(2004) Brides of year 2004


New Member
ur bb so cute leh... i feel like pinching the cheek leh.. i like the one he sleeps on the blue pillow.. smile until so sweet.. but hor.. one qn.. is it normal that bb got no hair one? how come sometimes i saw bb with lots of hair leh?? sorri for asking stupid qn :p


New Member
hakida, not sure y ur gynae never ask u do...but i will be doing ... dont wan to take the risk. Even if i not 30 yrs old .. doesnt mean there wont be a chance loh...just that the chances very slim lah..


New Member

wah, the thread is so active!!!

rainnie congrats!

seems like most of the dec brides are planning for bb liao. can't believe how time flies....

baobao, ur bb looks very very cute leh and so smiley hehe next time grow up sure can charm lotsa gals...

with all these talks bout fertility and docs, it can seem quite worrying...i'm hoping to graduate by this year then hopefully can start planning for one liao...the time has come for all the questions from relatives lah, friends lah...hehehe


New Member
shern, thanks

oh u studying ah ... better concentrate on ur studies first .. den u worry free liaoz can have bb ;)


New Member

very chuby hor,my nephew also like ur boy,very chubby.The shape of his head also very round....


so are u still working now??
actually,u dun have to worry lah,as long as you let nature takes it course,very easy to conceive.I am just stressing myself subconciously.


New Member

YR nephew very cute.

Ladies thanks for yr compliment on my son.


For yr question, some bb hv alot of hair some bb don't. But i prefer less hair cos more cute. Im goin to shave him when he 4mth cos nw his hair all tai mo.


New Member
As for the smiling very difficult to take. Cos whenever he smile i wanna shot he close mouth liao. Haahaa... :d but lucky i manage to get this pix


New Member

but BB's hair is so fine and little,how to do into a mo pi?


if he doesn't use the pacifier,that means he must be sucking on his fingers rite..


New Member

One evening, Father O'Malley received a telephone
call. A voice said, "Father, I'm calling from the
local hospital and we have a terminally ill patient
here who is asking to see a priest about the last
rites, can you come quickly?"

The nurse met the priest at the door, and thanked him
for coming. "The person who wants to see you, Father,
is an alcoholic. He is still coherent but is slipping
fast. He's called Tom," she said.

Father went into Tom's room and said to Tom, "I was
just passing through and thought I would visit you
before you sleep."

"Don't give me any of that garbage", Tom replied, "I
asked that nurse to call someone to give me the last
rites because I know my time is done and its my turn
to go. Now get with it."

"Would you like to make a confession?" the pastor
asked. "Absolutely not." Tom answered.

They talked for a long time and occasionally Father
would ask Tom if he was ready for confession. Tom
mentioned that he had done something in his life that
was with him every day and he did not feel that God
would forgive him. Finally, Tom agreed to tell the
pastor his story.

"Thirty-two years ago, two months and eleven days ago,
I was working for the railroad. It was two days before
Christmas and the whole crew was drunk. Someone had to
go out and push the switch for the train to go
northbound. I guess I was more drunk than the rest
because I pushed the switch in the wrong direction.
The train slammed into a passenger car at the end of
the next crossing and killed a young man, his wife,
and their two daughters. I have had to live with that
all of my life."

There was a moment of silence as Tom's confession of
this tragedy hung in the air. After what seemed like
an eternity, Fr. O'Malley gently put his hand on Tom's
shoulder and said very quietly. "If I can forgive you,
God can too because in that car were my father, my
mother and two sisters."

Do we still find it difficult to forgive anyone?


New Member

Actually i prefer him to suck his finger. My mum say too. But too nurses or doc they tend to say No to it. But im fine with it loh. I let him suck and fondle his finger.


New Member

because some ppl thinks that its easier to whine off pacifier than finger.
my SIL also try to give my nephew pacifier,he also refuse...

U boy knows how to flip already so faST...I tot they will wriggle first....Must be a very active boy.


New Member

because some ppl thinks that its easier to whine off pacifier than finger.
my SIL also try to give my nephew pacifier,he also refuse...

U boy knows how to flip already so faST...I tot they will wriggle first....Must be a very active boy.


New Member
Just Friends VS. Best Friends
> A Just Friend says..hi,..hello,..bye,...and walks away...
> A Best friend always stop by your side & asks how r u doing ??
> A Just Friend has never seen you cry.
> A Best friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.
> A Just Friend thinks the friendship is over, when you have an argument.
> A Best friend knows that it's not a friendship, until after you've had a
> fight.
> A Just Friend hates it when you call, after he has gone to bed.
> A Best friend asks you.... why you took so long to call.
> A Just Friend, when visiting, acts like a guest
> A Best friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.
> A Just Friend jealous about your romantic history.
> A Best friend wonders of your love story.....
> A Just Friend expects you to be always there for any help.
> A Best friend is always there, wherever you require any help.
> A Just Friend doesn't have time in his/her busy schedule,
> A Best friend always have time for you in his/her busy schedules....
> A Just Friend phones you whenever he/she has some work,
> A Best friend calls you often just to hear your voice.....
> A Just Friend doesnt have anything to talk to you on phone,
> A Best friend doesnt know...what all to finish...


New Member
Good evening ladies!

Long time no come in here to "chat" liao. How is everyone?
Sorry for didnt come in here for so long. As i was preggie (bb just come, didn't plan...), then bz with work and preggie etc.
Just came back to office from my maternity leave last wk. Now got to take care of bb and work at the same time. Always feel very tired...

COngrats! Rainnie.. you finally came back here to chat. You going to see Dr Adrian also huh.. he is also my gynae, same as bao bao.

The rest who is trying for bb must jiayou.


New Member

For my c-section the sewing very good... Thumbs up for me. Anyway along he my gyane.Heehee i recommand him to alot of ppl liao. They all say him not bad.


New Member

I deliver my bb natural, the stitches is at my virginal part.. until now still didn't really take a good look at it.

What you hear about him? Tell leh..


New Member
Ah.. ok.. my email ([email protected]), can share? Thanks.

We not going to use his hair to do the mao pi. Scare the brush will become a rubbish in future. :p

What happen to you? So you feeling better? Rest more.


New Member
DS, I was having mumps...2 weeks ago...even went to KK hospital A&E coz GP not sure if it will affect baby or not and Dr Adrian not in SG. Was on mc for 7 days ( 2 days from KKh & 5 days from Adrian) I'm back to work now but the swell is still there!!! Shh...my bosses all never ask...and i'm begining to suspect it is not mumps! coz heard it will recover within 9 days to 2 weeks...and mine is 2 weeks liaoz :'(


New Member
I think so too. Do you know that that day after my delivery my bb. The delivery room become total darkness!! Blackout. Lucky, Dr Adrian already do stitches for me. Imagine, if i am still in the midst of delivery.. siao liao lor.. duno how. Then i wited for quite sometime before i was push to my ward. By then is already 10pm+.. i delivered my boy b4 8pm...

Heard that that day got 3 woman delivered bb at that time (including me).. there is one woman her gynae still in the midst of doing stiching for her... think end up they use torch light. so poor thing..


New Member
DS, went to see my GP on wednesday ... he referred me to SGH head Specialist. Will be going down next thursday morning. What my GP say is .. at first it is Mumps ... but not sure why now the lump hor...inside seems to have water...so better see specialist see what it is.

As for Dr Adrian case...ermm I've sign up the package with him but for deliver still haven sign. i will still sign up Dr Adrian coz i trust him .. after visiting him for the past 2 months.
i believe accident do happen...humans are not all perfect!


New Member

as i wad i have mentioned to u before,the important things is u are comfortable with him..

Head specialist....Means u are seeing the neurosurgeon...Probably then have to do a x-ray for u.If they can't see anything from the x-ray,probably u have to do MRI scan or CT scan..

But u preggie,now cannot do x-ray leh...Have ur fever subsides?


New Member
my hubby check with Dr Adrian by calling him at his hp...as long as dun do xray on tummy area is ok. so if the swell doesnt go away by thurs i will have to go and see the speclist. Btw, I dun have any fever ya


New Member
hakida, this thursday...but i'm still considering whether to go or not coz .. the swell is going off .. abit liaoz

nope ... morning sickness .. went off for abt a week already hopefully it dun return :p


New Member
Oh.. dear. Hope your umps will get better. So if subside of the swelling you would need to go see specialist? I think better see leh.. precaution mah.

Erm.. what do you mean deliver still haven sign? If he is your gynae liao, then he will be doing the delivery for u lor. hehe
