Wah - looks like the group is getting more formed
and there's girls now!! Ladies, pls attend k?
Would love to join in a few weeks time, need to settle some stuff these few weeks -
thanks sick&tired - when there's no way more to go down, there's only way to go up
since he's the one who choose to walk out - he'll be the one leaving with regret, no malice intended. because he's missing out on baby's milestones and all. plus he'll come to realize one day that i had really cared about him, not that i don't love him like he said. only time will tell.
been thinking - maybe we aren't compatible right from the start, its not only personality but understanding. i never cheated on him but did have guy friends at work, older ones and i realized that had i married someone more towards their mindset, this wouldn't have happened.
HB basically is running away from responsibility and stress. he's just not able to cope - my feeling is that in life, one has to be brave to weather ups and downs. for a parent to walk away from child/spouse when its is his/her own choice initially, is not only irresponsible but also shows a very weak character.
then how to succeed in the university of LIFE??
he doesn't understand how to cope with hardship, pressure mentally or think out of the box...
i hope i don't sound like i am being sour grapes but i really think so - despite it all, i already knew his character when i married him, so like i was saying, i married with a 50-50 mindset. i knew i cannot totally make him understand or feel totally secure with him but i did love him alot. if not why commit? But he disappointed me with this move - and even though i love him, i will never trust or feel secure with him again. My love for him is dying too. I hope I will be so in the near future - stuff the marry 10 years later thing, its not worth spending my life with this man anymore. I gave him my life and heart but he didn't take care of it, once mistake is enough.
Whew - enough of drama and long entry
Dingo - cheer up, you still need to lead the support group
Cheers to life after divorce for all!
ps: after seeing through HB, i hope and pray will never ever be taken in by charm again!!!