Sembawang Green BTO sep 06


New Member
hi all! wow.. all seem getting ready le. i wil b heading to HDB on fri to collect my key. planning to start reno aft lunar 7mths as we intend to move in aft our AD in Dec. ;)


New Member
vernon >> I place my headbead facing the window as they says face toilet nt good... But I guess its all personal preference ba.


New Member
hi miumiu, hmm.. open door date not fix yet. only collection of key only. haiz..

yup yup! my unit is facing the park de. so hw is everything for ur side? when starting ur reno?


New Member
Hi all, I only managed to meet and talk to one neighbour at my floor since the day we open door till now. The rest of the neighbour at same floor, we did saw them but they are busy in the house doing their things, so only managed to smile to one. hehee...

I place my bed facing window. Just realised that the curtain we bought not thick enough. Sunlight can come thru. Sian! Face toilet and room door not good leh.

My reno finished and furniture came in last Saturday. But I will only shift in on my wedding day in Oct.


New Member
jessie, most impt if u opt for flooring n door mus chk through. windows, toilets, doors for main n household shelter, service yard the hander for cloth n the folding door n etc.. as much as u can find in the house which had already provide by HDB de.


New Member
just report anything that u find doesnt feel right

if u did the flooring, check their timber skirting...the workmanship there is pretty bad...n there is a nail stuck there at 1 corner!
the window grills check also cos mine kena some defect...
check all the tiles, i got a few cracked tiles...
check the switches n the plugs for any cracked plastic.
if not sure whether is defect or not, just put it down n rectify with the HDB guy. no harm doing it, at most the guy will say it is like that 1.
best is bring along a floor plan and use arrows or lines to point to the exact location of the defect. hope it helps


New Member
Also check for wall cracks. Mine have lots of wall cracks. Even have holes on the wall. I use masking tape to label on the defects.


New Member
oh ya jascmy is right, label on the masking tape also. how come got holes on the walls 1?? lidat qc still can pass ah...

oh ya, if u have found ur ID or contractor u can ask them to accompany u up there to check haha.
we asked an ID we shortlisted to go up n help us check also.


New Member
but once you reported the defects, your renovation cannot commence until HDB have inspected and rectify the problem right?


New Member
jessie, correct. like wad the others has mentioned. find the flooring abit dissapointing. -_-"

piggylover, we not in rush to move in. earliest will be Oct or Dec.


New Member

can anyone advice me whether the sand, haulage and debris fee should be paid by the contractor or by the house owner? For a minimal renovation without any hacking of wall, what would the fee be?

Thanks in advance


New Member
hi ant,

for the $100 that you mentioned, any idea whether it is a standard fee or is it dependent on the length of the pipe? Did they include a switch/valve along the pipe to turn off the gas supply in the event that we need to do so?


New Member
hi sharon,

about the service yard thingy, I have only tried it a few times. So far still ok maybe becos I tried it without hanging any weight on it. However, have heard other pple comment before that it is difficult to control until u get used to it.

Does anyone else face similar problem?


New Member
hi nor and riax

I am from the same block level 16. my reno will complete by next week. Intend to move in before the 7th month. But not sure whether can make it or not.....


New Member
Need to ask those who taking bank loan.

I went HDB submit my bank LOF. The bank will be appointing a solicitor. I want to ask all how this works? The law firm will call me go down to sign another document to release my CPF to HDB? I was told that I will be given a legal subsidy to offset the legal cost. So do you all still pay the bank appointed law firm any money?

I went to HDB. They told me they made a mistake for asking me to submit the warrant to act again. So they will ask their HDB officer to liaise with the law firm directly.


New Member

I tried to PM you but you turn off the PM setting. You went thru the process of bank loan. How long does it take the law firm to call you up for chat after signing docs with bank? So maybe you can help advise me on the process when you see this post. thanks.


New Member
Yesterday evening I met a new neighbour from level 7 (Blk 488). The 2 ladies came to my door and requested to view my flat. Initially I tot my hse going to be showflat again. Hahaa.... I told them no cos my reno have completed and furniture already came in. So they jus peep from my door and told me they actually staying in level 7. They purposely came up for a walk.

Are the 2 ladies in this forum??

HippoSheep, did u read your email?


New Member
Hi charmer, nobody inform me that i need to pay for that 'fee' of $100. It's a 1 time charge. I only knew it when i received my PUB bill. They have installed a switch/valve at the pipe to turn off the gas supply. But this switch is outside the hse ( in the electricity door which we use to switch on out 'water head').


New Member
hi JasCMY,
hmmm... you mean Private msg or email account? btw, I dont know how to read PM. and the email i put at this web is i seldom see one. can you email to [email protected]. my house is ready by this sat. if you coming to ur house on this sat evening, may be we can meet to see each other home sweet home.

btw, you live at which floor?


New Member
Yup! Pertaining to the $100 for installation of gas pipes, I did not know we have to pay too until I saw my bill and I called up SP services. FYI, I also enquired that when everything is ready and I wish to activate the gas supply, I'd need to call the ppl fr City Gas to do so and that's another $50.


New Member

1) After I sign the agreement with Maybank, I did asked them what should I do next? The officer say once I receive the letter of for taking key, I should contact the lawyer which appointed by the Bank.

2) So, when I know from the forum that Blk 487 already started to get the date for taking keys, I immediately call the lawyer & ask about the procedure, and the lawyer told me that I should meet up with him first, as he need to know the whole processing which I gone thru HDB, then he will know what he should do next. And, he did told me that I won't be able to get my keys on the appointment date which HDB give to me, 22Jul09, as CPF need 3 to 4 weeks time to release my CPF to HDB.

3) On 14Jul09, I met up with the lawyer, and he say that he will write a letter to HDB regarding the loan and will also inform CPF on releasing my CPF. I also did asked him, so what should I do next, he say I just need to wait for HDB letter & his instruction.

4) Early of this week, as I still see 'My HDB' website still show my old collection key date, so I call up the officer & inform him that I won't be coming down on 22Jul09 as I had taken up the bank loan and the lawyer will write him a letter too. The officer say he will cancel my appointment date & will liase with my lawyer.

So, now I will just wait for the lawyer call & any letter from HDB, CPF & Lawyer firm then. Probably will only get keys earliest by mid of Aug09 ba. Must pray hard mann.


New Member
Hi all,

I have 2 extra pair of Drangon & Phoenix CANDLES . I bought from JB last weekend then realised that my MIL also bought for us. Anyone getting married soon, interested to buy from me? I bought at RM10 per pair. Will be willing to let go at S$8 for 2 pair (Meaning S$4 per pair). Please PM me if you would like to buy.

Tried to upload the the pic but file size too big. I will email to you if u interested.


New Member
hi Jascmy,
actually, you can scale down your pic using Paint software. go to "image" then choose "stretch/Skew" function. put eg. 50% for horizontal and vertical and you will see your pic getting smaller.


New Member

I went down HDB and spoke to the officer. She took a copy of my bank Letter of Offer, luckily i got chop the law firm name and address on the LOF. So they say will contact the lawyer directly. But I still yet to receive any call from lawyer to go down see him.

I want to ask you.. did you pay any $$$ at the law firm when you meet the lawyer?

damn angry cuz i saw the monitor put 13JULY Key collection date but haiz HDB a bit screw up I think. They should have notify me to get all thing ready before that date mah. I call and email them last time they don't know anything and don't say anything. Now got to wait a longer time to get key.. sad..think can't open door before lunar 7 mth.


New Member
Hi all

Anyone install iron grilles at their service yard? If so, may I know how much is the cost?

Bigfish>> I have yet to confirm on my ID/contractor also. Been very slow cos very hard to decide.


New Member
Hi Vernon'sMummy,
Ya, u r right; only when our door bell got installed then realised the switch got problem. My nice ID-Dennis(A&D) helped us to trouble shoot & it's fixed now @FOC.


New Member

I already instructed the bank & the lawyer that I will pay the legal fee thru CPF. So, they should be only deduct the fee from CPF when they complete the whole procedure.

Sad to say so, but although we are customer & we pay huge sum of fee, but we still have to make the first move to call them, as they will always claim that they are busy as they not just attend to 1 customer lor


New Member
Hi Nichiyobi. Once you submit LOF to HDB, you will need to wait for appointment from your solicitor. You need to pay survey fees(HDB) by cash or cheque during the time when you meet up with your solicitor.

After all these, your solicitor will fix a date to transfer your loan amount to HDB (tell your solicitor that you need to receive the key fast).

Once HDB receive your loan amount, Ms Low (HDB) will contact you for key collection appointment. She is very helpful, do cal her and request for her help. She will help you to expertise it.


New Member
Thanks HippoSheep. managed to scale down the size of the image.

Hi all, please PM me in you would like to buy from me.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

candle 1.bmp (29.4 k)</td></tr></table></center>


New Member
Hi Ant,

thanks for your reply. I am just wondering if for some reason, we need to temporary turn off the gas supply (eg. to change the cooker) can we just turn off at the main outside our house or do we need to have another valve/switch inside our house to do that?


New Member
Hi Yukifire,

we did aluminium sliding grille with powder coating for the service yard at $230. A gentle reminder that the design of the grille to be used at the service yard has to be restricted to the 3 designs approved by HDB.


New Member
Hi Vernon
How much is your window grilles?

Hi Charmer
$230 is cheap! I got quoted $450 just for the grilles which I feel is ex. Thanks for the reminder. I thought only the rooms need to adhere to the designs approved by HDB. Did not occur to me that the one at service yard also got to be the same.


New Member
Hi Raynard

not sure whether mine is the norm....... I installed a system 4.

My aircon was done in two stages. The pipes were laid before the ceiling and painting works and took about 2 days. The equipments were installed after the major heavy works are done and took about half a day.


New Member
hi Kwoni,
just wonder which floor are you in? how's your reno work going? me and jasmcy going to meet on this sun. feel very excited to see new neighbour. wanna join in?
