
New Member

Im interested. Could you pm me the name and add of the place? And how much does the program cost?
Thanks ya


New Member
have pmed!! feedback from the girls who went.. the consultant is not pushy at all and in fact very helpful.. direct.. not like those they've met before!! they also say that it's much cheaper, most slimming centers outside cost about 3-5k, i've seen 10k myself o_O so you can expect much much cheaper based on their opinions =D

some of them have started their program, average weight loss is about 1-3kg in 2 weeks.. not bad not bad! jiayouu!!!


New Member
oh ya, rain, i couldn't pm you, your pm is off!! =D you know how to switch it on?? i had probs with that earlier too =(


New Member
Hi everyone! I market a product for people who seemed not to be able to lose weight no matter what they do, just like myself. I have tried Atkins diet, South Beach Diet and hired personal trainer which doesnt seem to work for me. From my past experience, all those low-carb diets often makes me feel giddy and weak which causes me not to be able to concentrate well, which is why i was unable to stick to this program for long.

So then I tried this product and after 5 days, i have lost 2 kgs without feeling giddy or weak throughout the process. I am able to enjoy the process of losing weight for once. Although im on diet, im still full of energy and best of all, i lost weight.

Do you know anyone who might like to know about a product like that?


New Member
the program we're talking about also like that.. dont feel tired or weak one!! like my mum say feels "super energetic and alert", after acupuncture also feel very refreshed, tt i tried and felt.. but diff ppl have diff feelings some no comments hehe.. wiwi i have mailed you!!! i'm a kind soul hehehehhee =x


New Member
Hi Sugarrushh,

Can email me more details about the program? Like what are its commitments, cost, venue etc? I've gotta lose like 20-30kg in 9 mths for my big day and the diet i'm trying doesn't seem to work! saddd... =(

Can email me at [email protected]. Thanks!


New Member
Hi all,

I know of a slimming centre in Yishun which is really effective.

Signed up for a 10 sessions package and has slimmed down 4kg in 3 weeks, after 6 sessions. But the consultant told me my results is not really good coz she has customers who shed between 6 to 7kg by the 5th session!

Gotta be disciplined and go to the slimming centre twice per week. Intend to sign up another package since their slimming programme is effective and their charges are reasonable.

Just hope that I can drop another 10kg by the end of next package! :D


New Member
Hi Colleenette,

Can share with me more about your slimming treatment? What do they do in each treatment and the cost of the package?

Did they restrict you to intake carbohydrates?


New Member
Hi Sugarrush~

You're talking about the slimming center at Marine Parade right??
I went through the package there a few months ago too!! Are you still on the package now?? Anyone else here who are going through the treatment?? Hows everyones progress so far?? Jus curious =D
Anyway, bear with it k!! This 3 months will be totally worth it believe me! i managed to hit my ideal weight of 50kg from ard 64kg+ in about 2 mth plus =D heehee i look in the mirror now and i'm so glad i gave it a try =)
And just to share at the time when i was on the package i joined a chatroom forum just like this one where there were about 4-5 other people under-going the same program as me, and we sort of became slimming buddies. It was really sweet and we supported and motivated each other through the program.. and it really make the process much easiler to bear! Was thinking perhaps you gals can do the same here =D would love to join in too to share my 5 cents worth =D



New Member
Hi Kat,

I signed up for the VIP package and it costs me $599 nett for 10 sessions. For the VIP package, I am entitled to use 4 different machines, massage and sauna. Think there is another type of package at $499 nett (cannot remember the cost exactly) but think only entitled to the use of 2 machines.

They will rotate the use of the machines coz the consultant say if we always stick to the same type of machine, our body will be 'slow' in reacting to the treatment.

There will be a 20-25 mins massage to break down the cellulite before the machine is used (but if we are using Machine B, there will be no massage). Machine usually takes 25 mins and then we will go into a sauna (like the TMC type of sauna where they boil the herbs and they cover only your body with the steam) for around 20 mins. Can really sweat a lot from this! Then before leaving the slimming centre, they will apply some cream on our body and doing body wrapping. We have to 'unwrap' ourselves an hour later.

Need to spend at least an hour plus per session there and the consultant mentioned that it's better to go twice per week if we want to see results fast! So gotta do some time management every week.

On my 1st visit, I was given a menu and is encouraged to follow. Those common dishes to eat are 'bee hoon soup, fish soup with bee hoon, chee cheong fun etc.) But I cheated here and there lah and probably that's why I didn't slim down that much.

Btw, the slimming centre serves only ladies so I feel more at ease when I am there.

If you are keen, you can call Annie @ 68537209. Shop name is Lady's spa and is at Blk 748 in Yishun (I cannot remember teh road name but it's near MRT).

Hope the info helps


New Member
Hello emily!! Haha nope i'm not undergoing the 3 months acu prog, my mum is going through it! I really think its very recommendable for ppl bcos it's effective, rather than wasting on those normal spa and machine centers! She last time wasted alot of money on them.

Wa so u total lost about 14kg in 2 months, that's quite a lot leh!!! Good for you hehe.. i also agree, my mum went to the program with her sister, so they both motivated and accompany each other! I also accompany them! I gave my mum all the support too!! To see tt she really gained all her confidence back and can wear more clothes now.. I'm really happy for her too!! We can go shopping together and not worry about sizes!! She wanted to wear some clothes last time, but always can't find her size.. Now she wears M liao, much easier to fit! And her tummy is gone so wear clothes now very nice =D u also?

Anyway, there's a few other girls who went for the consultation too! My mum also after slimming down ask her friends to join her, they all say she very sexy now! Can see her waistline liao woohooo.

Think one main thing is she's very happy.. Not only her, my auntie and few other ppl who went, the most exciting part is the review esp, to see your own weight loss progress!!

Did u keep all the photos they took for u? You can bring home anot? Haha it's very interesting right, got actual evidence of ur ownself getting slimmer, like can see the face shape change even become sharper and nicer.. so cool.. they help you take measurements too right, do the inbody analysis at every the review every 2 weeks! Tnk for u it's the most exciting too?

U girls should c for urself! there's lots of word gg around abt it, one of the most famous de.. at marine parade one!! shiok la..


New Member
hi dears, just to update on my mum's progress..

she has lost another 2kg of fats, but surprisingly, has also managed to gain some muscle, with the consultant's planning & help.. hehe quite gd, but cos her muscle go up and fats go down, overall her 3rd review her weight go down 1kg.. hehe i've learnt not to rely so much on weighing machines! cos they dont show u how much fat / muscle goes up or down!

overall her outlook, she looks much slimmer and alot ppl noticed cos of her smaller waistline, can fit into those tighter clothes tt emphasizes the waistline =D her jeans also drop few sizes down! hehe!.. how bout you emily?? was ur experience like that?


New Member
Hi Sugarrush!

Didn't get to log in the last couple of days.. was busy with work =(

YUP n YUP!! i lost about 14kg in 2 mth =D
I also love the way they do reviews every 2 wks cause at least i know my progress..and it helps to keep me motivation! =P

But for me i feel the most exciting part is SHOPPING!! =D
Finally can fit into those dresses that i've been *BIO-ING* for so long =DD But than again the most torturous part i feel is the mid of the program... I CAN FIT!! I CAN BUY!! BUT... buy le starts becoming loose after a few weeks T_T

Ya!! The photos was like a *going...going...going...GONE* thing HAHAHA! Another thing i like about the place is also how the people there go to all this length to make the experience a memorable one.. Kinda like recording the process as a caterpillar turns into a beautiful Butterfly =D
And most importantly i feel is that i gained ALOT of self-respect and confidence through the experience.. as i was quite a self-concious and quiet person last time...
But now i can love the me i see in the mirror and that has really helped me to love myself more!! And that i feel is the most priceless thing in the world =D

Read this verse somewhere that really struck me.. Just want to share it with every1 who's reading this and prehaps going through what i went through in the past...

"The thing that is the hardest, but most amazing to do is to stop being prefect and beginning the work of becoming yourself."

In simple terms LOVE YOURSELF =) pample yourself once in a while! You deserve it!!! =D


New Member
hey there.. do read the thread.. its about acupuncture slimming, at the wellness center my friends and mum has been to.. quite different from those slimming centers or acu places that we see, thought it wld be worth sharing! some of us are sharing our experiences and feedback dear!

emily!! wad you say is just damn true =D i think as girls we really must take gd care of ourselves.. not only our figure, our complexion, our confidence, the way we bring ourselves across is all very impt.. =D and i'm happy to know that its gd for u as well!! hehe ya i think the best part i have to agree is really really the reviews..


New Member
just saw the consultant today again, my friend has decided to sign up the program and accompanied her =D she was very satisfied with it, basically cos she heard alot about acupuncture slimming and has been wanting to try..

today the consultant also highlighted, that alot girls when we slim down, or when we go to slimming centers, we have no idea what is it that we're losing.. or what's happening in our body.. the weighing machine shows a drop, but we have no idea whether we've lost fats/muscles/water.. it is unhealthy if we lose muscle and water.. we may look slim but flabby still and haggard..v unhealthy =(

that's why it's very important to make sure that what u're losing is fats, so overall appearance will look good, and also to maintain the muscle.. i've observed that they really do go to such details to ensure every part of you is taken care of! plus, the inbody analysis shows you what is happening in your body when the kgs go down.. they monitor to make sure u're losing fats.. a v gd point to take note of =) hur, very different right?

my mum also looks alot healthier & happier just like you emily.. =D strongly feel that we girls shld make sure that we're gaining overall health and beauty that we can maintain in the long run.. and be educated about how to look good and slim the correct way!


New Member
Hi Suguarrushh,

Agree with what you have say, consumer should have the right to know what actually they haf slim down, be it water, muscle or fat. As they got to understand their body and do the adjustment in order t make it happen. My frenz went through the acunpuncture slimming too and coming to an end already. Till now she is able to control her diet and maintain her size. (From M to S ), she feel so happy about it and worth the $$ that she spend.


New Member
Thanks Angie!
Hope to get more details from u, just replied to your email!

I can update now:
Banquet = Crowne Plaza Hotel (at Changi Airport)


New Member

Can email me the location and the package price range of this slimming place in Marine Parade you babes are raving about? This is the one with the accupuncture slimming one right?

[email protected]



New Member
hey there,

i recieved feedback that from those who gave out their emails, that they have recieved multiple mails from unknown people posing as me, or advertisers and slimming centers that have no concern with the program we are talking about.. misleading people and giving wrong information.. some said they were "aggressive" and "harassed" them..

To protect your emails, would suggest that you girls PM ME YOUR EMAIL or REACH ME @ [email protected] instead for info.. would not want anything like that to happen.. hoping to prevent it, very guilty and sorry about it =((

meanwhile, lets continue to discuss and give feedback, share of our experiences and reviews here!! those who have went for the program do share more! hehe

as an update, my mum is at the maintaining stage now!! her pants size has dropped from 30 to 28 again =) she no longer has to go for acupuncture or anything, at the end of this month will be her last review and evaluation, as well as to see whether her results has maintained and no yo-yo effect. so far she is maintaining very well. recieved alot comments and praises from her colleagues abt her new figure! happy for her hehe =D i am doing a slimming plan for myself, under the consultant's advice! hehe gained abit of weight recently, sigh!


New Member
my mum is... i have recently tried to do a little "experiment" on my own, also under what i've learn from the consultant.. cos i don't need to lose too much.. but in the end it's still healthy eating, having enough rest... exercising.. keeping a healthy lifestyle..

my auntie have also went, accompanying my mum with the program.. there are a few of the forum girls too, and 2 of my friends who have taken up too.. that's why heard alot feedback from them and learnt alot about their experiences.. mainly is my mum cos i see her everyday.. ahah


New Member

i'm new to this thread.
i need to slim down 10kgs for my photoshoot in april.
i hv left u a private message. not sure if correct.
do you have contacts n address. pls reply thanks.


New Member
Hi Michelle,

The place is at Marine parade, i was recommended by angeline. It is really effective and i do see result from there. So happy. Need any help just pm mi or send email to angeline @ [email protected]. She is a nice ger who offer help to us. :p
