(2005) Brides of year 2005


New Member
2nd gown cannot wear veil ah? I also have two gowns. I was still thinking of wearing the veil during my solemnization march in. ??


New Member
hi mehmeh,
will try will try, *breathe in and out S...L...O...W...L...Y...*

thanks for your 8 great tips! =)


New Member
very sorry, I cant make it too.. becos i have a impt work to rush for client's event tomorrow.. very sorry.. sob.. I already bought the ablums.. have to make it next time.


New Member
I also put on weight leh, today one of my male colleague asked me if I am preggy
chaim lah..

yah, after my friends have kids, very hard to meet them becos they have to collect her bb from her inlaws before certain timing, else BB's also know the timing and start crying (ehem bb only 6 mths old) so hor, very hard to meet with her now.

yah, my poor hb have to entertain 3 women everyday.. Me also spend like 3 hrs doing hsework on weekend lor, my own room enough to make me tired plus washing bedsheet also.. *sigh* Mei zi you, and also cannot always hide in own room lor.

bb plan arh.. now see mood lor.. full time factory should only be opened 2nd 1/2 next year bah..hahaha


New Member
wah, so excited to see so many post!

jelly... why look at me, should I wink at you? kekeke....

vela... wow, jelly with toppings, yum yum, sounds better than my titbits here... :p I also like you, very noti, very nua to go back my parents place, 'cos now my new home is nearer to office, so always too lazy to go back... kekeke... wow, your life sounds very packed with social activities, good good, but do you feel like time passess very fast nowadays? a bit scary.... you asking what time I sleep har... actually I used to sleep late last time, ard 12:30pm, but now I normally sleep at around 11pm, 'cos must wake up much early to lombang my hubby's car to the mrt lor.... kekeke... I used to like doing things at night 'cos I feel more efficient, now must sleep early, so I always feel like I got no time to do anything like that :p

Sharlene... we meet IL at least twice a week, actually I feel a bit too much, but hubby like it lor.... in the beginning, he even suggested 3 times a week sometimes and I got a bit mad.... hahaha... then again, we already siam staying with them so maybe should visit more often and my MIL quite nice la.... ya, I agree that go IL place whole day on sunday can be very tiring, then monday will be too tired to work.... kekeke... that's why I prefer sat to be IL-day lor....

Icy... at least your MIL got help with the housework lor, so at least that is one advantage of staying with IL lor....

I think I put on weight too, but probably just back to my original weight la, but hor, my hubby actually lost 7 kg! jialat.... kekeke....

I am out of town next week, must work, a bit sian.... hey you all keep chatting har! TGIF!


New Member
hi ladies....

gathering still on ya? suddenly feeling very surreal....and peaceful...though the wedding is less than 1 month....


New Member
hi gals!! Long time no come into the forum liao. Been very busy recently but not for my wedding....

headache siaz......i just complete writing my invites....my mom one haben even started writing....prob gona help her tomor.....dun care if its the 7th mth liao....cos really no time.....

my back is still popping with pimples.....think cos not enuff sleep n rest....n somemore too stress out liao....pimples pop here n there.....HOW???

Have collected my album....very satisfied.

hey joline, i like ur lucky draw idea but my is after the mooncake festival.....so abit funny if give mooncakes out....

what song list u talking abt?...can share share anot ah...cos i haben choose march in songs yet...

i really cant make it to the gathering on 26/08....

some of u left with 2-3 weeks to AD??....thats fast hor....scary when i tot of mine even though its on the 25th sep.


New Member
<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>AD</TD><TD>ROM</TD><TD>Venue</TD><TD>BS</TD><TD>AD Photoshot</TD><TD>AD Videographer </TD></TR><TR><TD>josl</TD><TD>17-Jul-05</TD><TD>9-Sep-04</TD><TD>Four Season Hotel</TD><TD>Yvonne Creation</TD><TD>Sam Photography</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>mehmeh</TD><TD>3-Sep-05</TD><TD>3-Sep-05</TD><TD>Orchard Hotel</TD><TD>Yvonne Creation</TD><TD>Big Day Studio</TD><TD>Big Day Studio </TD></TR><TR><TD>seval</TD><TD>10-Sep-05</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Raffles Hotel</TD><TD>Sophia Wedding</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>jellytots</TD><TD>11-Sep-05</TD><TD>20-Mar-03</TD><TD>Orchid Country Club</TD><TD>Z Wedding D'sign</TD><TD>Yew Kwang</TD><TD>Mirage Pictures </TD></TR><TR><TD>cu2nite</TD><TD>11-Sep-05</TD><TD>20-Apr-04</TD><TD>Raffles The Plaza</TD><TD>Venus @ JB</TD><TD>Sam Photography</TD><TD>ArtFlim Production </TD></TR><TR><TD>widowwitch</TD><TD>11-Sep-05</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Raffles Hotel</TD><TD>Tan Yoong</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>gin</TD><TD>11-Sep-05</TD><TD>30-Dec-04</TD><TD>Qian Xi</TD><TD>Jess Haute Couture</TD><TD>Kax Heng</TD><TD>Christopher Tay </TD></TR><TR><TD>starmoon</TD><TD>11/17 Sep 05</TD><TD></TD><TD>Raffles Hotel</TD><TD>Flamingo Bridal</TD><TD>Wai Peng from Wai Peng Photography</TD><TD>Mark Yang from Wilde Box Videography </TD></TR><TR><TD>kero</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>30-Oct-04</TD><TD>Fullerton</TD><TD>Blush Blush</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>piggersorous</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>17-Aug-04</TD><TD>Le Meridien</TD><TD>Printemps @ JB</TD><TD>Sam Photography</TD><TD>Box Set Media </TD></TR><TR><TD>sierra</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>12-Nov-04</TD><TD>Riverview Hotel</TD><TD>The Wedding Presents</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>fifidoog</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Four Season</TD><TD>Sihouette</TD><TD>Pentaserve Photography</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>jeannie girl</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Goodwood Park Hotel</TD><TD>Jess Haute Conture</TD><TD>Montage Photography</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>zoeanne</TD><TD>18/19 Sep 05</TD><TD>30-May-04</TD><TD>M Hotel</TD><TD>New York Classic @ JB</TD><TD>JonKeng</TD><TD>ArtFlim Production </TD></TR><TR><TD>mikmik</TD><TD>18/19 Sep 05</TD><TD>4-Sep-03</TD><TD>Amara</TD><TD>Bridal Veil</TD><TD>Hilarion Goh</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cutiecute</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>4-Sep-03</TD><TD>Copthorne King</TD><TD>Paris Bridal</TD><TD>Paris Bridal</TD><TD>Emo*ion pix </TD></TR><TR><TD>bluesand</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>27-Dec-03</TD><TD>Grand Shanghai</TD><TD>BS Venice @ KL</TD><TD>friend</TD><TD>friend </TD></TR><TR><TD>anne</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>16-Jun-05</TD><TD>Carlton</TD><TD>French Bridal</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>livvie</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>18-Oct-04</TD><TD>Sapphire Hall @ Siloso Beach, Sentosa</TD><TD>In-Wedding Collection</TD><TD>Desmond(Freelancer)</TD><TD>Icandovideo </TD></TR><TR><TD>joline</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>24-May-03</TD><TD>Pan Pacific</TD><TD>Printemps JB</TD><TD>Simon's Video</TD><TD>Simon's Video </TD></TR><TR><TD>butterkiss</TD><TD>24-Sep-05</TD><TD>2-Jan-05</TD><TD>Plaza Parkroyal</TD><TD>Thomson Wedding</TD><TD>Sam Photography</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>jnj</TD><TD>25-Sep-05</TD><TD>6-May-04</TD><TD>Holiday Inn Atrium</TD><TD>Golden Horse Award</TD><TD>Motion Image</TD><TD>Motion Image </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy tan</TD><TD>30-Sep-05</TD><TD>2-Oct-05</TD><TD>Raffles The Plaza</TD><TD>Yvonne Creative</TD><TD>Vincent</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>


New Member
Hi Jersha and Mrs Wee,

Amen to that!.. So how's preparation for the church? I haven't decided on the march in and worship songs. So far only decided on the floral deco.. Haven't discusssed with Pastor about church program in detail.. Will DIY the church bulletin, save $$$.


New Member
sharlene...hubs and me working overseas now hee explains the time difference. so jealous that you gals get to meet up!

tougei... hehe my wedding wasn't at RH. i think my hubs is cute but don't think its a general consensus lah
maybe u thinking of ashlee? my AD pix not ready yet. i only have some of the tableshots one. btw your bouquet is gorgeous!!! I love the color hehe. sucks that he never took much of the detail
but I think its still salvageable. Got some really nice shots of you guys! I like the ones in the club street area with the lantern festival decor.

btw check out this website, you can make your own photobook and bypass the photographer



New Member
Hi girls,
anybody looking for small mooncake boxes wich is abt 1.5" by 1.8"?Can email me. I have found a supplier to make it at a very cheap price.


New Member
thks for the lobang! Hmm u check if your hotel can serve for cocktails or jus dunch care and serve?? Will email u soon to let u know if I want.

rowing competition I'm doing rowing/dragonboating so going up to compete.. hee

Janice re-attached the list again for u.

Josl: can add me in the list too?? Thks a million!
AD/ROM- 4Sep
Venue-West Coast Park / Crown Hotel Orchard
BS - Z wedding design

I jus added more pics in my site my GTL stuff and pics of my shoes etc etc.. enjoy!<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Wedding Songs
Music Selection.doc (24.6 k)</td></tr></table></center>


New Member
Hi jiemei,
wow you top up so much photos, yr albums must be quite thick and heavy. did you do any design so yr album? I got a friend who spent $7k just for her PS albums, that's a lot. as what blursotong has said, I also can't bear to spend so much and anyway, after marriage, the album might be cast aside in the storerm.

for me, my BS told me to top up also, then hubby told them next time then we take again cos can take at diff stage of life mah.of cos, that's just an excuse only.


New Member
Hi afcai,

i didn't spend as much as 7k..only 1.8 lar...initially hb face abit black black when i wanted to top up the album..but coz my parents are there too so he got no choice but to give in..heehee...

i feel that though i agree it's quite a waste of money to do so but on second thought, once in a life time only and also since now still young..can keep for memory and also show my grandchildren how pretty their grandma is in younger days mah.. keekee


New Member
Hi jiemei,
yup, I knew but how much is yr package b4 the top up? same thinking as my friend when I asked her why she spent so much.


Active Member
Hows u gals meet up ytd? muz b fun and lots of yakking, keke..

Daphne &amp; watashi, me keen on the animation montage too.. call me along if u gals gonna view the works..

ok, berry n Daphne, wait till both ur PS over then we go to seamstress together..


New Member
Anyone wearing two wedding gowns? One in the morning, one in the evening for the banquet? I am really thinking of wearing two..cos I like the two so much ...


New Member
<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>AD</TD><TD>ROM</TD><TD>Venue</TD><TD>BS</TD><TD>AD Photoshot</TD><TD>AD Videographer </TD></TR><TR><TD>josl</TD><TD>17-Jul-05</TD><TD>9-Sep-04</TD><TD>Four Season Hotel</TD><TD>Yvonne Creation</TD><TD>Sam Photography</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>mehmeh</TD><TD>4-Sep-05</TD><TD>3-Sep-05</TD><TD>Orchard Hotel</TD><TD>Yvonne Creation</TD><TD>Big Day Studio</TD><TD>Big Day Studio </TD></TR><TR><TD>poochi77</TD><TD>4-Sep-05</TD><TD>4-Sep-05</TD><TD>Crown Hotel</TD><TD>Z Wedding D'sign</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>seval</TD><TD>10-Sep-05</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Raffles Hotel</TD><TD>Sophia Wedding</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>jellytots</TD><TD>11-Sep-05</TD><TD>20-Mar-03</TD><TD>Orchid Country Club</TD><TD>Z Wedding D'sign</TD><TD>Yew Kwang</TD><TD>Mirage Pictures </TD></TR><TR><TD>cu2nite</TD><TD>11-Sep-05</TD><TD>20-Apr-04</TD><TD>Raffles The Plaza</TD><TD>Venus @ JB</TD><TD>Sam Photography</TD><TD>ArtFlim Production </TD></TR><TR><TD>widowwitch</TD><TD>11-Sep-05</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Raffles Hotel</TD><TD>Tan Yoong</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>gin</TD><TD>11-Sep-05</TD><TD>30-Dec-04</TD><TD>Qian Xi</TD><TD>Jess Haute Couture</TD><TD>Kax Heng</TD><TD>Christopher Tay </TD></TR><TR><TD>starmoon</TD><TD>11/17 Sep 05</TD><TD></TD><TD>Raffles Hotel</TD><TD>Flamingo Bridal</TD><TD>Wai Peng from Wai Peng Photography</TD><TD>Mark Yang from Wilde Box Videography </TD></TR><TR><TD>kero</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>30-Oct-04</TD><TD>Fullerton</TD><TD>Blush Blush</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>piggersorous</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>17-Aug-04</TD><TD>Le Meridien</TD><TD>Printemps @ JB</TD><TD>Sam Photography</TD><TD>Box Set Media </TD></TR><TR><TD>sierra</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>12-Nov-04</TD><TD>Riverview Hotel</TD><TD>The Wedding Presents</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>fifidoog</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Four Season</TD><TD>Sihouette</TD><TD>Pentaserve Photography</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>jeannie girl</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Goodwood Park Hotel</TD><TD>Jess Haute Conture</TD><TD>Montage Photography</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>zoeanne</TD><TD>18/19 Sep 05</TD><TD>30-May-04</TD><TD>M Hotel</TD><TD>New York Classic @ JB</TD><TD>JonKeng</TD><TD>ArtFlim Production </TD></TR><TR><TD>mikmik</TD><TD>18/19 Sep 05</TD><TD>4-Sep-03</TD><TD>Amara</TD><TD>Bridal Veil</TD><TD>Hilarion Goh</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cutiecute</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>4-Sep-03</TD><TD>Copthorne King</TD><TD>Paris Bridal</TD><TD>Paris Bridal</TD><TD>Emo*ion pix </TD></TR><TR><TD>bluesand</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>27-Dec-03</TD><TD>Grand Shanghai</TD><TD>BS Venice @ KL</TD><TD>friend</TD><TD>friend </TD></TR><TR><TD>anne</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>16-Jun-05</TD><TD>Carlton</TD><TD>French Bridal</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>livvie</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>18-Oct-04</TD><TD>Sapphire Hall @ Siloso Beach, Sentosa</TD><TD>In-Wedding Collection</TD><TD>Desmond(Freelancer)</TD><TD>Icandovideo </TD></TR><TR><TD>joline</TD><TD>18-Sep-05</TD><TD>24-May-03</TD><TD>Pan Pacific</TD><TD>Printemps JB</TD><TD>Simon's Video</TD><TD>Simon's Video </TD></TR><TR><TD>butterkiss</TD><TD>24-Sep-05</TD><TD>2-Jan-05</TD><TD>Plaza Parkroyal</TD><TD>Thomson Wedding</TD><TD>Sam Photography</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>jnj</TD><TD>25-Sep-05</TD><TD>6-May-04</TD><TD>Holiday Inn Atrium</TD><TD>Golden Horse Award</TD><TD>Motion Image</TD><TD>Motion Image </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy tan</TD><TD>30-Sep-05</TD><TD>2-Oct-05</TD><TD>Raffles The Plaza</TD><TD>Yvonne Creative</TD><TD>Vincent</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>


New Member
Hi Jersha

Nope, I am not baptised yet. Yes, I know Christ the King and hve been there once with a friend. Not too bad. Maybe I shouldn't call myself a Catholic or Christian since I am not baptised. Previously, I used to go to Novena Church. Went there for masses since I was in my early 20s. I have even signed up for the RCIA but gave up after the 5 or 6 lessons as I feel that I didn't grow spiritually. Hence, I follow my hubby to his charasmatic church but feel that the church is not for me. I need to find a church which is warm, gives me a genuine and sincerity feel and one which definitely can help me to build my faith and grow spiritually, and lastly makes me feel like home (2nd home!).


New Member
Hi Esther

Thanks. Is the lighthouse at woodlands near to the train station? I'm actually residing in Jurong West, so would feel that going to woodlands is definitely more convenient than the one at Tampines. Do you go every week? What are the time slots for the service there?

Thanks for your kind help.


New Member
Hi gals,

Just got my PS album on Friday! So will bring my mini album to show u all this coming gathering
I have also uploaded my photos to a website, pls give me your email address if u want to view

Hi jesusangel,

Lighthouse woodlands is within walking distance from Admiralty station. Usually i go to the Tampines one for Sunday service. But I will be going to the Woodlands one this coming sat (ie. 27 aug) for the miracle service. Would u like to meet up with me? They have 4 Sunday services- 9am, 11am, 3pm and 7pm


New Member
Hi all March brides,

Anyone of you wanna rent a london cab (white or gold)? I am thinking of getting one thru my dad's contact. Thought if i get a few of you to join me..the uncle can give a better deal.

The price so far quoted to me for full day is:
White $400
Gold (either $450 or $550) cant rem.
Hourly rate is $40/hr

Pls let me know if u are keen. Thanks!


New Member
hello sep BTBs,

how's everyone doing? haven't had the chance to read the posts here these days. hope everyone's coping fine! i'm still a busy bee, working hard at work

doubt i can make the gathering, but if i have the time will certainly pop by to say hi to everyone!


New Member
harlow pigger,

sounds like u're really happy tt u can modify ur D&amp;D gown. happy for you!

harlow JTan,

U are really busy bee too.. Esp since ur trip to BKK. Hope u're coping well too.. Preps going on fine?


New Member
Hi Jesusangel, Sweet and Mrs Wee,

Just emailed you the link to my photos

Hi jesusangel,

I would have to meet you at 6.45pm at Admiralty station control, as the miracle service starts at 7pm


New Member
hey mehmeh,
saw your BREATHE SLOWLY thing. hehe.. din work for me leh. i'm like hyper ventilating.
nah, most things are good lah. but my parents' idiosyncracies are getting to me. sigh... dont lemme start here. yours is like in 2 weeks! all done? enjoy eh? let us know how it went!


New Member
Hi Mikmik,

Me havent done my guest list, my wedding cards, my cupboard, etc..look like alot of things..havent done...

Hi Jelly,

my Shou tou is done before the AD

Hi Pigger,

I dont hve multiply


New Member
Hi People,

Long time didnt hear from each other.
I am now trying for Plan B but no hurry...
Work is as usual lousy.
Trying to get used to married life.


New Member
for bedsheet I change every 2 weeks becos I have skin allgery, weekly I had to clean up my room and toilet, instructed by mil.. hgahaha..

i got same feeling as u, I used to sleep later, but becos need to lompang my hb car I had to wake up like 1 hr earlier, then after work have to 'OT' an additional hr so that can avoid the erp.. so reach home later by 1.5 hrs or so.. so in the end go home makan.. then bathe then rest a while then sleep liaoz.. so routine.


New Member
morning all!
i left early that night...
what time u all left???
highness...ok we shall go to seamstress maybe end of sept...after our PS
sianz... monday blues
