Catholic Brides


New Member
hi petrina,

cool.. hope you had enjoyed it..

yeah same for me.. hubby & me discussed the topics in general too and i also felt its an reinforcement


New Member
Hi everyone!

Same sentiments as dreamdoll and petrina.. still wondering who was Carpediem though?

FH and I not so 'progressive' as the two of you, so most of the issues we didn't really talk them out in detail, so it was a good chance for us to be honest with each other. Praise God for this opportunity.

I'm just startled with the statistic that Father Frans de Ridder presented to us.. Divorce rate in Singapore is 40%!!!


New Member
Hi peichee,

Do you have gmail? I'm always on my gmail - there's gmail msg now can add me on, [email protected] ...might be easier! Just recently started flipping mags for church invite ideas...
how about you?

Hey June!

Yep, the divorce rate is startling! I always thought it was on the rise, but I never knew it was so high!! Anyhows, I think it was good for everyone to address the specific aspects none of us previously set aside time to discuss!

Definitely beneficial!


New Member
Hi peichee,

Do you have gmail? I'm always on my gmail - there's gmail msg now can add me on, [email protected] ...might be easier! Just recently started flipping mags for church invite ideas...
how about you?

Hey June!

Yep, the divorce rate is startling! I always thought it was on the rise, but I never knew it was so high!! Anyhows, I think it was good for everyone to address the specific aspects none of us previously set aside time to discuss!

Definitely beneficial!


New Member
hi june,

carpe diem

(kär´pĕ dē´ĕm) , a descriptive term for literature that urges readers to live for the moment [from the Latin phrase "seize the day," used by Horace]. The theme, which was widely used in 16th- and 17th-century love poetry, is best exemplified by a familiar stanza from Robert Herrick's "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" :

hi viv,

i had a wedding service.. i think the priest that will officiate your wedding is cool to say that the whole thing will be 15 - 30 mins cos its quite the norm that a service would be abt 40 mins or so....

and it may be better to have a pianist cos whether anyone is going to be singing a song for you, there are songs to be sung and a pianist or organist is still necessary leh... sorry to say that i cant imagine a wedding service without music

you are right on the difference between a mass & service.. its the absence of 'liturgy of the eucharist'. u can leave your email here or PM me and i can send you my own wedding service booklet and 1 or 2 samples from my friend...

also, since your wedding is so near, i suggest you sort out your guest list... without knowing an approximate number of the number of guests, its quite hard to get some stuff done....


New Member
Hi Minssy,

Could you share your wedding service booklet and other samples from your friend?

We are having a wedding service as well and hope to have some ideas as to what goes into the service program booklet.

[email protected]

Many Thanks!


New Member
Hi Evie,

Could you share about your flowers package with Christine (i.e. quote, flowers, types of arrangement etc.)?

We met them at the EE weekend, and they were so loving and wonderful people. We are actually considering to use them for our floral deco as well!

You can write here or email me at [email protected]



Active Member
Hi Jacquise,

We are in Grp 12. What abt you? We felt the beginning to be...boring/lame. Like it doesn't relate to the course, but that's us.
Yah, the age gap is kinda different, but I think the grouping is based on locality. Coz the presenting couple's home is quite near mine (unless I just happen to be lucky)...can't expect someone living in the east to travel to the west for home sessions etc...but having couples with differing ages can be quite interesting, coz they see things in different perspective, and I feel that having differnet age groups in the group, we can broaden our horizons as well.

Yes, you are right...marriage is a couple thing. We feel that the "couple bit" comes in when we meet up to do the couple pak. That's when we share between ourselves and discuss at length. Sure, we prob won't have the time...but that's when it becomes a committment to meet up and communicate. That's why the couple pak is impt. Sharing in the group will allow the couples to bond with one another and become friends. Through the sharings, we might also come to understand that "hey, we're not the only ones with this 'problem/issue'..." and hopefully, get some inspiration on how to communicate better. I think the sharing in the group is also to share abt how the couple face/address any differences that may have risen when they did their couple paks. Probably not so much abt the details of what the couple has discussed/written abt in the paks...

Well, we've been for EE, so MPC is kinda different...similar, yet different. MPC allows us a bit more time to put into practice what we've talked abt, before moving on to the next session. Hopefully that enthusiasm can continue. hahaha. But we've also attended other retreats like Choice where they encourage participants to share their the MPC format is fine with us. Kinda used to it.
We feel that when we share with others, we are "forced" to face our issues. Of course, you dun have to share 100% everything...just a teeny bit. We dun like to share too much also, but it does make us face ourselves (for us lah...hehs...).

Keep an open mind. You never know what you will get out of the course...


Active Member
Hi dreamdoll and peichee,

I have MSN...dunno if yahoo messenger or gmail messenging will work on my office comp. Anyway, you gals can email me at [email protected] for the MSN messenger. I'll try to see if gmail one works. hehs...


New Member
hi ladies who had requested the samples,

i will send to you all tonight when i get back.. super busy at work.. hee..


New Member
Hi ladies,
i've got a suggestion...
when u go out for ur Outdoor PS... apply SUNBLOCK! haha.. i got burnt yesterday and rashs!!! haha

amoeba8888, congrats...
heehe.. a load of ur shoulder...

hehe.. paul told u we are alike leh.. u and a and me..
the a bit xiao xiao one..heheh... u met up with him liao mah??? he enjoyed talking to u on the phone lor.. haha... we met last sat lor.. then he told me...

Did u pay for ur groomsmen and bridemaids gowns and coat or ties or anything???


New Member
hello gals!!

wah.. so many messages over 1 day only.. i'm lost liao.. haha..

for those of u who said that it was a miracle that i managed to go for EE.. its true.. FH only got a call from the army at 5pm on friday to say that his deferment has been approved.. i was praying so hard around 3 plus.. thank god it went through..

hi june and dreamdoll,

oh yah.. terri and christine are very very warm and nice ppl.. i enjoyed their sessions lots too.. though FH fell asleep in some sessions.. typical of him.. haha..

hehe.. now as i'm writing this message.. at least i can visualise how u gals look like liao.. got a face to the nicks..

if u all want.. can also add me to msn.. [email protected]

then we can chat there also..

hi evie,

which church is christine the florist for?

hi CSI,

wah.. u're going for MPC after EE.. FH can't afford to spare the time otherwise it'll be quite meaningful again i believe..


New Member
hi gals...

How's everyone...yep the thread's moving along so fast!

mgt, i made my bridesmaids' dresses and i bought our best men's ties...

petrina, will try to add u on...i don't go on to msn that much these days coz of the firewall on my work lappy...and, I'm working most of the time, so ...

wedding preps can be so exhausting yet exciting all in one!!


Active Member
hi mgt,

hahahaha...he said that ah? heehee...okie, so now i know...I sounded xiao xiao on the phone. hahahahahahaha!!!
No, haven't met up with him yet. I'm very busy lately can only meet him in March...I haven't called the other friend u recommended yet (Vincent). haiz...headache. No time...

wah...u got sunburned ah? Yesterday was SUPER HOT leh! I went for MPC (oh, D & G were there too - if u know who I'm talking abt. They were also C&A's bridesmaid and groomsman), and we walked out from SJI to the bus goodness...melting manz! You better apply lots of moisturiser to cool the skin...where did you go for your outdoor shoot?

SOme of my frens paid for the bridesmaid and groomsmen attire...some didn't. So I also dunno what's the norm....still figuring it out.

Hi Pet,
heehee...yah, I think it would be meaningful for FH and I, coz when we attended EE, we did not have the intention of getting married. We just attended to help us decide if we really want to take that next step. So now MPC would really be Marriage Preparation for us...


New Member
hi peichee,

yups.. i added u as a contact liao.. thanks gal!

hi dreamdoll,

u made ur bridesmaids dresses? serious?? wow! thats amazing.. do u have a pic of it for me to take a look? if u dun mind that is..

no worries about the msn.. actually i'm in school most of the time too... so will be online usually in the night only.. hehe..


New Member
hi peichee,

did u leave me ur details to update? i thought i saw it this evening but now when i want to update the table.. i can't seem to find it.. eh.. do u mind if u give me ur details again?

and for anyone else who wants to add their details to the table.. can list them down too?

thanks gals!!


New Member
hi mgt,

paying for best man & bridemaid's attire purely depends on how generous you are and how close you are with the person..


New Member
<table border=1><tr><td><font size="-1">Nick</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">AD</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Time</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Service or Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">MPC or EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Month of MPC or EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Caterer</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Florist</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Printer</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Evie</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">8th March 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church of the Sacred Heart</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Apr 05</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Angeli Catering</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Hooked on Flowers</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Focal Ad</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Lissa</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11th March 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Immaculate Heart of Mary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dec 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">Focal Ad</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Viv</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">25th March 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Mary's of the Angels</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">Service</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Nov 05</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Lunch at Rasa Sentosa</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church's own</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">T Dragon</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Lipstar</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">22nd April 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Anne's</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">9am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Sept 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Emma21</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">27th May 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Nativity Church</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Service</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">MPC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Apr/May 04</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">Church's own</font></TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Mountain9</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">3rd June 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church of St Francis Xavier</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dec 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Chummy</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10th June 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Holy Cross</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11.30am</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Lovebug</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">24th June 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Christ the King</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10.30am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">MPC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">May/June 05</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Luncheon at Raffles Town Club</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church's own</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">DIY</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Mgt</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">24th June 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Anne's</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">9am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">July 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">Church's own</font></TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Roses</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1st July 2006</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">10am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Aiko</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">15th July 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Nativity Church</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">9am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jun 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Roidana</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">4th Nov 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Anne's</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">9am</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Sept 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Adel</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11th Nov 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church of St Francis Xavier</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10.30am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jan 06</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">CSI Fan</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">18th Nov 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church of St Teresa</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">March 05</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Select Caterer</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Petrina</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">25th Nov 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Vincent De Paul</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Feb 06</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">Church's Own</font></TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Kyrie</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">9th Dec 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Francis of Assisi</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">MPC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Aug 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Blitz</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">9th Dec 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church of the Risen Christ</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">March/April 06</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Mudpie</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">9th Dec 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Immaculate Heart of Mary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Oct 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Carpediem</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">23rd Dec 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church of the Sacred Heart</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Feb 06</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Luncheon at Hotel</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Laluna</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">26th Dec 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Anne's</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dec 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Joanna</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">30th Dec 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Mary's of the Angels</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11.30am</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jan 06</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">Church's own</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">DIY</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Peichee</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">27th Jan 2007</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Teresa</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Service</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Ah Ping</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">5th May 2007</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church of the Risen Christ</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10am</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Last update on peichee


New Member
Hi Petrina,

Pls help to update our behalf:

Nick: dreamdoll/garcia10
AD: 21st Sep 2006
Church: Church of St Teresa
Time: 3pm
EE Feb 06
Caterer: -
Florist: TBC
Printers: TBC


New Member

We just confirmed Immaculate Heart of Mary for our wedding on 25th Nov. I'm not a catholic, so, just wondering if there's anything on my side I need to prepare??


New Member
Hi Minssy,
Received the service and mass booklets sample in my email! Thanks a lot

Btw, I notice not every booklet has Gloria in it even though the weddings were not during Lent, is it optional?


New Member
Hi Minssy,

Thanks for your service and mass booklets samples. Got them!

Btw, how did you come up with the components or order of the service in the your service booklet (as in whats portions of the mass needs to be included etc etc.)? We are having a wedding service as well instead of a mass, so we just want to check what is the standard orders to comprise a wedding service. Kinda of cluelss. Did you get advise on the order or readings from your priest? Any other info would be beneficial.

Many thanks! You can write here or at [email protected]


New Member
hi garcia,

i must say that i was pretty hardworking to understand the difference between mass &amp; service and even found a nice webbie that state the difference.. :p

i had posted up the excel spreadsheet before.. but here you go.... this will answer your question.

there are some standard readings but if you get the chance to see more booklets, you will see the few common ones cos they are probably more suitable

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Difference between wedding mass &amp; service.xls (18.9 k)</td></tr></table></center>

here are 2 more very very useful information for you guys who need more info

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Booklet outlet ( (14.4 k)</td></tr></table></center>

aiyah the 2nd one doesnt work cos its bigger than 50kb. i send to you gals later... its a good reference on where to get the readings..


New Member
Hi Garcia10,
I have sent u an email.

Hi Petrina, Christine is not tied up to any church. As far as I know she is doing florist job part time while taking care her grand daughters.


New Member
Hi minssy. Thanks for your email!

my cousin married a non catholic so she also had a service. (she married in australia) she had poems as her readings, and no holy communion; some of her songs were not so "christian" as well. anyone knows if the same can be done in singapore?

The catholic religion is a fairly touchy subject with my HTB, who is a freethinker. sigh.. any girls facing the same issue?


New Member
hi amoeba,

i tell you, its all in the approval of the priest...
la la la la la...

for me, i have holy communion cos my hubby's family are all catholics so its natural to have...i think its nice to have it too
respect mah

anyway, its a church wedding so songs are definitely 'christiany' in a way... i suggest u check with your pianist or organist or even your priest on the selection of songs...


New Member
Hi Minssy,

Thanks for the info and help! Things are abit clearer now. At least we have some background. One query: I notice that most wedding masses have a part on the lighting of the marriage candle. You did not include this portion in your service. Why may I ask? Is this part necessary and if so where do we get one of these marriage candles if you know or isit provided by the church? Isit one of those tall candles which we use over Gd Fri &amp; Easter weekends?

Sorry for all the qns, just intrigued by all these!

Hi Evie,

Got your email! Thanks so much. I have replied in return.


Active Member
Hi Garcia/Dreamdoll...(heehee...),
I think the Unity Candle bit is not compulsory. Depends on priest and the couple. For couples who want to light the candle, they would have to source for their own candles. Off hand, I can't recall where (but I think Minssy would know lah...heehee...
).'s not the tall ones used during Gd Friday and Easter. It's those normal block candle types. Think Spotlight sells some plain white / cream block candles (oblong or cylindrical)...and u can deco on your own. The couple will use normal thin white candles (say, their EE candles for eg.) to light the Unity Candle.


New Member
Anyone knows whether we still need to have 2 witnesses for the church wedding if you are already ROM?

I'm still waiting for my parish priest to call me back and confirm whether he's free on my wedding day. I cant even booked the church without confirming with the priest...argh...


New Member
Hi cookiebunny

Yes, you need 2 witnesses regardless of whether you've gone through ROM. They represent the community when they witness the exchange of vows vows and signing of the church register.

Hope you get to confirm your AD soon :)


New Member
Hi Annelise,

Thanks for the confirmation, will ask my aunt and uncle to be my witnesses

Actually I have confirmed my AD and booked the hotel, now waiting to confirm the church.
Sigh, first church we chose(also nearby to my place) is available but since I don't belong to that Parish, they advise me to check with my parish church. Now still waiting for the Parish Priest to call...keep my fingers crossed


New Member
Hi Annelise,

Is the church register the same as the marriage certificate? We intend to exchange our vows and sign our marriage certificate at the church service. Is that the reason why you need 2 witness present?



New Member
Hi Garcia

No, the church register is not the same as the marriage cert that the church issues.

The priest, the couple and the witnesses will all sign in the register.

The marriage cert on the other hand is very much like our baptism cert - no signatures, just with the details printed.

The ROM cert is another separate document. If you haven't ROMed, you'll be signing that towards the end of your service together with the register.


New Member
Hi Garcia,
One more thing to note, not all Priests can officiate(ROM) so you need to take note.
One of my friends had 2 Priests in her wedding, one to conduct the mass, the other Priest just came to officiate her marriage.


New Member
Hi cookie bunny

You're welcome :) The priest will call on them to come forward during the exchange of vows and the signing - so must remind them to sit closer at the front!

Ya, nowadays the parishes are quite strict about letting people marry in churches outside their parish. Hope you can get the church that you want to hold the ceremony in!


New Member
This website list the elements required for the nuptial mass or marriage service.;articleid=638

This is the website for the booklet and readings mentioned by Minssy. Just one note of caution, while the order is essentially the same, words for prayers &amp; readings used may vary from country to country. So stick with the S'pore examples if you can and do check with the priest. I got married in England and the wordings are slightly different from the ones used in Singapore.

Cookie Bunny, besides Lent, there's no 'Gloria' in Advent either.

Garcia10, the unity candle is not part of the marriage rite. Since its not part of the liturgy, some priest may or may not allow it. You need to ask the priest first. As for where to get them, I know you can get them in 'Tecman' in Bras Basah Complex but they are quite expensive. You could probably get simple plain ones in a dept store (sorry can't help you much here as I've not been back to SG in quite a while so have kinda lost touch with where to get things).

Amoeba8888, your fiance is Dutch yah? (Saw you on the thread for 'ang mo' htbs)
I think that most europeans don't really feel comfortable talking about God. I've been on an English wedding site and the attitute of even Catholic girls towards their own religion is so different from those on here. Probably its to do with their culture and upbringing. Sad really when europe was once a very christian continent. Don't worry too much about it. Pray for your fiance and let the Holy Spirit work on him. There is a saying that 'Prayer can move mountains'. And in the last few days (with the EE saga
), we have seen its power, for nothing is impossible with God. Someday he'll come round. God makes all things beautiful in His time.



New Member
Hi Annelise,

Hmmm... Still abit confused. Ok, we have the legal marriage certificate issued by ROM for us days before our AD. This is to be signed by the priest, the couple n witnesses rite? This document will be the official &amp; legal document by the state of spore to state that we are officially married?

And we have the church register which is also to be signed by priest, couple and witness? This is another marriage certificate to be given by the church?

We do not intend to ROM, our priest (Fr Arro) will solmenize the marriage for us.

Hi Mrs N,

Thanks for your info on the unity candle!


New Member
hi garcia,

okie.. will upload ur details in a while..

hi mudpie,

eh? i thought ur AD is 9th dec? how come changed to 25th nov liao?

want me to change it in the table too?

hi evie,

oh ic.. okie.. thanks gal..

hi amoeba,

i agree that religion is always a touchy sensitive subject.. my FH is a free thinker too.. and i know that he will not convert to be a catholic..

he has been with me to church once or twice but would always be quiet during the mass.. but over the EE weekend.. i was very surprised that during the mass on sunday.. he actually sang and said whatever was on the screen during mass!!! like 'Amen' or 'Sing alleluia to the lord'.. etc.. i was stunned but did not say anything because i wanted him to feel the atmosphere and didn't want him to know that i noticed him otherwise he'll feel embarrassed.. it was a good start.. really good start.. another miracle..

hi mrs ng,

i totally agree with u about praying and letting god work his wonders.. to be very honest.. this EE weekend has also allowed me to rekindle my passion for christ and my religion.. coz i used to not go for church for about 5 years.. then i started going back again last year but this EE weekend made me love and believe more in god once more..

HAHAHA.. i realised i sound so holy.. actually i'm not lah.. so paiseh now reading what i've written.. HEHEH


New Member
Hi amoeba and petrina,

my hb is also a free thinker. Initially faced quite abit of problems on religion issues. He was even unwilling to go for EE. After EE, he became less touchy on religion.. Alot of factors involved, but primarily coz the priest was pretty cool over the weekend, and the perception of my religion was improved after he realised that catholics are not pressing him to convert~!

God works his ways, and if we let Him, things will work out for us one way or another.
