Wives of pilots?


New Member
hi.. care 2 reopen this thread?

hubby has been accepted as a SQ pilot n is considering very hard whether or not 2 accept.. if he does, then will have 2 be away for abt 2.5 yrs of training.. plus peanuts allowances.. sigh, as a wife, i will have 2 be supportive of his decision in chasing his dream despite my fears ..

Grumpus, Gloxina, you gals still around? Care 2 be in touch?


pilot's wife

it all depends. We can evaluate your situation if you provide us with more details

a) how old is your hubby?

b) what is his qualifications

c) what is he working as before that and how much is his salary (can decide on the opportunity cost)

BTW, my hubby is a pilot with another airline (previously SQ)


New Member
My hubby was military Pilot and now has switched to SQ. I have to say it does not matter what he works as coz either way he is a great husband and father. He does not fool around because he is very committed to our family and the sex between us is great. We've been married for 12 years.

Most of his friends who are Airforce pilots are committed family man too. It really depends more on the guy than the work he does.


New Member
hi frostie,

yup definitely still around!
in fact gloxina and i still communicate occasionally via email and instant messenger.
we wives of pilots gotta stick together

feel free to PM if u need to talk ya?
my hubby checked out fairly recently so still have vivd memories of his 2.5 yrs of training on peanut pay...haha


New Member
hi girls,

happy new year! how is everyone doing? my SO has to work today! oh well, at least he will have a few days off after.


New Member
Sorry gals to have disappeared for a while (my email doesn't seem to send me prompts about replies anymore so I didn't know of the newer posts!). Anyway, Happy Lunar New Year to everyone! Hope all your flying hubbies were home at least for a couple of days during the CNY.

Hi Frostie, glad to have u onboard. Just feel free to PM me too.


New Member
hi gals..

happy CNY! thanks for welcoming me on board.. juz tt i am not fully on board yet *grin* cos hubby still pending medical clearance on his eyesight (he has lasik) .. nonetheless, would love 2 get 2 know u gals..

can msn me at [email protected]


New Member
hi gals
so funny to read thru the posts...well,all I can say is every guy is different..whether or not, he'll stray..it's up to the indivdual...takes two hands to clap...

hubby's a military pilot.. I was also previously from air force too..well, can say I've seen a fair share of good n faithful pilot husbands... and also like what CAT mentioned, some cheeky n flirty ones...

Like all those gals like grumpus... before I married my hubby, I've already had a mind set and understanding of what we'll have to go thru... his long absence when he's away.. weekends burnt... V- day not ard...blah blah... so it's not easy to be a pilot's wife..
one must be prepared to work things out wif hubby to sustain a good relationship. Trust is very impt in here..
If u can't tolerate his absence or any of the things that is brought abt due to his work, best is to rethink abt the relationship... cos I've known some pilots whose are divorced not becos they are unfaithful... but their wives can't tolerate the effects brought abt by the nature of their work.

yes...military pilots do earn much... a major can earn $12k/mth... my hubby currently is rather junior(CAT C) in status n is drawing more than $5k/mth... so those senior pilots(CATB n above)cna command much more...


New Member
for info..the $12k/mth is for pilots who are non grad...if u are a grad n holding a rank of major.. u'll command more..

any other wives of pilots ard? maybe we can form a club or something...:p


New Member
I think I know u...keke... saw your profile n share the same AD as me...keke...:p your hubby from PLAB? the big charlie? ;p


New Member
hee hee... i noe who you are. yup, i attended ur wedding too.

how's life? see tat you've left the airforce...

btw which area are you all staying? north, south, east, west?


New Member
haha...knew it was u..
from the nick also can guess liao..:p life's good for me...
just busy wif housework..etc.what abt u? everything's fine? me staying in the west.. almost the western end liao...:p u? hey u have friendster or msn?


New Member
i'm on msn and friendster too.. erm... can try to rind thru the hubbies' colleagues? ;)

wow, west side? then ur hubby hav to travel real far ... me? the same, looking forward for the long weekend


New Member
??er..what's rind thru? *blur* :p

yup..at JW..near jurong point n the upcoming new MRT station in Jurong..
think travelling time is ard 45min... keke.. he used to it liao..:p u also stay in jurong?

hee..hubby not ard lah...outstation... :p only back on labour day... me tomolo going malacca wif my best friend over the weekend.
u? enjoy your weekend...


New Member
hmmm... to down south? well, next week i'll be home alone cos hubby going outstation too..

we staying in the east side, really the other end of the island...

oh, 'rind' was the typo of 'find'.,.. :p

wat's ur id for friendster? will try to find u there...


New Member
hiya mirror
oh ok...heee..tot new word..:p

wah!! in the east? haha..really the other end of singapore.
oh..your hubby when coming back? maybe we can go for kopi..:p

my email for friendster is [email protected]


New Member
hi there,
hav not been to the forum for sometime. weekend is good rest, looking forward for the long weekend.

did noe tat they're flying together till u mentioned... think it was a norm flight.

how are you?


New Member
i'm fine...
anyway think they'll fly to taiwan together in end may...
yup..long weekend's here...

btw do u go gym? or blading?
maybe we can meet up to excercise...


New Member
used to go to gym for body pump classes, but had stop since married. nowadays swim whenever i've the chance. as for blading, waiting for my friend to start classes...

ya i noe they're flying overseas end of month...


New Member
hmm..why u stop after marriage? swimming wise ... hee.. me not very keen on swimmming..maybe becos not a strong swimmer...:p blading... your friend is an instructor in blading? cool... me took up blading quite sometime but it's without any instructor one...:p OTOT... but least got my hubby ard..cos he know how to ice skates bef..so more or less can 'teach' me a few techniques here n there..

it's the long weekend tomolo!! enjoy your weekend lady..


heard of commercial pilots getting paid like 20k/mth ...

also heard "rumours" of questionable employment practices in airlines, for female pilots...

airlines are losing money and it is known that salaries take up a huge part of the operating costs. its worrying to know that there is a large discrepency between the pay of a pilot versus that of maintenance crew (something like 1:5 ratio), even though both roles are equally important to airlines. that has already caused some tension in certain airlines. whats worse is that passengers are paying increasing fuel surcharges, and despite that nothing is improving for airlines, since whenever any airline tries to cut pilots' pay, they go on a strike knowing that they have strong unions.

perhaps that is why the airlines have no choice but to blame airports for charging them high rates?


New Member
Hi $$

I read this threat by chance..very interesting while reading it....

I guess commercial pilots will earn around 20k with allowance when they become a captain.They will be selected for command training mostly during the ten years.
RX-78-2 (gundam)mention 8 years. I think that is for the excpetion maybe...

Meantime, my hubby is doing the command training.
I guess not all piliots have got secret landing....hahah, RX-78-2, agree?Though some of them are but not all....

I am not tai tai type that goes around for leisure activities....I spend my time doing my own errands, looking after two kids when hubby is not in town...I guess for someone to consider marrying pilots, you must be quite an independent person. Just like my last labour, he was stuck in London not able to come home to welcome the baby tho he tried but the flight time was too ling....

Starstar, sure we can form a club but my hubby is from the commercial sector not from the airforce..so, you take the lead?

Good day all...


New Member
Count me in too if you guys are forming a club! Hee! Mine's commecial as well. Being Independent is very important and I feel that it helps in building ones character.


New Member
Hi Cloves

We will start counting from here....

Cloves - commercial pilot's wife
Jacqueline-commercial pilot's wife

Maybe the rest can add on the list

Good day


my friend's dad commercial pilot... many flings and even passed STD to wife.

my guy friend military pilot very long months of training away from gf and away from Singapore. always fights and arguments.


New Member
well..it'll depends on the man himself... takes 2 to clap..
u can't tip the whole boat just cos of a black sheep..
there's good pilots who love their wives too..maybe u just didn't know them.
think your guy fren who's a military pilot needs a gal who's understanding n independent... she needs to understand the scope of work he's in... like I said in earlier post..it's not easy to be a pilot's wife.
takes alot of understanding n patience... also u need to be independent.

hi cloves n stary..

hahaha.tot the thread 'died'..
thanks for reviving the thread.
me also not the taitai type..just that I've got more time for myself..to do the things I want...etc..

ok..here's me adding to the list..
Cloves - Commercial pilot's wife
Stary - Commercial pilot's wife
starstar - Military pilot's wife


New Member
i understand the so called high cost in airlines..but u can't simply take the maintenance crew n compared wif the flying crew.. think the dangers both of them faced are different...air crew are paid more due to the higher risks of dangers they are facing everyday..... but all in all, guess the maintainence crew of the airlines didn't compare themselves wif those working outside the airline industry..think the pay they are getting is more than a normal technician working in a company..


dear starstar,

if u really want to compare risks/dangers faced at work then there are also jobs like construction and shipbuilding/repair where there are high risks involved too. not to forget sailors, soldiers, policemen, etc. will it be economically sensible to give them similar pay packages?

in airlines both pilots and maintenance crew play important parts in ensuring the safety of passengers so why the huge discrepency in pay?

for fighter jet pilots there are huge risks involved, but for commercial jet pilots its probably much lower. the pay given to pilots may be eroding airlines' profits to the extent that they cease to be profitable. the difficulty in implementing pay cuts for pilots may be the reason why passengers are the ones paying extra when running costs rise due to fuel costs.


Active Member

responsibilities & liabilities play a huge part in the difference in pay, amidst the specialised training, lifestyle sacrifices and skill. maintenance guy loses his job over a cock-up, whereas the liabilities of a pilot, or even a ship captain, can include jail...

actually ship officers are paid pretty well too... although the risks onboard ships is much higher than on a plane. but responsibility level for human life is lesser.

anyway, isit easier to get a pilot than a maintenance crew? if answer is No, then it's obvious why pay is different.


New Member
Hi Powder

Nice to see you in different column for opinion....

My hubby used to be a ship captain for last 15 years and later up to air for the last 10 years and he told me that ship is easier to control in terms of risk...cos up in the sky, anything happen its within second and has no control over it, when you fly, everything is blank infront ie just the sky...My two cents of thoughts.....

Regarding salary...I think there must be a reason why certain job is paid at a certain amount....when one is in the job itself,probably one will have a better understanding.....

No one likes to be branded as overpaid.....


New Member

For info, after giving the so called very high pay out to the air crew, the airline is still very rich as the profit is really alot........

For info, our national carrier paid to the pilot is not the best paid world wide....You can check it out


New Member
Good morning all!

Actually I don't see what the comparison is all about, each job is different with totally different scopes and responsibilities. it is like comparing a surgeon with a dentist, both are doctors too but paid scale is different. I was just about to say why not compare to other airlines with well paid pilots who does the same kinda job. I want to say that I don't think that the local pilots are that well paid at all, it may seem like it but you don't know what kinda perks they are getting.


New Member
Stary, your hubby was a ship captain? What kinda ship? The cruise kind? Do you travel often with him on his flights?


New Member
Hi Cloves

He was with the navy...

Yap, I travelled him many times on flights, and it was fun sitting in the cockpit for all the four sectors landing and take off , and that was before the 911 happening...Interesting to following him on flight as it gives me the experience how is his job like as in the jet lag etc and the short rest that he has to climatise himself....

How about you?How long your hubby has been with the airlines?Do you happen to stay in the east?


Active Member
hi Stary, your hubby has a pretty rich job experience! hehe...

yup, the time for decision-making is definitely almost split second on planes given the speed. well, i sailed for awhile during my younger days, and trust me man... the dangers are daily... our monthly newsletters will have an Injury column to report abt accidents/incidents... cos the sailing community basically know each other and we're best frens for a good 6mths for each article. u have pple losing their limbs, losing their lives etc... in cold winter up in canada a guy lost his ear cos someone brushed against it, elsewhere another guy was crushed by a container, then whilst mooring another guy was cut into 2 after the mooring wire gave way... it's very surreal, and very real... can u imagine scooping the body of the guy crushed by the container? or placing your fren's dead body in the freezer? it's very very real...

ok abit too much to stomach for the morning, keke. i prefer to be up in the sky anytime! cos at least if i go, i likely to go with 'buddies'...


New Member

Yeah it was fun being on the jumpseat for landing and takeout, I would not want to be in the cockpit for the entire sector unless the flight is full. Me too, I realised how hard he works when I travel with him, I am like a kid following him to work like wow so that is what he does.
I stay quite close to the east, you? My hubby has been with the airlines for 7-9 years, I am not too sure!

Powder, you have a rich job experience yourself! it must be gruesome to see those kinda scenes. I cannot stomach it!


Active Member
no lah, i was lucky not to experience the gruesome ones... so far mine was only multiple fractures and temporary injuries. it was on other ships my frens were on, within the same company... well like i said, we're mostly acquaintances and see eahc other before during training, so yeah, abit freakout.

i'd love to be a pilot one day, but it's Not Easy... the training period, the amount of study needed is almost an equivalent to Uni man! i used to visit my trainee frens over at seletar to have supper at J.Kayu... it's study study study... quite siong for an academic idiot like me. and i think pple fail to remember tat Pilots have to keep themselves updated on the latest updates/changes in their trade. it can be very dry... same with those ship captains, u have to be updated with changes in Ports, Landscape, Undersea wrecks, etc etc... these are all ever-Living/Changing environment requiring very proficient understanding. hmm, maybe it's abit like certain IT environments... have to stay relevant cos it's always changing.

whereas changing oil/refuelling/maintenance doesn't possess the same dynamic evolving environment. if u can service a car in 1985, u can probably use the same set of skills to service a car in 2006.


New Member
Powder..you are interesting...

Cloves,I prefer to be in the jumpseat even load is not full as I get to chat with them.....Also its better than squeezing in the ey seat...The four sectors that I was in the cockpit was TOKYO LA TRIP...Fun, now with two kids, legs and hands got tied...cannot wait for my baby to be ready and his training end soon....Yet to use this year ticket...usually I will finish it very soon...hahaha

Your hubby must be due for command training ?I stay near parkway, you?


New Member
hi stary n cloves
looks like powder has answered $$ woes...:p anyway think $$ should tune to Natioanl Geo to see the Seconds to Air disaster... then he will understand the responsibilties n risks involved for air crew.

just add..I was from the airforce too...my rank n my hubby's rank the same but I also never complain he earn more than me...cos I know I'm not an air crew personnel.. more on ground than him... u can consider me a soldier too(i'm in the air defence artillery..a cross bet army n ariforce..haha)...but how often we fight a war n risk dying??? I can say I'm on a safer ground than him.. his job is to fly everyday which is CONSTANTLY putting himself at a higher risk. The decsion made is split seconds... that will affect whether u live or perish.

wah..u gals are so lucky...can sit at the cockpit..me can't of course...:p anyway I stay in the west...
so far from u two...

go take up a private pilot license? me also wanna fly but dun think I can cos i kan cheong spider one... :p


Active Member
no way! me cheapo... i want my training paid for... actually if possible, it would be a good retirement job... just fly around here and there... can buy LV and stuff for wifey!


Active Member
32! i'm an old dog... i'm nearing the cutoff, opportunity cost abit high for now... anyway i very thick skin, even if i'm 40, i'd still network, knock on doors until i get in!

and hey, tks for the encouragement!


New Member
hey, where got old, my hubby starts at 32 and he gave up his pension and everything in the navy...Everyone thought that he will not leave as its too much to loose....still...so is that a source of motivation???Hahaha


New Member
suprise to see this thread coming alive again...

well, life is about risk and chances, isn't it? u won't know what you'll get without leaving our own comfort zone.

anyway, starstar, i see you at the dinner tonite?


New Member
hiya mirror!!

haha.. your hubby made a wise choice..
like what mirror said, life is abt taking risks n chances...even in marriage...haha..

hey..since u got the interest, go for it..
