Hi Cinnet
Just my view..
It depends on individual. 4 months is really alot... meaning b4/af is about 8 months already..
Tis is what my MIL told me... 4 month!!!! Gosh!
Both hubby and I got a shock and means, alot of our friends happy occassion, we cannot go lor!!
Hubby and I are not superticious ppl, for safe guard, we give ourselves b4/after 1 month.. kekeke...In fact, we did not wan to follow any at all, but i scare something really happen.. hee hee... So take the shortest.. " 1 month"..
Just make myself " XIN AN"
Its really depend on individual, sometimes, even if we do not mind, other ppl may mind us going... so we just check with the opposite party if they mind us attending...
** actually, 4 months.. erm... its a good excuse to save angbao $$ too =P