Hi Aeina
Thanks for the compliments.. Got to maintain. Definitely low carbo, especially for dinner. It really helped me lose 5 kg 3 years ago...
Hi Jo
Sweet ah? Or is it the gown? Heehee, I can look quite fierce one, especially when scolding my students.
As for the ribbon going to change the pink to either gold or champagne. Wanted champagne rite fr the start, but when it was made, it had a pinkish tone. So now got to make changes again..
ROM dress? Oh, tt's no ROM dress.. The pix was more to 're-capture' the proposal cum celebration part. For my PS album, it was intended to be thematic. Proposal, celebration, 'church', dinner, honeymoon.. So tt dress is actually for my AD tea dress
As for EG, only chose the bustier for PS so far. May or may not take it for AD yet
Oh yah, I definitely put in effort. Longlong hours in front of the PS (thankfully using unlimited broadband), browsing thru magazines at Borders & spending money on Style magazines.. Heehee, but $$$ well-spent
Hi MikMik
Hmm, the EG wld either be red or gold for me. Can't carry off blue (too sickly for my skin tone), purple (makes me look old), green (sister used it), pink (too sweet!)
Oh yes, my BS is Yvonne Creative. Same as Wendy
Hey Kero
Waiting in anticipation for ur gowns by Pin & Kim (they rhyme! hahah)
Hi Starmoon
U've got mail