hello ladies,
Was not aware that we are not allowed to mention names of vendors and so on anywhere in the site?
Wise, for your reference, the last I spoke to my coordinator, she did mention that should I want to increase in floral decor or have smthg in mind different to what RTC offers in their bridal package, I can contact the chosen florist directly.
One of them is Grassx (replace x with e) and the other, if my memory serves me right, is Pxtals n Lxavxs (again, replace all x with e). You should be able to get their contacts straight off Terence.
Wise, have you not seen their themes offered yet? Is that your worry, that you've not seen them and worried that you might end up with a less than satisfied choice?
Think not to worry. Food should be okay. Just the other day went down for dinner at their chinese restaurant.. the food was good.. for me that is! =P
But earlier on, my office was having seminars at RTC and though it wasn't a large group but meals at the chinese restaurant during lunch for the lot of us still turned out pretty ok.
But yeah, acbaby ... do remember to share with us your food tasting!! =)