Conrad Centennial Singapore


New Member
Hi would anyone be interested in my package on 4 dec 2010? I'm thinking of pushing mine to jan 2 011 but my coord is unwilling to let me change unless someone else is willing to take mine fault really cuz I took so long to revert due to personal reasons..

If keen pls email me at [email protected]? Thanks!


New Member
Hi jessy,

i took up with Bridal de couture. still have a open package with them. initially only wanted to take up the rom package when i had mine in sept 2009 but they persuaded me to use the payment that i made as a deposit for the whole wedding package. initaially was quite scared but having gone thru their services and gowns when i did my rom last last year, i decided to stick to them. hehe.... cause overall i was pretty happy with the make up done and also the gown. service was quite good as well. the package is really reasonable also. decided to save myself the additional hassle of searching for another bridal service. where did you take up with?? and when is ur wedding?


New Member
hi Xuan03,
sorry for the late reply..i havent decided on the bridal services yet.. considering Di Gio or Silhouette.. my wedding is some time in Nov2010..


New Member
Hi ttoorroo,
I haven't chosen the theme yet but will most probably go for the champange one. I like the scarlet theme (mixed of black and red) but scared the elderly "ban tang" about black colour. So will choose the other theme to be on the safe side.


New Member
im gonna view conrad next Monday. Choosing between them and sheraton now, my AD is a long time away actually. sept 2011. I heard very good recommendations abt conrad and benedicte will be showing my fiance and i around. She replies real fast too.

Hope we will be able to make a decision soon


New Member
Hi all,
I have just met up with Conrad's Benedicte. Must say she is very professional and though there werent much perks offered cos we are also nto that firm yet, the overall impression is good and stepping into conrad gives a very exquisite feel which both my HTB and i are satisfied.


New Member
i just confirmed my ad lunch with eng yan! she's super nice and our deal is really good!!!
we're holding it on 101010!!!


New Member
Abt same as u. I gt only a barrel of beer instead of freeflow bcoz I want some wine. I prefer tis way, we cam xchgn things we no need for things we need.

Btw, anyone noe Conrad march in gt red carpet or nt?
I din ask bcoz I assumed all gd hotels will hv but someone told me nt true wor.


New Member
congrats milktea! conrad doesnt have any red carpet for march-in.. hmm most of the weddings that i attended recently do not have red carpet..


New Member
great to see so many conrad btb here.. same for me.

haven been here so long.. my wedding coordinator is also eng yan..
yup, i recommend her. she's good.. friendly, professional.


New Member
hey, do you all have any pics of their table setting?

They have ony two theme, red n black or white n gold.
Dun noe can miz the colours or nt..


New Member
hmmm i have only seen the photos during discussion..i know there's a wedding this sun, maybe can drop by to look if you want

how u tot of mixing the colours? not sure if mixing of the flowers and decoration will incur additional charges..


New Member
initially i thinking of taking the black red theme. But i realised their red sash not red enough leh, abit more to dull red. I super don't like.

So now I am considering black table cloth and white roses. But hor, abit like funeral colour. Haha.. Sure kana scolding from parent and inlaw de loh. =P


New Member
haha. i agree on the black table cloth and ivory roses part, not nice..and they dun think they use champagne roses, seems more like cream to white colour, v pale..not very nice

i quite like the red and black theme is nice


New Member
I had the bronze colour rectangular card from Conrad. Went to T-Dragon for hot stamping. Feedback is card is nice.

My AD next Sat, look forward to it.


New Member
i am a conrad btb too! next oct. so kaisu but we like the date alot so have to book early. my coordinator is benedicte. my feeling of conrad is they're not very accomodating to requests, maybe cos they know if you dont want tons of pple are queueing for it.


New Member
Hi all, am holding my banquet in July and need to start choosing dishes for food tasting. Any feedback on the menu, esp the following?

(i) Sauteed Prawn & Scallop with Honey Pea in Spicy Sauce or Scallop coated in Mashed Taro;

(ii) Ostrich Meat or Spare Ribs - Did anybody get other dishes?

(iii) Ee Fu Noodles or Vermicelli?

(iv) Walnut cream with hot dumplings - How is this dish?

Thanks much!


New Member
October!? that's early!
I am planning my AD in May and considering Conrad as one of our choices.
and yes i agree they are not very accommodating! keep explaining that they need to keep up to standards. =(

Anybody tried their FOOD? is it comparable to eating at the restaurant (Golden Peony)?


New Member
actually benedicte quite accomodating i find.
was comparing 4seasons n conrad
4seasons deal is really 'take it or leave it'
but the coordinator is really enthu but nothing much he can do about the package.


New Member
haven met lolita. they just assigned me janice today. very strange! my colleague met up with janice but chose not to go for conrad cos of her attitude. i'm kinda worried now.


New Member
lemonmist> thou i have not met janice before but i have spoken to her when my cordinator Eng Yan was not in. She was sounded experienced and professional to me. Meet her yrself to feel for it.
I have good faith in Conrad's staffs. My AD is Jul this yr and so far I find their service top notch everytime i stepped in.


New Member
milktea> i am choosing Conrad's rectangular wedding invites. first choice is the red one.. the bronze one is also nice especially with Gold Hotstamping.,

have u chosen yrs? Btw were are u printing the cards? thinking of gg Hi-tech.. T-dragon seems very popular too..


New Member
hey dreamer11, i am a conrad btb also and so happen i was reading through Di Gio's forum and saw that you chose Di Gio! Can i email you some questions in private to ask about Di Gio? Am doing selection for bridal services.. hope you dun mind we can email each other. my email is [email protected]. Thanks!


New Member
dreamer11, i chose a mixture of the red invites and the bronze invites (for friends).

met up with Eng Yan last week, decided to take black and gold theme. hopefully its nice =)
ohh.. and red roses!


New Member
milktea20, nice! i like both the red and bronze invites. my HB likes the red more.. so we chose all same.

wow..!! i haven seen the this theme before. can show me the pics if you have any? hee..
I have yet to choose mine. when should we start to choose? when is your AD?


New Member
milktea20, nice! i like both the red and bronze invites. my HB likes the red more.. so we chose all same.

wow..!! i haven seen the this theme before. can show me the pics if you have any? hee..
I have yet to choose mine. when should we start to choose? when is your AD?


New Member
hi dreamer11,

My AD is 2 May! Haha!!
I think one of my best decision made is choosing Conrad.
I will send you the pics after my AD? Act they dun have black and gold theme, what I did was mixing the colours that they have.

Recently spoke to the operational guy, Ramesh. A handsome Indian. Heehee.. I think he will take very good care of my event =)


New Member
hi milktea20..wa...ur AD is drawing near !! i am sure u must be pretty excited now..dun mind can i also have a look at ur pics too on the black and gold theme?
yes one of my best decision is to choose conrad too!


New Member
milktea20, it's less than a mth for yr AD!! you must be very nervous! mine is like less than 3mths but still lost.. haha.. now settling the GDL stuff and AC stuff.. btw, where did u print yr wedding invites? Hi-tech or T-Dragon? are they good?

I have good faith in Conrad. we are all in good hands. same here jessy, this is one of my best decision so far. another one is my ROM, AD photographer..

Jessy, have u confirm yr BS? better choose soon! )


New Member
dreamer11..i'm coming to a decision soon on bridal svcs!! sweet of u to remember.. hey did i add u on FB? wan ask u more questions on ur bridal shop..also which AD photographer u took? wa..very excited for u too!! less than 3 mths!!! hee..
