hi kk and fanyong
Yes, Kai's price is quite alright, esp when i signed up with them. they r relatively new (partnership)then but between them, they hv yrs of photography experience. Right now, by word of mouth, they are much sought after, they are slowly increasing price, esp for Kai and Simon (fav combination). I'm getting Kai and Daniel, cos i like Daniel's style and met up with Kai, very comfortable with him.
Fan yong, better to make your decision soon, Oct is a hot month, photograpers might be booked.
My first choice is booked before i meet them.
hi yvonne
got to trust the photographer.
okie, will sms u when i'm reaching orchard. hope there wont be jam tonight.
hi chubbyrain
I'm in shades of brown today, even my big bag is brown too. Going off ard 8.30 too, for my yoga lesson. I actually miss tonight episode when it's shown on SCV, but can roughly guess the story plot, since i knew the ending too.
hi janet
yes, we try to meet up twice a mth. to keep each other updated, share contacts n info, gossips etc. of cos, individually, the gals working in CBD area meet up for lunch also.
when we are all settled down in our new hse, we can arrange for bbq n potluck. mahjong is gd idea, but i'm super lousy player, shall just be tea lady.