Hi all, maybe this is just a rant, but at many times I just feel very lost. Married over ten years with 2 kids. During the marriage years I had countless quarrels, though mostly because she couldn't stand my mum, whom I have a very strong relationship with. The feeling of stuck between the 2 of them made me feel suffocated.
We got pass that stage, ironically because they had a big fight and was beyond salvation. But at least my life was easier as long as I'm with just one of them at any one time.
With the kids going into primary education we then had lots of quarrels too, over the discipline of children, their studies, we disagree over vast many issues.
Divorce was brought up many times during the years but we've always pulled back, perhaps for the children, perhaps to give this marriage a chance.
Now, my life revolves around waking up early, sending kids to school, go work, try rush home to guide them in schoolwork, rushing then to go to bed. Life has become a monotony, and it didn't help that my work can get intensive and stressful at times and children aren't on the best terms with her.
This has gone on for many years, and recently I felt a void. Yes, this is because I'm working out the commitments of a marriage, but it doesn't make me feel better. I tried to recall those living times with her, but realities of life doesn't help me be positive in that aspect.
Recently I got to know a married lady colleague who is quite nice and warm. I suddenly had a thought: maybe we could be very close friends, like in a courtship, but may down rules that we shall not have physical contact, and that we will never be together in a marriage.
All this, only to relive the sweet, living monthsm and make me feel like I'm living again. I also hope in this way I will feel more positive about life and treat my wife better.
Keen to hear views, though I know most would say one thing will lead to another, this is naive thinking etc.. perhaps any suggestion, esp from Bros who are in sweet loving marriages, who help too...
Thanks in advance..
We got pass that stage, ironically because they had a big fight and was beyond salvation. But at least my life was easier as long as I'm with just one of them at any one time.
With the kids going into primary education we then had lots of quarrels too, over the discipline of children, their studies, we disagree over vast many issues.
Divorce was brought up many times during the years but we've always pulled back, perhaps for the children, perhaps to give this marriage a chance.
Now, my life revolves around waking up early, sending kids to school, go work, try rush home to guide them in schoolwork, rushing then to go to bed. Life has become a monotony, and it didn't help that my work can get intensive and stressful at times and children aren't on the best terms with her.
This has gone on for many years, and recently I felt a void. Yes, this is because I'm working out the commitments of a marriage, but it doesn't make me feel better. I tried to recall those living times with her, but realities of life doesn't help me be positive in that aspect.
Recently I got to know a married lady colleague who is quite nice and warm. I suddenly had a thought: maybe we could be very close friends, like in a courtship, but may down rules that we shall not have physical contact, and that we will never be together in a marriage.
All this, only to relive the sweet, living monthsm and make me feel like I'm living again. I also hope in this way I will feel more positive about life and treat my wife better.
Keen to hear views, though I know most would say one thing will lead to another, this is naive thinking etc.. perhaps any suggestion, esp from Bros who are in sweet loving marriages, who help too...
Thanks in advance..