Sembawang Green BTO sep 06


New Member
Pls advice do we need to provide the latest 3 mths or 1 mth payslip for the housing loan application? In the letter did not mention how many mths of payslip that we need to provide to them..


New Member
Hi Teresa,

I think it does mention "the latest payslip". I think it requries only the last month's payslip. in this case, March's.


New Member
But the HDB website stated require for 3 mths.. so confusing.. Anywhere my hubby told me to prepare for 3 mths payslip..

Tks for advice..


New Member
I got it too... looks like 489ers are not far behind...

I made a call to HDB, they inform me that the key collections for 489ers is before July... That was earlier than what the HDB website (Mid July).


New Member
Hi all,

I'm also from 488! Have received the letter, but haven't got the chance to fill it up and send it back! Seems pretty chim to me, so need more time to look thru and read carefully.

Btw, has anyone got quotation for reno already? Am looking at simple reno, so might be engaging a contractor instead. Have received a quotation and proposed layout plan from Ide@l House which looks quite promising, but it exceeds my budget by a fair bit.

Anyone looking for a fengshui master? any recommendation??


New Member
They quoted abt $22k (iirc), with floorings and lots of carpentry works included. The price looks too good to be true, one of the best quotes i've got.

The layout proposal is also one of the best i've received.Quite creative i must say. Able to fit in a walk-in-wardrobe in my mini master bedroom, not the usual off-the-shelve layout plan that the other IDs have sent me.


New Member
hi all i personally think that our master bedroom is way too small for a wiw. i think some layout and pricing might be far from might look good and cheap for now.i think you should consider their attentiveness to project and additional hidden charges. i have a friend who took an ID firm who promises good price and freebies, only to realise he was shortchange in quality and service.


New Member
Ya, thought the price was too gd to be true, so quite skeptical. But anyway, the wiw is not the extravagrant kind, just a open wardrobe to fully occupy the awkward space outside my toilet door.

I haven't shortlist any of the IDs but IH's proposed layout came as a pleasant surprise compared to the others i've received.

Anyway, still keeping options open and keeping a lookout for better ideas/quotations.


New Member
Hi Young Jes,

Can I check I with you if your quote includes electrical wiring and what's your flooring quoted?

Thanks in advance!


New Member
Hi Prolin and Edwin,

I've sent you my layout plan.

Hi Mech,

It only includes wiring and installation if 12 PLC light/light holders.

Homogenous tiles for whole unit.


New Member
Hi Edwin,

I did not opt for the HDB doors, they quoted me $960 for custom made designer's veneer ply semi-core foor for 3 bedrooms with lockset.

Hi Riax,

You've got mail. =)


New Member
Hi Young Jes,
Thanks a million..

Woah, u r fast ya...n luckily we have the same layout plan, I am analysing now..


New Member
Jes, are u saying your quote of 22k includes door and tiles? ur WIW concept is one of those i have in mine. but there are a few things u need to take care of. i have also have planned the space behind the door for wardrobe. but then there is a constraint now as there is a beam running across. hence we are not able to do a full ht wardrobe.


New Member
No prob Riax, happen to be checking my mails, so no problem forwarding to you as soon once i see your msg.


hmm.. haven't really thought abt executing the wiw plan yet, cos still collecting ideas. Hubby managed to sneak in once, and he said there is a power point there, will have to move that power point if we were to build a wiw there.

I plan to put my towels and other toiletries items there, so should be alright if its not full height?? Think if we want to utilise that space, we can only customise the wardrobe, otherwise it will look quite awkward with that beam and empty space.

Btw, i took out all the things they intend to build in bedroom 2 and 3, exceeds my budget. Took out the platform in the masterbed room as well, room too tiny for that. Quotation of $22,519 includes homogenous tiles for whole untit and bedroom doors.

Btw, Anyone engaging fs master? Or am i the only superstitious one here? lol.

Am wondering if we need to engage the fs master soon so that we can choose a date to open the gate to do the fengshui ritual and check for defects a few days after the ritual. I suppose there will be a deadline for reporting defects, if not i can slowly slowly scout for a fs master and contractor cos not in hurry to move in.


New Member
Hi azuma/yukifire/Nor,

you've got mail! =)

Hi Joyful,

I tried to access the link, but was prompted to enter password. Is there a password that we need to enter before we can see the sketch?


New Member
Hi all

For those who have received the letter from HDB regarding housing loan application. May I know is this the HLE? Only applicable for those who have applied for the flats in Phase 2 onwards?


Jes >> Thanks for your layout.


New Member
Hello Vernon'sMummy /raynard / kwoni,

Have sent. =)

Hi yukifire,

I guess every applicant will receive the letter? Think it is to let HDB know how you'll paying for your flat (HDB Loan/Bank Loan/Pay full by Cash or CPF). If taking HDB Loan, you need to fill up the relevant forms attached in the mail. If not taking HDB loan, also need to fill up a notification letter and send it back to them.

Btw, anyone knows what happens if we miss the deadline for submitting the form? My form is still sitting on the desk, waiting for hubby's HR to re-send him his latest (lost) payslip.


New Member
Hi 487ers

went to the site this morning...wasn't allow to go in of course...

an Indian supervisor told me 488's having last inspection today...

487 still having paintworks...most of the window panes not done too...

that Indian sup. said maybe finishing in May...

from what i've seen they should need about 3 weeks to completion...

guess the earliest date we get the letter should be end of April
