Dear momoftwo,
This should be my last post to you about the 'promiscuous' in depression thingy.
If you read Uni of pittsburg's link, the one you quoted,, you will notice the first para talks about how depression affects others in their daily lives. It contradicts your earlier stand that there are people who are fully functional yet depressed. This is quite impossible to me, the nagging anf gnawing feeling of heaviness i felt was hard be ignored, unless the persons are in denial and wouldn't seek treatment.
Second para on symptoms of depressions talk about 9 symptoms for diagnose of depression. You need to have 5 or more for a prolonged period of 2 weeks for medical practitioners to be able to prescibe medication. For instance, if you just missed a promotion and feel depressed for a few days, it will not be classified as clinical, because after the few days you might feel better and goes on in life, so it is too transcient to warrant med. Otherwise everyone will be going to doctors for med. I mentioned my symptoms are of sadness, isolation and entrapment. Technically i only fit into 1 out of 9 symptoms (sadness) and so i shouldnt be even called depressed. But frankly, I couldn't care less about the label on me, do I? I did not self-treat nor self-diagnose, as you had claimed. I came back from the doc and google a bit more to know what i am suffering from.
What makes you think a psychiatrist will even give me any med if i have less than 5 symptoms? Probably he might even asked me to go home or go take an overseas trip for a break or something. But that was not the reason why I didn't see a psychiatrist but chose the GP instead. The GP charges me $108 for consult and med. A psychiatrist in private practice probably charges me $150 for consult alone. Since i have access to a GP who is qualified to treat psychological ailments, with whom I got to know and he also treated my said in-law till he/she recovered, I trust him. He is already trained by IMH. Hence, he is a qualified practitioner, one which you said I should consult.
The next para in the link talks about 4 types of depression. My symptoms fit in the first one: uni-polar depression ie: feeling down. The second one is bipolar depression, that means people alternating between sadness and hysteria, or mania, as the term suggest. Have you seen anyone who has bipolar? I have. My good friend's daughter has bipolar. She is in her teens, goes into days or weeks of depressed sulky mood, then snap out of it without reason, and goes into days or weeks of highs/mania. This is not to be confused with teenage mood swings. Mania is dangerous. The person suffering from mania exhibit prolonged and extreme highs, has ideas of invincibility or are dellusional, thinks she/he is super smart, everything is possible including thoughts she can fly if she jumps out of the window and so forth. This daughter of my good friend also declared confidently, during one episode of mania that she need not attend school anymore because she is brilliant and her school is not good enough for her, thereafter started throwing away all her books. She was neither that brilliant (she was at the bottom 25th percentile of her cohort in terms of her grades) nor was her school not good - she's in CHIJ St Nichloas - currently among top 3 schools in Singappore.
People with mania might exhibit the symptoms you mentioned such as being promiscuous. Yes you are right, but that is for bipolar depression. You do not understand what you are talking about and you are quoting out of context. Mine is unipolar, from every professional's point of view: my counsellor, my doctor. Even my medicine testify to that.
I am on only Zoloft, my med, which is not the first line of treatment for bipolar, i went to check for you this morning
Momoftwo, please go and do more research yourself, you do not have enough knowledge or exposure in this area to make scathing remarks, not that I am going to care from now onwards.
I see the need to reply or correct you to put the records straight lest people here really think i am so depressed they shouldnt talk to me anymore and you have just cut off the network i needed so much.
Also this might be a good opportunity to share my experience with fellow forumers about depressions, bipolar and etc. Singapore is still a fairly conservative society. There are people who are depressed or have bipolar but shy away from treatment. To me, if all positive thinking does not work, just go to a good GP and get some med before it escalates to something less easy to treat.
About my counsellor saying my hubby has those issues? That was said years ago during the first time we had marital counselling and when I wanted to walk out. It wasnt something she fed me to milk money out of me while i am depressed. My depression is very recent. Get your facts straight first and don't jump to conclusion. In any case, he wanted to go to another counsellor and his own counsellor also confronted him about issues he avoided. Guess what, he also stopped going.
Reason for separation? I was advised then at those marital counselling sessions that i can file under unreasonable behaviour: Neglect. I couldn't sign it then. I caved in.
I wish you good luck on your marriage, momoftwo. Bye.