Hi ladies,
Just back from my honeymoon. Had my banquet at the Pavilion on the 6th. Was quite okay, ratio was 1 waiter to 2 tables. No complains heard regarding slow service. No complains with food either, in fact parents said it was better than food tasting.
We maxed out the Pavilion with 36 plus 2 reserved tables. Hubby ordered the reserved tables to be removed once confirmed not required cos he say else space quite squashed. After removal space was just nice. But guests was held outside at reception area until 7.30 pm while they rearrange the tables.
No problem with coaches provided. Car parking near hotel all full so guests had to park at Parade Sq as informed.
BTW, Rasa do provide dry ice effect. Cos previously there was posting say they dun have. Maybe they just started? Anyway, it was unexpected for me, and the effect was very nice. But be careful with the stairs up the stage, cos you can't see them with all the dry ice flowing around and your wedding gown
Personally like their service very much. In the briefing b4 the banquet, all the in-charge staff come with the coordinator to meet us in the suite. They even had a guy in charge of AV!
Am now looking forward to my anniversary stay next year.