Sheraton Towers Singapore Hotel


New Member
Hi Carol

My email addy is [email protected].
Thanks a lot for sharing!


New Member
Hi Carol, I think duck is a nice choice but u try then decide if u would like to hv it...

As for the guest table decor, if im not wrong, its been like tat all the while, unless u r willing to top up..but I think no pt though it will definitely look much better.


New Member
Hi satinchris,

Don mention it, but i can only email you later tonight when i reach home cos my office's pc no bluetooth ya.


Heehee my bf says exactly the same thingy dats its not worth to top up cos most probably no one will notice. Michele also says she intends to try out new red flowers such as red carnations.

Hence, if anyone is going for the Sheraton Bridal Show on 12 April, pls share the pic of the new wedding theme too. Thanks!


You wanna email me your questions to [email protected]


New Member
Hello gals, I have managed to upload my photos on the multiply, joannesyc. U can view the set up for the dinner.

Almonddust, where are your AD photos? Hee.. I am still waiting for you to upload to multiply.

Carol, my photographer did took a few photos of the set up too.


New Member
Hi PP, so u were in my multiply contact all these while...was a pity I didnt manage to say Hi to you when I went down to my friend's wedding on the 13Mar..


New Member
Hi May, yes, u are..
thought you might have seen me that day.. so qiao.. yr friend wedding is there as well. All went well for your friend's wedding banquet?


New Member
Haaa .... nope I was supposed to go say HI to you but it was raining tat day so ended up late. Didnt see u at all... theirs went on great!!


New Member
Hi gals,

I have a fren who is also interested in Wedding Lunch package with Sheraton, can someone email me the package if you still have it?

Thank YOU!


New Member
Hi May, great to hear that.
Carol, I heard tomorrow is the Sheraton wedding show, maybe you can ask your friend to drop by the hotel to see see look look and ask for the package. Can see the new themes as well.
Are you going? Can take pictures.. hee


New Member
Hi PP,

My fren has only got 10 tables only so most likely eyeing Topaz Room too, checked with Sheraton, Michele says that the bridal show is targetted for couples who wants to use the Grand Ballroom only.


New Member
Hi all brides, hope everything has been going well for all of u.

I'm having a big headache now as my coordinator Jane has resigned and the new one hasn't come on board yet. so i was thinking who may be a good one? Is irene good? wat about michele? these are the only 2 names i saw here..hee..

Pls provide some feedback...thanks girls...


New Member
hi ladies,

Anyone has the location map for Sheraton? I need it to print on the invitation cards. The ones that I have is not good for printing :p

Pls send me a copy if you have it. My email is [email protected]



New Member
Hi Carol,

NP, I've asked Michele for it but the one she gave me is not suitable for printing. I'm getting my co regular printer to help me do the job. He is charging me at a norminal fee only.


New Member
Hi everyone.
does anybody have a list of sheraton's 2009 banquet prices? been hearing lotsa good reviews here...tot of going down to have a look. but they don't seem to entertain us on sundays har


New Member
hi hamdy <<< I will be having my banquet in 2009 and the weekday price per table after tax is 1021.64. weekday is mon to thurs. I cant rem the weekend rate though.


New Member
Hi Hamdy,

Weekend package in 2009 starts at $1068++ for a table of 12. Look around more and make a slow, well-considered decision, no need to rush. Make sure you love your venue!

Happy venue hunting!


New Member
Hi Loving Summer,
Sorry I have no offence to your advertisement here. Sheraton provides free projector as in my case when I did a livefeed on my march-in and playing of the video montage.



New Member
Hi gals,
I will be holding my wedding banquet on 24th May. May I ask if there will be a live feed for the March ins? Or do we need to top up cos I don't remember my co-ordinator telling me about that when we met up with Michele to discuss about the wedding theme &amp; decor.


New Member
ST only provide the projector. You need to arrange with your VG for the long cable for live feed. Most VG charge extra for it, you may wana check with your VG on the cost.


New Member
Hi all,

I'm also holding my dinner banquet in ST. My coordinator is Benedicte. Anyone with the same coordinator? Think she's relatively new in ST.

Did any of you book guest rooms for your relatives and friends on your wedding nite? Any special rates given?

Also, did anyone hold her solemnisation ceremony at the waterfall area? It seems really nice! Only concern is that it may rain -_-


New Member
Hi Sassy gal,
Thanks for the info, will check with my VG. Do you think the live feed is worth the trouble? Is it for 1st &amp; 2nd March or for entire dinner? Sorry I am very blur not sure abt such things.

I will be holding my solemization at the waterfall...keke never thought about what will happen if it rains though...keeping my fingers crossed..


New Member

I'm also intending to arrange for livefeed. Should be for both 1st &amp; 2nd March in(since your VG will be there the whole time).

Don't think it's troublesome. but check with your VG how much they are charging.. this might be an area of consideration. (FYI, my VG quoted me $100). Think it's rather reasonable coz they said the long cable for the livefeed is very exp.


New Member
Hi Deon/Sassy,
I also had live feed previously and was also charged $100 for it (and same reason for the long cable required). I had it both for 1st and 2nd march in... I thought it would be good tat people at the back k see us walking in &amp; wun feel neglected.

But something for thoughts (nt sure if its do-able): Maybe you can aso check if your VG can record down the march in since they are doing e live feed.


New Member
I really wanted to hold mind at Sheraton Towers as 4 of my close pals held their wedding there and it was great! But my dates are mostly taken. Wonder if I should change date or choose somewhere else. If I don't act fast enough I might have to push my wedding back to 2010 and I'd be 32 by then!


New Member
hi dahpne,
Sheraton is indeed good, my bro held his there too. why not consider other hotel? Merchant Court is good too... you dun have to be the same as your close pals... who knows when the pixs are out, yours will be better than them... hehe... can go to Merchant Court thread to see.. maybe you will be tempted to take up MC too...
yah... must act fast if not dates will be taken up.


New Member
Hi Dahpne,

There is plenty of nice venues(depending on budget of course) such as Marriot, Traders, Orchard, Intercontinetal etc etc. Stick to the date you want, dats more important than anything unless you don mind pushing it till later dates. jus my two cents worth...


New Member
Hi btb2008 and Carol,

I'll probably take a look at Merchant Court, Novotel Clarke Quay and Orchard Hotel too.
Yes my fiance rather we stick to our dates, and I'm sticking to his decision.

Thank both of you for the suggestions.


New Member
Hi Daphne,

No problem
...Other hotels Hyatt, Marina Mandrin you may like to consider also. Some brides book their hotels 1-2 years in advance so that they can secure the dates they want. Those who didn't in fact abit hard to secure place on the date they want if its a "hot" date.

If your dates are calculated by Shifu, better stick to it.

It will be good too as I heard from my bro that Sheraton already up their prices alot this year... if you push your wed dates till 2010, I believe prices will up alot more in future... (the same goes with other hotels)

Just for you to take into consideration...hope it helps....



New Member
Hi everyone

Got a question here.
Do you cater seats for your photographer and videographer? And where do you seat them? At a table which is near to yours so that they can see you and take pics when appropriate?



New Member
Hi Satin,

No, we usually dun. They should be busy taking photos and I dun see any photographer or videographer eating the banquet dinner. haha. Anyway, you will not have 100% attendance.. there will be vacant seats.. so they might just slot in to take a seat in between. They need to be very alert and knows when u are starting march in... U wont be happy if they are happy eating away..


New Member
Hi. We just had our wedding dinner held in Sheraton last week and had left over 2 cartons of red wine. It is the housepour, St. Helena, which Sheraton is personally using them.

Anyone interested in buying over? It will save us the trouble in bringing back to the wine supplier.


New Member
Hi Zarah,

The wedding show peaks is only for wedding held before 31st Dec 2008. It wouldn't make any difference for normal day to comfirm if you need next year or 2010 wedding date, but for pricing I'm not too sure as they have price range that valid for certain period. I think you can try to check with their coordinator Ms Benedit, she's very friendly &amp; helpful.


New Member
Tks Jo&amp;JY,

Thats exactly my consent.. cuz if i were to book now for a 2010 wedding..say they charge me $1200nett per tbl, im afraid they will throw in this kind of promo on 2010 itself.. like 808nett per tbl kinda stuff..


New Member
Hi Zarah,

But if Sheraton throw in such promo, which is only applicable during that year (2010). That mean you might not get your prefer date during the promotion. Like I'm still pending for my date (21st Nov 09), as there's another party which already blocked up two weeks (which my date falls within one of them).

You will be taking a risk to cofirm within the same year and I feel that your perks would be better since you are paying more for the tables. Hence to me to sign on the fair shouldn't be too much a difference. My 2 cents of thoughts.


New Member
Sassy_girl> i just received a wedding invitation for my friend's wedding at Sheraton. The venue is stated as: The Grand Ballroom, Level 2


New Member

I've attended the wedding show last sat. it wasn't really a show but more like a showcase of their food (buffet style - which looked really good and really delicious), BS sales people promoting their packages with a small rack display of their gowns, wedding jewellry showcase, wine tasting, samples of wedding favors and invitation cards... there was a geomancer there who will calculate wedding dates for a $50 fee as well...

apparently a lot of people had their food, walked around took photos and left... it's free registration n free carpark, but no lucky draw
