(2005) Brides of year 2005


New Member
Hi Vivian,
I think just ignore the extra charge for the cards.. cos charging extra for the cards is better than charging extra for the Tables!

else can u delay ur invitation card printing? for me, I need to have an earlier card printing cos I have overseas guest.. for wedding in June, my coordinator actually suggest only printing the cards in April. Anyway what i do now is to count who are my confirmed guests, else maybe u can print extra inserts first and only get more cards from ur hotel when u needs it.

oh ya..GIrls
never announced here yet.. I finished my PS pix selections heeheehee


New Member
Not yet have time to source the cravats yet.
Busy lately.

I also not yet source accessories. U?
Chryster opening hrs weird leh. Open 1.30pm n close 7pm. No time for me to go during lunch or after work


Hi icy, ok will look forward to your pics

Hi Sharlene, went to Robinson last weekend. Was disappointed that they don't carry cravats anymore. Will go to Peninsula this weekend and keep you updated
When do you need it by hur? When's your PS?

Gals, by the way, how many clothes changes do the Hubbys need? I was thinking of 1 in the morning and 2 changes during the dinner. Is it abit too much? Need to get 3 shirts and ties/cravats. But in the morning sure 100% sweaty and dirty one. So dont' think appropriate to wear the same thing to dinner.

Icy and Ying, what are your hubbies wearing hur?


New Member
hi ladies,
pls allow me to do some complaining here...

my FH told me yesterday that his dad want us to change our AD date! reason being: there are better dates ard!

I was so angry! we told him abt our date long long time ago and only now when we are abt to bring the cards for printing then he voice out! To him, 3 mths like very long, can arrange for everything again! wat rubbish! I told my FH straight that I dun wan to change the date!

my FH initially told me ok not to change the date. But at night, he was like trying to find way out. He still can ask me why i dun wan to change date, issit becoz it's very mafan?! He wanted to call the hotel to check their availability on other dates. Before signing the contract, we already knew that there will be charges imposed for cancellation or changing of dates. I asked him if he is willingly to pay that $4K imposed! he can tell me he need to discuss with his parent! Wat's there to discuss?! Even if his parents say they pay, in the end my FH will pay! and that will be our money wat! To my mum, every weekend is a good date, if u dun check the tongshu, u dunno anything, then nothing will happen. So i told my FH, if his dad insist of changing the date, our side is insisting on weekend banquet, and we can forget of getting married this year already as Conrad is already fully booked for all the weekends in 2005. So is he going to change the venue? Are we going to redo our wedding favours, which have the hotel name and wedding date printed?

In the first stage of the preparation, when i was choosing the dates, looking thru the net for 'good' dates, my FH still can scold me for doing these things. The two of us not the tradition type thus we dun really believe in all these things. And now he is trying to please his dad!

Wat upset me most is that instead of thinking of ways to convince his dad, he was like thinking of way to convince me!! If he want to think of how to tok to his dad, i will definitely support him and give him a lot of ideas.. but he wasn't!!!

I can entertian his dad's request if it's reasonable.. like that time before renovation, he wanted to choose date for dongtu, by all means! he wan to hammer the floor how many times i also dun care! But i not going to entertian those unreasonable stuffs! if his dad says our house fengshui no good, is he going to redo the reno? if his dad says our ba zhi no good, is he going to change a wife???

My fh keep telling me he knows his dad is wrong, i am not wrong for being upset over this matter and he is trying a find a way to please both of us. NO WAY! either his dad happy or I happy.

i was like the bad person, causing him to be sandwich between his dad and me. BUT WHO CAUSES ALL THESE TROUBLES!?

In the end, he say ok to stick on to our date. No changes. And i will go ahead to arrange for the wedding cards to be printed. Really hope that no more nonsense

Best thing: My FH is currently outstation!


New Member
Halo highness,

The gowns I tried are OTR for outdoor & studio shooting, as for my package, they provide only 1 MTM & I'm going to MTM my AD gown not EG.

So u will MTM ur EG?

I think Sia is very busy wif his schedule tats y my coordinator see got any free slot, she just slot me lor. I guess u must be very excited to try out ur gowns again....Y not call Fangjie if there is any free slot for u in Mar? =)


New Member
hi yuuri
my mum says to give ang paos to younger cousins who are ard as yi shi yi shi lor. oni younger siblings serve tea.

hi mama panda
rem to check on your laptop, or vcd or dvd player if you gonna use them. some has got different versions.
and yup, ladies, it's good to have a rehearsal with all the impt pple if possible.


New Member
Hi Tougei,
Mine will be 4 sets for my hubby in total. More than you. Ha. My husband will be wearing shirts and ties.

One set for the morning (Fetching of bride + religion wedding). One set for tea ceremony + buffet at home.

One set for night for the first march with bridal gown. One set for the evening gown + photo-taking+sending of guests.


New Member
my bs will provide 2 jackets for hb and my hb have 1 black jacket of his own.

i think we are getting the 3 piece suit for him for morning and 1st march in.

then either maindarin collar or red shirt with pants to match my kua.

then depending on the 2nd choice.. we could get another coloured jacket for hb to changed for 2nd march in.

I agree, must change the shirt, else will sting man..


New Member

remember to buy the style weddg magazine tomorrow they are also holding the next Weddg Bash at Raffles Hotel. Was told by my BS thk will try to get tickets from them since they will be showing their gowns on this show.

will u be taking one casual shot for studio PS my BS ask me to take one w casual shot ?


hi gals. wah so many changes hur? and I thot 3 is alot hehe... my FH didn't want to spend too much money esp on winged collar shirts and cravats that he wont be wearing anymore.

Icy, the morning you getting himm to wear vest?? I was also thinking of that until he protest that he will die of heatstroke if he wear vest and jacket in morning and play all those "games" So will prob just have shirt and tie and jacket.


New Member
yo cu... u so nice gal... thanks though u sharing the info for zoe... cos i also thinking of making CS mah... kekeke

yo zoe... hmm... okie u got go skudai... then u see hw much lor... but 1st we see how much isit in SG lor... think abt S$150 - S$200 can get one liao rite...


New Member
my hb ai mei bu yao ming one. :p But he does look better with 3 pcs suit on the Photos.. and can tell he lik it a lot.

anyway the jacket can remove first when playing games and wear again when he can come in.


New Member
My HB only hv 1 suit, he will change 2 shirts inside.
Mostly he will wear the vest in the evening with jacket for 1st march in, then second march in, change the shirt inside. During table phototaking, Designer suggest he can take off the jacket and expose the vest to take photos instead.


New Member
Hi Jelly
I think OG design not so nice.. but like what seval said, the workmanship is gd..

My budget for MTM fall between $100-200 only...( hope can get one)
Skudai got to check cos it is not very near to my BS. Lets see how la..


Hi icy, hehe... your hb very cute

Hi Sharlene, but you will change another shirt for the morning session rite? Are you getting both cravats or one cravat and one tie?


New Member
hi mei
last night must have been the hardest night to pass...esp FH not with you physically to deal with the matter. i had a lil unhappy episode like that and it bothered me badly. i dun dare say i noe exactly how u feel, but know enough to say that it is a nightmare. may this episode be blow over soon!


New Member
hey jelly...

oh..initially i din noe u also looking for CS...only know Zoe looking...hehe..okok..i will source ard more and post here for all of u...
hehe...actually...me also looking for CS lah..but scare AD will be too busy going ard taking photos..wont have time to change too many clothes..(since i got Kua also..)..so..just look ard loh..kpo...hehe...

Zoe...yar..tot these quite unique..i look ard somemore..update u all again


New Member
10s Angela, later i wil get a copy.
Another bridal mag out 2mr oso, i cant rem the magazine name, cover pg is Joanne Peh and THomas Ong, tink out 2mr.
So ladies,happy searching for ideas.

Also me tinking of gg Botanic garden for outdoor PS, is it very funny? can anyone share wif me yr views pls.


New Member
Hi Cu

U so hiao hiao hor..... =P
got Kua already still wanna change so many eh...
=P well, we all vainpots la.. hhahhaha... all wanna look pretty...

Thanks for helping.. Jelly and I appreciate your help...


New Member

sad to hear this but dun worry too much.

boat reach the bank will turn straight.

take care and remember dun be angry for too long cos later not pretty bride u know.


Oh Sharlene, forgot to answer your question. I'm trying to get someone to do the tiara for me - just a simple one lar. (Not like the Chryster type) I have already spoken to a lady who's selling accessories in Bishan. Her price is really reasonable but she went to HK and will only be back in Mar

Anyone else knows of a good and reasonably priced accessories-maker?


New Member

I'm a Dec bride too.

My AD will be on the 23rd Dec.

Still have not sign up with any BS.. Thinking of WhiteLink.. Any brides with WhiteLink? Whats your package like?

Hope to get to know you all more..


New Member
Hi Princess,

I will be postponing my wedding till next year. Would you like to maintain the table? If not then have to arrow someone else liao...


New Member
hi christy

is yr blk facing e bishan park? my frenz oso ballot for it but didn't get a queue nbr fr HDB side... u got a high flr unit?


New Member
thanks! i told my fh that i will take it as nothing had happened... told myself not to think abt it since i am having my way.. but difficult lah.. keep thinking abt it.. buay tahan liao thus wrote here earlier


New Member
Hi girls,

i m a 5th June brides too.. Need some advice from u gals.. How much angpao to give for crashing door, say i have abt 8 jiemei? and oso do my hubby need to give ang pao to all jiemei if both side of parents gave also?

thanks gals


New Member
angbaos depend on ur budget. if ur gate crashing AP is like the groom give AP to jiemei liao, i dun think need to give again.. bride might want to give if u feel gate crashing ap too little for them.


New Member
woah woah woah.. you gals sure type fast!! *faint*

oh dear.. so sorry to hear that. but well, think abt it, at least it's postponed for just 1-2months, which is not a lot considering it's alr end feb now!
of cos u can stay here!! u were the one who created this thread right? *wink*

hi winnie,
i'll not be having a collage. dont really like it personally.. like too many thgs to see. hehe.. but a good photographer's a must on your AD. better still if u can get 2. im thinking of doing that cos ive a few friends who are superb photographers..

hi caitlyn,
wow.. so ure gonna celebrate ur wedding 4 times?!? hehe..

i'll also be having malaysians cos my fiance's mum is malaysian.. plus i just learnt she like invited the whole village down to her other son's wedding few years ago..
so im really keeping my fingers crossed..

hi winnie,
im with chrisling too!! but have signed with kelvin for PS cos i personally prefer his works. will be getting eugene to do my AD.. he's a real sweetie. he told me that john is the one who's been with CL longer, but i find .their styles very similar.. so it's really up to you. i love andrew choi's works tho.. just that i heard his AD photographer's not very good and since AD photog more (most!) impt to me, i decided to go with CL. think eugene (or john) quoted my friend 1280 for AD photog recently. but im sure if u sign PS with them, it'll be cheaper

let me know how it went!!
website for captured moments is www.capturedmoment*.com.sg - replace the * with an 's'


New Member
thanks nana,
that means give younger cousins and siblings different amt for ang pow? agar agar how much to give for each ah?


New Member
Thanks Esther, Wendy and Helen for the welcome.

Wonder if most of you here have arranged date for PS yet? any ideas for outdoor PS?

Vivi, I thought of botanic garden too, actually that area quite nice w the plants, orchid etc, only thing I worry is if the weather hot then my FH can't stand walking around in suit to take photo.. saw quite a few ppl take photo there b4.
Anyone thought of taking night scenery during PS such as Fullerton one at night?
