Sembawang Green BTO sep 06


New Member
Hi princesspig84,

ya, i'm doing wardrobe outside the toilet using partition, and will hang my tv on the partition.. trying to maximise the walking space in the tiny rm..

Hi Xuan,

i don't know if it will be slanted when close, but i think i will still do backing, cos i'm not comfortable without the backing, makes me feel that its only 'half done'.' I'm using Tau Interior. =)


New Member

Tau Interior, quite good contractor, got a lot of good comments in renotalk. How much is your total renovation cost? Hmm, without backing, I also dun feel comfortable, quite weird lor. But if can't probably hang the clothing, then no point to do the wardrobe there. Anyway, thank for your answer, finally solve my big question on this issue mann


New Member
Piggylover - I see... I went out for dinner with my parents ard that timing keke... no worries, we'll get to meetup soon... so you manage to get the lightings for your house on sat?


New Member

ya, feels weird without the backing. My total reno is $18,880, including floorings and doors. Uncle Winson has been very nice and kind all these while, hope the whole experience will continue to stay as pleasant as it is now.


New Member
xiaofeizhu83, yup yup! we will get to meet up soon de. =)

yes, shortlist afew shop but will go buy aft started reno as nd contractor details to knw hw many to buy. =)


New Member

Wah.. very nice to know someone who did the same things as me, we can share tips..

ask you ar.. did you do a tv console in the master bedroom? if have, still got enough space to walk?? we are considering between a built-in console (will eat into the space of the 'wiw') and a suspended tv console for the SCV box and DVD box..

Also, is your partition in laminated finish or is it in painted finish?


New Member
Jes -

I will mount my TV and player on my warerobe.
Still have around.. like me recall... about 2 "square" to walk to the bed, dun expect much space..
But at least is bigger than I imagine.

Mine is with laminated finish.


New Member
Me also will be having 2 cupboard in the MBR. One in the hole behind the door and the corner near the toilet.

My contractor are doing the carpentary this week and once completed, will post the pics here. =)

Praying that it will look ok.

Jes/ Princesspig >> We share the same concept. Is ur reno completed?


New Member
Jes again ,but this time is Jessie.. keke..
Yap. Mine almost done. now left touch up, wall decals and wallpaper. I am suggesting to my ID to put photo on one of the walls.. hope my photo is in good quality to enlarge it.


New Member
from what i see... think i am the only who hacked the wall so that i can form a L-shaped wardrobe and change the orientation of the MBR door... hee hee... i did that to increase the wardrobe size.. didnt thot of doing up a second wardrobe at the toilet corner...

i thot i am last in the forum to start reno... so still got others also havent start.. hee hee.. i am still waiting for my ID to get back to me with the designs...


New Member
bigfsh, we also hacked the wall so tat we can fit in our 10-ft wardrobe..hehe..

I'll post pictures after all my furnitures come in this week and the touch ups by my ID is completed..


New Member
Bigfish >> My orig plan was to hack the wall and shift the MBR door further out too.. But costs is too high.

So, in the end, we drop the idea.


Wow Jes,
How come your reno is only $18k? Most of my IDs quoted me over $30k. Can i know what are the things quoted in ur quotation? Mind to show? You using Tau Interior? I shortlisted them but did not go find them cos i'm quite runnning out of time.

Hi PiggyLover,
There are quite a few changes need to be made. The most impt is dunno where the empty land near the mosque there will have any buildings, cos our Feng Shui master said it will affect our health if there is any plan to have building. Then we will need to find the master for help to block the "bads" away.
Will be meeting the contractors this few days to explain the changes and hope i can receive a better quotation. Cos i need to start the reno on 29th Sep 9.15am (given by the master). You living in 9th floor rite? when you will be at your unit, so can meet you up to view your place also.


New Member
Mine is $18K with floorings, tv console, display cabinet,shoe cabinet, window grills,doors, showerscreens, kitchen, wardrobes and tv console in my room. also including wardrobe and study table in my gal's room.

no false ceiling.. but i'm happy with the quotation. =)


New Member
Hi Princesspig84

Not able to pm you.
Can pm me your contacts for window grilles instead? My unit is also facing the road..


New Member
Mine is about $24k, am very satisfied and happy with my renovation =) essentially it includes and has done hacking of wall, make good doorframe, changed Master bathroom door and vanity top, wallpaper for MBR, 10-ft wardrobe, feature wall cum mirrors at bombshelter, dining area cushion bench with mirror, shoe rack, tv console with display cabinet, L-box, false ceilings, installation of lighting and electrical points, window at service yard, and kitchen cabinet..these are the main bulk of items my fiancee and I compared vis-a-vis other IDs, based on the same "apple", designs and materials..


Wow Jes, yours is really good.. so how much did your contractor charged you for the haulage? is it really standard $750? Cos i doing homogenous tiles for the whole hse. not doing parquet or laminted anymore.


Yo! Raynard, your price is good also.. i have seen your place.. Roy has quoted you quite cheap.. but mine was quoted around $29k to $30k+. But will be meeting him this thursday to discuss further due to the changes made. hope he can help to lower down the quotation to meet my budget (less than $25k). heehee.. i forgot whether you got do false ceiling or L-box for your living room and bedrooms.


So far as checked with some of the neighbours here, some was quoted $200, some quoted $650, but so far two IDs quoted me $750 for our block 487. The IDs told me is fix rate for our 4-room flat at Blk 487 leh. I am confused too, but i asking my hubby to call to the HDB's contractor to check the actual price, since they mentioned that we can call them to ask the fee of the haulage. You still have a copy of your quotation with you? You can check it out.


New Member

They really charge me $950 leh. nvm, i'll ask the uncle whether can 'discount' anot. i heard from the other IDs, they say fix rate is $950 leh. very confused.


My hubby had just called to the HDB's contractor for the haulage. Mind to ask what flooring you done? He told my hubby that the whole house haulage is $750. If you do parquet flooring, then will be more expensive.


New Member
Hey Cheri, I need to check on this as I can't seem to find where the final quotation after I'd packed and shifted all my stuffs..Eventually it depends your requirements too, he wun charge you additional for something not required, so the amount he quoted you should be based on the requirements you had communicated to him bah.. I have false ceiling with downlights in my MBR and study room, L-box and false ceiling my living room..

Hey Jes, in fact my reno has just completed, less some minor touch ups to be done by my ID..all my furnitures will be coming in this Fri, so after tat should be more of less done..


New Member
Hi Jes, Just to let you know, HDB has actually appointed a contractor to do haulage for you. Hence it is not right for any ID to charge you on the haulage. Please check with your ID and dun let him cheat your $$$. Below is the rate I have asked from tony,

Whole house = $750
Living + kitchen = $600
Kitchen only = $150 to $250


Hi Jes,
My hubby called to the HDB's contractor is Tony Lim. As according to edwin, he is right in his message.
In another way, we can pay the same amt of $750 to the ID and the ID has to pass the money to HDB's contractor.
