Novotel Clarke Quay


New Member
Hi R&J,

congrats to yoU! i also find their first dish presentation very nice. But i troubled them a bit cos i chose my own song for the first dish presentation so not sure did i cause too much trouble for them. Maybe they still used the same moves to suit my song. :D


New Member
hi ling: thanks!! i'm not too sure what song they used for their 1st dish presentation.. too blur that day liao.. but it's nice..

hi michelle: i personally feels it just suit the item nicely.. but i can't rem what song already..


New Member
Hi R&J, so the song and item is quite tasteful, right? It's not one of those strobe lights, loud techno music kind of thing right?

I went to a dinner with a 1st dish presentation like that, and it completely overshadowed the bridal march-in...:p


New Member
R&J, thanks so much for sharing! :D Would love to see your AD photos. Anyone knows if we can see the themes on display at the wedding fair? Dunno whether to choose flowers or crystal.


New Member
Hi R&J,

Can I check with you, the background music? You bring your own or hotel provide? If need to play montage, use own laptop or burn to dvd format and use their player better? How about the background music? What format? Some place use own laptop got problem to fit into their sound system. Thanks.


New Member
hi yoga,

1) Background music: i bring my own music cd (i didn't burn MP3)... i'm not too sure what format they used.. I burned my 2 march-in songs separately into audio & MP3 format, i'm not too sure which one they use. this one I got to check with my HB.. I didn't go for the testing of music..

2) Montage: either DVD or ur laptop is the same, cos all got to control by your own. we have tried their DVD player & laptop, works fine for both, so in the end we choose DVD player, cos I've already burned the montages out.. only problem with laptop is that they don't accept MAC laptop that's all..

hope that's helps.. anything consult your co-ordinator, she will be a better person to answer ur questions.. or like me super kiasu, burned everything in 2 different formats.. i bring my laptop along too..


New Member
Hi Gals

I've arranged the food tasting on next Wednesday.
Is there anything I need to take note?

I prefer to have my own music for the first dish presentation.
Must I pass the CD to them in advance, to let them practise the "dance"??


hey gals.... jus to let u gals noe dat.. ya.. Jamie is leaving.. we met her to finalise details for our wedding - this sun and she also told us dat ours is the last weddin she is finalising and sun is her last day le.. =)
hmmm.. so ya... guess we lucky also. heh...

anyhows, i also intend to use my own song for first item.. erms, wat song will ncq use if its their song ? and erms... lingandyang.. wat song u used ah ? u say they use same moves.. haha.. if ours is fast/slow song.. will affect lors... =P

r&j... i am also using crystal theme.. hopefully it is nicey too.. keke....
i have abt 43 tables.... hopefully not too cramped.. i saw e floorplan n it looks okay to me lehs..


New Member
hi ladies, I'm back from my wedding dinner last sunday. so sian, back to work ald, no honeymoon yet cos I dun really have much leave to take.

overall for last sunday was quite alright, except for some dispute in the seating arrangement & other stuff tat made me struck in the middle, dun know wat to do, so far dispute only on friends & relatives not abt the hotel, so dun worry.

Yoga, u can bring ur own background music, I'm not sure wat format they need, I used their background music. as for march-in I bought CD so we used CD format. our photo montage played from laptop cos my husband used powerpoint to do. the sound system quite alrite, if u worried abt the format u can arrange for a day to test the system, maybe a few days before ur wedding, we did tat too.

jiahui, I tink u can pass the song for first march-in to them on the actual day also if u had not selected the song yet.


New Member
Hi Ladies,

Can anyone help me....
Do you know how many LCD projectors and LCD screens does Novotel provide us during wedding dinner to play our montage??
Pls advise.


New Member
They onli provide me 1 LCD projector & 1 LCD screen onli for Phoenix ballroom during my AD wedding last sunday.


New Member
I think the standard is only 1 LCD projector and screen unless you are bringing your own one.

Hey Iris, I think my bf went to your wedding last sunday. Did you consume alot of alcohol that night?


New Member
Hi moon, wat time ur bf went? ur bf is our guest or just come to see the wedding decor? I came down around 7.30pm. The alcohol consume quite a lot, even though it's sunday, we opened extra 6 bottles of red wine & Ramesh was nice to complimentary us half a barrel of beer. maybe cos the beer is outstanding from previous wedding on last sat, haha. I brought 2 bottles of hard liquor too, managed to finish all except for the beer, left with 4 jars, the 'brothers' brought up to our room but in the end nvr drink cos all ald very tired & my husband ald can't drink, hee hee. I had 33 tables, as expected not all full, even though I planned most of them full, haha.


New Member
Hi Lingandyang, I saw the video, like wat u guess the moves are abt the same. I also can recall wat song they used for the first dish ald, I tink I'm too nervous after the first march-in, haha.


New Member
Hi iris,
ooh i see. yah cos i guess they can't possibly choregraph a whole new set from movements just for me. haa. me too was so nervous. But now that it was over, i believed we all sort of missed it.


New Member
Hi Ling!

I like ur video very much and ur montage is fantastic! Did u spend alot on them? Can i know who you use for ur videography & Photography?



New Member
Hi Crystal,

thanks for watching! oh erm do you mean the first marchin video? cos actually the video for the first marchin is our friend who videocam it. Becos our VG needs our 2 months before they can give us all the videos.

The montage we did it ourselves. So basically we only spent on the VG and PG. Spent about near $2k for total of VG and PG.

My VG is Don from Forest Production, PG is Adrian Ong. Both very nice guys and their work is very professional too.

Glad you like them. :D


New Member
Hi Ling,

Didnt see your first march in video. May I know how to go to that link? Want to see NCQ first dish presentation. Thanks.


New Member
Hi yoga,

oh cos the video only my multiply contacts can see. Do you have multiply account? if not i can temporarily set the video to be viewed by all. :p

hope it helps. The first dish presentation is only a bit. Hope my VG can captured the whole thing.


New Member
lingandyang> your 1st march-in song is so so nice (can kindly ask yr hubby for the title?)...and i love all the montages u had on yr AD. all so touching!

i am 99% cfm to hold my AD at NCQ..:p but yet to meet up with Huiling. she seems so busy for weekends

For those who has taken/taking Cinnamon Ballroom, may i know if the entire floor is reserved for us? meaning the entire reception area is our guests only rite?
Dear lingandyang,

Initially I wanted Forest Production.
However, from the 4 Express Highlight videos that I see from friend's wedding & from online, all are extremely extremely similar.
I felt indifference in all of them, thus decided not to go with them.
May yours be a special one.

Have a blissful marriage~!!! (",)


New Member
Hi lingandyang
thanks for sharing the clips.
the first dish march has never change. hahhaa...
I might ask them to do it simple

btw, your montage is really good.


New Member
ixoral, yes whole floor is urs, provided no events at function room. but normally or seldom u have events at night over at function room


New Member
Hi Yoga,
i actually played the original soundtrack of Ratatouille for the first dish presentation. The CD is my hubby borrow from his colleague one so now we had returned to him i dun have the song anymore. so sorry. If i happen to hear it online i email you.

Hi happgal,
had added you in mulitply! thanks!

Hi ixoral,
thanks for watching! The title of our first marchin song is Hymme. Thanks for your positive comments on my montage.

Hi xuelun,
oh yes i understand that most VG has a certain template when they did morning highlights. Cos usually they only have a few hours in between morning and evening session for them to do the editing so might not be enough for them to create new ideas. I think mine also belongs to his usual template. But that's quite alright for me. :D hope you find a VG you are satisfied with.

Hi Flora,
thanks for viewing and your compliments for me montage. :D when is your AD?


New Member
Thanks lingandyang

just wanna ask, since NCQ has 4 different priced menu to choose from, any idea which is the most popular choice? r we able to swap dishes in between menus?


New Member
ixoral, i am sure u got the brochure right? turn to the ala carte leaflet. you are allow price to price to change. if any difference, u need to top up. but no refund if u choose something cheaper...=p


New Member
Hi guys,

i just went for the food tasting this afternoon. I'm satisfied with the food, in fact it was supposed to be a 6 pax complementary food tasting but they ended up preparing 10 pax for us. We packed away some of the food. I think the prawn are really nice, garoupa fish not bad too.. well all fishes taste great to me.. hehe the only dish that i didn't really like it is the ee mee. either i'm too full already or it's just mee so nothing fantatic to talk about. For the first dish, i really like the coin meat, drunken chicken and spring rolls.. we had jelly fish too but i find it a little bit too spicy. The roasted chicken not bad, but the chicken like quite small for 10 pax. The shark's fin soup ... hmm not a lot of meat and the crab meat i was told taste funny but as i read from the forum, the shark's fin soup is not the best part of the whole course but i sticked with that dish because shark's fin soup sounds exp. ha ha

Service wise, i think the lady attending to us is really friendly. However, one of the man in the jacket whole day face very black. I don't know his name and it kind of disturb me very much.


New Member
Ryan> which menu type did u choose?

hi all, may i check if all bargaining must be done prior to the placement of deposit? contract is signed during or after the deposit is placed? is anymore negotiation allowed after the deposit is paid?

sorry for so many qtns. thanks for yr replies..


New Member
hi ixoral,

not much bargainin can be done at NCQ.. they will at most increase the no of invitation card and complimentary parking. if u agree to the terms n condition,u will hav to pay the deposit and huiling will draft a ltr of contract. she will send u thru email and if everything is ok she will mail u 2 copies, 1 for u to sign n return n 1 for u to keep. this is wat happen for my case, think is same for others.

NCQ is quite strict on their perks thus b4 u sign u already dun get to negotiate much. so after i guess u wouldn't get to negotiate anything. btw their weddin show is coming on 16th aug. if u can wait think u should wait till dat day then sign up. definitely there will be more perks..


New Member
Perks for the upcoming wedding show at NCQ-16/8/08 (sat) :

Dream Weddings @ Novotel
* Complimentary admission for UOB Cardmembers (U.P: $20). Limited to one couple per card.

* Weekend Specials (Fridays to Sundays)
$50.00nett off every table and Hi-Tea for 4 persons at the Square Restaurant when you book a wedding package during the show.

* Weekday Specials (Mondays to Thursdays. Not applicable for Eve of Public Holidays and Public Holiday)
$100nett OFF from the WEEKEND price per table and Hi-Tea for 4 persons at the Square Restaurant when you book a wedding package during the show.

* Valid till December 2009
* Terms and conditions apply.

Seems like there are no alcohol perks hor.
If i'm gg for Cinnamon ballrm, i hope they can upgrade me to bridal suite instead of room :-X


New Member
hi ixoral as for upgrade of room think so far some couples manage to change it. not too sure if they still allow now.. maybe u can sign up durin the weddin n request for dat.. so far alcohol perks is quite fix.. either free flow beer or 1 barrel of beer plus 1 wine per table which is wat it is stated in the normal package, no extra things on this..


New Member
happygal> thanks for the info
will try and get huiling to upgrade to suite for me if possible. if not i tell her, alot of girls in sgbrides manage to get it leh..haa.

so in summary, the "extra perks" which are squeezable out from NCQ's normal package is mainly: room-->suite, more cards, more parking. is there anything else i can try with??


New Member

My WTB & I are waiting for the wedding show..

Would like to ask if it means that we have to negotiate for all the perks during the wedding show and going into every single detail such as cockage charges,the menu packages,decoration of the ballroom, suite etc.

After we place a deposit(how much?), means no room for negotiation?


New Member
ixoral - more cards n parkin coupons r the normal things NCQ will add on.. for room upgrade dat happen in the past.. so not sure if they will upgrade now.. coz normally suite is for the pheonix ballroom (not too sure how many bridal suite they hav, if 1 only then it depends on whether someone is holdin their weddin on pheonix ballroom on the saem day i guess)

if u sign up normally, dun think u can ask for anything extra.. but i know the usual stuff ppl ask for is maybe a helper's room. u can try but i think is kind of difficult to get. dunno if they will be more lenient durin weddin show..

lawrence - corkage charge will be stated on the contract, as in what will be free and additional wine cost how much. but it did not state in details the different corkage charge for 1 bottle or 1 can of beer or the additional barrel price of beer if u get from NCQ. menu packages and deco is decided much later when nearer to ur weddin date so there is no need to decide on this when u sign up. as for suite, normally the cinnamon ballroom gets a deluxe room whereas the pheonix ballroom will get the bridal suite.

deposit is 3k if it is still the same. for NCQ even b4 signin there is not much room for negotiation so after i dun think u can squeeze anything out from it..


New Member
Hi all,

I have just paid deposit & signed the contract few wks ago for cinnamon ballrm...perks only got from the upgrade of suite, increase parking coupons& invites & the complimentary food tasting for 10....I tried to ask for helpers room, but didnt manage to get...maybe wedding show can try.

impt to put in the contract are the rates for extra rooms (day&/night) & alcohol (corkage & buying from them). and I also request them to put the no of litres of beer provide.

hope it helps.


New Member
happygal> thanks for the detailed explanation! yr AD coming soon?

michelle> yr post is very very useful. thanks so much! i'm gg for cinnamon ballrm too :p
