Sembawang Green BTO sep 06


New Member
joyfull, i havent start anything yet. cos htb say he will plan for it. we have discuss before, more or less hav ideal wat to do. we r infot reno contractor too, ID cost too high le.

hi hui, so swt of khet13. hehe.. it will b great for him joining here wit u.


New Member
let's start some conversation and share some ideas.....

have u all thots of how much u r going to put in for reno?

and how about furnishing?


New Member
hi steven! thank u for ur info. it hav been updated as follow:-

<table border=1><tr><td>487</TD><TD>488</TD><TD>489</TD><TD>490 </TD></TR><TR><TD>05. Jessie (dustystar)</TD><TD>05. a_pinglim</TD><TD>02. andrew_xing</TD><TD>TBA. bigfish0„2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>06. Hui (huhu)</TD><TD>05. Sharon0„2Lin (winnie_gal)</TD><TD>06. riax</TD><TD>TBA. navajo78 </TD></TR><TR><TD>06. khet13</TD><TD>06. mech</TD><TD>07. ladykirvin</TD><TD>TBA. yu830„2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>07. raynard</TD><TD>07. f3rris830„2</TD><TD>11. Joey Lim (doraemon_lim)</TD><TD>TBA. yukifire0„2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>09. piggylover</TD><TD>09. Steven JT</TD><TD>11. princesspig84</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>10. xiaofeizhu83</TD><TD>13. kumpong</TD><TD>12. royzzz</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>13. cuddly_miumiu</TD><TD>17. patgav</TD><TD>13. Heman</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>15. Baobei (cherylkjh)</TD><TD>TBA. kwoni</TD><TD>15. joyfull</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>15. desmer</TD><TD>TBA. chanelgay</TD><TD>17. Teresa Chang (teresa45)</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>16. edwin_teoh</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TBA. Finn (devilboy)</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>17. ariesci0„2</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>TBA. nichiyobi0„2</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

edwin, hmm..budget is as low as possible, 35k to 40k with furniture. if can 30k best lor. whahhahaa... :p

white7, hmm.. ID sure exp de. care to share which ID com u from?


New Member
paisai, copy n paste wrongly from the previous table. here is the correct list.

<table border=1><tr><td>487</TD><TD>488</TD><TD>489</TD><TD>490 </TD></TR><TR><TD>05. Jessie (dustystar)</TD><TD>05. a_pinglim</TD><TD>02. andrew_xing</TD><TD>TBA. bigfish0„2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>06. Hui &amp; khet13</TD><TD>05. Sharon0„2Lin (winnie_gal)</TD><TD>06. riax</TD><TD>TBA. navajo78 </TD></TR><TR><TD>07. raynard</TD><TD>06. mech</TD><TD>07. ladykirvin</TD><TD>TBA. yu830„2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>09. piggylover</TD><TD>07. f3rris830„2</TD><TD>11. Joey Lim (doraemon_lim)</TD><TD>TBA. yukifire0„2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10. xiaofeizhu83</TD><TD>09. Steven JT</TD><TD>11. princesspig84</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>13. cuddly_miumiu</TD><TD>13. kumpong</TD><TD>12. royzzz</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>15. Baobei (cherylkjh)</TD><TD>17. patgav</TD><TD>13. Heman</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>15. desmer</TD><TD>TBA. kwoni</TD><TD>15. joyfull</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>16. edwin_teoh</TD><TD>TBA. chanelgay</TD><TD>17. Teresa Chang (teresa45)</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>17. ariesci0„2</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TBA. Finn (devilboy)</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>TBA. nichiyobi0„2</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>


New Member
hi white7,
y not post some pictures of the reno your company or rather U had done before to generate more interest?

after doing some researching in renotalk, we found tt you have to choose the correct designer, not so much of which company is better as there are bound to have black sheeps even in good companies. just my opinion :D


New Member
as for reno, i got 2 friends who are in reno company... but some part of it i will design my own... example: the colour of th wall, im doing black colour for the flooring... and im going to bkk and china to buy some deco for my new hse...


New Member
i agree with khet13, but frankly speaking, if u know where to find a good contractor, u may get the same result at a cheaper price.

have anyone watch the DIY mandarin show host by mark lee and vivian lai yesterday? i m really fascinated by that guy who DIY. is he a reno contractor by profession? his idea and skill are marvelous...


New Member
white7, sorry! hmm.. im mean as wat khet13 mention.

edwin, me too saw the show n really impress. they didnt mention tat owner job, but frm wat he had done mayb in reno or funiture line de.


New Member
hi hon, i refer to your message posted some time ago regarding the AIR POLLUTION IMPACT on residential areas sited near industrial sites.

I would like to offer another suggestion to the respective authorities ENV or NEA etc to supplement the earlier one abt plantng of trees as a green buffer zone.

short &amp; sharp. from practical experience as proven in the Spore context, the authorities can consider several high vertical masts from fine dust screen nettings are tied /hung across. the application was introduced at Tuas Sand &amp; Granite Stockpile landing sites.

Essentially, these SCREEN NETTINGS were used to filter off the dust residue adhering to the sand/granite stockpile generated during the loading activities onto wheel loading and tipper lorries.

the masts are those vertical post structures commonly seen at Golf Courses.


New Member
hi all!! i hav just got to knw from 1 of my frez tat her colleague who had apply for SBW Green had collected her key n is arranging reno now. when i heard it im super blur already. anyone of ur hav receive letter from HDB for collection of key for other block except 487??


New Member
Hi Piggylover,
Maybe it is good to check which block does the colleague in. I bet it is from either 486, 491, 492 or 493.



i am from Blk 488, up to now have not received any letter from HDB.
in fact last sunday i and my husband went to the site (planning to go in take photo), but the place still cover up. and the guy their did not allow us to enter. From what we see block 488 was not fully done yet (window grill)
em... blur ...
but i wish the news from Piggy is true.

guys, whoever got the letter inform the others ya!



New Member
piggylover... i think those who come in read about keys collection will get a shock out and become real excited... must try to have it check and verify with ur friends colleague asap kk? *finger cross*hope its true* haha


New Member
hi all!! wow.. all same like me rite? *Blur* when heard it, nt too sure if it is really correct as im waiting for my frez to confirm the blk no which her colleague apply. shd keep all of u update again ya!


New Member
hey hey!! paisai! ask my frez to double check le. her colleague say havent get key yet.. she just went up secretly take pic only. haha.. sound familiar ya! mayb she is 1 of the unit owner in this thread. :p

hmm.. this dunno is gd news mah. me n htb went to see the process, saw the fence have change to those lower type de, there is hole whereby can go through de. but we dare not go in see. hehe... u can see the lift have is able to use (but still under maintain). hope gd news for 488 soon!


New Member
Hi everyone.. Here's my unit drawing done using Google sketchup.
Not sure with the height.. just a rough estimation based on the floor plan.



New Member
hey joyfull, your unit is the same orientation as mine...

anyone has found a contractor for the renov yet?! i am like not very active in searching for one.. but seems like the house is coming soon.. i should be more hardworking and do my homework....


New Member
if not wrong height should be around 2800cm...
u can measure the height of ur current HDB room. should be quite standard i think... correct me if im wrong :p

wow when r u gonna put in the furnitures? =p


New Member
Hi khet13,

the measurement you hav mention 2800 is in millimetres coz is in the floor. So in centimetre would be 280cm.


New Member
Hi bigfish,
Nope not really. Signed up a floor laminate company, Supreme Flooring, for my bedrooms floor.

Hi Khet13 and Lydiaa,
Thanks for the height info. Will make adjustment to the drawing. Have place furniture around and have many versions. My limitations are not sure how low the windows are. And how big the piping are.. Esp the kitchen area.

I also used Sharon's photo to gauge the windows height in the living room.

Here's my plan..


New Member
Here's a zoom in on my kitchen and living rooms.

According to an ID, the L-shape kitchen top is /b{not allowed} due to HDB safety regulation of 2m from doors.

Unknown. The big pillar in the kitchen and the master bedroom's toilet.. :p


New Member
Ha ha Lydia,

That was my old design. I only laminate the 3 bedrooms. I've redrawn the unit again as I learn more about Sketchup.

Hi bigfish,

I can email you the Google Sketchup file if you are like me like to visualize my home before seeing the real thing!

Sorry everyone,

I can't post it here.. Maybe I'll post them in Multiply..


New Member
Good afternoon to all,
I am in the midst of shortlisting the IDs. Had visited Weiken this morning. Their service was generally good and we were quite please with their design concept, will be having further discussion with them next week when they come up with detailed proposal...excited...
