hi ladies
how have u been? it's friday
sorry, haven't had the chance to log in today.
today's ur PS, how was it? enjoyed urself? u must have looked very pretty today
did u go for the mango sale? any good buys? wow, $1 for a pair of shoes is dirt cheap, too bad only small sizes left.
yup, we're just behind the main tanjong pagar rd, u've got a very convenient BS, can pop in anytime
yup, have heard that some return a few years after the wedding, which makes sense as well since it won't be a lose to them or the couple
so, in the end, didn't bite off ur photographer's head rite? no headless photographer in ur BS rite?
oh, hee hee, ur hubby isn't skinny cos of u lah, then, that's ok
hee hee, not bad, can go ikea and shop for stuff for ur new place
we bought quite a bit of stuff from them as well
no worries, guessed as much u meant the one around here and not suntec cos the travelling time to suntec will be too long
thanks for the info, the treatment that u did sounds great but i'm lazy to go to places that r out of the way for me
maybe i'll try checking other salons with Loreal products and see if they do it