Hi,This is my first post here. I am a 24 year old male graduate trying to give my-wife-to-be be a decent wedding package. I went to Yvonne Creative yest, i wanted to just get a ROM package there, but soon change my mind as they convinced me that it would better do get a wedding package inclusive of a ROM package within. The Package cost S$3,000. Below is what they included for us.Do advice me on the reasonability of the prices as well as what you might know about Yvonne Creative. Bascially, they are not pushy and were really friendly.S$3,000 is within my budget,would greatly appreciate for all the help and advises that i can get from here. Thks and Cheers to all.
- Wedding Gown : 1 set on rental
- Evening Gown : 1 set on rental
( either 1 MTM)
- Tea Dress
- Man Jackets: x 2
- Man Suit : 1 set on rental
( Pants MTM )
- 4 x Bridal make-up : (trial makeup, photo-shooting, actual day and night)
- Bridal Bouquet
- Bridal Car Decoration
- Guest Book
- 4 Gowns
- 2 Man Suits
- Bridal Make-up with 4 Hair-dos
- Studio photo shooting
- Outdoor Shooting (Local)
- Bridal Bouquet
-(15R) 12x15 20pieces (She gave us 20+10=30 pieces WIth MTM)
- 20x24 Portrait (1 piece and free upgrade to crystal frame)
- 8x10 table top (1 piece)
- 4x6 postcards (36 pieces)
- 5R mini aibum (repeat 30 pieces of the 15R ph0tographs)
-1 x Bridal Gown
-1 x Bridal Bouquet
-Hairdo and Makeup (extra S$80)