Yvonne Creative


New Member
Oh Minssy

before I forget, I used josl's contact to print my banquet cards.. Cheap & fast too!

U read my entry on printers for church invites too? If u want the contact no. & person, let me know yah?


New Member
Hi meh meh...
haha i still awake, hungry wanna eat supper ..:p
I depressed with the pimples sob sob.
Think i nearing the day i having more and more things i need to do think before i sleep .
Havent got my songs yet, have some standby will need to go to HMV for some inspiration.:p


New Member
Cannot eat supper k? Gotta control, coz supper usually fattening & oily leh.. Drink milk?

U having PMS issit? Must sleep earlier... Skin & body regenerates best during 10pm - 2am.. According to what I've read & my beautician

I also getting songs now, but still KIV-ing songs for the moment. Gotta think of church too!

Prob collecting on Monday, Helen promised lah.. Used her template there!

I going to zzz now.. Tired man.. Have been waking up at 5+ since Monday


New Member
hi mehmeh,

ah! so i must whine! hhahahhaahha! ok i guess its bcos yours is taken in a museum so its ok compared if i were to go to the beach. for me then dun think i can cos i wanna go pasir ris beach mah... nevermind lah.. i think indoor shots on my MTM gown will be sufficient...

yah.. they are slits from, say, bottom of the sole to the ankle area. they said its a new design. i dunnoe.. i think it looks fine but probably bcos its light beige, it looks beng. but i think the slits will look ok with black pants? dunnoe..

ok i saw the page you sent me on the printer. must i join multiply to see more? cos i could only see the first page you wrote? hee... ok just few weeks ago, we were talking abt the cards and now you got it done! cool! ok dun mind you send to me too? think i will call on sat or monday... thanx in advance


New Member
Hi meh meh...

We both like chatting online haha

ya loh, menses coming also adding to my stress.I like to snack during menses hiaks...Hope i can fit into my gowns think i getting fat ard my tummy.

Yup yup thats gd they are quite fast, i got the contact reading the threads actually.

U sleep early lah dun say me.:p


New Member
hi hi mehmeh..
very very happy to be able to meet u up at YC last night..it's indeed my honor to be able to see u there..frankly speaking, u looked very beautiful & my FH also said u & ur FH got the kind of virtue fu-qi-xiang...niceee...in fact it's kinda a pity that the pink fusion mermaid-style EG cldnt be altered further..but i guess i wld still love ur red EG..u still stands out more in red..i think the red EG has a more grand feel as compared to the pink EG bcoz of the beads & the cutting of the dress...i m sure u wont regret abt ur decision..

as for my PS selection, luckily managed to squeeze timing out from FH's scedule or else, i dun think our PS album will be ready by the time we got married..heehee..i didnt know that it's such a tiring process...i feel sooo guilty now...bcoz of me, keno & lynn have to stay back till 12am!!! oh no, i feel soo bad, i m a staff myself so i can understand the kind of feeling of staying at work till sooo late i not a nice feeling...

aft selection of the photos, i went for supper as i m very very hungry, immediately eating the chay-kuey-teow, i felt a sharp pain at my gastric area..it's soo bad that FH needs to go with me to the 24-hr clinic, luckily doc gave a jab & managed to relieve my pain..oh my, the pain was sooo unbearable..i feel soo drowsy aft the jab..the needle was soo thick & scary..k lah, just woke up to do my report & gg off to work..byeee...


New Member
harlow... can anyone help me? Is it necessary for my AD WG and EG to be in the album? I have asked around some say yes and some say no leh..

hi mehmeh.. i think yours is dfferent for AD and PS right?


New Member
Asura, can take a look at ur photos? Btw, did u take ur ps in singapore or overseas?
Anyone went BAli or Bintan to take their PS, can share with me the photos? Still considering where to take...if overseas got to top up...
email add: [email protected]


New Member
Hi wendy,
U shld have got to have a bite while selecting the pixs. How did ur selection go must be pretty coz u took so many hrs.Topped up how many??


New Member
Hi josl

I got my cards fr Helen oredi! Just this morn & have addressed a no. of the cards to my guests.. Now have some momentum having kicked in, better get started on the writing.. Heehee

Oh, yes we do like to stay up late.. But I will "try" starting next week, to sleep ard 11 or earlier.. Hahah, so when it comes to eve of AD, I have the habit then can KO faster


New Member
Hi Wendy

It was certainly my privilege to meet u too! Esp since u've appeared in the papers.. Maybe Macdonalds going to get u to advertise for them? Or they make use of u & ur FH's falling in love at first sight story to do up their own advertisement.. Ah, I know, ask them to provide u Hello Kitties as wedding favours!

U stayed till 12MN?? Wow.. Keno & Lynn too! Must really kowtow to u.. So in all, how many pix u have in ur magazine-album? Quite sure u were going to do up a mag album

U make me *blush* (again!).. No lah, not beautiful.. Hahah, how can! Esp with my kind of complexion.. Ooops!! Thanks for reassuring me the red EG is still the better of the 2.. Rem my FH helped take some pix of me in the pink gown? I think my arms look fleshier in tt cut.. So the bustier red EG, still better

Hope tt u are feeling better now!


New Member
Hi Clouds

It's true tt sometimes the AD gowns may or may not be in the album. In my case, my AD WG was in the album & so was the outdoor. I felt tt I wld love to have my AD WG included in the album, coz AD may not be able to capture the full gown? There wld however by many shots & angles during the PS to capture the whole gown, and they u have a choice to select fr

I happened to know tt Milan has the practice of having their brides to wear OTR gowns for indoor & outdoor & then MTM later on, nearer their AD. Not sure why they do so though


New Member
HI meh meh..
Thats fast, hope u like their service.:p
post a pix of ur card in the mutiply website so i can go and take a look at it.
Same here, when i got the cards like suddenly i have something to do, then stop for awhile then RSVP then comes the AD.:p

I also cant sleep so early usu abt 1-2am hiaks.


New Member
Hi josl

Def wld post a pix of my church & banquet invite. I love my church invite! Shall share soon..

Yahyah, when new things come along, we surely have some motivation to do it! But i gotta make sure I dun lose steam, I have 350+ church invites to address!!

Must sleep earlier k? Cannot have eyebags.. Dark eye rings can still be concealed, eyebags abit hard leh


New Member
HI meh meh...
U shld be very bz coz we oni got abt 28 tables and urs is 2 days . I printed 200 invites luckily i din write wrongly coz now i left less then 10 cards. Heard quite a few under print the invites by quite a lot.

getting anxiously as the day come nearer,wondering am i missing anything out...


New Member
Hi josl

I was also quite worried tt i might under-print. But I decided, if this situation arises, I wld get nice cards & print them myself..

I'm sure u're anxious.. I think the thing u're missing out, same here, is beauty sleep..

Going to zzz now..


New Member
HI meh meh...
was looking ard, i think places like kalm's at taka, or taka shopping centre have some invites which look quite nice.

I got some angpow fr taka shopping centre, got a cartoon boy and gal looks cute,quite surprise they sell AP...


New Member
hi hi mehmeh..
very very nice to hear frm u..thks for ur concern, i m better now..i guess maybe i ate too much + it's exactly 12 hrs back when i had my last meal..heehee..i just managed to log in aft coming back from my P/T job..heehee...i m just wondering if they (McDonalds) will hve an ad coming up due to my love story but of course we wont be the models lah, haha or maybe bring in another series of hello kitty to create the kind of craze again? hmmmmm...

dun be shy, u r very pretty..very sweet..can see tht ur FH dotes on u alot..yap, i stayed till 10 mins b4 12..i really feel very very bad...somemore got to get keno & lynn to stay with me till soo late...so pie-say to them lor...they must be very tired at work already & more ever the next day will surely be very busy at work...soo guilty...but it's indeed not an easy task..yap u r right..i went for the mag-style..in fact we r very pleased with keno's photography skills & thot he will be able to help us do up the layout for the mag-style..but realised that it will be another colleague to work on it, i guess it shd be gd, just hope that our photos will be able to work out well for the mag-style..esp those taken at mcdonalds..i think the red EG on u still brings out as compared to the pink one..but i m not sure what u will be doing to the red EG, so i m also looking forward to know how it will turn out to be..hope to be able to hear from u soon...heehee...keeping us in suspense...hmm...cheers~


New Member
Hi josl

Wah u still go get APs with a special design ah? Oh yes, I figure necessary hor? Coz it's Xi, not like CNY with Fu, Ji.. oops, I better go look into it. But I dun think i'm going to custom-make. U think Chinatown wld have the Xi APs?

Harlow Wendy

U still have P/T job? U can manage ah? Dun stress urself too much, must be the most beautiful bride on the AD yah?

Sky is the one who does the lay-out.. But I think he can do a great job! I loved the shots at Raffles the Plaza..U know the cute one with u 2 sitting so prim & proper on the bed? I liked tt alot! hhaha.. Too bad Scarlet hotel too cramp to allow us to be seated like tt.. But I had a shot with the similar style, standing though

Btw, not going to do much for the EG.. Prob get Yvonne to add on the black beads where it has fallen off. Its the WG tt I'm going to make changes.. Update u gers in August k? I'm also very excited to see how Yvonne is going to do up my modified-WG

Hahah, FH dotes on me, coz I'm 3 years his junior..

Hi Clouds,

U're most welcome!


New Member
Hi meh meh,

Something like this??

Chinatown may have but must find the shop coz now not CNY wun have many shops selling.Mine is not custom made, its bought at taka.:p
My sis saw it and she said go buy more so i can give AP and CNY next yr arghhh.


New Member
Hi josl

Sthg like tt.. As long got xi can oredi.. Oh dear, now it's on my to-do list! Comes to the worst, just use CNY ones which look neutral

Thanks dear for sharing!


New Member
Hi meh meh...
haha...the AP looks so cute that i dun feel like using them, intend to keep a piece each for memory sake...:p


New Member
hi hi mehmeh..
yap, i m having a P/T job during the weekends..so that's why i hardly had time for any other wedding preps for the time being...maybe earn more $ 1st..heehee..i didnt know that it's sky that does the layout..in fact i find keno is very gd & friendly, at least he still joke along with us..heehee..btw, i also saw one of the YC bride who went to Botanic garden for a same shot like u under the waterfall..i still prefer ur shot..looks more natural...suits ur skirt..heehee..do update us on the changes u r gg to make for ur WG in Aug..oic, no wonder ur FH is very nice to u..u both really got the fu-ji-xiang..soo nice...

hi hi josl & mehmeh...
for the AP packets, i think u both can try near to the hawker centre, there's a few shops there seems to have sell the AP packets..


New Member
Hi Wendy

Gd that now u come into this thread more often.. Hehehee

Oh someone else also used the waterfall ah? I'm sure they wld like theirs too.. Maybe they got some inspiration fr my album or Keno recommended them

Today I'm down with very bad flu, thankfully it's Youth Day, so i'm at home.. But i dun think it's getting another better. Tm maybe take MC lor..

Thanks for sharing on where to get the APs, shall check it out some weekend


New Member
Hi meh meh...
Do u know whether YC have OTR CS?Thinking of wearing for recep.

Then u go and rest do come to the comp so often liao..:p


New Member
Hi josl

I think they do... U get 2 EGs rite? Rem seeing a cream with embroidery & I tried a maroon piece before. Ask Yvonne when u go down.. I believe there are more

Tried resting on the bed in the afternoon, but to no avail..


New Member
Hi meh meh,
was thinking of a CS after much tots, may give up the pink EG if i able to find one.
Shld i go on my final fitting day or this few days?
Maroon, guess wat my mum and MIL both wearing that colour.

U not used to resting in the afternn lah, u gg to work tml?


New Member
hi josl,

yah.. in exactly 10 days! faint! the WG needs big time alteration so i will not see it till next monday. the the EG is lovely, at least to me! heee... they got the embriodery specially done cos i wan a peranakan style empire cut dress.. i think its pretty well done. hahahhah! but still i am too fat to carry off the dress so am still trying to lose weight.. but i must really say their embridery works are great!


New Member
Hi Minssy,
no worries lah. Got a fren who has chubby face, but when i saw her pixs looks she got a sharp face, camera trick work wonders. But my fren not from YC.
All brides will be mei mei lah, share share ur pixs when u do have them.

Next monday...arghhh


New Member
Hi josl

Oh I think u better pop by soon enough. Dun wait till final fitting. On the day of final fitting u shd be also settling ur bouquet, car deco, MUA's time to arrive etcetc

I'm at home today.. Went to the docs oredi. Tm also on MC. Felt so miserable at the clinic..

Hi Minssy

Can *hear* ur excitement for the PS. What big time alterations are u referring to?

What colour were the CSs u saw? josl dun give up hope k? Maybe amongst the 4, 1 or maybe even 4 wld catch ur eye


New Member
Hi Blueemarine

YC's package starts fr $2988.. Both the WG & EG are OTR & the no. of pix are either 21x 15R or 25x 10R. U also get fresh flower bouquets for both the PS & AD. Also ur FH wld get a pair of MTM pants to keep. The other items in the packages wld be similar to what most BSs wld offer.

What makes YC stand out, IMHO, is the service rendered & quality gowns & pix. I wld consider YC gd for those who are looking at middle-range prices but quality end products. A big plus point, is tt there really is no hidden costs. Some BSs wld expect couples to top-up for magazine styled album, above & beyond their selected pix in the album. Also other hidden costs may be the materials & embellishments used for the gowns. These situations do not occur in YC

Btw, mine's the most basic package. On hindsight, I cld have tried to bargain for more stuff, eg. pix inc in the album or reduced price of pix.. Apart fr tt, u wld be satisfied with their whole package.


New Member
Hi everyone,im with YC and will be doing my photoshoot next week! Guess I'm new to all of you, so just wondering if you can share anymore experience of your PS with me? Did you just go outdoors with WG only? And who went along?
Did you gals use ampoules?

One more thing, can anyone share some of their PS photos with me? Would really appreciate it. I think is it mehmeh or is it Wendy? many thanks!!
my email is [email protected]


New Member
Hi Cass

Just in case u're wondering if any BTB here is ignoring ur post..

I think apart fr Minnie, all YC BTBs active in this thread did not take their PS overseas. Minnie is prob bz honeymoon-ing or settling her house... Heehee

Go & check out those overseas PS albums before deciding again. On YC's walls, I see this beautiful PS pix taken in Bintan. IMHO, I think Bintan is more beautiful & scenic. Find the scenary at Bukit Tinggi so-so only..But again, I must emphasise this is my take, very jmuch dependent on ur personal preference k?

Hope this helps!


New Member
Hi Merzy

Come join this happy YC-family.. Heehee

When doing outdoor PS, u are to wear an OD WG & OD EG.. YC will provide u an assistant to help u & the photographer. The assistant is a female
Yupz, used ampoules to control oil secretion & for the make-up to set better. Dun forget to use the eye-lashes, makes sure even when u're tired, ur eyes still look charming.. Heehee

U've got mail..


New Member
hi meh meh,

my WG makes me looks really fat so yvonne will make the waist area more V neck, close up the gap at the chest area else alot of pple will get nose bleed, and make double layers of organza at the back.


New Member
hi merzy,

how come you are having your PS next week and you did not go and choose your outdoor (OD) gowns meh? i already chose mine last week leh... u wanna check with them anot?


New Member
Hello everyone.. i m deciding which BS now.... Heard some praises for YC. May attend their wedding show at OCC this monthend.


New Member
Hi Minssy

Fat? No way.. With the V-neck, it creates this vertical illusion, shd oredi slim ur torso down leh.. Oh yah, ur V-neck has to be more 'decent', if not ur MIL will faint & a lot of wolf-whistling.... heehee

Ur double layer of organza is for the skirt & train at the back, or the bodice?

Hi Merzy

Yupz, u better check at ur final fitting before PS on the selection of OD WG..

Hi Purple star

Are u fr the OH thread? We've seemed to have cross-ed paths...


New Member
Hi Meh meh,

Hmm, i have settled my bouquet during my last visit heehee...Car decor, there isnt many to choose from for gold car as we using our car. MUA i called Dily to confirm time liao


New Member
Hi Purple Star

Hope to hear tt u're wld be happy YC BTB.. Which BSs have u short-listed? Maybe we can help u to narrow down further before u actually head down to the BSs..Saves u the effort if u were to encounter pushy sales ppl

Harlow josl

How's ur bouquet going to be like? I'm very excited on selecting my bouquet.. Hope it wld be much bigger than what was provided at the PS.

Can share what themes are there for car deco? I might DIY if i'm not satisfied.. But i think i'm going do up the deco for my brothers cars. Dun like the plastic ribbons & tulle.. No idea why I want to spend so much effort too!! Hahah I know, I'm hiao


New Member
Hi meh meh...
My bouquet is roses and hydrangea, only rem the roses tip is pink but the rose i think is ivory, hydrangea i cant rem the color also haha (but i think its ivory or white). Its that sweet sweet kind.
Dun think its a v big bouquet though.

Hmm, car decor is silk flowers with tulle, colours are the light tones like mostly gold, silver, ivory tones. But looking at the pixs they look quite real, no wedding bears. Juz the kind on the front of the bonnet.
They have a book for car and bouquet, u can always ask for it.

I called n asked abt the CS, i can go on the final fitting to try , dun have much to choose from from wat i know also.
