(2006) Brides of year 2006


New Member
hi brightstar... your photos are nice... the background is NTU right? look so familiar to me haha... me also set up a wedding blog for my hubby...

for VIP tables - usually two tables... 1 is for groom's family + relatives, bride also sits in this table... then the other table is for bride's family + relatives...

hi apple... u better call BS to chase them...

hi gals... care to share your PS photos with me? my email is [email protected]


New Member
hmmp...thot tingz request for town venue coz vines too far for her? and the earliest she can reach is 7pm to 730pm for vines since she cuming from bedok...


New Member
waiwai's explaination for the 2 VIP tables is correct. if there are 2 VIP tables, it mean the bride's parents & relatives will not be sitting with the bride & groom.. the latter will sit with the groom's relatives & parents.

that is why, some couples prefer to just hv 1 VIP table. so that parents of both side can sit together with the couple.

1 or 2 VIP tables, no fix rule.


New Member
the latest list is:

3. Tingz - late
4. Ng car?
5. Wenn?
6. Ice
7. Elsie?
8. TANSY wait for update in SHA after 27th November

dunno got changes bo.


New Member
MIL said my parents cannot sit with them bcoz this is Singapore practice at the same time she mentioned that here normally give the other VIP table to the bride’s family. I have less then ten family members will be coming from Malaysia. In that case, I cannot fill the VIP table so can I invite my very good friend to sit in?


New Member
shirley, just tell your MIL the hotel is giving only 1 VIP table. that solve the problem.

u defintely have more than 1 very good friend right or mutal friends. if so, those that u do not invite to sit at VIP table will get upset.


New Member
MIL knew there are two VIP table.

MIL wants to put some of the groom's relative to the bride table.

So, i suggested to her, in that case let my parents sit with me, then the balance seat up to her to allocate.

But she kept mentioend that Singapore practice is to give one table is for bride family, since it is for bride's family, it is only for bride's relatives and friends.


New Member
then maybe u can also tell ur MIL, since she says the table should be for brides friends and family, why should the groom's side friends and family go over?


New Member
for me i worry my parents will feel left out sitting in the other table alone. I am sure they'll love to be by my side before I get married off. My PIL leave it to us to decide on this..but best to check with your PIL first to see if they mind...keke..checking out the blogs now...thanks for sharing.

Here's mine www.winter24wedding.blogspot.com. Nothing impressive la..just a place for me to vent my frustrations when doing the wedding preps alone...cos my hubby got tired of my nagging liaoz. =P so ke lian hor? xin ku mei ren zhi~ keke.


New Member
Keke..sorrie..a bit long winded..brightstar, where is that place u took the kelong pics? Very nice...i wanna go there someday to take fotos wif fh also.


New Member
hey ting.. reading ur blog now... very interesting! hee...

are ur rings from SooKee and the GDL stuff from that shop in City Square?


New Member
Diana VERY biz but she said mon she on one.

I try check with Wenn and Ng car I dun have her no..will check with Diana tonight.

Elsie..dun think she back yet...from goldcoast

Ice should be okay...slightly late.

approximate about 5 pax confirmed.

Tingz..you forgot add MY NAME...I am in the 5 pax list.


New Member
to tingting, seriously my wife's name is same as u....i love ur blog cos ur photos are really sharp...when can we see ur wedding photos?

to waiwai, u r really very pretty!!! and ur hubby is handsome too... :D when i load ur wedding page, there seems to be some error to plugins...u using wordpress?...

yup, it is in ntu..so is it u tag at my chatbox? "shirley"? :p thanks for tagging

to diamond, i agree with u totally...those not invited will be upset....dont know for long..even maybe for a few years..."sigh

to Shirley, hehe...i think after preparing so much for 1 year, i would also love to share with the other brides and grooms (any other groom?) ...see if can contribute some ideas to help other wedding couple....wedding preparation is not easy...wondering how many of u will agree with me? :p


New Member
hahahah Ribbons, i like what you said

Thank you Tingting, ya check with my PIL first, think let my husband talk to them.


New Member
ting ting: u r very pretty in ur gown...i saw that ur blog sidebar went below...i think ur photo for "food tasting at chijmes" is too long..make it shorter (within the post width) then everything should be ok


New Member
to shirley, precisely...cos i think not alot of people around us know what to do etc...so like for this thread..i think we r all in the same excited mood cos our wedding is coming... :D


New Member
to waiwai: the first time i click on ur wedding blog, i can see ur beautiful wedding photo

but the second time i click, my system hangs saying error when browsing page..hmmmm? :?


New Member
hi brightstar... thanks for your compliment! the website would prompt viewer to to click "ok" at the pop-up window to play the music (our first march-in song!)... it is a free website, not using wordpress.. oops i was not the one who tag in your chatbox :p

so your fiancee is from hong kong? actually i was born in hk too... heng my parents say no need to go back hk to have 2nd round of wedding dinner...

the web site is linked to my wedding blog http://wkswwedding.blogspot.com/ ..those who are interested may go to the blog straight..


New Member
ribbons... thanks! i love my wedding gown at the first sight!

tingting... thanks for sharing your blog... your pictures are very nice, especially those at the waterfall...

brightstar... oops... my web sites give u so much problem ah? also dunno why haha.. hope the blogspot one not so problematic..


New Member
ribbons, ya my rings are from Soo Kee. Sent them in for some repair..have not collected them yet. I only got to own them for a few days. hee. My GDL items are from this wedding shop in Holiday Plaza..not cheap though..we spent RM$160+ just on some simple items. Anyway glad my GDL is already over...one thing less to worry. Looking at your blog now...you guys are so Xing Fu and you look real sweet. All the best to your wedding! Share some pics of your lovenest if possible okie.

brightstar, thanks thanks..blush* hehe. Ya, I noticed that the sidebar will go below..dunno how to correct it though. As for the food tasting picture...din wan to make it too small cos scared people can't see what the dishes are..but u're right, it looks kinda wierd. Your blog is real informative...if only I've known your blog earlier...I had such a hard time hunting high and low for those customary rules and regulations. Keke.


New Member
cat, mai an nia lah...i was rushing my 2nd big boss slides juz nw wen u msn me lah....

btw, i only hv wendy number but nt Ng Kar one leh

the last i told wendy is triple 3 and she say take her as onz first and if she cant make it due to cant find nanny for baby then she will inform lor....so nw venue confirm is vines rite....ok ok...will check wif her again....and will get back by latest 2molo ok....


New Member
Ting... u reading my blog now? But i never post the link to my blog.. someone else is it? sorry to pop ur bubble but maybe i not as sweet as u think.. hee...


New Member
tingting... thanks! all the best to your wedding too! actually my blogspot is linked to another blog on "our love nest", which has link to love nest photo album... haha so many link here and there... if u can't find, let me know hehe
then for your blog, i guess if u reduce the size of the food tasting picture (use HTML coding) then the side bar would turn back to normal.. just a guess..

shirley... thanks for sharing your photos.. your gowns are pretty... i would not dare to wear those as my tummy got chicken pox scars haha.. u really look great!

think it is great to keep a wedding blog, so that next time can refresh the fond memories of wedding preparation, and also help friends who are preparing for their wedding! so letz keep updating our blogs


New Member
Same pronouciation ma..anything that's a nick right?

I will know your name Monday ma...so than Ng Car Or Ng Kar..same same la!


New Member

Me on for monday, 27/11 right...
But what is vines?
i read from above its at novena...
then meet what time? then how i find you all

CAT i PM you my msn.

Diana cannot PM you ptely.
