(2004) Brides of year 2004


New Member
Hi gals,

I failed
After the oat meal thingy, I walked passed a dim sum shop and went in to get 2 "baskets" of dim sum at late afternoon. Really feel like kick myself after that. Blusher, you are right. But I really got poor control lar. Must avoid seeing food if I need to go on diet.

I am not losing anything. In fact I keep on putting more. When I told my FH I tried to diet, he told me to finish my dinner on my own. One big plate of fried rice.

Tomorrow must find more x-cuses to walk and walk and walk.

Bridal thingy? Not yet. But today I walk past a bridal shop and liked the spagetti strapped gown dislayed. I usually dun even take second look. Guess now start to "subconsciously" look around.


New Member
Morning Gals,

Durian and Pebbles, don't be discouraged,I sometimes give in to these little temptations too. Don't pressurized yourself so much....Just take your time...we still have about 2yrs to lose...hahaha...Me only managed to lose just a little...still got alot to go...like thighs, arms and the worst of all...MY TUMMY!!!!

Welcome Bubbles,
Congras on your coming ROM in early 2003. Tough we are alittle early to source for the WGs, but it;s always good to do sufficient homework b4 you actually sign up with the desired bridal shop.From what I know...bridal packages are getting more and more expensive, that's why I signed up now(to secure the current price)..hahaha. Anyway, the gal told me that I will get the latest(bridal car, WGs, EGs etc), nothing much to worry. Wow spagetti strapped gown...my fav..but I don't think I can wear that, cos I do not have slim and well-toned arms....;(, but working towards it lah.

Hey Gals...keep in touch...I have to get back to work now..chat with you gals later.



New Member
Good afternoon!

Hi Blusher,

Wah you really quick-lar. I think I will only be able to decide at the last minute. So many choices out there. How to know which one to choose?

Care to share what is included in your package? I am looking for something with no frills. I just want to keep things as simple as possible. I am the kind who thinks the wedding processs is quite a hassle. Actually I start thinking more about where to HONEYMOON.
My FH is also like that. Travel bugs.

Today will try to control a bit. This weekend will go to buy my Fruitbix- my slimming weapon

Are you the TUMMY type too? Me looks pregnant now.
My aunt commented that it is in the genes. My mum got big tummy even when the rest of her was slim. My sis is very skinny but also got big tummy!


New Member
Hi Bubbles,
welcome to bride 2004..
happy to have another 2004 bride join us..

so where is yr nest going to be? and when will it be ready? im also like u would prefer to have ROM and customery on the same day but too bad, the government and it's silly rules rite...my intention is to ROM in Feb next year but from the looks of it i think might end up going to ROM in oct lastest Dec cos my flat should be ready soon..as for sourcing for wedding grown, i got advise from blusher that we should do our homework before signing up and after reading the various posting in the forum i think it's really good we start sourcing now and of course we are also anxiuos about our big day that's why we tend to be more KS lah..eehhehe..

Hi durian,
dun be discourage lah, im also like u, can't resist eating good food and keep putting on weight but try and cut down on your intake a bit at a time cos we are used to eating one full portin so our body system might not be able to take it lor..

Hi Blusher,
hey, looks like u the only successful one that is losing weight ah..good for u..
i also like spagetti strapped gown but *sigh* no figure to carry it lah..

ok girls, have a good weekend and will chat with u girls again


New Member
Hi Durian,

My package includes:-
1 OTR jacket(brand new)
1 MTM pants (to keep)
Trial ,studio and actual day(day & night)make-up.
4 costume change( can be WG,EG or traditional costume)
Free rental of tea dress
bridal car and deco
flowers for studio and actual day
outdoor and studio photography,
free ROM dress
FREE MTM shoes(to keep)
1 table top pic
20 x24 pic
some 5R pics will be given...not sure how many
can't really remember how may pics of 18R given.
Actual day photography service:but 1 roll at $40
and some other freebies....
Just to summarise...I think my package is quite comprehensive at $3988.

Actually my FH prefer a wedding that is very simple, no banquent etc, just after ceremony and off to honeymoon type, but my parents said no...they want banquet.
Is fruitbix good? Maybe I should take that too....you take it as a meal or snack? For my tummy, I have to start doing my cruches...really helps you know! Used to do...stop for quite awhile...so tummy is back again....

Hey Pebbles, don't think that I'm very successful in losing weight...just that my family and FH feels that I look 'better' now compare to last time...but still have lots of areas to tone up and lose....hey gals let's lose and tone up together. Go gals! go! go! go!

All 2004 brides, have a great weekend...me going to change now...going to town later...take care. Chat with all of you again!


New Member
Hi Gals,

Good for you gals... start planning on dieting already! As for me, I dun have that much discipline, love to eat! Am only going to start all this dieting when the day draws nearer. hee hee.


I bought an exec condo - Novuo, in Yio Chu Kang. Heard of it? WOn't be ready till 2004 I think and my FH prefers to get the keys to the flat first before the wedding.

Okie gals, tok to you again. Have a good weekend!


New Member
Hi Blusher & Durian,

i went to check out the packages for Emanuel today and it seems not bad but looking at Blusher's package i think her's is much better..
here is the cheapest package

1 MTM EG ( to keep)
1 MTM ROM dress (to keep)
4 sessions for make up (trial,studio, wedding day & evening)
i matching set os Swarovski crystals necklace with matching earrings (to keep)
20 pics X 8" by 10" with album
1 pic X 8" nu 10" table top with frame
12 pics X 3R size - 4 poses
1 hand bouquet (photography)
1 hand bouquet (wedding day)
6 X corsages (wedding)
1 set of ribbons for bridal car decoration
2 set of ribbons for accompanying cars car decorations
hope the information is useful to u durian..

Hi bubbles,
i have not heard of that ec but is it near the mrt station, my FH also like the idea of doing up the house first before having the wedding etc....

ok..take care girls


Hi there,

I was reading about the discussion on losing weight and would like to share my experience.
I managed to lose 5 kg in 3 months just be changing of lifestyle, for example, walking up stairs instead of using lift and pack healthy homecook food for lunch instead of eating out.

I also like spaghetti strapped and the tube gown which is in trend now. Do you girls this fashion will last till 2004?



New Member
Hi Hedonic,
Thanks for the tip...will try that out and let you gals know the outcome. As for the spaghetti strapped and tube gown, hopefully it will last till 2004...I believe there will be lots of other new designs by 2004.

Hi Bubbles,
Wow, you and FH bought the Novou EC...must be quite expensive right? So good, to get a place near the MRT..so convenient!

Hi Pebbles,
That package looks good too!MTM ROM gown, Crystal necklace to keep. How much is this package? Though mine may be comprehensive, hopefully the designs are nice and service is good. There are lots of not so good comments on the bridal shop that I have signed up. Just pray hard lah....

Chat with you gals later!


New Member
Hi Hedonic,
thanks for sharing your tips on losing weight? i will try it out and see if it works for me..
i guess when u mean healthy food, it should be all boiled food rite, do u actually take meat or just veg..
sorry ah...just checking...
hope u dun mind..
so u having yr wedding in 2004 too? welcome to the 2004 thread?

Hi Blusher,
oh me forget to put the price ah...think it's around $3588 if im not wrong will have to double check on that..
i have also read from this forum about your bridal shop but after reading all these postings, i think it's really about your luck ah, some brides goes to the expensive ones also dun get good service rite...
i think the more we read the more frighten we will be ah...hey...i went to read up on the Divine posting and they were toking about how "bah bah" brides dun look good in those V back growns..looks like i dun need to consider Divine conture already lah...i kind of like V back...



Hi pebbles and blusher,

I don't eat boiled food everyday, it will be a torture. I have mix of steamed, boiled and stir fried vegetables and meat. For meat, I only go for skinless chicken breast and fish.
When cooking, I used olive oil spray(from cold storage) and those good non stick pan.
oh, btw, stick to 3 meals per day, avoid any snacks.

However, I think I still have lots of toning up to do before 2004. Got to get rid of the little tummy. Hey, I heard people said yoga will help in losing weight and toning. Any of you tried that?

By the way, I have also booked my bridal package with Everbliss. Also heard a lot of nasty comments about this bridal studio. It is the same for all bridal studios, there will a mix of satisfied customers and not so satisfied ones. Think we should establish good communication with the bridal studios, iron out all potential problems right from the start so that everybody can be happy at the end of the day.

Pebbles, other brides might not look good with V back but you might look good in it.



New Member
Hi Hedonic & Blusher,
thanks for all your health tips, will sure try it out, i am still trying hard to change my diet but as for healthy lifestyle, i have being going for jogs everyday and doing sit ups at nite..so i guess my main problem is my food intake..once i handle that, i should be just fine..
can't wait to see myself lose weight...after reading those postings in the divine thread, i feel so upset..."bah bah" brides just dun look pretty lor..and they will also have such limited choice of grown..

as for yoga, i went for one lesson before and didn't really like it, i thought yoga is meant for u to relax i didn't know it helps to lose weight too ah..

dun worry im sure with the rate to go, u will be super slim come 2004...
so just to check with u girls, do u think the prices of the packages we see now will go up when the economy picks up...? im still soucing for my bridal package, dun intend to sign with any till next year...but am so worried it might be more exp when the economy picks up..?
Hedonic, u mind sharing with me your package price and what it gives...?



Hi pebbles.

My package is at $2988 net and it includes
1 mtm wedding gown
1 mtm evening gown
1 tea dress or kua (OTR)
2 gent's suit and pants
bridal bouquet- fresh flowers and 4 corsage
Usage of mercedes benz M200E - including chauffeur and petrol
car decoration
day/night + 1 trial makeup
18 pc of 15R photo
1 5R photo album
1 mini pocket size album (this is really cute!)
1 8x10 tabletop
1 20x24 portrait
free use of traditional costumes for phototaking and free makeup/hairdo for studio
Rom service: 1 gent suit and 1 gown (OTR)
2 suit for fathers
1 suit for bestman, 1 gown for bridemaid
2 dresses for flower girls
Either thank you cards, guest book or scroll with your picture on it.

I don't think the price will go up so soon. this is still a fairly competitive industry.



New Member
Hi Blusher,

Thanks for info. We went to the suntec exhibition over the weekend and found that shops there were agressive in selling. We ran away quite quickly.
It is easier to compare packages here rather than at the fair.

We cant get away with the dinner also, I believe. Parents will surely make LOTS of noise.

Yes, the fruitbix (bran, Sanatarium) works for me. One bar is only about 110 cal. I usually take it with one cup of fruit juice (another 100 cal). So, 200 cal for breakfast only! So, I get all the fibers and vitamin ACE in morning itself! If really cannot take it, i will take another at mid morning.

Because the fiber content is very high, I will feel full for longer. It also ensures that I go to toilet regularly when my overall intake of food is decreased.

For lunch and dinner, I will try to keep to 500 cal per meal--not too difficult if we eat moderate portion of non fried/oily stuff. That way, my over all daily intake is about 1200cal per day.(Ideal for steady weight loss)

I combined this with walking around each storey of a shopping mall for 1-2 rounds before going home each day.(about 10-20 min)My FH thinks that I enjoyed window shopping more than for the sake of losing weight
. The last time I did this, I lost 3-4 kg in 2 months.I really lazy to exercise laaa.

Thanks for the encouragement! Wah you really good lar- jog every morning. I am sure you will be trim and fit buy 2004! I will try to do the crunches too!


New Member
Hi Durian,
Wow...u are really into calories stuffs...me not so particular, just eat more veg, and cust down on fatty food. Must learn more from you huh...Guess I have to 'shop more' to lose weight...hahaha!

Hi Hedonic,
I think your package is even better than mine...more value for money...which bridal shop? Is it Seletar Broadway? I saw Seletar having something similar like yours. Looks like mine is not that comprehensive after all.

Hi Pebbles,
Maybe you should check out Hedonic's package...better than mine....



New Member
Hi Hedonic
wow...yr package seems to be one of the best among those i have asked here ah...
by the way, where is your bridal shop located?
Hi Blusher,
seems like the more i ask, the more competitive the prices get, now im confused ah...wonder if i should wait till it gets closer to the date before i committ myself..

Hi durian,
wow, u really into it already, wish i can be like u ah, i really eat alot one, in the morning will eat one whole sandwich and will still get hungry in the mid morning...then come lunch also can eat so much so i have no choice but to go jogging lor but also have to force myself to do it, i hope i can see results soon, so far still no results ah, so upsetting lor..

ok, chat with u girls later


Hi Blusher

My package is from Everbliss which is at Marina Square. Yes, they throw in lot of things at an affordable price. But I have to highlight that they have less and smaller pictures as compare to other studios (only 18pc of 15R). Additional fotos will be charged at $65 each.
My boyfriend and I are ok with that though. We agree that we don't need that many picture as the heavy album will most likely end up in the store room :p

Pebbles, you can try to pay them a visit. However got to warn you, the everbliss salespeople are very aggressive, they won't let you off until you sign up a package with them.

Actually, I don't think the prices vary much lah. My package seems to have more things than Blusher's but hers got more/larger pictures and shoes and suit to keep which I don't have. so that balance out.
Anyway, these bridal studios are all out to make our $$$, they won't come up with any great package for us which cause them to lose profit.



New Member
Hi Durian,
Wow...u are really into calories stuffs...me not so particular, just eat more veg, and cust down on fatty food. Must learn more from you huh...Guess I have to 'shop more' to lose weight...hahaha!

Hi Hedonic,
I think your package is even better than mine...more value for money...which bridal shop? Is it Seletar Broadway? I saw Seletar having something similar like yours. Looks like mine is not that comprehensive after all.

Hi Pebbles,
Maybe you should check out Hedonic's package...better than mine....



New Member
HI All,

I think I post my previous msg twice...sorry gals...Just ignore the 2nd one....Me quite blur blur these days..didn't sleep well.



New Member
Hi gals,

I agree that hedonic got a very good deal too. Looks like I must step up my shopping for the package too. Good excuse to jalan jalan and to lose more weight mah.

I eat a lot also. Like SWEET things a lot somemore.
That is why I try to eat something very very low calorie yet filling in the morning. You see, morning usually rush one mah. So it is easier to eat less. But if it is filling, we wont gulp down the whole hawker centre during lunch!

Hi bubbles,
I am also convinced about the last minute thing. I told FH that for his own good ( to prevent a slim and pretty me attracting droves of admirers
) I should keep FAT till THE-DAY. But FH 'won' this time. He said I usually end up with puffy eyes, pimples etc etc etc when I rush things last minute- sure will regret like mad.
May be this time I should start earlier.



New Member
Hi blusher,

Why dun sleep well? Me too. I think got many things to think. My FH found out fr the gals in his office that there is this "Malay" lady ( not sure if Javanese) that is very good with massage. One session about $90. He is finding out more for me.

He commented the gals looked more radiant after they started with her.
Showed that he notices other gals too!


Take good care!


New Member
Hi hedonic,
thanks for your advise, i totally agree with u, all these bridal shop are all out to earn our money...

HI Blusher,
what happen? busty at work is it? why not enough sleep?

Hi durian,
hey what's this massage thingy about? can tell me more about it? will help u lose weight one ah..? hey looks like u r going the rite track, manage to lose 2 kgs already..
good for u..


New Member
Hi Durian,

Didn't sleep well cos worried and stress too much about some things. Should be able to sleep well tonite, cos problem now solve...should be ok now. As for the massage...I don't really dare to try...cos me very scared of pain...Just keep me updated...who knows me may just give it a shot.

Take Care....all gals!

Happy Labour day!


New Member
Hi All,

haha...Durian, you are so funny.

Well good luck to all you gals with your diet plans! I really don't have the discipline yet, but am actually trying to cut down on my carbo intake - lesser rice, no potatoes etc. And do stomach crunches every nite. It work gals, especially those of you who also have tummy problems! Like Durian, my main weakness is sweet stuff... must have something everyday!

Gals, how do you actually source out the bridal packages? There are so many to choose from, so do you choose based on pricing or do you already have a few bridal shops in mind? Don't know how to get started on this aspect yet!

Do tell us more about the massage. Am recently very interested in such things too. Body is aching everywhere!


Hi bubbles,

One of the way to source for bridal package is through this forum.

Look under bridal boutique and service thread, and short-list those with many postings. Why?
More postings means the bridal studios got more customers. And since we are not going to use the service until 2 years later, we got to make sure the bridal studio we choose won't close down before our weddings.
. From the short listed ones, compare the packages they offer. See which of these offers match with your requirement most.
Beside the price, you got to look at what they offer in the package.

However, I wouldn't dare to read the postings on bridal studios. Very scary. Too many complaints by the stressed out brides. And if you strikes off each of the bridal shops that kena condemned by the brides or grooms, you would probably end up with no bridal shops on your list.

wah. I can't have too little rice leh or else my tummy will start to growl before I go to sleep

happy holiday gals



New Member
Hello gals! Hope that you are all energetic again ater a break fr 'labour'yesterday.

Poor blusher,
Good to hear that your problem solved. I think all brides2be get more stressed and busy too. My pimples started popping out after agreeing to marry him. Hai...

Bubbles and pebbles.
My Fh have not asked the details for me yet. Keep on forgetting. NVm, I sms to remind him liao, and I also pestered him about the losing weight part.

Thanks for the tips on how to get it started.

About the bridal package, we are also starting to do homework. Yesterday just went to the printemps shop in citysquare JB after seeing so many ++ comments in this forum. They have good photographer there called zhi yong , I think. Saw his works; quite good! The prices there start from RM 2899, but no ROM package leh.

My FH and I emphasize on the photographer more than anything. We like Benny Ang. We love his works so much!! BUt he is very ex. We will look into the shops which tie up with him.

Any of you gals know of any good photographers?
Please share share...



New Member

Hi Blusher,hope u r feeling much better now..
it's friday finally so must look forward to your weekend..
hope u have an enjoyable weekend..

Hi durian,
wow, u and your FH really very on ah, went all the way to JB to check out the photographers ah, so u r using him for actual day or outdoor photography?

Hi Bubbles,
regarding sourcing of bridal package, i kind of agree with what Hedonic, i will look out for the few ones which have the more postings and most importantly good reviews then i will check out their packages and their grown designs then from there i will make comparsions lor..;)but as yet, i only check out two bridal shops out of which one is too expensive for me..
best of luck for your search ..

ok, chat with u gals later


New Member
Hi Pebbles and Durian,

Thanks for the concern, me much better now.Lately, extremely busy at work, have to stay till quite late. Finally, it's the weekend plus I'm taking Monday off too! Going out with fiance lah...just spend some quality time together...Pa Tor!What you gals do during weekends? Me always with fiance, shop, movies and Clarke Quay. Cos my fiance is very much into 12" action figures. Flea market(Clarke Quay)is a good place to check out his 12" figures. Anyone saw Spiderman? I saw on Labour Day..not bad! Guess I will be catching another movie tonight...Spore really no where to go....so boring huh?

You gals have a good weekend....Take care!



New Member
hallo gals,

Can give me your email? My FH go the phone numbers for the massages. According to his colleague, one of them charges $35 per session while the other charges $90. The lady who charges 35 bucks speaks limited english- mostly malay. The lady who charges 90 bucks can speak eng very well. One of his colleague commented that she prefers the lady who can speak english cos she can then tell her about how she feels, and thus feel that the session more effective. However, the cheaper one is also very good.

I intend to try both. Starting with the cheaper one first. :D
He said the slimming question is not applicable: cos his colleagues are already so slim. :p

Hi blusher,
we find singapore very small too. usually we head to beaches, bookshops or libraries. My Fh a computer guy, and will try to drag me to simlim square.
I am more interested in parco bugis junction. Usually we will just bargain with each other: eg one hour at sim lim, 2 hours of my shopping and then Makan!

we dead tired too this weekend. Now waiting for him to go off fr work and have spend some time together this evening.


New Member
Hi Hedonic,

Wow, ur bridal pkg with EverBliss seems attractive! When did u sign up with them? This yr??? Heard they hv increased their prices to $3188 recently...


Hi curious,

I signed up with them sometime early January this year. They told me it is 'exhibition offer' and only valid for a limited time. I thought that was just a sale tactic.
Looks like I was wrong, they meant what they say.

Durian, r u referring to actual day photographer?



New Member
Hi hedonic,

interested in any photographer- rOM, actual day and the studio/outdoor photographer.

My FH and I belive in capturing the happy moments well so that we can show off to our grand children


New Member
Hi girls...i seems to have miss out on so much ..
hey durian, have u tried out the massage yet..??? is it good..? do tell us if it works..??? so how was your weekend?? hey..me interested in the actual day photographer??? u have anyone good in mind...but not that expensive???

Hi blusher..

hope u r feeling much better after a long weekend..;) i will also be going on leave ..
can't wait for it..
my bf and i also find it really boring in spore, will end up going to shopping centres with so many pple around...


New Member
hi durian...)
can i check with u...have u sign up a bridal package with any bridal shop yet? just checking out to see if your deal is good so i can check it out, me still sourcing for bridal package..have seen a few but quite ex ah...
thanks for your infor ah...hey maybe we can communicate thru email..

and 2004 brides, do remember we have a date in June ah..


New Member
Hi all,

wow...didnt know so many had already written as 2004 brides... just got ROM in Feb and is thinking of throwing the dinner in 2004...prefer even nbr. I signed up for Paris also but seen a lot of unhappiness other ppl had with them. Really hope I wouldnt face the same problem as them.

So anyone got good hotel to recommend at affordable rate?


New Member
Hi Evon,
welcome to the 2004 bride thread..
congs too on your rom..

yah..i also read up on the write ups about Paris but i guess it's the same no matter where u go cos there bound to be happy and unhappy brides..

hey i would recommend Merchant court , think it's really good, most of my frens had their wedding dinner there...



New Member
Hi Pebbles,

Ya i guess u r rite...cos if i'm going to worry then my hubby would sure be very unhappy..guess all i can do is to pray very hard everything will go smooth...

i heard the food is kinda good...but what the price like, i didnt put this hotel on my list becos of the digging of the road..didnt want my guest to feel uncomfortable coming down with those dust around. crown prince hotel price is quite attractive too!


New Member
Hi evon..

yah...one of my girlfren also didn't want to have her wedding there b'cos of the digging but i think it should be done by 2004 rite, when do u intend to have it, early 2004? i heard from my frens the price is around 755 per table ah...not very sure...but its less than $800 for sure, how much is crown price..?



Hi Durian,

I haven't done much research on photographer yet. But I thought Robin Photography is quite good. He was the photographer for my friend's actual day and the photos turned up really nice, clear and sharp. And he is a very funny guy.

Wow, you are really fast, think of grandchildren already.

Hi gals,

I'm also keeping my finger crossed that everything goes smoothly when the time comes. Planning a wedding suppose to be fun right?

Evon and pebbles, I want to be a kaypo but didn't have the patience to scroll back to the previous messages.
Do you know what is the reason of all the unhappiness with Paris?



New Member
Hi Pebbles, crown did sent me an email abt the meal and price if you need i can send to you. moreover, they only have one ballroom which means it will only be your wedding at the hotel isnt it great thinking of that!

oh Hedonic, i also didnt manage to read all the string but i'm keeping my finger cross. i think is mainly abt Andrew and the services.


New Member
Hi Evon, big big welcome to this tread. Congrats for your rom. Since I have not rom yet, I think I can get a lot of tips from you liao.

Sure you can email me at [email protected].
I had no chance to try out those massages leh. I have been very very busy these few weeks. I also have not booked any bridal packages yet. After reading all those horror story type of experiences of other people, I scared scared already. Sure die one lar.. I dunno how to bargain one.
From what i read, it seems like you must have some techniques to deal with those sales people etc.

I think I better see see look look first. I not hurry one lar. My FH actually wonder why I have started ready Martha stewards wedding ... he even more boh chap. After surveying, I will just zoom in for the one I want.
window shopping good way to lose weight mar.

Spent the weeked giving my FH heart attacks.
I dragged him to Larry's, Flowers Diamonds, Tiffany's and told him which are the designs I liked. By the time I asked him if he wanted to go to Piaget's to "try his credit limit", he wanted to faint liao.

At the end, we went to aspial. When I told him I liked the rings there,he straight away offered to buy! kee kee kee. Anyway, we did not buy lar. I still cannot decide which one i like.

I interested in any type of photographer. Yesterday, I found a soemone who posted in the net that he can give free photography service.
www.travelpug.com. Sounds too good to be true hoh, but ma be can give it a try. Grandchildren ah.. hee hee
we just like to talk rubbish lar.


New Member
HI All,

I'm back...had a great time with Fiance over the weekends. Was very busy when I came back to office yesterday...tons and tons of docs and emails ...almost fainted when I saw so much work waiting for me. Hey Evon, welcome!!! I'm with Paris too. Don't worry...I drop by Paris on Monday, the place looks quite big and they have lots of gowns. I didn't walk in...just jalan jalan outside only. Plus I have a few friends that are with Paris..they undergoing their services now...quite ok!Which package did you signed up?

Catch up with you gals later...Take Care!



New Member
Hi Durian, I will be very glad to advice for the rom if you need.

Hi Blusher, my deposit allowed me to hold for 2 packages, which are $3288 and $3988. I got my FH to fax me the package and taking a look at it I find maybe it is alrite after all.

Just a rough guide to wat I have in the package.
Brand New Wedding grown MTM
Brand New Evening gown
Free Usage Actual day Tea dress
Brand New Groom Suit X 2
Free Groom's Pant MTM (Keep)
Bridal Make-up Trial & Studio
Bridal Make-up Actual Day & Night
Free Studio Hair Styling X 6
Free Actual Day Hair Do
Free Actual Day Hair Do Flower
Free Studio Hand Bouquet (Fresh flower)
Actual Day Hand Bouquet (Fresh flower)
Free Groom Corsages X 4
Rental Actual day bridal car M200E
Free car decoration
free following car ribbons
free usage of 6 custumes on studio shooting
free usage of traditional costume
free usage of bridal weil,gloves, necklace...
studio photography shooting abt 50 shots
outdoor photography shooting abt 30 shots (self transport)
15R - 20pcs / 18R - 18pcs (within 2 pcs metallics)
free latest album 1 pc
free 5R photograph with album 18pcs
free 3R photograph (18 poses) - 24 pcs
free table top with frame 1 pc
free canvas portait with frame (20" X 24") - 1 pc (can choose leather or silk)
free signature scoll
free 2R - 1 booklet
bridal shoe MTM (keep)

special abt $3988 are
free night shots
MTM evening gown
free actual day photography service from 7am till end of dinner (only pay film and negative can take home/ per film at $40/-)

tats abt all for your reference gals...


New Member
Hi girls, currently on leave for a week and bet i will have so much work to do when im back..anyway, how's everybody..

Durian, thanks for your email address, will email u when i have the chance..being really busy..
by the way, my email address is [email protected],feel free to email me girls..

i also have not booked any bridal packages yet and im just like u, after reading all those horrible stories in the forum, im getting a nitemare just by chosing the bridal package ah...
but lucky we can check with the girls in the forum at least can still get some advise from them so not that bad lah..eheheh..

so u didn't buy any diamond rings ah...ahahahha....i also went to check out the diamond rings prices and the ones are like are really ex ah....nearly gave my FH a heart attack too...so i told him i will give him more time to save up ..ahahhaha...
which diamond rings did u look at at Aspril....i like their Hearts on Fire but it's really overpriced ah...

Hi Evon, your bridal package seems pretty good ah...dun worry so much, im sure u will be a very happy and pretty bride...everything will go smoothly one..
so have u check out any other wedding venu yet...wouldn't it be too early to ask for price quotes for 2004..

ok then...catch up with girls again...



Durian, that guy offer free photographer service? Scarly he asks for $1000 angpow after the whole thing.. hee hee.

Gals, I realise that the satisfied brides are those who have good relationships with the sales people. So I think the trick is we try to be friendly to them, so that they are more willing to give us better service

I got an idea, why don't we start a new thread, 'a vote for the worst bridal boutique', see which ones get the least complaint, then you gals go for those lor.

can't advise on diamond rings. I'm those who can't tell a normal piece of glass from diamond. so very easy for my boyfriend



New Member
Hi All,

Wah, when I read the topic on diamond rings, my eyes light up. Am eyeing at the diamonds and dropping hints to FH too. HOF is indeed nice but read from the other threads that is overpriced. Have set my eyes on Lazare, just waiting for Larry's sale now. Heh heh, Durian & pebbles, I think all guys are the same - break out in cold sweat when they hear us mention the word "diamond ring"! My FH always try to change subject when I bring up the topic! Currently this is my 1st thing on my agenda, when I finally get the ring, then will sit down to plan for the rest of the wedding. Hee hee...

I agree with Pebbles that it may be too soon to check on price quotes for wedding dinner as hotels change their rates every year. But it's still good to check out the price range and comments of their food/services first.

Reading comments from the forums and bridal mags is definitely a good start.Gals, with the exception of Evon who has ROmed (congrats!), when are the rest of you gals ROMing?


New Member
Morning Evon,
Wow your package looks good, you even have the 2R pics booklet. My invoice didn't say that I can change choose between $3288 and $3988. But I will ask them if I'm going down for appt in future. Hope you can zap me copy of your package when I'm going down, then can "demand" for those things that I want....hahaha!

Hi Bubbles,
Me too! After reading the thread on diamonds...my eyes light up too. I like brillant rose from SooKee...hahaha, cheaper lah. I like it cos it looks very glittering, many cuts that's why. Actually I'm not so particular about the diamonds. To me, Most impt is the way how my Fiance propose to me. I always tells him that he better do a good one(must make me cry type), if not I will reject the proposal. But on the other hand, I already selected my flat and signed up a bridal package...very funny right? Guess I have no choice lor...so many commitments already.

Hi Pebbles,
I agree with you...one whole week of leave, means one big ton of work waiting for us too, when we come back from leave....

Hi Hedonic,
Great idea...maybe we should start the new topic...then those that have not decided on the bridal shop can take that as reference.

OK....I have to start work now....chat with you gals at lunch time...me lunching in today! Take Care!


New Member
Tks Pebbles, I called up Carmen yesterday referring to the free rental of suit for parents and she said it can be negotiate.

so blusher dun worry, I believe u can still ask for more things when time to come...just tell them u saw from the net that others have...tats the trick I guess...

Diamond ring? Saw one 30 carat (abt $2000/- from Apiral cos got my wedding band there...huh my band is from the Swiss collection and had already spent a bomb there so have to save more $$ if really want to get a diamond ring...


New Member
Morning gals,

Hee blusher, just like you, I want him to give me a romantic proposal. But it's very funny rite, when we have already bought our flats, so the answer will definitely be YES to them! guess we gals just want some sort of fairy tale stuff...

Evon, I think you meant a 0.3 caret ring?? 'cos 0.8 caret already cost $10K - $12K.

I have a question: Let's say we've already signed up a package with a studio. Then later on, maybe few months down the road, feel that the package is lacking in certain things and thus want to ask for more stuffs ( without paying extra). Will the studios usually entertain such requests? Or is it a sure "NO, unless you pay for this extra service" answer?
Am worried that when I sign up for a package, may leave out some areas during the negotiation or change my mind later and then I will be stuck.


New Member
Hi Bubbles,

I think you can ask for more....I plan to ask for the 2R album(the one Evon gonna be having). It's cute...I will do more homework and compare with other Paris packages and ask for more....hahaha!

