Feeling Lost in Marriage Life


New Member
Hi everyone! Open to more opinion from everybody here.

I feel lost in my marriage. Just imagine, the stress & endless exhausting as I'm a mother of my 2 kids, there're alot of problems from in laws and husband too. Tbh, I feel lonely and like I'm treated as an outsider since I'm staying under same roof with my in laws. I feel like there's no privacy at all and every single thing which involves in kids, my relationship with their son etc, my in laws always want to get involve. Especially when i have argument like how most common marriage couples have, they always try to listen or even MIL pretend to comeout from her room just want to know about our problem that we argued about.

Everybody (incl my husband) expects me to follow whatever rules in this house that hve been adopting. In other words, I'm not being MYSELF when i'm staying with them and I'm expected to just close half eyes when it comes to my in laws behaviour which likes to nag and make assumption WITHOUT find or get the root cause of certain things that happened.

Worse thing is: I told and express my frustration towards my husband with hope that he can be my mentally support. However, it turned out opposite as what i expected. He thinks whatever his parent say and do, there're nothing wrong with that which, he also say that I'm just too sensitive and trouble- maker.

I feel so mentally drained with this problem, and even consider to "D" with my husband as got once or twice, he threatened me to go back to my country *bdw, i'm not local here*. I felt torn bcoz i nver expect the man that chose me to be a partner of his life turns out nasty by asking me to go back to my country. Somemore, we have 2 cute kids together and i feel like everybody is treating me like a "FACTORY" since my presence isn't needed.
