Yvonne Creative


New Member
hi Jessy,

Hmm, i think my package wun be relevant coz i had signed up in Oct 2004. Prob the rest of the ladies might be of help..

But i'm thinking since u've oredi signed on the dotted line, the rest wld be to select ur preferred MUA & PG, arrange for a day for PS & then work backwards to select a day to have a try at the OTR gowns.

Hi Missy,

Wow, tt totally confirms my suspicions tt UK's cost of living is really high! Yupz, YC's package starts at high-end of $2k & the rest of the basic package up to $4k. Of coz u can have more elaborate packages, depending on ur needs..

Hi Cass,

heheh, dun worry... Maybe u cld tell what is somewhat lacking when u try it on today? Quite sure Yvonne can help u improve it further yah? Dun worry & Enjoy urself today!


New Member
Hi Everyone

If I sign up with a BS and say good thing in this forum about the BS, do you think I can get some kickback$, additional photos, discounts, better service or commissions everytime my name is mentioned?


New Member
hi mei iem,

I figure if the BS intends to give the things u mentioned, it wld be up to the BS disgression. There have been other BSs which give the MTM WGs to the bride as a wedding present.


New Member
Dear yurieve,

for my AD photographer, I paid $500 for 300x4R photos. He is good and passionate about his job. He was my brother's AD photographer 5 years ago and will be my sis AD photographer too. In fact he's a full time professional photographer.


New Member
Hi Kai,
talking about getting caught into a bridal shop. My experience is, never anyhow go into a bridal shop unless it's one of those that recommended by frens or highly recommended by people online. When i started looking for my BS 1+ years ago, I started off with no shop BS in mind... and I realised that some of those BS really crappy. YC has good feedback online then, and the experience was totally different. I remembered walking into one BS (with "promoter" standing outside), and wanted to look at their gowns. But the lady told me that it's THEIR standard procedure to go thru photos, blah blah, before I can view the gowns (not to mention trying them on!!).


New Member
Hi ladies,

how's everyone? been a decade that i speak out, but im a quiet loyal follower of this thread. heeeheee....
can guide me how to upload my photos on multiply pls?


New Member
Hi Kai,
Cant add u leh. It said invalid ID wor.

Hey Ladies,
Me went down to YC again leh. They have a slight revamp of their place and now got plasma TV and can view their wedding show leh. There are a few gowns which I think it is very nice leh. Now I have an idea. That is to change to my Gown! Oh no.... No time left for me liao hor. It is 10days to my wedding wor!!! Anyway, there is a gown which I quite liked. Can give me some comments? My FH said not bad. Fengjie said it is nice leh... So think & think. Me really fickle minded leh. hahaa:0


New Member

huh?! farnie leh...should be can one leh...coz i just went in to check...i can enter the site with tt ID...doesnt matter...prob u gimme your ID? I try to add u too... in the mean time..mayb u can try again... heh... thx..


New Member

my multiply is also 'korisuisho' lor.. hee hee..


New Member
Hi Kai,
Think u are already in my contact leh. hehee

Hi babe,
Me maybe dropping by later to try the gown for my FH to take alook leh.
So if I get to see u there k.


New Member
kori n babe..
added ur in my multiply liao... kori...ur pics mei mei... =) like the feathers... will be going down YC for the 1st time this coming fri... look at their selection of gowns etc... will c how it goes.. =)


New Member
Hi Meh Meh..

Finished my fitting. Chose my OD gown but not the venue yet. Dun know where to take. Wanted sea and keno recoomend to go out to sea at ponggol marina but have to rent the yacht to bring us at a few hundreds dollars...Still thinking if we should take up...any recommendation?

Hi Kai,who is ur coordinator for the hotel? =)


New Member
hey girls....new to this thread..... me just went to yvonne creative on the 15th at 3pm. Tried on a few gowns. I do like their gowns but i wonder abt their package. How do you girls bargain for the best price? Is it appropriate to post yvonne's quote for you girls to assess for me or is this a NO-NO?

Sometimes, I'm just so sick of doing homework and comparing prices. I'm going down to Precious Moment today and I think I'll just compare between these 2 BS. Am I being too lazy???


New Member
Hi vinmei,

Ok, I kind of like the one with pink and purple petals... But I want a longer train... Have suggested this to Yvonne liao... Next month will be going down again, to try on new gowns...


New Member
Hi Jeannie,
Having too many BS to choose from is a headache as well leh. Me also choose btw 2 the last time when I want to sign up.
Anyway, no regrets though. hehee

Hi Babe,
ic ic... think I know which one u mentioned leh. That one is quite sweet. But too small for me to try on leh. hehee


New Member
so which one have u decided on ar???

my personal opinion is,dun paralyse urself with too many choices... narrow down ur choice by setting a budget 1st... (always have some buffer..coz once u have additional photos...$ goes up..hehe) den select just a handful.. not more den 5 la...(based on gd reviews on svc n selections) den u go down n check them out..talk to their pple...look at their selection...den make ur decision lo...u gotta be comfy working with the studio..coz u'l be facing them for quite awhile..... I made my selection based on the reviews i see here too!! hehe.... hope this helps....


New Member
Hi Kai...

Ic...mine is Albert...
I really liek ur ballroom but service some pple say good some say not to expectation ..Guess it depends on the gp of part timers they employ.
Hopefully ours will be higher standard one.. =)


New Member
hi Jessy,

What extra perks ah? Prob no. of pix in the package? If u can state ur budget, then can work out an optimal no. of pix for u.. There have been brides of YC who had quoted a budget of $4k & squeezed in 40 pix. Shd save some hundreds fr tt..

Rest of the stuff abit harder to get into the package. Think there have been others who negotiated for wrist corsages for jie-meis too.. I'm not gd with bargaining, so hahah, i didn't do much abt tt

Hi Cass,

If u like sea, Punggol Marina shd be quite okie.. I personally like Changi Boardwalk area, easy to walk ard, u can have the boardwalk & sea without having to go onto the beach itself. Prob Labrador's another place?

What other sort of venues do u like?


New Member
Hi Kai,
Have not decided leh. Me wanted to try yesterday but Yvonne have brought the gown to wash leh. She said today will be ready to try. hehee
So going down tonite to try for my FH to take alook leh... hehee


New Member
Hi vinmei,

My WG is MTM, but I want to change abit of the designs of the gown... So will discuss abit more with Yvonne or Fengjie next month... April will start doing my gown liao.


New Member
Hi vinmei,

Oh... Last night when I tried, I forced myself to zip up... I almost coulsn't breathe, think I'm going fat at the wrong area... hehee:) Maybe can try it on without having my dinner first...


New Member
Hi vinmei,

Sorry, typo error...
Was trying the gown last night, and I forced myself in and almost couldn't breathe... Think I'm growing fat liao... hehee:)


New Member
Hey girls... think it will be YC lah.... I went to precious moment and got rather pissed with them. I called and made an appointment at 3:30pm. When I was there, the receptionist told me that the sales personnel will be a bit late. So I tot, nvm, sit down look at photos first. Then she called and said he will not be able to make it already. Why cant he called me earlier to cancel my appointment?!?! Made me rush down for nothing. The worst part was, the receptionist told me to look at other bridal shops 1st, if still interested then come back here. I was thinking, wow, Precious Moment's biz so good until they push cilents to other shops ah... So I told her I will not be back. Aiyo.... so yaya papaya...


New Member
hi Jeannie

Oh dear.. I know PMB has very gd packages if u can confirm on the spot. I'm thinking tt the recep told u to go browse at others 1st to let u have a choice, not so much to turn biz away.. In tt sense, she was trying to assure u tt they will not hardsell their package to u

I've heard tt their photography & gowns being quite gd.. But i guess the sales guy really had let u down.. Hope u are feeling better oredi, the weekend is here!


New Member
Hi all, wow so many new names in a few weeks

Gladys: Sorry for my late mail! As I just saw your last postings about the quotation from my ID! Just dropped u a mail with details. check it out ok?

meh meh, chobits, gerchea: Thanks for adding me in multiply! Err...i still have not uploaded my pictures yet. No stamina! hehehe...will do it soon ( i hope!)

happy weekend!
cheers, ammy


New Member

I signed up with YC at their fair last week at Marina sq.. I so blur.. forgot to ask when shld i go down for 1st appt.. usually when shld i go down for appt if my AD is in Oct??? i tot of just popping by to see see their gowns.. is this possible?


New Member
Erm.. i'm kinda new to this, so would someone explain to me what a multiple is? And can I look at some of your photographs from YC?
Thank you! Need some ideas in this BS thing! i'm like totally lost!


New Member
hi Ammy,

Looking fwd to ur pix!

Hi Ling,

I think u can call them soon, esp if u intend to have ur PS soon. If u have to MTM a gown, u need to give them abt 1-2 mths fr the time of designing & then another 0.5 mth for proper fittings. Finally u can go for the PS.. So give urself some lead time of abt 3-4 mths ahead of the AD for PS. Working backwards, with ur AD in Oct, ur PS shd be in June-July, fittings May-Jun, going to try gowns & designing, Mar-May.

U wld also prob be assigned with a coordinator who will assist u on when u shd make ur next visits

Hi Missy,

Not sure if i had sent u the URL to view my PS pix. Check ur mail & let me know..


New Member
Hi Ling,

if your AD is in Oct, then you dun really have much time left. Especially if you are MTM your WG. For example,

Late Feb - 1st Appointment to try & design WG.
late Mar - 1st Fitting
late April - 2nd Fitting
early May - trial make-up & final fit
Mid May - Photo Taking
Early June - Select Photos
Early July - See touched up photos
Sep - Collect Album
Late Sep - Final Fit
Oct - Wedding


New Member
Hi Cass,
I did my PS in Jan, but coz it was raining after we did our indoor, we had to postponed it to last monday. We did our outdoor in Singapore, went to the former High Court, a pub in East Coast Rd, and fullerton.

Hi mehmeh,
Sure, will KIV for you!

Hi kori,
Just went to see ur WG again at multiply, indeed it looks like what YC has for their show, maybe u can pop by YC if u free to see? hehe..

Hi tweetytwee,
Yap, a load off my mind, but still many more on it, hehe.. just went to see showflat of an ID on tue, workmanship quite good, think she's one of our shortlisted IDs. Hv been meeting other IDs/contractors for the past few days, really tired, lucky today is "off day".. hehe Gotta rest well tonite for ano round tom!

Hi ammy_world,
Thanks! I received your email. Like your mosaic wall!
Looking fwd to seeing your PS pics on multiply!
