(2012) 2012 Brides to be


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Eve: wow.. if so there's alot of you going to be neighbour~

P-Lyn: welcome~!! have you check if they still have the date you want?? this days good date run out real fast


New Member
Hi all,I am a 2012 bride to be,my rom and actual day will be on 31st March 2012,nice to meet all of you here


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mag: im fine with anytime. if weekday then night(wed n fri i cant make it due to classes), if weekends, then either is fine.


New Member
magdal> haha yup... it's the BTO project name..
we have punggol arcadia, punggol regalia and ours is punggol residences.. =)
all these 3 are jus ard the punggol mrt.. haha...


New Member
I'm oso going to be Punggol resident...
Got a flat at Punggol Breeze...

Btw... am in doubt of what to prepre next... anyone can help?
My AD is on Jan... settled banquet booking, PS shoot, PG, VG


Von: breeze progress sudd v fast..! did u login into hdb to see whether ur estimated date is push forward?

btw, for those looking for PG, i found this PG.. while looking at MUA Sandy's website...

his rates is $650 nett for up to 10 hours. incl quite a few freebies too. wat do u all think of his work? i'm considering getting him....


New Member
Von: soo good~ mine still a patch of grass~ lolxx

Bem: you getting Sandy for your make up??

Hi Hucklebeary~ have you book your venue?

GErs: lets meet on 1st week of June, weekend- sat? sun? eveing at 1-carmel?


New Member
heya dawn hucklebeary ! welcome !

TW is a nice plc =) not a bad plc to take photos . but some might feel its a tad overused.

bem: his stills are quite nice ! .. for his price quite ok. Does he have more actual day shots? Think that will give you a clearer picture. =)

anyone has any ideas for how to negotiate at the bride shop? Going down this Sat to select photos, quite afraid I end up topping up to some horrible amt. or get into a fight =S


New Member
v0n> maybe u can start doing some of the DIYs?
like ur jiemei wristband, angbao box, guest pens, etc if u wan to DIY...
or research on GDL stuff? where to buy the cakes etc..


New Member
chin: just stick to your budget? cos honestly, alot of my married friends just told me that, end up, how many times will u really take out ur wedding album to see?? so dont top up so much n waste your money! haha, so i try to keep reminding myself this, n will remind myself when i select my pics!


New Member
hello and welcome to Hweeling, Doris, Hucklebeary, Dawnlim, PrincessLyn and Renee!
sorry if i missed out anyone, keke, its getting merrier n merrier in this thred! **yay**


New Member
v0n: yup, like julia mentioned, if u hv any DIY stuffs can start doing them alr. hmmm, jie mei wrist bands or do a search on JM's dresses n XD's shirts if u r getting for them? yup, and the wedding cakes n stuffs? all can just run a trial search then at least u agar know where or what to buy as the days get nearer.


New Member
Borrow this from Shanna,

hello all fellow brides to be Hweeling, Doris, Hucklebeary, Dawnlim, PrincessLyn and Renee!

So exciting to log in and see the different things we are discussing about! didnt know that there are so many respects to planning for our big days!


magdal: nope. i was jus surfing.. den saw her site got this PG..
u have any comments on Sandy?
I'm still looking for MUA... found quite a few.. anyone heard of Cyndi Yeap? her price is quite reasonable..
Chinzilla: thks! good to know tat someone finds his pics ok too. i shd be taking him! haha...


New Member
thx shanna.! im going to try my v best to keep within budget. Going to see if they have a soft copy option. Coz i oso hear from brides that they dont look at the albumn anymore.

von" can relax abit too! when the PS etc starts, then no time to rest =)

Bem: its quite value. Just a note, there was no biz reg number provided by the PG. Maybe you can check if they have one?

Or else make sure that everything is down in black and white and get their i/c or address? I may be being paranoid, but if there they arent a registered biz, you cant issue a small claims if anything goes wrong *touch wood* just to protect your self .


princesslyn: thks! i will go check her out soon! was she recommended by ur fren or something? when's ur AD?

i'm on of the earliest brides in 2012 and i haven found so many stuff yet. all of u here are FAST!!


chinzilla: check w u, normally those freelance PG, do they hav biz reg number??

i tot alot of these freelance PG, they do photography on their weekends? so its normal tat they do not hav biz reg rite?


New Member
Hi all brides!

just want to check with everyone, for the prewedding album, they are usually the very bulky type right? anyone seen any studio or PG who offers like coffeetable album for prewedding photography? I want something light and portable to bring ard instead of those heavy bulky type. for my AD, my PG is offering me coffeetable album. However, my PG told me that coffeetable for AD is fine cos can have it light hearted with many pages to document the event.. 40pages onwards, but for prewedding to be on coffeetable, it wouldnt look so magnificent and will have to top up like a lot more pictures before they look nice in a coffeetable album.. any brides out there who has done that for prewedding?

Hi Bem and YX, yeah most of the PGs and VGs out there are freelancers so no registration and they are usually much cheaper. It really has to be based on trust. When I signed up with my PG, he wasnt registered so I engaged his services at a very reasonable rate. My PG informed all his existing clients through email that he has registered his company and will be official soon, so it is really good for me in a sense.

Bem if you are still looking for a PG, let me know, I can forward you his package


minmin: yup! pre-wedding is generally the bulky type.. more grand, and with everyone flipping it violently on your AD, it won't spoil easily also.. haha. and yeps, i also agree that a coffeetable for AD will be quite nice too.. cos AD is more about the "story"... the remembrance of events that happened.. yup! just a thought...

magdal: me too! but i think to save money, i'll just use my BS one. oh well!


New Member
Hi bem, nobody recommend her to me but i see the hairstyles and makeup she done for her clients really nice so i decided to engage her. going for my trial in mid May.

my AD is 5 Jan 2012. i am going for my photoshoot at taiwan early May and will be renting gowns from them for my AD. i have found my PG, VG and MUA for my AD. as for my banquet, most probably confirming with ST soon!

when is your AD? what are the things that you are still sourcing for?


New Member
princesslyn: ive seen sanlia works b4, i think hers also not too bad.
im quite keen on either cleo chang or jovie from the little brush makeup.


minmin: i've attended a fren's wedding with coffeetable album on display. i'm not sure issit cos of the photos of the album type, but overall it wasnt v attractive...
my fren's photos is all v journalistic type. those black n white type.. den plus is on those thin paper.. and i was quite scared to slip the pages too. seems quite flimsy. i tink its better to take the hard cover album.. and jus my view, dun hav all ur photos in black and white.. looks v dull and all photos look too similar...

yupyup do PM me ur PG. or if u wan, can put in this forum too.! thks!!

princesslyn: saw sanlia's website. looks good!! how's her charges like? u book all other stuff first b4 booking ur venue? wat if cannot find venue? den u gotta inform all the PG MUA etc etc... hey my AD is jus 2 days after yours!!! hmm i tot trial is usually much closer to AD cos ur hair and skin will change by then?

shanna: i oso saw cleo's website. think u mentioned her so i went to check her out. i dunno but her photos looks photoshoped?? alot of her photos are blurred close up pics taken v artistically.. not as naturally taken as sanlia.. anw i emailed her.. and i find her reply quite unfrenly and not as sincere as others.. haa.. so i'm not considering her :p


New Member
bem: yup freelacers norm dun have a reg . no. tho some do eventually. just wanted to highlight so that u can protect urself as much as u can !

alot of the AD PGs do coffee book. tho its better to have a mix? just for visual sake.?

hotpress quality can be suspect too, as the edges tend to fray =(


New Member
Chin: okie~ 4 june~

YX: want meimei cant save $$~ lolx

how is Cherry Au service?

gers can intro me your VG and PG. i'm lost choosing and finding~


New Member
Hi everyone

I have just book my wedding banquet with Traders Hotel. Anyone gt any comment on Traders Hotel and anything to take note?

My AD is in Sep 2012. Abit confuse on how to start planning. Any advise?


New Member
Dear all,im new to dis thread
juz wondering if any of u haf any actual day photographer to recommend..we r looking for one for our wedding
hope to hear frm u all sn..


New Member
Dear Nicole

I have engaged a free-lance photographer during my ROM last year. Was introduce by my bridal shop.

Was very pleased with his service. Initially agree with only 2 hrs of his service and already paid for his 2hrs of service. But the ceremony was delay and he actually stay beyond 2hrs without asking us for additional charges. But me and my hubby decided to pay him for the additional half an hr. He also came early before our confirmed timing to take photos around our venue.


New Member
Hey corrina, thx for ur reply..wad r the charges like?

Sheman,the MUA is included in my bridal package,juz nt the actual day photographer


New Member
bem: cos her photos are all taken by the PGs, she works with those PGs thus, most of her pics are taken from them.

Corrina, Nicole,sheman: welcome!

nicole: this is my AD PG, u can check him out and see if he suits you.u can take a look at his FB for more of his works.


Mag: 4th June shld not be a prob to me, will be attending myself since the hubs is still overseas.


New Member
bem, sanlia's charges close to $600 for day/night including trial. i would need to do the trial first in order to confirm my AD slot. i want to confirm early with her because her rates is rising. as for my banquet, i have reserved the date with the hotel and will be making deposit in two weeks time. so everything will be confirmed by then.


New Member
hi nicole, i have a freelance PG to recomend u which i have engaged him for my AD. can pm me your email address so that i can give u his contacts? thanks!


New Member
Princesslyn: cant pm u..but herez my email add [email protected].. thx thx

Shanna: thx for the welcome
n the link too..

This seems like a really happening forum..hahaha..haf all of u been chatting for a long time already?..hahaha


princesslyn: so if u doing your trial in may, den will u have another trial nearer your AD?

sanlia's price for me is around $350 onli.. cos my is 1 MU + a change of hairdo..


New Member
Bem: Thanks for sharing about your thoughts on coffeetable album for AD.. I forgot about the aspect of being passed ard for viewing..so need something sturdy.. I pmed you my PG, but he is not a freelancer, so the price might be out of your budget. nonetheless is good to compare and give ourselves more options!

Hi Nicol, if you want I can email you on my PG too! this is the link to my PG:

Seems like Sanlia is not bad.. shall go take a look.. though I am quite decided on Jovie.. but wedding still more than a year away so sld be ok to search slowly.. :p


New Member
Bem, i will only be doing 1 trial in May. not doing another 1 nearer my AD. i guess should be no problem for her to style my hair as i will show her pic of how i want it to be. yours $350 is cheap. so u going to engage sanlia?
