Catholic Brides


New Member
Hi AhJo,

Sounds good! Any tips for what we should bring or anything?



New Member
It’s a Croquembouche; each w 100 profiteroles, pictured above. They have other 'sizes' 40+ ($50); 80($100); 100($150) etc...
Brown too light? They used a piece of cloth to provide a colour 'switch' from the pew's brown to green. You can try out different coloured materials when you're there under actual lighting conditions Sunday morning after mass. I'd avoid red and pink colours generally as you'd get much of these there already Christmas season.

Yes, in fact any color theme you want.
Different shades of a colour or two, each profiterole unique. Couples would need to visit them and discuss about the design. Maybe even a cross between a Christmas tree and Wedding cake in Petrina's case.

Not my wedding but one I photographed at Burkill Hill. :p The couple had 3 sets. One for the couple to bite (cut) together and another 2 next to each buffet desert spread.

HVD to all lovebirds,
Simon Lee


New Member
Hi Dreamdoll

Guess i got no tips to give ah ...just bring an open heart and mind to the course =") Its like a retreat for u and your partner

Guess it would be a beneficial course to you too


Active Member
Hi Jacquise,

I remember u mentioned that you are going for the MPC that starts in Feb (this Sunday)...?

Did you receive a call from them? Which group will you be in?


New Member
Hi CSI...

i got VG and PG to recommend to u though.. all these pple are friends of A and me
Paul goh is good.. plus he is catholic.. so he would know the boundaries of the altar..
he also altar server b4.. so even better
he super know when the important parts of a wedding mass are lor

VG is Vincent chan
happy.gif Also catholic..
hehee... they are my group of close friends lor
can try them lah

My dinner will be at Grand Copthorne WaterFront
heheh.. June 24th lor..
4more months.. but like very long.. yet very short lor
hahah.. trying to get my guest list out liao lor...
then can RSVP ASAP
hate the guest list!


New Member
Hi all,

I've just confirmed my booking with Immaculate Heart of Mary Church for my wedding in Nov. Can anyone share with me details of the church deco?? Is there anyone florist to recommend?



New Member
hi Ahjo,

can i ask if all the sessions are conducted in aircondition rooms and is it cold? my FH is terribly afraid of the cold and will usually have runny nose when he is in aircon areas.. so i'm pretty worried for him.. should we all bring sweaters to EE too?


hi simon,

i've contacted the patissier already and will be receiving a reply from them soon.. thanks!

oh.. and for colour wise.. i think i'm pretty torn between shades of blue + white or pastel + shades of white.. dilema..

i agree that red and pink are over used during the christmas season but its mostly a gal's favourite colour.. hehe.. though blue is mine favourite colour..


hi june,

bad news.. i may not be able to go for EE this weekend.. haiz.. FH got a letter last week wed for his reservist briefing this sat and he's already sent in the deferment letter but the stupid operator still says its pending!!!

how can it still be pending after a week?? its so ridiculous and i'm so mad at MINDEF.. hrump!!


Active Member
Hi mgt,

Oh is it?? Yeah!! okie...thanks for the recommendation!! A's frens too? okie, then easier to talk also...hehs
...I went to Paul Goh's website...but can't seem to find any pictures on weddings leh...

Aiyah, your messages got lots of
coz you are a cheery person mah...
4 months more...enjoy single-hood while u can! After that, cannot call "Miss" already...

Hi mudpie,
good to see you here again! Glad to hear that you have settled your church venue too!!
I've been so busy lately, that I haven't had the time to visit the Imagegarden thread...I only come by this thread and the Nov06 thread...
ok, ok...think I shd go there and see what you or Augustina have posted...heehee...


Active Member
Hi Pet,

Yap, it can get quite cold...esp the rooms you'll be putting up in. I remember during my EE, I was in the 6-bedder room (there were 4 of us) and the air con was on pretty low temp. But, as we're all strangers, everybody felt "pai seh" to increase the temp - coz we didn't know who wanted the low temp. End up, all suffered coz all couldn't take the cold...hahaha. Best part - it rained heavily during the it was super cold!

Yap, they're all in air con rooms, so it's good to bring along a sweater/jacket, just in case...


New Member
Hi Pet,

i shared a 2-bedder room with a roommate... very easy going lady. And the first thing we agreed on after saying hello... is... "if the aircon's too hot/cold, just adjust the temp.. no need shy!" haha... and yes, the aircon in the bedrooms and the main halls are colddddddd.... so do bring sweater.


New Member
hi minnsy,
i also dunno leh... super tired at work liao stillcan smile so much... haha
smiling good mah...

hi CSI,
paul goh does wedding shoots lor...u can arrange a time to meet him, then he can show u the albums lor... that wat he usuually does also lo...
pgrapher must click lor... then pics can come out nice...


New Member
hi missy,

FH already sent in a deferment letter along with the confirmation letter we received from EE.. but till today..there has still been no news.. i'm really worried and we might have to forfeit the deposit that we paid for EE.. haiz..

hi CSI and roidana,

thanks for the info about the aircon.. hahah.. CSI.. u all so funny!! freezing in the room..

actually i too am curious about the number of couples that will be there over an EE weekend.. maybe u could roughly tell us how many?

thanks gals..


New Member
HI petrina

sorry for the alte reply and my reponse is the same as others bring a sweater along it can be quite cold..=")

Cheers enjoy ur EE camp


New Member
hi mgt,

good good.. keep the spirits up! how i miss my wedding preps! whaahahaha

hi petrina,

call mindef and bug and bug. anyway, for such cases, the EE committee may reschedule you.. its really case by case basis..... for now, you just gotta be more proactive and BUG MINDEF! wahahahhaha


New Member
Hi! am new here..
any one going for Q3 MPC?
My FH is not catholic - but thank god he is willing to come with me. Heard the MPC is not so much abt the bible and church. is that true?

i've just been told my parish church is undergoing renovation during the month of my wedding, and they asked me to check other churches.. sigh.. such a pity..


New Member
hi amoeba,

most of us here goes for EE but you may wanna check the past 2 or 3 archives for the table. if your details are confirmed, you may wanna share so that our honorary secretart can update *blink at petrina*

MPC in my personal is more of personal sharing cos you will share with a small group of people. if you are the shy type, go for EE. if you are very on, go for both

as for your parish, guess you gotta call a few. check it out on our table and i am sure it will give you some read up.. there are good info here


Active Member
Hi mgt,
yah...I guess so lorh. I've emailed Paul Goh, but think I'll SMS him at the same time too lah (think I spelt ur name wrongly in my email to him manz...hahaha. so sorry!).

Hi Pet,
yah lorh...can't believe it manz. The next morning at bfast, we were laughing at ourselves...hahaha. Dun think EE will forfeit your payment lah. They are not so rigid / unreasonable...pray abt it. Mindef may just call u guys the day before (sometimes they also last minute one, right?)

Hi amoeba888,
Welcome to this fun thread!!
Oh...which parish are you from? So where are you looking at or have found?


New Member
hey gals...

wow, this thread is running fast!
yep I'm kinda excited at EE tomorrow too! Okies, will take note and bring a sweater or something...

Hi amoeba...Hope u find a church soon!


New Member
Hi Minssy: Thanks! the wedding is fixed for 30 Sept 06. Have already been to EE
really good. Sorry am new - what is "the table"?

Hi CSI: From Church of the holy cross... Am trying st ignatius now cos parents got married there. If really no churches left, i have the option of holding it in a chapel at Choice house - just that it can only accommodate 120 people. keeping my fingers crossed!

Dreamdoll: you will love EE!


Active Member
Hi amoeba888,

So you are like me...I went for EE and now going for MPC (but we're going for Q1 MPC).
Heehee...we've done Choice, EE, now MPC...hahaha. and probably ME 5 years later...

Another similarity:- I'm also from Holy Cross!! hahaha.
Well, the chapel at Choice Retreat House is very cosy, but small lorh.
Hmmm...a parish in the west area would be better for u, right? Good luck in your search! It'll all work out well.

BTW, "the table": there's a list / table of the Catholic BTBs in this thread...with details like date of wedding, church, florist, caterer....If it's not in this page, u gotta scroll through one of the archives to see it. With that table, at least we know who will be having mass/service at the same parish etc, and can share info...


New Member
<table border=1><tr><td><font size="-1">Nick</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">AD</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Time</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Service or Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">MPC or EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Month of MPC or EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Caterer</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Florist</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Printer</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Evie</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">8th March 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church of the Sacred Heart</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Apr 05</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Angeli Catering</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Hooked on Flowers</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Focal Ad</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Lissa</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11th March 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Immaculate Heart of Mary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dec 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">Focal Ad</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Viv</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">25th March 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Mary's of the Angels</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">Service</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Nov 05</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Lunch at Rasa Sentosa</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church's own</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">T Dragon</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Lipstar</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">22nd April 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Anne's</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">9am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Sept 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Emma21</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">27th May 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Nativity Church</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Service</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">MPC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Apr/May 04</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">Church's own</font></TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Mountain9</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">3rd June 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church of St Francis Xavier</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dec 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Chummy</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10th June 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Holy Cross</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11.30am</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Lovebug</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">24th June 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Christ the King</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10.30am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">MPC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">May/June 05</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Luncheon at Raffles Town Club</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church's own</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">DIY</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Mgt</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">24th June 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Anne's</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">9am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">July 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">Church's own</font></TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Roses</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">1st July 2006</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">10am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Aiko</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">15th July 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Nativity Church</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">9am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jun 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Roidana</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">4th Nov 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Anne's</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">9am</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Sept 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Adel</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11th Nov 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church of St Francis Xavier</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10.30am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jan 06</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">CSI Fan</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">18th Nov 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church of St Teresa</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">March 05</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Select Caterer</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Petrina</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">25th Nov 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Vincent De Paul</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Feb 06</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">Church's Own</font></TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Kyrie</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">9th Dec 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Francis of Assisi</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">MPC</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Aug 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Blitz</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">9th Dec 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church of the Risen Christ</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">March/April 06</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Mudpie</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">9th Dec 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Immaculate Heart of Mary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Oct 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Carpediem</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">23rd Dec 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church of the Sacred Heart</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Feb 06</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Luncheon at Hotel</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Laluna</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">26th Dec 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Anne's</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10am</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Mass</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Dec 05</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Joanna</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">30th Dec 2006</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">St Mary's of the Angels</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">11.30am</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">EE</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Jan 06</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD><font size="-1">Church's own</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">DIY</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font size="-1">Ah Ping</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">5th May 2007</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Church of the Risen Christ</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">10am</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>


New Member

wah.. i tell u.. my FH called MINDEF up everyday asking about it.. today called twice somemore.. they return call saying its still pending.. argh!!

haha.. honoury secretary ah? HAHAHAH.. no lah!! but i sure got ur hint!! see see?? thats why the table is up liao.. hehe..

so sad if i can't go for this EE weekend.. then i won't get to see dreamdoll.. june.. haiz..

worst is that i can't get any quality time with my FH then..


New Member
Hi Petrina,

The next time you update the table above, can add in my Caterer as Mum's Kitchen and florist as Font Creative. Thanks!

3 more weeks to go.... I think i've pretty much covered all the bases. Now mainly left with RSVPs and dinner table seating and briefing of helpers and... alamak, like quite a lot of things to do still man!



New Member
hi lissa,

sure.. i'll update ur details the next time i upload the table..

gals going for EE this weekend.. looks like i can't make it already.. MINDEF says its still pending and i wanted to call them but FH doesn't want me to call.. he says that he'll call them BUT.. he is just too gentle and not firm enough.. argh!!! its so frustrating!!


New Member
chummy: if you are interested, I know the person running choice house. the chapel is very nice and cosy. that will be my first choice if the chapel was a little bigger...
And they have an area outside - may be able to do reception.


New Member
hi petrina,

pray abt it before you call

and your hubby cant procrastinate for such thing lah.. and i know you are very excited abt this EE so... well, pray first lah..


New Member
hi gals,
my wedding is in another 5weeks and i hvn't done the mass/service booklet yet.

Anybody has samples i can have a look?
I dunno how long it'll take to print the booklet and I also dunno how many sets to prepare ...
Usually how many pp attend the church wedding part? Thinking of printing around 50, shd be enough right?


New Member
hi viv,

sound to me like your guest list for church is not very confirmed yet?

is yours gonna be a service or mass? there is a diff leh..

also, printing for 50 means that you probably only have abt say, 70 guest? note that you must print a few extra copies for the priest, yourselves, your pianist, choir leader and the person in charge (main church helper).


New Member
hi gals,
does anyone of you know whether it is possible that we hold a wedding ceremony on a sunday? Pls enlighten.


New Member
hi missy!!

I'm back!!! so happy that my FH managed to get the approval at 5pm on friday evening.. then it was a mad pack and rush to EE liao.. hehe

met june and dreamdoll there.. it was really good quality time spent with my FH.. but actually we've almost discussed most of the topics that were covered already.. still.. it was further reinforcement..

hi aiko,

i think this topic was talked about before and from what i remembered.. it differs from church to church but most churches do not allow weddings to be on a sunday..

better to call the church to find out..


New Member
I haven't even sent my invitation card yet.
Mine's gonna be a service coz i'm not Catholic.
Got my bf to buy the 'book' from his church's bookshop to help with the booklet-making.

There won't be any pianist or choir leader at the moment. Since the priest said it's gonna be fast (15-30min), we decided not to hire pianist.

But the funny thing is, my church choir (i'm christian) is going to attend and sing a song for us during the wedding. So my church pianist will be there, but i haven't checked with her if she coudl play for the wedding (might as well, rite) hehehee.....

Since very few of the Brides are having service, could i just take samples of the mass booklet and just edit out the eucharist part? I was told that Eurcharist is the only difference between the 2.
Does the fact that the wedding will be near 'easter', is there any word that i shd not used? I was told once, but i forgot what 'word' it is.


New Member
glad to hear that you were able to attend the EE session over the weekends. Guess that miracle is happening in this instance.

And i understand that most chuches do not allow wedding ceremony to be held on sundays. wonder if there will be exceptions. may need to change my date...


Active Member
Hi viv,

Is ur wedding during the season of Lent? Coz if I remember correctly, no "Gloria" or "Alleluia" is said or sung during is to check with the church.


Active Member
Hi Pet,
good to hear that you could attend EE and enjoyed it. It's really God's work. He probably also wanted u to turn to Him and rely on Him...

Hi aiko,
My friend had his wedding at Risen Christ on a Sunday. Not sure if they still allow it. You can check with them...


New Member
Hi Petrina!!

I'm back!
Was good meeting you and June there too...t'was an intensive weekend but very fulfilling and fruitful!

Similarly, me and FH had discussed most of the issues before, but this reinforces everything and also makes us reflect more on certain aspects which we had not previously touched on specifically...overall though, it was a weekend well spent!


New Member
hi girls, glad that you guys enjoyed EE weekend. Terence &amp; christine are one of the presenters right? i love them to bits....actually christine is my church florist and she is very very helpful. Anyway, I am happy that you guys survived!


New Member
Hi CSI fan,

How did u find the 1st session of MPC today? Out of curiosity, which grp are u in? But i find it quite weird that the age gaps of the couples are pretty huge and we have to share within the grp. I tot marriage is more a couple thing...


New Member
Hi evie!

Yep I agree Terence and Christine are such wonderful pple!! Haha, I didn't think I could survive it, but now that it's over I feel that time just flew by and thinking back, it would have been nice for time to halt at cetain periods


New Member
Dreamdoll &amp; CSI,

Sorry..MIA for quite sometime..was quite busy w work actually. Have yet to decide which florist to take, mine AD is still far away, so will sort out only when it's getting nearer.

btw, u gals have any march in ideas (church) to share with me? also, how about the church invites, where did u gals print that?
