(2004) Brides of year 2004


New Member
cawaii: U were sick in Venice and Rome ah??? I was ok, but after Venice, I was sick liao, cough badly while in Rome and Florence. Luckily Italy was the last 3rd country before we came back to Sg. I think it's coz the water in Venice was dirty and it's a breeding ground for germs and on top of that Venice was so packed with tourists, so it's easier to catch flu from someone else. Did you drink from the drinking fountain?? Yeah...bought the cheapest mineral water in Tuscany. It was less than 2SGD for 6 bottles of 2L mineral water!!!

I agree with you that Switzerland was ex. We did not go to any mac, but looking at how much a meal cost we know that it's a few times more ex than here. We went to chinese restaurant in Switzerland, not very good and ex. I think generally the chinese restaurants in europe weren't very good. The taste is different and caters to the local. We been to a few chinese restaurants in Europe and the best so far was the one in Brussels. London was ok, Paris was bad, Vienna and Switzerland was not that good either.

Eastern Europe is beautiful!!!! I can't agree more. Prague is magically beautiful. While in Prague, we took a mini train, those that had wheels to travel up prague castle and it was a spectacular view from the top. We took a river cruise too to see Charles Bridge and when the city was illuminiated when dark falls, it was soooo beautiful. We took quite a number of pictures on board the boat where they have musicians to play string instruments for us while we sipped wine and enjoyed the scenery. Go to Hungary if you visit eastern europe. It's comparable to Prague, if not more. We went to its Capital, Budapest. Also took a cruise along the Danube river, and had a buffet dinner on board. The chain bridge connecting Buda and Pest was very beautiful when it lit up at night. In fact I enjoyed Prague and Budapest more than Venice. It's really a good trip, once it's not enuff. I think we look forward to visit europe again. Like u said, think won't be in the near future, coz if baby comes along, then would be difficult to travel far.

My AD pics are ready. If keen to see, I can send u the link.


New Member
wow, so nice of yr hotel .. i'm still waiting for my hotel to call me coz i'm supposed to pay my 2nd deposit this tue .. haha

oh ... sounds so lovely .. hee ..

yah, keep in touch after our wedding, so nice to meet u all here!

hmmm .. outdoor for me! thanks!


New Member

oic. same lor. she is also one of my jie mei lor...

hi cooldevil/oraia,

i just came back from bintan...err...quite boring leh haha...


u going to the fair?? where u going for honeymoon...


New Member
morning everyone, my PS went kinda smoothly, except the hairstyle bit of a headache cos din like what the MUA did, anyway kept changing it till it was ok lor...din take our own pics cos too busy :p so sad....prefer the outdoor more cos not so posey, dun even mind doing it again hehehehe my BS was very nice, cos only my hb could go down to collect it the day before, she loan me 6 sets of accessories and even a tiara, tho i wasn't planning to wear it...now just gotta hope that the pics turns out well

may not be able to make it this fri leh....confirm by wed...


New Member
Ohaiyo gozaimasu

Carole pls send me the sample too [email protected]

twinkle, i have postpone my PS to Sept due to eye infection. i ask the BS and they say that they have no prob in preparing the photo so i think shouldnt be a prob la hor?

ya it would be nice to keep in touch with everyone of u. it would be great to see everyone of u in person. looking forward to meeting u gals on 19 Aug...


New Member
good morning gals...

sorrie, was too busy on friday to come in to chat... let me go have my breakfast then catch up with the postings here...


New Member
Morning ladies, hows your weekends?

Our outing willbe this friday, so excited. Brambles, have not seen you around...

Hi Shern, good to hear that u enjoyed PS, where did you go for outdoor? Your PS is not with your BS ya? I also dun mind going for PS again :p. Hope tat you can come on friday!.


New Member
Hi Fairymoss... most happy for u.. can I see yr AD pic too :eek:)

You went to Prague?? I wanna go there too!!! Juz outta curiosity, did u go there on package tour or Free & Easy?

Sounds like u went to quite a few countries... how long was your honeymoon? Hope to plan for something similar... my plan was to go Switzerland and Prague.... since u mentioned that Hungary is much better as compared to the rest... might wanna consider too... will look into web for more info


New Member

$299 for the photo frames too ex for me liao lah... me already have 2 display frames, so will probably DIY something else, mayb those hanging ones...


New Member
Morning everyone!

Its been a nice weekend watching Olympics. Ha!

My invitations are on the way here. Have to send them out early cause I have alot of overseas guests. 3 months in advance should be sufficient right?

May Ling:
Thanks for sending the placecard sample. When I get mine done, I'll show you too. Hehe... starting my gym routine today. Need to diet abit., and tone up. Very 'bak bak'. Had too much bubble tea and jam donuts the last few months. Hahaha...

Oh well unfortunately cant get to meet you girls in person. I think most of you would be busy with the wedding during Nov when I get back... *sigh*


New Member
morning gals,
went for photo selection yesterday. initially, we were actually agreed to spend just another $1k for the additional photos (that was during our way to our BS), but when we saw the pics, our plan fell thru'. In the end, we spent abt $3k for the additional photos and my hubby actually told me that he had expected that to happen.


New Member

for the decoration for the photo display area, you can talk to your banquet coordinator. get them to have tables and wrap the table with organza, as what no-time has suggested....

one thing to note... if you are going to use real flowers, please make sure there are not wet and maybe don place them too close to your album... coz some flowers may stained the album...


New Member
morning pretties!

dabee.. so gan dong.. how come oni rem my face leh? hehehee.... i oso hv 2 nites stay... =) if yr guests alot of those guys... shld b able to drink lah... no worries, ok?

me not buying bedsheets liao... last nite mum called me... asked me buy pyjamas buay? i said havent.. den she said.. ok... but cannot buy liao! cos today is the first day of 7th month! *pengz* y she never tell me last week? aiyoh... now i hv to wait one month later!! so long !! plus me AD is the 5th day of lunar 8th month... oh gosh... gona b damn busy eh!


New Member
eternity... good point abt the flowers! but hor.. i more worried tat so many hands flipping the album... tink the bottom corners sure gone case ah (oily? dirty? wet? dog-earred?) ! gosh... i can get so freaky... til i tot of providing gloves for viewing album?! hahaha..... *joking*


New Member
Morning gals,

Today my first day at my temp job. Kind of sleepy. *yawn*

I would prefer outdoor too. Scared of aircon. And outdoor can see more guys. hehe....


New Member
Hi gals,,

Monday again
...beginnin of the wk..heezzz

ydae jus went 4 my photos selection.. from 300pcs min to 52pcs,,
tinkin to cut but my hubby v tired n he said 52 pcs is alrite ..

but act we r heartpain lor, spent ard 6K 4 tis album.. but juz tink once in a life time..

Like my indr v much,, outdr is nice too but my hubby n i look tired..so a bit spolit


Wed is oki 4 me,, where the location we gals meetin??
Remember to bring ur photos



New Member
Morning gals,

went to watch the fireworks yesterday.
anyone was there too?

New hse finally hand over to me. busy washg new hse. will start moving barang barang in ..

Carole, I prefer indoor. See u gals on Thu.

Seabreeze, oh really, can't discuss with your boss or covering officer?

My immediate boss also purposely plan for me quite a lot of projs to start around mid oct to early nov.

I have planned to take 1 wk leave before wedding, honeymoon maybe 2 weeks after my AD. so hope he gives & take loh.
if he doesn't approved, I am prepared to talk to my SM...

Serenity, gd luck for ur exams...

Yep yep agreed that we keep in touch after marriage...

Melbz, maybe got chance to attend a conference in Melb next aug. I can go visit u?


New Member
morning ladies,

I din go.............. hb 1) 2 tired cos Sat play MJ, Sun morning played soccer. he also said wanna do more research. Anyway, my coll went & took some brochures for me. Gng to ask her hw much cheaper is it during the fair.

I wanted to wait for the NATAS fair initially, bt I read somewhere else tat her fren wks in NATAS & said tis yr's nothing much to look out for leh.

Well, I also think so, since those big agencies already held their own, unless they r participating again during the NATAS.

Hi Shern:
Glad ur PS went smoothly, bt a pity we dun get to c any pics

Me also very excited leh, cos 1st time seeing u all. U all met up hw many times le? Skali I sit there like char-tau then hw?


New Member
hi zann,

haaa, which resort u stayed at?
ya lor, it's a place for nuaing and relaxing mah..

hey girls,

wonder if the natas fair is any good.. hmmm..

hi joelle,

how much does ur fren charge for the jewellery ah? nv see ur reply leh :p


New Member
Good Morning ladies ...

me so tired over the weekeend & today ... still have not fully recovered from the fever from Fri ...


New Member
no time,

i also have a few more items for my Guo Da Li i haven't buy... chiams liao... aiya, need to ask my mum how liao....

oh, your album dun have trimming ah?? then a bit worrying... but then hor, people usually are careful when flipping the album, so should not be that bad lah....


New Member
I m also wondering if the NATAS Fair is any better.

U gals hv any idea who'll participate?

nvm, maybe later I go kpo call Chan Bros & ask.


New Member
Morning ladies..

ya.. monday again.. zzz..

Hi janjan,
wah, u r good, cut from 300 to 52..
6K for the album? u mean ur package is 6k or u top up 6k more?
if possible, share wif us ur photos ya?


New Member
eternity... tink u ok lah.. plus yr AD is much later.. so after start of 8th month oso got more time....

i tot nowadays 'new' pattern album no 'trimmings' one? i oso duno lah.. anyting lor.. hehehee....

lala! drink more h2o yah? me oso sooooo tired today... yst super slave to house ah.. sighz... more to go!

wonder how's adeline.. must b so bz until cant come in...


New Member

my package is $2988,, i opt for one photographer for $1500 n top up 19pcs $950, digital effect $300 & change my bedhead photo to a bigger one $200.. so total ard 6K..


New Member
no time,

my AD much later? no lah.... u blur blur liao... my AD one day after yours only....

huh, actually i also dunno how my album looks like... still waiting for them to ask me to go collect... then i can also scan pictures for you all to see liao...

yah, adeline must be too busy clearing backlog...


New Member

wow Janjan, thats a lot of photos to cut

agree w chubbyrain... heart pain ya, 6k wowwow... hope to see your pix soon...

hi chubbyrain... sleepy at work?

coco, where is this weeks meetin?

hi babysheep, hehe yesterday my church choir called, said can sing for me phew!!! to many weddings on the same day... lucky... hope everythings going well for u.. catch up soon


New Member
Hi No-time,
I was too sick to clean the house over the weekend, thankfully HB did it

Yep, the latest albums have no trimmings but the disadv is what u mentioned, dog-ears !!!! That's why my photographer suggested that we take those with trimmings. Then again, those without trimmings look nicer


New Member
Hi Eternity,
Bingo !!! I think I have to count sheep liao ... nowadays have insomia, mentally very active, thus cannot even rest well at night.


New Member
lala.. last nite i oso cannot zz... oredi sooo tired n aching... yet cannot zzz.. so frustrating...

yr HB so good leh... *envy* so yr album oso hv trimmings ah?

eternity.. pai seh man.. i tink i really gong gong liao...


New Member
need to check something with you..

for those who have been selected your photos, do u get back the rejected ones? how abt the negatives?


New Member
Morning chabos!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back, finally! Got miss me deep deep anot huh?? heehee .... boy, miss u gals leh!

No-time, Dabee, Lala and Skylar (and who else sick har?), you gals better liao?

I came back to work OT on last Sat ... almost fainted at the sight of my desk ... walao ... tons of work to do. these 2 days got to work like mad cow liao.

I ordered my Teochew biscuits from Gin Thye yesterday and bought some wedding flavours (not for all guest-glass dolphine @ $4 ea and ceramide wedding bells @ $3 ea ) yesterday ... spend over $550+++++ HB nagged at me hours later.... heehee
Lucky we do not need to buy cakes for my father's relatives (cos father said 2nd daugther no need), else more $$.

May I noe anyone bringing along laptop on tis Fri? I dun hv leh. Lala, u hv?

no-time, I've not brought pjamas too ... tis mth cannot buy meh?

Skykar, remember to bring the CD on tis Fri ok. Love u deep deep

How's the whitening essence? Gd?

Lala, how's the slimming drink? Any effects?


New Member
Hi No-time,
u also cannot zz ah ?? My colleagues are saying that I am too anxious liao thus cannot zz, is it??!! Do u think you are anxious too??

Mine have trimmings.

All our HBs are good loh, if not why then we marry them


New Member

Drink more plain water k.
Saw your pics in yahoo gro (Divine/ Sep's bride), veri nice.
Me can't zzz well these days olso ... dun noe y.
me look like panda now. hahaha

y not next time we sms each other if can't ZZzzzz??? heeeheeee


New Member

Alamak, last week sick so din send any cards. Anyone sending cards this week?


Mine dun hv trimming one .... cos Chris Ling's album now chg to no trimming one.


New Member
Hi Adeline,
welcome back. Huh, went back office to work on sat... so sian hor

Me no laptop, the one I have at home was used during my uni days, think too old to function properly ...

I have not been taking the Slimming drink coz have been falling sick, thus stopped taking. How about you?? Lose more weight already or maintain??


New Member
Hi Adeline,

u also cannot zz ah ??!! aiyo, that's not only me ... good idea, we can sms each other (inclu no-time), if there is sms conference, even better ... hehehe

I am oso panda thus put some powder on my face to freshen up ... kekeke

I will be sending out cards this weekend to friends. All those cards to relatives have already sent ...


New Member
so u got the traditional xi bing liao ah... so good, me not going to buy those liao... my hubby asked MIL and she says she will go get the Bengawan Solo kind... and hubby says since she already decide what to get, then dun be insistent... sob sob....

wow, u spend so much on wedding favors ah?? me onie intending to get favors for friends' reception (coz not provided) and probably budget around $2 each...


New Member
adeline.. y u no love me deep deep leh??

my mum lah... now last minute tell me cannot... but she got tell me dun do it in 7th month lor.. but i wished she reminded me last week mah.. not last nite.... so worried until i canot zzzz lor... aiyoh! watever i din do/buy.. must wait ONE month later ah...! plus me AD on the 5th day of 8th mth... sure mad rush... sighz... dun wana to tire myself leh... sharks.. now no choice lor..

adeline... me mum made me so sensitive (abt 7th mth)... so m not going to pen the cards till mayb tis thurs.. den start distributing sum on Fri... mail on sat lah... hehehee....


New Member
ohhh ok, ya, think like wat no-time suggest quite good also, but i thot of doing something different leh,, aiyah... no more brain to think liao...

sure glad ur ok now ya! MIA for so long, me ok lor, will remember to bring the CD for u lah... hehehehe... can u imagine, until now me still no time to use the yogurt mask leh.. got use the whitening essence everynite lah, simple simple lah, just dab dab on face then go bed liaoo...

so anyone got laptop bor? if not how Ivy show us the DVD of her frd wedding ah??

me go see doc man, aiyoh.. whole stomach bloated up like a balloon leh,... alot of gas & wind lor, throw up a few times ah!! just water only... haiz... my mom thot me pregnant man! where got time....??? go see doc, seems like my gastric is acting up again... then the doc ask, are u under alot of stress? Hmmm.... "Fei Hua" lor...

me also cannot sleep leh.... aiyoh... everynite sleep ard 1-2am, dunno why, just cannot sleep lor, think me gg mad liaoo.. hehehehehe....
