nothing like DAD (so stupid n boring) was actually a very entertaining movie. Daniel Craig may not be as suave and handsome as Pierce Brosnan, but he makes for a much more interesting Bond. I love him in the role! Eva Green was also excellent as the bond girl. At least she's not just eye candy in this movie. For those who read Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy, u may be interested to know that Daniel n Eva will be reunited in the movie adaptation as Lord Asriel and Seraphina Pekkala respectively. Man, hope the movie's good.

Anyone watching Happy Feet?


New Member
Hi Alhana,

Thanks thanks.. heehee.. the cake was yummy! surprisingly despite my guests rushing to eat the cake (the cake was served in batches becos they had to cut it and each time it came out, it was finished in 10 mins), i had enough to feed all my guests and have some sent up to the room.. PLUS i still have some leftovers sitting in the fridge, waiting to be eaten next yr.. heehee..

Oh since my hb is not around, i got no kaki to watch movie with.. wanna watch Happy Feet though.. think wait for him to come back then watch.. I am also like u, dun like Bond movie cos its soooo predictable.. And i def dun like this Bond. Daniel Craig looks like a thug to me! even my hb was turned off looking at the trailer... bleah.


New Member
Hi Bear

Wow..ure gonna freeze ure cake for a year? I didn't...we finished my choc cake in a few days! It was too yummy to resist :p How much did u spend on the cake?

Yeah, we also thought Craig looked too thuggish to be Bond and that he was totally unsuitable for the role. But I must say I was really surprised at how much I actually enjoyed him in the role. Seems many of the naysayers also have had to eat their words abt Craig as Bond..he actually has a roguish charm abt him that's quite sexay :p This Bond movie is predictable (you know Bond won't die :p) but it doesn't hv the silliness of the previous movies. No fancy gadgets or unbelievable special effects...some of the action scenes were actually quite brutal. Made me wince :p

Hey Serene

Good to hear from you. Ure sis has finally given birth! How big was her bb? And what is his/her name?


New Member
Alhana,ya apparently its some Irish tradition.. can only eat the cake one yr aft ur wedding.. heh... dunno got spoil or not.. gonna try it lor.. cos normally ppl will keep those fruit cake with liquor, can last longer...

Hrmm seems like the new Bond film isn't that bad.. i heard its the beginning of Bond, ie when he was first promoted.. may be i will go catch it.. on long leave from next Thurs onwards.. still thinking if i shd book a trip to bintan cos i really got nothing to do!

Serene, how have u been? please take care of urself ah? Life's full of ups and downs.. Only when u are down, can u go up again... Coincidentally, my fren also gave birth on Sun morning to a healthy baby boy.
