Hi Jacquise,
We are in Grp 12. What abt you? We felt the beginning to be...boring/lame. Like it doesn't relate to the course, but that's us.
Yah, the age gap is kinda different, but I think the grouping is based on locality. Coz the presenting couple's home is quite near mine (unless I just happen to be lucky)...can't expect someone living in the east to travel to the west for home sessions etc...but having couples with differing ages can be quite interesting, coz they see things in different perspective, and I feel that having differnet age groups in the group, we can broaden our horizons as well.
Yes, you are right...marriage is a couple thing. We feel that the "couple bit" comes in when we meet up to do the couple pak. That's when we share between ourselves and discuss at length. Sure, we prob won't have the time...but that's when it becomes a committment to meet up and communicate. That's why the couple pak is impt. Sharing in the group will allow the couples to bond with one another and become friends. Through the sharings, we might also come to understand that "hey, we're not the only ones with this 'problem/issue'..." and hopefully, get some inspiration on how to communicate better. I think the sharing in the group is also to share abt how the couple face/address any differences that may have risen when they did their couple paks. Probably not so much abt the details of what the couple has discussed/written abt in the paks...
Well, we've been for EE, so MPC is kinda different...similar, yet different. MPC allows us a bit more time to put into practice what we've talked abt, before moving on to the next session. Hopefully that enthusiasm can continue. hahaha. But we've also attended other retreats like Choice where they encourage participants to share their experiences...so the MPC format is fine with us. Kinda used to it.
We feel that when we share with others, we are "forced" to face our issues. Of course, you dun have to share 100% everything...just a teeny bit. We dun like to share too much also, but it does make us face ourselves (for us lah...hehs...).
Keep an open mind. You never know what you will get out of the course...