Yvonne Creative


New Member
hi jovia,

i was at YC at sat ard 5 to 7pm... there are 2 couples viewing their design.. which one is u ???

hi mehmeh & littlelamb,

I have my MTM EG alter nicely liao... so now just waiting for my PS ..... all thks to Yvonne...


New Member
Hi all,

from what I understand from YC regarding the 20x24 portrait when I signed up with them is that you can choose to have the single 20x24 portrait or the "3-in-1" thing. They are of equivalent value. So no worries! Happy choosing!


New Member
Hi cheery

Were you there to try your gowns? There were 2 ladies trying on.. 1 is served by Feng Jie.. the other one i cant remember.

I was the couple on the left, selecting the design layout... the other couple just going thru raw pics to shortlist the selected pics..

Hi mehmeh..

The black dot actually not that obvious. but it appears on all photos. It's quite simple to remove it from the pics. When i went down to see the album design layout.. the dot is also not obvious. so i'm quite ok with it.

Also.. am very happy with Sky's shots of us too! ;p


New Member
hi Cheery

So nice to hear tt.. I hope to make some modifications to my WG too, going down this Fri evening

Btw, any updated pix? Rem to share ur joy

Hi Cass

Glad to hear tt u enjoyed viewing the photos.

No exchange for anything, right fr the start, the car wasn't inc in the package.. I think I ought to have bargained for it back then! *slap forehead*

Hi Jovial

Glad to hear tt u liked ur shots.. What time did u stay till? Was wondering if I met u there ard 8, coz there was a couple there selecting/arranging pix

Be waiting for you to share ur pix!


New Member
Hi Naglene & mehmeh,

Just some changes lah... hmmm... i forgot to bring my camera ...But after that alter i look much slimmer in that EG...

Hi jovia,

are u the one with the Yvonne's husband editing ur photo ??? u are short hair.... rite ???


New Member
Hi cheery

Yeah.. that's right! yup, short hair... so which one is you? describe more leh.. then I can recall..hehe

So did you get to see some shots of our pics? You are there to try gowns.. or to discuss abt the design?

Hi mehmeh

We left YC at around 6 plus, so dun think we have met. If so.. I will surely come forward to say hi to you, since I've seen your pic mah ;p


New Member
Hi Jovial

U're rite ah? Hahah, silly me... Maybe this Fri I wld meet some YC brides..
Come to think of it, I only met GingerCat so far.. Hmph! Why so un-coincidental..


New Member

I'm no expert with BKK... I only know MBK, little bit of Siam Sq, Chatuchak & a few gd places to eat.

Try asking Alhana, she's a season go-er to BKK, at least 2x a year.. Hahah


New Member

is keno from YC? ok will go check him out.. i will be heading to YC on the 15th of aug to my 1st fitting at 3pm and at the same time Yvonne will intro his photographers to me.. i remember she said she has two of them one is a singaporean and the other is a malaysian. so where is keno fm?


New Member
hi dora,

keno shd be the malaysian. i had spoken to him for a while and yes, he does have the malaysian accent
. sigh... actually dunnoe we will have communication probs with him since we are more english speaking, esp my FH. *keeping my fingers crossed*


New Member
Hi Meh meh,
me want food places, like fuji alhana havent been to the place so i dunno where is it leh. I jot down my places to go shopping liao .:p


New Member
Hi gals,

Have been overseas. Too busy to check the forum. Amazing how active this thread is!

Josl - Personally quite like the Oishi chain of restaurants. There's an outlet at MBK. They also have sushi buffet, but not at this outlet. Fuji is ok, but not the best I've tried so far. There are some good restaurants with roasted pig etc type of Chinese food, but must travel there especially since they are not located in the shopping centres. If dats ur cup of tea, will try and find the namecards. For shopping, suan lum market opens during evenings on weekdays, and is an alternative to Chatuchak which only opens on weekends. Otherwise, u can go to MBK, Siam Sq or the shopping malls in front of Grand Hyatt Erawan. Hope this helps


New Member
Hi attitude,
where have u been??
I got a few shopping places, like siam sq,chidlorn,emporium,MBK,suan lum, pratunam, think i will go ard this few places for food rather then travelling as the jams are bad rite..


New Member
Went to China for the last trip. My job requires me to travel quite a bit, and I find it too tiring to surf the net after a hard day of work. Used to go to Thailand a bit 1-2 years ago, so can rem a few things.

Emporium stuff actually more ex. Find dat may as well buy those branded stuff in S'pore. Siam Sq has funky stuff, MBK prices a little marked up i found. Visited Pratunam during my first trip to Bangkok, which was a long time ago. Do rem to buy lingerie though...best buy from Bkk i find

To avoid the jams, take the BTS if u can


New Member
Hi Cheery

I only recall the person served by Feng Jie leh.. hehe.. got pictures of gown to share or not? Maybe can help trigger my memory..hehe

Guess I'm too bz making sure Yvonne's hubby does a good job in the editing!


New Member
Hi Cass,

My total package is $3888.
My church wedding is replacing the ROM so I get another wedding gown instead of the tea dress. 1 MTM option. No wedding car provided.

For photos, I have got 32 15R photos, 21 5R photo album, 36 4R photos for relatives, 100 Thank you Card. 3 in 1 portrait.

Also pre-bargained for each additional photo to be $60 instead.

Running low in cash cos of my renovation. So got to really stick to my budget of $1000 for the photos. Hopefully, would not fall in love with so many photos..


New Member
Hi Mehmeh,

Actually, we requested to see your album.

I take makeovers once every 2 years. Always end up with lots of photos. So thought this time better pre-bargain for photo prices just in case this happens again. hee hee


New Member
Anybody need bridal mags??
I got a few, guess i will throw it away when i move to my hubby place, will be glad to let u gals have it...


New Member
Hi gals,

I went for my PS oredi. It was really fun, but find the session too short. Dily is very good, she gives good advise. I just let her do up whatever she finds fit. Can't wait to see my photos...


New Member
Hi josl

I like bridal magazines can have them? Can use for my portfolio in future as wedding planner/designer! heehee.. Which magz do u have at hand?

Hi Littlelamb

Glad u enjoyed.. Heehee, Dily is really very gd rite? Where did u go for outdoor?

Hi Anpanman

I'm not sure also, actually wanted to buy, but decided against it later on. Haven't heard YC practising this, but no harm asking..

Hi Asura

U must be really pretty! Coz I never ever gone for make-over, think the film wld be wasted on me.. Hhaha

U def had a gd package & must be very disciplined k? Seems like u enjoy taking pix & keeping them for memories too..


New Member
Hi hi ladies..
I can see that this thread is very very active..it’s very nice to know that majority of u has gone for ur PS..i hoped I didn’t missed quite a lot..heehee..

Helloo to mehmeh, cheery, littlelamb, josl, JovialGer..
Very nice to see u all here…heehee..

Hi hi josl…thks for updating my profile into the chart, really appreciate it a lot..thks!

Littlelamb…care to share with me abt ur PS experience..where did u go?


New Member
Hi Minssy,

thanks, for me ok la.. i speak broken hokkien, cantonese, teochew and malay.. hahahaha!! so keno should have any problem communicating with me.. hahahaha.. funny la


New Member
Hi Josl,

Sorry for not replying earlier. Have been really busy these few days. Anyway, my FW decided not to use YC. She decided to take up the offer fr her friend's cousin shop. Although i like YC a lot, but no choice lah, the girls call the shots on this one. Anyway, thanks for sharing your photos with me, you look really great in them I am sure your album will look really fantastic with all the other photos. You gals have fun chatting. I will drop by once in a while :)


New Member
Hi Mehmeh,

Thanks for the compliments. But dont think I am pretty, that's why I like makeovers cos that's the only time i look good.. hahah. Every 2 years is for me to see how old i grow.. so the PS would be replacing one of the 2 years.. hee

Think I would have no choice but to be discipline by the time I choose my Photos. Would be really broke after my renovation and honeymoon bookings.. heh. 50 photos sounds really good already.

Hi Anpanman,

If you do know that YC is selling the soft copy. Do let us know okay? I would rather buy the soft copy than a 15R photo. At least i can go develop on my own.


New Member
Hi meh meh,
no prob i dun have the mags at the moment but juz a few abt 5 i think. If u want it will be gd or else it will go to the dumps..Will get the details of the mag and let u know


New Member
Hi mehmeh and minssy,

I reached YC at 1030 and by the time Dily finish the makeup and first hairdo, it's already 12pm. Took a few shots on the kua, change to WG and EG. For each change, the hairdo took quite some time. By the time finish indoor, it's about 4-5pm. Actually wanted to go for 3 locations but no time loh. So in the end went to Demsy Rd and Labrador Park. Thank God by the time we went outdoor, the rain stopped and it's quite bright and sunny. We enjoyed at Labrador Park. We took the pic at the little beach and manage to catch the sunset. Keno let us view one of the photo with the sun bleaming at the background, it was very nice and romantic.

Oh by the way, for those taking the PS later, remember to remind the photographer that you are taking their transport if there's your intention. Cos I've a little hiccup then as keno tot we are driving our own vehicle. So got to wait a while for them to arrange for the car.


New Member
Hi Littlelamb

Wow, thankfully i only did outdoor! I rem my indoor with the BS also took very long, yupz.. All the time went to the hairdos.

I actually prefer only french twist, so one hairdo tt looks gd can oredi.. Then can have more time taking pix..

When wld u be going down to view the raw pix?

Hi Asura

Hmm, 50 pix shd be okie.. Just gotta stick firmly to ur budget I guess

Hi Josl

Okie, I wait for u to share the details.. If I already have it, then can give to others.. No need to duplicate & waste on me

Ur final fitting so soon!!! Wah, before I know it, also my turn..

Anyone going down this evening? I'm going to select another OTR EG & make modifications to my WG too..


New Member
hi josl,

me going on 11/7 for trial make up, talk to keno & final fitting of gowns for my PS..

hi mehmeh,

i going down later! but for a short while cos we bought a mandarin collar shirt and wanna try with the suit there to make sure its ok else we gotta tailor it... if i see you, i call you meh meh okie? hahahhaha


New Member
Hi Minssy

Ooh, so exciting! Hopefully ard the same time.. My stay shd be abit longer though. But no idea exactly what time I would reach


New Member
hi mehmeh,

lynn has a client at 7 and i will be there at 645 or so... we need to rush to other places also... another busy evening....


New Member
hey mehmeh,

thank you for your email.. is that your WG u look very sweet....!!!! yummy...!!! hahahaha

sad to say YC dun have much collection for men... well, itz nice that your man found something there.. My man!! he juz said no to everyone of it.... so i guess itz either he uses his old coat or we have to make a trip down to BKK to made his...


New Member
Hi Minssy..

Ooh, prob might miss u again! Shd only be there 7 or abit later

Hi Dora

Yupz, tt's my WG.. But going to make further changes to make it more grand looking. My church has a rather long aisle & the building is grand, so I think can be further improved!! Heehe.. Yummy ah? Oh dear, u have cravings

True, YC doesn't have much.. Higher end BSs wld prob have a MTM suit included.. Get it fr BKK, cheap & gd too.. Can select the right colour, material etcetc..

Take the suits for the groomsmen?


New Member
Hi meh meh...
the mags are female brides mar - aug 04,style mag sep 04-feb05,her world brides june-aug04,sep-nov04,march-may 05....
Ya loh, so fast hor...pimples popping out like mad sob sob

Hi minssy,
i be gg at 1pm, u shld be down in the evening rite...


New Member
hi hi mehmeh..
i might be gg down this evening but not confirm yet bcoz my FH might not be able to make it as he's got something on in the evening..


New Member
HI minssy,
guess most pple will go in the wkends or evening but i like to go wkdaya and afternn...

I will still need to go down on 16/7 evening to collect my gowns and the car decor,bouquet etc..
Anybody gg on that day also???


New Member
Hi Minssy

Didn't get to meet you, but met Wendy instead. She was selecting her pix.. Let her share her experience here herself.

Went down this evening to check out more OTR EGs, coz I initially wanted banquet venue to have a red theme, which means if I wore my red PS EG, I wld be part of the background! Hahah..

Anyway, I tried some fuschia pink.. Only a new toga gown suited me & looked really classy. The rest didnt have embellishments & all were halter-neck. I dun think I am suited for halter-neck designs.. So in the end, I asked to try my red PS EG again..

Loved the toga fuschia pink, but too long.. So afraid I wld step on it, even with my heels, & then fall flat on my face! Hahah... It was really a beautiful gown.. But I think to make sure I look gd & not get too conscious if I wld trip, I've decided to stick to my red EG, which many of you loved..

How was the mandarin collar shirt for ur FH? Was it okie with the suit?

Hi josl,

How do u find time to go on weekdays & afternoons?? I def can't, stuck in school.. Either meeting, marking or remedials.. Sighsigh, i also like weekday afternoons, less ppl then can chit-chat with the staff

Oh yes, can I have all the magazines except for the Style mag? I hope to use them for more ideas to boost my portfolio in future..Also helping my friends getting married in the next few years

I have made some great changes to my WG... Shall keep it a secret what my plans are.. When I get some pix at the next fitting, then surprise all of u.. Heeheehee

Ooops, thought of going to meet you on 16 Jul to get the magazines fr u & also see u in person! But I now recall, I've got school's founder's day dinner.. Missed the opportunity again

Email u on the arrangement to get ur magazines k?


New Member
hi mehmeh,

yeah.. we left at 7+.. had to rush to somewhere else....

wah.. sounds so secretive on your WG! i guess it must be something that you are very pleased! anyway i think its cool to stick to that red gown...

btw, you were allowed to bring your WG out for PS izzit? cos i chose another outdoor WG and yvonne said that we cant bring the MTM WG out..

a... the mandarin collar went fine... lynn got another type of jacket for my FH... i told ya he went for the beige pants rite? FH is not totally cool with the slit at the side bottom of the pants cos it looks quite beng... hee.. other than that... ok lor....


New Member
Hi Meh meh,
Wea u stay at maybe can pass to u, or ur sch hee (maybe u wanna email be better)...
No probs abt the mags u let me know when u gg to YC again my turn to see u , i see hubby shift then i can take the car . Even after the wedding can be fine, but must advance booking so i can put them in the car.:p


New Member
Hi Minssy,

Want to give all of you a surprise, so must be secretive. Moreover I'm *crossing my fingers & toes* it would look great after my modifications. Heehee.

Was half-tempted to get tt fuschia pink gown, but Wendy who was selecting pix says tt the red definitely nicer & easier to walk in

Yupz, I was allowed to bring my MTM WG for outdoor PS. Coz my WG was worn in the museum.. The OD WG was worn at Botanic Gdns.. U can whine & see if Yvonne allows lor

Ur FH's pants has a slit? I dun rem my FH's pair had anything like tt, or I was too obsessed with msyelf, I forgot abt him!


U shd be starting to sleep early oredi.. 2 more weeks to AD oredi.. Go now! Shooshoo.. Hahah, will keep u updated on the magazines. Now u bz, dun want to bother u with this k?

My next trip to YC wld only be after ur AD, in Aug..
