Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)


Active Member
Hi neongoby,

7th Aug is not a good day for move in. I will need the animal signs of all the occupants to determine a general good day for move in. Note that for moving in dates, just like wedding dates, there is the general Tong Shu date and a more accurate and precise method call the Xuan Kong Da Gua method.

For general Tong Shu dates, it is very general only. It is often not correct as it does not take into account the Feng Shui/direction of your house and the Bazi of all the occupants. For eg, for some houses facing certain direction, the whole year cannot be renovated or move in. If you must, you must select a good month, day and hour for it or the feng shui of the house will not be good. From the tong shu alone, you are unable to derive these information.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi Wong,

Yes you can get married in 2010. The tong shu is not out yet, hence i can't provide you with general dates for 2010. The only way and accurate way to do it now is using Bazi to calculate. But this method is part of my consultation service, hence i am unable to provide it here free of charge or it will be unfair to my clients.

For your ROM date, you cannot avoid or cure as that is the Qi governing the day. At most what you can do is to select a good time to sign the ROM papers to compensate a bit.


Active Member
Hi summerrain,

Yes you are right. Ji = Auspicious and Xiong = Inauspicious. And you are right again that different tong shu says different things. And you hit the jackpot for this coz as you can see, different tong shu says different things. You are only looking at the time now. Do you realise for the dates, it is also the same? This is one of the reason why Tong Shu is not accurate and inconsistent

For 4th Dec 09, 9am - 10.59am timing is the best for fetch the birde. Actually no one uses 2 "shi chen". This is really weird. Normally you complete everything in 1 'shi chen'. So if you have outdoor shoots, i will recommend you do it after tea ceremony at the groom's house or on the way to hotel after tea ceremony at the bride's home. At least you don't have to squeeze all into 1 shi chen to do it!


Active Member
Hi Lloyd,

As much as i want to help you in the area of general good dates, the Tong Shu is not out yet, so i will not know or be able to select general Tong Shu auspicious date for wedding for 2010 yet. Right now, the only way and also the right and accurate way of doing it will be using Bazi to select dates. FYI, a date reflected auspicious in the Tong Shu may still be bad for both of you if the date chosen is not compatible wtih both your Bazi.

As for Bazi wedding dates selection, it is part of my consultation service to my clients, hence i can't provide it here free in the forum or it will be unfair to my clients who paid for my service. Hope you understand.

If you have any particular date in mind, just post it here. I can advise you if it is a bad day as there are some days that are definitely bad and cannot be used for marriage; and some days that will clash to either of you or your parents, so cannot be used as well.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,
Can I check with you..without the tong shu for 2010, how accurate will the selection of dates be just by using our ba zhi?
And also, if you look at the dates that clash with particular animal zodiacs, is that based on tong shu or ba zhi?


New Member
Bazi overwrites Tong Shu cos Tong Shu is just a general guide only without being specific but Bazi is based on a couples' birth dates and times which is specific only to them.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

My fiancee and I are planning to get married in June 2010 (preferred Friday or Saturday) and have yet picked a date. Can you advise us a good date for customary wedding based on the below information:

1) Groom : Year of Goat
Groom's Mom : Year of Monkey
Groom's Dad : Year of Snake

2) Bride: Year of Pig
Bride's Mom: Year of Pig
Bride's Dad: Year of Rabbit



New Member
Hi Master Tong,

I've seen in recent posts & also from your previous earlier reply to me, you mentioned that 27 Nov 2010 is a bad day for wedding.

Would like to understand a bit more...
does this mean it cannot be 'overcome' by bazhi cos the day itself is just not suitable for wedding?



New Member
Hi Master David,

My fiance and I are planning to get married in 2010. Can you advise us a good date for customary wedding based on the below information:

Groom : Year of Monkey
Groom's Mom : Year of Horse
Groom's Dad : Deceased

Bride: Year of Horse
Bride's Mom: Year of Rabbit
Bride's Dad: Year of Dragon

Oct dates in 2010: 1,3,8,9,15,16,17,22,24,29,31
Nov dates in 2010: 5,7,12,13,14,19,20,21,26,27,28
Dec dates in 2010: 3,4,5, 10,11,12,17,18,19

Cuz we are looking in the mths of Oct, Nov and Dec 2010. Though i noe that those born in the yr of monkey shld try nt get married in 2010, but we decided to go ahead due to personal reasons.

Reali appreciate your advice and looking forward to ur reply asap becuz we need to book our venue by sunday morning. Thanks alot in advance, Master David!


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Thanks for your prompt advice. Both the occupants are born in the year of snake, 1977. Our main door faces east. May I know why 7 Aug 09 is not a good date to move in? What about 9 Aug?

Thank you once again for your advice


Active Member
Hi Gene,

As Thomas had explained (thanks again Thomas
), selection of wedding dates using Bazi is the original and right method. Using a tong shu is just a generic method. A tong shu only tells you this day is good for wedding for the whole world. It doesn't makes sense coz as you know that logically, everyday there will be someone that is in good luck and someone bad. So there is no "one size fits all" solution. Bazi calculation will 'zoom' down to the date where it is specifically good for both of you only, and no one else (unless they happen to have similar Bazi). As you can see, Bazi is more customised and like a "Made To Measure" gown. If the date is not compatible with your Bazi, a good date listed in the tong shu as auspicious is still deemed as inauspicious.

For the clashes part, you will need to understand Bazi to see the clashes. If you rely on the Tong shu alone, it will be like following blindly, not knowing how it is derived and even if it is wrong, you will not know.

Hope this clarifies your doubts


Active Member
Hi shoppingq123,

As much as i want to help you in the area of general good dates, the Tong Shu is not out yet, so i will not know or be able to select general Tong Shu auspicious date for wedding for 2010 yet. Right now, the only way and also the right and accurate way of doing it will be using Bazi to select dates. FYI, a date reflected auspicious in the Tong Shu may still be bad for both of you if the date chosen is not compatible wtih both your Bazi.

As for Bazi wedding dates selection, it is part of my consultation service to my clients, hence i can't provide it here free in the forum or it will be unfair to my clients who paid for my service. Hope you understand.

If you have any particular date in mind, just post it here. I can advise you if it is a bad day as there are some days that are definitely bad and cannot be used for marriage; and some days that will clash to either of you or your parents, so cannot be used as well.


Active Member
Hi Josky,

27th Nov 2010 is a bad date for wedding. That is what we call a "month breaker" day, which is the date that clash with the month. This is a bad day for all important activities, and cannot be overridden by Bazi. I will advise all to avoid this day for wedding purpose.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi bennie,

Oct dates in 2010: 8,24
Nov dates in 2010: 13,21,26
Dec dates in 2010: 3,5,19

For your dates, only the above don't clash or 'potentially' good dates. Note that this don't guarantee a good date yet as the Bazi is not taken into account. This is just the first layer of filtering.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi neongoby,

7th Aug is not a general Tong Shu good date for moving in. This is according to the tong shu. As i mentioned, this is a general tong shu date. The real moving in date has to take into account the feng shui of your house. The direction you give me will not work as i need to see your house physically to determine the actual facing and directions (to the exact bearing) of the house. The facing that you know of may be different in feng shui context.

9th August is not a good day as well. The nearest weekend will be 2nd August.


New Member
Hi Master David,

thks for explaining.

erm.. have another qns...
then wat's e diff bwt "mth breaker" day & those day with "chu" purpose? these days are equally bad for wedding right?

thks again.


Hi Master Tong, thanks for your reply. To recap, you stated that I am not suitable to get married in 2011 as My zodiac sign: Rooster and My future hubby: Snake.

However, we have decided to postpone from end 2010 to 2011, is it advisable?If base on calculation on bazi and there is a good date in 2011 for us, is it ok?

Thanks again.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

My fiance and I are planning to get married in 2010. Can you advise us a good date for customary wedding based on the below information:

Groom : Year of Monkey
Groom's Mom : Year of Rabbit
Groom's Dad : Year of Dog
Younger Brother : Year of Ox

Bride: Year of Monkey
Bride's Mom: Year of Ox
Bride's Dad: Year of Rabbit
Younger Brother : Year of Dog

We are looking at the months of June to Dec 2010 ( both months inclusive).

We appreciate your advice and understand that this is just the first layer of filtering only.

Many thanks in advance and have a great weekend Master!


New Member
Hi Master David,

My fiance and I are planning to get married in 2010, we're looking at second half of 2010.
Can you advise us a good date for ROM & wedding dinner based on the below information:

Groom : Year of Horse ( Yr: 1978 )
Groom's Mom : Year of Rabbit ( Yr: 1951 )
Groom's Dad : Year of Horse ( Yr: 1954 )

Bride: Year of Dog (Yr: 1982 )
Bride's Mom: Year of Horse ( Yr: 1954 )
Bride's Dad: Year of Monkey ( Yr: 1956 )

Many thanks in advance for your kind help and advice.


Active Member
Hi JoSky,

"Chu" day tells you the purpose of that day. It is not the right purpose for wedding as i mentioned in previous thread. Even if the Bazi fits, ideally this day should not be chosen (at least in my consultations). If you "accidentally" chose this day, you can still get by it if your Bazi is compatible with the date (just as it is not as good and whenever possible, we want to get everything correct).

A month breaker day is a very bad for all important activites. The day will clash with the month. For this type of day, nothing can override this day, not even if the date is compatible with the Bazi. These are the no-no dates for wedding and I will normally strike it out of the calendar before we even consider choosing a day.

I know it sounds a bit technical and confusing (well, in actual fact it is!) but i hope this gives you a better idea and clarifies a bit of your doubts


Active Member
Hi Sherlin,

So long as one of you are born in Rooster year, 2011 is NOT a good year for marriage. Bazi cannot override this. Therefore, it is not advisable to do your wedding in 2011. Try to do it in 2010 if possible. Even if you open up a 2011 Tong shu next time, every single day in the Tong Shu will reflect Rooster as "Xiong", which is inauspicious.


Active Member
Hi Jacq & SherrySoh,

As much as i want to help you in the area of general good dates, the Tong Shu is not out yet, so i will not know or be able to select general Tong Shu auspicious date for wedding for 2010 yet. Right now, the only way and also the right and accurate way of doing it will be using Bazi to select dates. FYI, a date reflected auspicious in the Tong Shu may still be bad for both of you if the date chosen is not compatible wtih both your Bazi.

As for Bazi wedding dates selection, it is part of my consultation service to my clients, hence i can't provide it here free in the forum or it will be unfair to my clients who paid for my service. Hope you understand.

If you have any particular date in mind, just post it here. I can advise you if it is a bad day as there are some days that are definitely bad and cannot be used for marriage; and some days that will clash to either of you or your parents, so cannot be used as well.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

When ascertaining the animal representation of the bride or groom's parents, should the biological parent or step-parent's sign be used?

Thank you!


Active Member
Hi Aussiebride,

It depends on who you are staying with. Basically the idea of not clashing with them is so that you don't want to have a bad relationship with them next time. So if you are not in contact with any one of them, that person don't have to be considered. If you are close to both of them, you can take both into consideration. In general, we will take the one you are staying with now or you will be staying with in the future for consideration.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi lovers0206,

12 Feb 2011 - Within 15 days of CNY. Normally people don't get married in CNY period.
01 Jun 2011 - A bad day for wedding. Avoid.

Hope this helps.


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Thank you for your prompt response. From the following info, what would you suggest would be the best dates for ROM this year and customary next year?

Groom: Yr of Monkey
Groom's Father: Yr of Dragon
Groom's Mother: Yr of Ox

Bride: Yr of Dragon
Bride's Father: Yr of Horse
Bride's Mother: Yr of Dog

Many thanks.


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Thanks for the replie, I was planning to have my wedding day on 18 or 19 June 2010 (SG Wedding) and 25 or 26 June 2010 (Malaysia Wedding).

Please advice.

1) Groom : Year of Goat
Groom's Mom : Year of Monkey
Groom's Dad : Year of Snake

2) Bride: Year of Pig
Bride's Mom: Year of Pig
Bride's Dad: Year of Rabbit



New Member
Hi Master David,

We plan to get married in March 2010. May I know....

1)my boyfriend was born on 2-2-1968 (western date) in the year of monkey but I was told by a shi-fu according to the solar calender he is actually Goat because the Monkey date only starts Feb 4th, he said the transition of the animals only happens every year Feb 4th ( western date ), so is it right? In this case when ploting my boyfriend's Ba Tzi should I count as monkey or Goat?

2)I am Goat born in 1967 August 9th, so is get married on either 26th, 27th, 28th in March 2010 good?

Will appreciate very very much for your advise. Hope to hear from you ASAP. Pleas help. Thank you very much!



New Member
Hi Master David,

Btw, is it a must other than the groom & bride's Bazi, must we also count both parents' BaZi also?

If yes then some parents too old generation don't even know their time of birth then how?

Thanks & Regards,


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

I noe that 14 nov 2010 is clash with Dog, is there a possible that Bazhi can overrides it?

Bride: Ox
Bride's Mum: Rooster
Bride's Dad: Horse
Bride's Bro: Rabbit

Groom: Dog
Groom's Mum: Rabbit
Groom's Dad: Rabbit
Groom's 1st Sis: Snake
Groom's 2nd Sis: Goat


Active Member
Hi aussiebride,

Which months/range are you looking at for your ROM?

For customary next yr, i can't advise you now as the Tong Shu for 2010 is not out yet. The only way to do it now is using Bazi to calculate the dates, which is the accurate and right way to do it. A date deemd auspicious in the Tong Shu can still be inauspicious for you if the date is not compatible with your Bazi.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi shoppingq123,

18 or 19 June 2010 (SG Wedding) - 18/6 clash to Snake. Cannot be used. 19/6 is a very bad day for wedding. Avoid.

25 or 26 June 2010 (Malaysia Wedding) - 25/6 doesn't clash to anyone. 26/6 is not a good date for wedding. Avoid if you can.

You might want to choose other dates for your SG wedding. Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Cat Teh,

1)my boyfriend was born on 2-2-1968 (western date) in the year of monkey but I was told by a shi-fu according to the solar calender he is actually Goat because the Monkey date only starts Feb 4th, he said the transition of the animals only happens every year Feb 4th ( western date ), so is it right? In this case when ploting my boyfriend's Ba Tzi should I count as monkey or Goat?

(My answer) -> Yes that shifu is correct. The transition between 2 animals signs (or year) is the 4th/5th Feb every yr. So for 2nd Feb, it is definitely a Goat, not Monkey. You will count using Goat.

2)I am Goat born in 1967 August 9th, so is get married on either 26th, 27th, 28th in March 2010 good?

I need to know all your parents animal signs as well. There is no need to know their time of birth for parents. Just the animals signs will do.

Hope this helps


New Member
Hi Master David,

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

1) my mum is monkey 1944, my dad is Goat 1943, my future mum is monkey 1944 & future dad is Dragon 1940.

2)I am Goat 9th Aug 1967 while he is Goat 2nd Fed 1968.

3)may I know if can't get our ideal date, is it true not to hold wedding during "ching ming"? any other time which is not auspicious?

4)is it true also must choose to have wedding on the even numbers month in lunar calender? (eg. 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th month )what if we can't find the ideal date on even month? then when count BaZi what should we look at if we have no choice but to do it on other months?

5)we have to hold the wedding twice, one in Singapore & one in Malaysia, does it makes any different? or should we count the BaZi the same way as how we count for Singapore wedding?

Appreciate much for your reply. Many thanks & have a good day!

