Hi nolem, glad to know that both you and ur hb are working towards a new family life
I agree with one of the podders mentioned earlier on, give ur hb some moments of peace (don't keep nagging him with his mum's faults) for now, coz he's also taking steps to assert himself. That's great for him, though others may not think so, but considering the fact that he has been under his mum's control for close to 30 yrs. As his wife, support his steps taken okie?
U love him much to want to help him out of his misery too, but he needs baby steps at times and encouragement too. I'm sure that ur hb appreciates u alot, but just that the opponent is his mum, so of coz he can't badmouth too much about his own mum either.
As for the part about the mil complaining ur hb losing weight, haha....maybe next time u heard that, u can try saying to ur hb, 'Hey dear, u see, how effective ur "workout" has become! U follow the routine to reduce weight and that has indeed worked for u, better than Marie F....' see how ur mil reacts.....remember, when u say such things, always says it as if it's something light and funny.....

As for the part about the mil complaining ur hb losing weight, haha....maybe next time u heard that, u can try saying to ur hb, 'Hey dear, u see, how effective ur "workout" has become! U follow the routine to reduce weight and that has indeed worked for u, better than Marie F....' see how ur mil reacts.....remember, when u say such things, always says it as if it's something light and funny.....
