Hotel Fort Canning


New Member
Will upload after my honeymoon. My photographer will only pass to me when I'm back. Flying off tonight.


New Member
Hi! I'm new to the forum & I've confirmed my venue during the wedding show to be at the Legends for next year May!
I have yet finalise the contract & I've a few questions & hope you guys can help me

1) Is it the practice to pay for the venue rental if I were to have my solemnization at the fountain/pool? I did not request for this during the wedding show as our initial plan was to have the solemnization during the dinner. However, after discussion, we decide to have it b4 the dinner.

2) In the draft contract sent to me, only 10 chairs will be provided, is this reasonable? I've requested for more as 10 seems way too little.



New Member
Welcome Fallen Angel...

Unable to answer your question since i didn't solemnize there.

J&J> when u coming back? must be enjoying right now. hehehe


New Member
fallen angel.. i will be having my solemnisation outside the marquee... dun have to pay extra..
you check it out with your co ordinator lor.. hurhur


New Member
Hi Kuaile, thanks for your information

Will u be having your banquet indoor or outdoor?
My coordinator mentioned that having solemnization outside the marquee will have to depend on availability as my dinner will be held indoor.
However, if I were to have my solemnization outside the ballroom, it'll be FOC.
May I know who is ur coordinator? If it's not convenient to post on the forum, maybe u can PM me? Heehee...


New Member
Hi fallen Angel, my banquet will be outdoor. therefore my solemnisation will be juz outside there...

ya, yours in may it will be a little to early to check if its available for your solemnisation. maybe if thats the case you can have backup plans first. hmm... however on the other hand, its not so nice if there is someone there preparing their wedding dinner n youare there having your solemnisation. juz my 2 cents worth.

its nice to have it at the pool there thou. =)


New Member
yup, agree... if someone is having their wedding prep at the outdoor, we won't like to have the solemnization there as well =)
If the pool is ready by then, we would like to have it there...

Are other couples who have their banquet indoor & using other areas for solemnization? Appreciate if someone could advise me on this


New Member
Hi! How's everyone's prep? I have uploaded some photos (daytime) taken by my official photographer on my blog at You can view them if you are interested. Includes my holy matrimonial/solemnization at the marquee. Will upload the rest soon.

fallenangel, I used the ballroom for banquet and the marquee for holy matrimonial. Initially wanted to hold everything at the marquee but I have 400 plus guests attending my holy matrimonial so decided to hold them separately. After the holy matrimonial, the guests moved down to the ballroom for dinner.


Hi Jac, thanks for sharing your pix. I like your concept of holding your solemization in marquee and dinner at the balloon. Wanna check with you:

For the "kid's party", what was actually prepared for the kids? I saw some cute cupcakes. Are they decorated by the kids?

And also the bride's room looks rather small. Is there a toilet in the room?


New Member
Hi pinky! I engaged a magician to entertain the kids, ordered mini cupcakes (not decorated by the kids of course) and homemade chocolates, printed out activities like puzzles, colouring etc related to wedding. I also ordered little garden pails for them online to fill with goodies (gem biscuits and fruity sweets). These were their wedding favours. There's a also a piece of cardboard where they wrote their well-wishes for us.

The bridal room is not as big as a hotel room but yes, there's a toilet in the room with shower. I was given 2 rooms so my flower girls used the other room. I find the room size ok though it's a bit small. I've seen smaller bridal room provided by restaurants. So this is still all right. Actually, you can request to see the room thru your coordinator.


New Member
Hey Jac, thanks for sharing your pictures! You look gorgeous in the red cheongsam! Love your fan programme booklet too!

Did you cater seperately for your solemnization since you have so many guests?


Hi Jac, thanks for sharing the details. I really like your concept on the kid's party.

Yup, will get my coordinator to show me the room. I think you are lucky that you are the only couple holding the wedding that day that is why you are given 2 bride rooms. hmmm... i am not sure if my wedding date has another wedding going on or not.


New Member
Thanks fallengngel!
My guests moved down to the ballroom immediately after the solemnization. Ended at 7.30pm so banquet started at 8pm.

Kuaile, yes. Spent quite a lot. However, we really want all our guests to witness the solemnization so no choice. And I've always wanted an outdoor garden wedding. Though it's not exactly garden, it's the closest I could find in the middle of the city.

Pinky, we were the only couple that day. Not luck. Cos we booked the marquee and the ballroom so since no one using the other room, they allowed us to use it. We were lucky no one booked the function room and we could use it for the kids' party.


New Member
your co ordinator earns alot ah... heez...

ya agree... i also find that having the kids party is great!

but too bad no additional budget... =)


New Member
wow, i've saw the pics.. it's really great..everyone enjoyed themselves...well well, the next one coming as seen in the table is mine... now i'm starting to feel the rush..cracking heads on the guestlist and wedding cards...

by the way anyone can recommend guo da li shop?


New Member
Hi all, I'm new to this thread... I am considering Legends as well, esp due to the budget and novelty of outdoor marquee. Wanna hear some of your comments...

1) There is only about 150 car park lots within Legends, and another 150 at the public car park. If there are 2 weddings in 1 night, will car park be an issue? We have about 45 tables, and the ballroom can take another 40+...

2) Is the marquee quite hot? + lights, + alcohol... I don't want the guests to go back with the impression that they attended a very hot wedding, and I have to live with that jibe for years to come.

Any comments to share? Thanks all!


New Member
Cazzie>> qn 2

overall i think it really depends on the weather.. we can't really control it..

in my opinion, you'll have to get a place you're comfortable with and not be bothered by the comments.. i had many comments from many ppl..when my wedding is in this sep. my dad says, as long as we like the place, we'll just go for it.. make it a memorable one.. most ppl thinks that going to hotel is more better and presentable, it's because they have no idea what other ppl are doing on the other side..(^-^) so my hubby and I decided to choose the marquee...

and for 1 thing i'm sure, if the weather is hot, i think the 1st ppl to feel warm is the bride and bridegroom themselves.. :p


ad3lin3, can't agree more...
We share the same thots...

Kuaile, what will you be buying from chocz? Is it cake, choclates for pastry?


New Member
pink>> pastries... how about you??

Cazzie>> this qns, best if you ask your co ordinator, make a trip down and have a look. rem wedding is yours, memory is yours, not the pple you invite, cause in yrs and times to come, they forget but you are the one gg to rem it forever not them..
go for wad you n your htb like. jia you!!!


New Member
cazzie if i dun ream wrongly... per couple of cooler is 800 dollars...

you have to check it out with ur co ordinator...

coz mine in dec... i haven decide on it yt


New Member
Hi Cazzie, i think per cooler is $150++. Cos i remember I have to top up about $1k plus for 10 of them.
So have you confirmed on Legends already?

When is your big day?


New Member
From what i know, they're trying to get the renovation of lobby out by October.
Rooms i think Jan would be a realistic date unless miracle happen that they can rush out in december.


New Member
Chances are quite slim... i'm just preparing for contingency plans... If the rooms really ready by my wedding, it'll really be a blessing.


New Member
Hi all,

Just a tip to check and ensure that the chef that prepared your food tasting is the same person that will be cooking on your actual day.
I was extremely disappointed that the actual day food turned out to be of a lower standard than what I had during the food tasting.

Though it's not my wedding, but as the host family, I have nowhere to hide my face when people just walk off before they even finish dessert.

The fish was not fresh with a strong fishy smell. The fried rice was like normal zi char standard and the dessert Red bean paste was watery.

I felt very sad nevetheless I kept all these complaints away from the bride and groom, whom flew all the way back fm US to hold a wedding here.

I hope this will not happen to you all. Just keep a heads up and keep a look out on this area.

All the best to your big day!


New Member
Hi, posting on behalf of a friend.

Open date Legends at Fort Canning. She signed during the show so plenty of good perks. Transfer price (originally at $3K) negotiable.

Reason for letting go: have to postpone but cannot fix a date at this point.

If interested, please email [email protected]


New Member
Huay Lin, you checked that he chef isnt the same? goodness how can they do that... we trusted their services isnt it? im the btb to hold my dinner there, if would be very upset too... and we are paying for all the services and food. haiz...
Kuaile, I am not sure whether our chef is the same... but our AD food was surprisingly more tasty as compared to the food tasting.

Don't worry too much de.


New Member
Hiya everyone, how is your preparations like? For me, I am in the midst of finalizing my wedding invitation cards.

kuaile, have you decided on your lighting preference? This is still my primary concern besides food tasting.


New Member
i haven decide... still got time to decide... my concern now is the other stuffs... like guests and jie meis clothes...
