hi crabbie...
yes, the 5% discount is really good... its worth my wait.. hee
our families are not pantang...in fact we were ready to take the lunar 7th mth (9 Sep 06)liao... hee, but i guess this is too advanced for your mum...
anyway, we choose a date which is closer to our anniversary in courtship.. for your info, fullerton is taken on my anniversary date almost 4 months back.. it is one of the so-called good dates...
i understand from my coord that a lot of the year-end good dates is taken up liao.. so if you are keen, you better be fast.. be in fullerton or other hotels.. trust me, the other hotels are also pretty hot for last quarter 2006... hee, i started my hotel search since this march...
actually, i heard from some other SBO ladies that you can actually get the dates from some geomancers.. so you dun really need the almanac.. why dun you check with your mum? she prob can bring you to some geomancer she knows? erm, you still got chance to get the complimentary wine if you sign up before 16 August right?
Good luck in your search...