Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)


Active Member
Hi Richard,

If it clashes, there is nothing you can do to minimise it. This is the Qi governing the day and is determined by the astrological positioning of the planets and constellations. You cannot minimise it like wearing of any stuffs etc. This is "self deceiving" only. You have to change the date.

Hope this helps


Active Member
HI ann.tan22,

This is a general tong shu good date for wedding. It clash to Snake, which is none of you.

However, note that Bazi is not taken into consideration yet and a good date in the tong shu can still end up to be a bad day if the date selected and bazi is not compatible.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Blackcat,

only 27th march does not clash to your (clash Pig..but deceased does not count). However,i won't know if it is a general tong shu good date for wedding till the tong shu is out in July/Aug. Right now, the only way to do it and the correct way will be using Bazi to calculate the dates.


Active Member
Hi Maple,

Only 11/5 does not clash to your (clash Monkey). The rest of the dates are either not good dates for wedding or clashes to your.

As to whether if it is a general good date for wedding will have to wait for the tong shu to be out first.

Hope this helps


New Member
Hi Master Tong
Thanks for your reply. You mentioned that 20 Mar 2011 clashes with Dragon but we do not have any dragons. So can 20 Mar be used? Or is there some zodiac below that clashes with Dragon? Sorry to keep asking but I am not familiar with such things, Thanks!
Groom - Monkey (1980)
Groom Mum - Rat (1948)
Groon Dad - Dog (1946)

Bride - Dog (1982)
Bride Mum - Rabbit (1951)
Bride Dad - Pig (1947)


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Hi Master,

Please advise

Husband - rat
Husband's dad - 1956
Husband's mun - 1959

Wife - Pig
Wife 's dad - goat
Wife 's mum - chicken

Is 21 May 2011 a good date to hold my wedding?


Thanks Master Tong, for your advice.

May I clarify, does that mean if we use bazi to calculate the wedding dates will be good enough? Which means no need to see if our Chinese horoscope clash with the date, so long our bazi says it's a good date?


New Member
Hi Master,

Please advise the general...

Husband - dog
Husband's dad - Aug 1940
Husband's mum - Jun 1948

Wife - dog
Wife's dad - dog
Wife's mum - rabbit

we are looking at 9 jan 2011...



New Member
Hi Master,

Can you kindly advise whether 10th or 17th Dec 2011 is a good dates for wedding?


Husband - Rat
Husband's dad - Cow
Husband's mum - Rat

Wife - Rat
Wife's dad - Rooster
Wife's mum - Cow


New Member
master i meant 7may2011,

hi master

are these dates 7may2011, 22oct 2011, 29 oct2011 ok?

husband and wife-dogs
parents- monkey, rats, rabbit


Active Member
Hi navyv,

I know none of you are born in Dragon yr, but that day by itself is not a good date for wedding purpose, which is why i don't recommend you using it in the first place


Active Member
Hi blackcat,

You will need to see if the animals signs will clash as well and that is already part of the Bazi as one of the characters in the Bazi represent your animal sign


Active Member
Hi Nat Chew,

7may 2011, 22may 2011 & 22oct 2011 don't clash to any of you. This is not a general tong shu good date yet as the tong shu won't be out till around July/Aug period.

Hope this helps


New Member
Hi Master Tong
Thank you v much for your clarifications.

Another question, what do people mean when they say "qing ming" period? If we choose 13 Mar 2011 or 20 Mar 2011 for wedding, will it be considered to be within "qing ming" period? (Because what my aunt told me is that after Chinese New Year it will be considered "qing ming", so should not choose that period, is she correct?)



Active Member
Hi navyv,

Qing Ming period is the month Qing Ming falls into, which is the 3rd lunar month. Normally people avoid getting married 10 days before and after Qing Ming (5th April), as well as 3rd lunar mth.


New Member
Master David

Is it ok to get married on the year where your Chinese zodiac 'fan tai shui"? My hubby to be is rabbit and next year is rabbit year.


New Member
Hi Master David

Please advise if 29 oct 2011 is a good date for wedding.

Bride: Goat
Groom: Dragon
Bride mom: cow
Bride dad: tiger
groom mom: rabbit
groom dad: tiger



New Member
hi master tong,

we are looking at these 3 dates: 05march2011, 07may2011 and 28may2011. Are they ok for wedding?

Husband - Dragon
Husband's dad - ox
Husband's mum - horse

Wife - Dog
Wife's dad - Goat
Wife's mum - Dog



Active Member
Hi Leong,

Yes you can do do. "fan tan sui" is acutally more of a chinese religious or beliefs that when you "fan tan sui", that yr is bad and you have to pray to relieve the bad things. In Bazi & Feng Shui, there is no such thing. Even a clash to your Bazi in Destiny Analysis may not necessary be bad. It may turn out to be good.

Hence no need worry about "fan tai sui". You can hold your wedding


Active Member
Hi covergirl,

-05march2011 clash to Ox, hence cannot use.

-07may2011 is a very very bad date for wedding. Avoid at all cost

- 28may2011 clash to Ox too, hence cannot see as your husband's dad is Ox.

Hope this helps


New Member
Hi master Tong,

Thanks for your advise.

we are just about to settle the dates!

but hat if the Husband side's Parents are already divorced and the dad no longer stays with them. Will it make a difference?


New Member
Master Tong,

I would like to hold my wedding on
03rd Sept 2011 Or 08th Oct 2011

Could you advise is it suitable for us or any adv which date from sept to dec 2011 will be good for us.

Wife = Rabbit
Wife Father = Rabbit
Wife Mother = Snake

Husband = Chicken
Husband Father = Horse 1954
Husband Mother = Pig 1959


New Member
Master Tong,

Can you please advise whether 20 or 27 August 2011 is a good/neutral wedding date? We really want to get married in August.

Many Thanks.

Husband - Ram
Husband's mum - Rat

Wife - Monkey
Wife's mum - Rat

The couple's fathers will not be present at the wedding.


New Member
Dear Master Tong,
Can you help me advise whether the following dates are auspicious for An Chuang and Guo Da li?

Guo Da li: 9/19/2010
An Chuang:10/10/2010

Details of zodiac:
Groom: 1982 (Dog)
Mother: 1953 (Snake)
Father: 1951 (Rabbit)

Bride: 1984 (Rat)
Mother: 1943 (Goat)
Father(Deceased): 1943 (Goat)

Thank you


New Member
Master Tong,

I would like to hold my wedding in May next year

Could you advise is it suitable for us or any adv which date from May 11 to June 11 will be good for us.

Bride = Pig
bride Father = Horse
Bride Mother = Chicken

Groom = Chicken
Groom Father = OX
Groom Mother = Tiger


New Member
Hi master. I m intending to marry on 8 Jan 2011. We hv paid deposit already but are worried tt it is nt a v ideal date.
Groom n I r both born in yr of dog.
Groom parents r both born in yr of snake.
Bride father: horse
bride mom: rooster.
Is it ok??


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

We are intending to have our ROM on 10 oct 2010 and AD on 17 oct 2010.

both Groom n i are born in the year of Ox.
Groom's father = Snake
Groom's mother = Dog

Bride's father = Rabbit, deceased
Bride's mother = Horse

Please advise if the dates will be good.. Thanks alot


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

We are intending to have our ROM on 10 oct 2010 and AD on 17 oct 2010/23 oct 2010.

Groom = Ox
Groom's father = Snake
Groom's mother = Dog
Groom's other family members=rooster

Bride = Ox
Bride's father = Rabbit, deceased
Bride's mother = Horse
Bride's other family members= dog, pig, rat, monkey, rabbit, horse

Please advise if the dates will be good.. or offer us some alternative dates please.. Thanks alot


Active Member
Hi covergirl,

If divorced, it depends if they still keep in contact. The basis of avoiding the clash is that if it clashes, then after marriage, the relationship between him and the parent that clashes will not be good. Hence if they are no longer in contact, the clashing part does not matter (and vice versa).

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi joanne neo,

03rd Sept 2011 clash Rabbit.
08th Oct 2011 does not clash to anyone (clash Tiger).

I can only advise you at this moment if the date clashes to anyone in your family as the tong shu for 2011 is not out yet. If you are looking at general tong shu good dates, will have to wait till it is out sometimes in July/Aug period.

Right now, the only way and right way to do it will be using Bazi. Note that a good date in the tong shu can still be considered inauspicious for both of you if the date selected and bazi is not compatible.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Tina,

Both these dates falls in the 7th lunar month ghost festival, hence normally no one gets married during that month (unless your parents are ok with it).


Active Member
Hi Crystal Tan,

Guo Da li: 9/19/2010 - This is a very bad day for GDL. 18th Sept will be a better option.

An Chuang:10/10/2010 - This date is ok for An Chuang.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Summer,

As much as i want to help you in the area of general good dates for year 2011, the Tong Shu for 2011 is not out yet, so i will not know or be able to select general Tong Shu auspicious date for wedding for 2011 yet. Right now, the only way and also the right and accurate way of doing it will be using Bazi to select dates. FYI, a date reflected auspicious in the Tong Shu may still be bad for both of you if the date chosen is not compatible wtih both your Bazi.

As for Bazi wedding dates selection, it is part of my consultation service to my clients, hence i can't provide it here free in the forum or it will be unfair to my clients who paid for my service. Hope you understand.

If you have any particular date in mind, just post it here. I can advise you if it is a bad day as there are some days that are definitely bad and cannot be used for marriage; and some days that will clash to either of you or your parents, so cannot be used as well.


Active Member
Hi isabelle82,

Actually this date clashes to Snake, hence it will clash to both Groom's parents. Plus this is not a general tong shu good date for wedding. (if it matches both your Bazi, still can be used and considered a good day).

Hence if you can change, i will advise you to change it coz most importantly, it clashes to the groom's parents.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi yeo-to-be,

10th Oct is not an ideal date for wedding purpose.

23rd Oct is a general good date for wedding and don't clash to anyone (clash Rat). Note that Bazi is not taken into consideration yet as a good date in the tong shu can still be deemed inauspicious if the date and Bazi don't match.

17th Oct clash to Horse, cannot be used.

Hope this helps


New Member
Hi Master,

Please advise

Husband - rat
Husband's dad - 1956
Husband's mum - 1959

Wife - Pig
Wife 's dad - goat
Wife 's mum - chicken

Is 5 March 2011 a good date to hold my wedding?
Hi Master Tong,

Thank you for your reply.

We would prefer weekends if there is any.So long the day is good for our marriage we can always consider the date advised by you.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

We are looking at the following dates for our wedding:

ROM - June 10, 2011 or June 11, 2011
Dinner - June 19, 2011, June 25, 2011 or June 26, 2011

Groom - Horse
Groom's Father - Dragon
Groom's Mother - Snake

Bride - Dragon
Bride's Father - Rat
Bride's Mother - Rat

Would any of these dates be ideal for our wedding?

Thank you!


New Member
Hi master tong,

Thanks for ur reply. Then can u advise me which other weekend (fri -sun) dates are good for my actual day wedding?to re-cap:

Groom: ox
Groom's dad: snake
Groom's mom: dog

bride: ox
bride's mom: horse

thanks alot!


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Is it true that once An Chuang ceremony is done,the bed must be left untouched until the wedding? If it is true, can you help me choose a closer date and the time?10 Oct seem quite far.My AD is on 22 Oct 2010.

Thank you so much!
