Raffles Town Club


New Member
I think RTC is a bit 'outdated' in their deco.... maybe cos they are not in the hotel industry, so a bit slow in updating on the latest trend on ballroom deco....

Maybe for company events not so much into deco... and heard that RTC is new in the wedding banquet scene... Hopefully they are willing to listen to our most sincere advice...


New Member
hi ladies,

i do agree with Shelyn that it would be hard to get anything more out from them but again, you never ask/try.. you never know.
it doesn't hurt to bring it up.
there's not gonna be any hard feelings over it with RTC as well. =)

acbaby.. maybe it would be good if you can bring it up since your banquet is coming up soon.
i will definitely bring this up to my coordinator when i see her next.
they're definitely more than welcome to read our comments in here!

btw, last wedding i attended was my good friend's wedding in July this year at Pan Pac.. she was the one that told me they provided bowls of flower petals for the second march in, for guests who were seated along the aisle to scatter. Think if i remember correctly, that was so for another wedding at Marina Mandarin as well.. either confetti or flower petals.
Anyway, like what was mentioned, i guess one's still able to DIY if needed. =P


New Member
Hi ladies,

mi worried now... can anyone tell me who are the florists for RTC?

just called terrance, he said for this 2 mths there wont be any wedding using the golden theme. but mi dont liked the red red one leh...

can anyone advise the two vendor name & contact will call them directly.


New Member
Hi wise

I think the one doing the gold theme is grass [with an 'e' at the back. The word is not allowed to be posted here...]cos their brochure was in the goodie bag given out during bridal fair.

The other one i'm not sure.. but if u refer to prev postings, i think someone did mention...

maybe the gold theme is new, so no recent brides using it yet lor....


New Member
Hey ... im using the Gold Theme .. but Terence says can let him know when I do my food taste coming weeks.. hope they dun bluff me lor!! I will be very upset if they are not able to provide as what they have mentioned in the bridal fare and contract!


New Member
Hi acbaby

When is your food tasting?? muz update us on your feedback hor..hehehe. Actually i'm quite worried about the food quality and quantity... Hopefully it's up to the mark.....


New Member
hello ladies,

Was not aware that we are not allowed to mention names of vendors and so on anywhere in the site?

Wise, for your reference, the last I spoke to my coordinator, she did mention that should I want to increase in floral decor or have smthg in mind different to what RTC offers in their bridal package, I can contact the chosen florist directly.
One of them is Grassx (replace x with e) and the other, if my memory serves me right, is Pxtals n Lxavxs (again, replace all x with e). You should be able to get their contacts straight off Terence.

Wise, have you not seen their themes offered yet? Is that your worry, that you've not seen them and worried that you might end up with a less than satisfied choice?

Think not to worry. Food should be okay. Just the other day went down for dinner at their chinese restaurant.. the food was good.. for me that is! =P
But earlier on, my office was having seminars at RTC and though it wasn't a large group but meals at the chinese restaurant during lunch for the lot of us still turned out pretty ok.

But yeah, acbaby ... do remember to share with us your food tasting!! =)


New Member
yeah so far only good comments abt the food..dun worry! Especially if it is from the Chinese Restaurant. Ask you ladies..who will be managing the sound system at RTC, play montages, etc?


New Member
hey ... been busy...

yap for food wise i have no doubt abt their capabiltiies ... my boss frequent the club alot and host most of her business lunches and dinners there so i think its fine. in fact she was the one whom suggested tht i hold my wedding function there becos of the food is good....my food taste shld be last week of this month, i will keep all posted abt the outcome...

For deco wise...i will see what happen and keep uall posted too

For Media .. im not sure. i already appointed my own media co-ordinator for the nite so more or less i stick to using my friend is possible becos we will walk through this together on the rehersal nite...




i'm thinking of using RTC for my wedding too. Instead of lunch/dinner, I'm thinking of just hi-tea. Wonder if anyone has tried that before and if the food is good?

When can we do the food tasting? is it after we confirmed the booking with them?



New Member
Hi Sweetipie,

had attend a wedding supper... yes supper. which starts from 12midnite all the way to 3am @ RTC. coz' it a french man wedding. their culture to party...

well anyway, they order pastry, finger foods, wine etc liked hotel buffet spread... food was yummy.

may b u can call terrance, he should b able to advice.


New Member
Hi Sweetipie,

Food tasting can only be done after you confirm your booking with them but alternatively if you want to check out the food you may try at their cafe and chinese resturant.. however you need to be a member in order to do so... unless u reli interested in booking the venue then you can try to speak with terence to arrange.. anyway maybe u r a member !! hope u enjoy =)


New Member
Hey wise

so how was the deco? happy with it or going to make changes? have any photos to share? hehe.. can't wait to see how an actual setup looks....


New Member
Hi ladies,

am not using the gold theme fm Grassx, saw their foto & hubby prefer the other vendor one.

the fotos are wif hubby will try up upload some, asap.


New Member
Hmm..anyone's wedding coming up in Nov and 5 Dec?? I tot I rem 2 of you ladies...

Anyone got a champagne gold for thier EG? I like the col..but am afraid I will just blend into the wall and decor colour. Then cannot see me. What colours are ur EG ah? I got no idea what col to get..


New Member
Hi Sheyln,

we saw the other vendor -P&L. actually not too bad lah... had selected roses & gold theme for VIP tables.

Hi SweetPea,
mi wearing champine gold EG to farewell guest. what yr skin colour? may b u bring friends to gave u true comment? i liked mi champine gold, but lotsa pple prefer me in the pink one...


New Member
hi pink_lady,

when is yr AD?

my co-ordinator is terrance. but currently he's on away. may b can look out for RTC's bridal show.


New Member
hey wise and acbaby

i might be going down to 'visit' one of you... would be going to RTC on one of the weekends to give them my contract and at the same time look at their actual setup.... but i guess u wld be busy resting or preparing for the banquet when i'm there....

hi pink lady
i think RTC is not that hot... if you ask ard most pple would think need membership to have banquet there. Also, they don't publicise on the papers etc unlike The Pines. Most ppl would consider hotels instead of clubs... dunno why.... but maybe by 2006 things would be different, since The Pines is advertising so strongly. But i think RTC is a good choice.


New Member
Hello all,
i am new to this thread and m interested to find out more about Raffles Town Club packages.
pleaase help to send to me at [email protected]



thanks wise and C.K.W...i'm glad to know that the food is nice. I'm not a member but one of my sis's friend is a member and I'm using his name to make bookings if I confirmed that. my coordinator is alicia. have not heard anything abt her in this thread. is she good?


New Member
hey ladies.. sorry been very busy and have no chance to visit and update you ladies.

my wedding is on the 11th Dec 2004...
wl be using Gold Theme as my gown is champagne color and my evening gown is champagne greenish but have yet to see the florist vendor for RTC.. but i hv alreadty done my sourcing on flowers from the nursery so bascially some DIY to do... to spice up the place actually.. hee hee....

the food tasting was reli reli good. In fact reli good.. im actually event coordinator for my co yearly corporate function and DNDS .... so every year i get to go to different hotels and also do food taste for our function so i shld say RTC is good becos my parents and our comments is like GOOD GOOD GOOD.. so ladies ... we can rest assure RTC can do a great job!

Terence is on leave... so waiting for him to come back on the 3rd dec to arrange for my wedding rehersal.. getting excited as the date is drawing so near... juz one more work week and I will be on leave .. urghhh, alot to catch up at work before I go on leave though...

As for Sweetipie... hmmm bascially RTC dun advertise so i think shld consider "not very hot" but apparently one of the main reason i choose RTC was becos of the cosy ball room as well as the food compliments... i think i wld want to serve good food to my guest lor.. but of cos in terms of deco , hotel will be a good choice... reli depends on indv.. Hotel wl be more commercial becos hotel area always busy with hotel activities and also hotel guest moving around.. for RTC or other clubs its more private.. and if you visit RTC their ballroom is situated at Level 1 before their M Level which is like very private and cozy lor... Happy Searching ....



New Member

which vendor (florist) are u using?

Oh yours is 1 week after mine... ke keee...
by then can update u gals... any idea if RTC got internet?

went to see their bridal suite... beli nice.

jus to share i've included the parking proceduce into mi wedd card. but not sure if guest read. so when doing RSVP must remind them again.

counting down... 6 more days...


New Member
Hi Wise...I may pop in to see the colours and set up again..time for me to start preparing! For my EG..in the end I decided on a Rose Pink...sweet colour

I was also thinking of adding the parking instructions into the card too..I asked Terence about it last time..he said no need to worry, pple can ask for directions or see the many signs arouns..but I din really trust that...cos I still get kinda lost in RTC. Imagine if the guests were late alrady, still have to kan cheong to find the ballroom. So I tink wat u did is a good idea.

U doing ur RSVP or delegating? For my cousins's wedding, they each got a I/C for each group of pple. and the I/Cs will help to RSVP...so no need to bother the bz bride.


New Member
wow acbaby...so glad to hear such reassuring comments about the food. I think i would arrange to see your wedding setup since u using gold theme. Have yet to give them the signed contract too..haha... so can give them on that day.

Wise and Acbaby mus be so excited now hor. Actually i can't imagine my turn next yr... in fact cant imagine how i would feel about getting married and me being the bride leh... muz be qutie nervous i suppose?


New Member
Hi sweetpea,

mi only got 6 tables excluding relatives. so quite easy to manage leh. guess pple these days know abt RSVP and they do reply.

Rose pink... must be beli sweet on you. mi EG is olso pink & champange gold...

as for the parking instruction... ya lor... been to RTC it kinda messy... for the 1st few times always lost one tat why add that in the card.


New Member
Hi wise and acbaby
Juz to chk with u, can we change the favours offered by RTC? Anyone asked b4? cos choc and cakes are now out of fashion already leh so thinking of requesting for a change.

Also, anyone succeeded in getting a long aisle for march-in? Or know of anyone who ever had a wedding at RTC with long aisle?... I'm still hoping for a long aisle... hope they would come up with a new theme or something that gives us a choice of long or short aisle. Even dreamt of me walking in long aisle...hahaha... =P


New Member
Hi shelyn,

think i did ask B4 but must top up or think they only rebrate ot trade off little things wif u.. no hua leh.

long aisle.... hmmm... think on tat nite wif the kind of gown & new shoes scared of falling, cant walk too fast, the aisle may seem super long then... ;p


New Member
Wise, u scared fall down ah. How high is ur heels?

U also having ur ROM during dinner rite? Is the JP going to stay for dinner as well? cos if he's staying then got to think where to seat him leh. After your wedding can I have a copy of your program cos I also intend to have ROM during dinner.

So now relaxing at home so that you can be a radiant bride 5 days later? counting down hor... 5 days... feeling nervous? Dunno how i would feel when it's my turn hehe....

update us after ur wedding lah. Meanwhile enjoy your remaining days of singlehood.


New Member
Hi shelyn,

ya lor... scared fall down. mi not used to wearing heels one... ke keee. mi heel 3.5".

will b inviting JP to stay for dinner. but hear B4 most likely he wont stay one. so no problem wif us too.

BTW, who is yr JP? mi is David loh. we wanna to hv ROm on 8pm, so he advise us to stated in card 7:45pm. @ least got 15min to buffer for late comers.

details in my card:
7:00 Cocktail start
7:30 Guest to be seated
7:45 ROM followed by dinner

some tips: when doing RSVP, remind them of the time & parking too.

relaxing .... no lah. just managed to finsh packing & unpacking yesterday. mi on leave since Monday. to do all these little stuff, liked AP boxes, buying flower girls stuff, mommy clothes....

so got to mop mi own room & new house. change curtains.... only can b'come princess on AD. before that must be maid... ;p

mi olso wanna to be a radiant bride... but hor mght b too stress. these days cant sleep well & didnt sleep long. got panda eyes... sigh!!

4 more days...


New Member
Hello ladies,

Wow... exciting period for some of you!!
What with wedding drawing nearer.. festive season coming up.. hehe.

Thanks for sharing your experience on the food tasting bit CKW.
Glad to hear the food turned out good.
At least that's one department settled.
Perhaps Wise & CKW can share with us after their experience on the food served on actual day.

Wise, you must be dead busy by now.. it's just this sunday! Wow.. remember to take care n get plenty of sleep. It must be a very exciting period.. can't imagine what'll it be like by the time it's my turn! =)

Am busy preparing for ROM on the 31 Dec... tho on a smaller scale but am pretty excited as well. =)


New Member
Hi jochen,

congratz! on yr ROM. hv u selected on yr dress & bouquet?

yeap... counting dowm. am clearing some emails from home. mi on leave since Monday.

was hoping to log-in on Sunday nite to share wif u ladies. if not tired!! ;p but hope tat RTC got internet. the X'mas deco @ RTC is lovely too.

ok, gg off soon . gg to pick up mi gowns.


New Member
hi ladies..sorry been busy at work didnt have time to come in and update ppls... going on leave next week so gng crazy now

Wise.. ur big day is juz in a couple of days can imagine how excited u are now..

Sherlyn, yap u can come down take a look .. i didnt reli see what is the Gold Theme like ... but anyway mine has got to be the Gold Theme.. i even prepared stationeries i.e Organza, flowers, candles etc all in gold theme for my albums corner already..

Heard someone mentioned abt wedding favours by RTC.. ya lor abit old fashion haha.. actually no point to trade with them or get them to change becos "bo hua" ... maybe can think of something to do instead.. for my wedding i have actually prepared a poem (table placecard) printed with different Precious Moment pic... then we also have this tiny small gold wedding bell to be that we will be placing on the table for each indv guest.. becos we like to have them to ring the wedding bell during our 1st March-In... HAHAHA.. drama! juz tying the bells and prepare the place card cut paper ... me and my hubby did it over the last 2 months as and when we have time lor... but kinnda fun .. doing something together for the wedding lor.. then now i realised the chocolate box abit plain too.. what i did is tht i have purchased labels from popular and then print our thank you message and also add on little precious moment pics on the label and we gonna have RTC to paste it on the chocolate box for us ... so kind of need to pass to them like tomorrow so they have time... hmmm... juz sharing what im doing ... in terms of more some nice touches tht you can consider for any brides to be .. coming up soon etc.. of cos if you have the extra cash to spare.. getting wedding favours from the service provider will be alot hassel free and of cos their products def looks fantastic..

TO Wise wish you the best in ur wedding and be the most beautiful bride okie..

and ladies got to run.. pop in again whenever i can..



New Member
Hi wise,

I've not done anything for my ROM yet... not even looking out for JP cos my wedding is next Dec mah so still got ample time hehe...

For my dinner, intend to start earlier ard 7.45 so my guest can go home earlier ard 10 - 10.15 cos the next day is a working day. Hopefully they can arrive early.

R u sure u still have the energy to update us on sunday? haha... most brides say they would be so tired, some of them even slept without removing their make up leh.

Hi acbaby,
wah.... u putting so much effort in your favours ah? I don't think I would do that lah.. cos usu pple won't really appreciate all these tiny little details. If can't change to anything else then most prob juz take it as it is... I don't have so much 'xin si' like u... and ur hubby too. I think my hubby's butter fingers would make it look worse...hahaha.. =P


New Member
hi shelyn
Ya different ppls different concept... maybe becos our poem will be read out my our emcee where all can follow which leads to the ringing of bell... so i think its kind of a nice idea.... actually it doesnt take much of effort.. tday technology is very advanced alot of things is juz like a click away.... Wish u the best in ur wedding preparation..


New Member
hi ladies,

just to share, if possible bring your video montage to test at the RTC B4 AD, if time permits.

coz we took the DVD from the photographer, which was ok when he viewed with us, but when we test @ RTC using projector the results was bad. the childhood foto were ok but the wedd fotos stucks!

so asking them to re-do. ... sigh! time wasted!


New Member
haha... sorry wise
i quite mountain turtle.. now i know what is AP boxes liao... =P

the childhood n wedd photos can test but if showing morning events then can't test already rite.. sigh sigh... so many things to worry about.


New Member
Hi shelyn,

may b can check with your photographer what format they were be using? DVD? CD? then check wif RTC see got the right equiment or not.

if not can get a copy of other couple highlights (morning events) to try. we will not be playing highlights coz' dun think got time.

for us, the fotographer said it the quality of the fotos is lousy tat y. so must check wif BS too. our foto resolution is lower from CD (given fm BS) so the outcome is bad. Hubby is there to wait for them to re-do & got to test again 2ml... sigh!


New Member
wah wise...
tml is your BIG Day already hor....
hope you are not too excited to sleep... and be a radiant and beautiful bride tml...

All the best for tml and forever....


New Member
Hi ladies,

am back!! 2ml flying to HM loh!!

Thanks for all your blessings & well wishing. every things went on smooth & well for us. Even his friends didn¡¦t make us drank¡K phew!!

Ladies, please try to relax & njoy your big day, don¡¦t be liked me¡K too tense & excited & forgotten to smile until the banquet start¡K ;p actually, only slept for abt 3hours the day B4 AD¡K coz was worried¡K.

Just to share, I had prepared little gifts for the children and ordered roses for the ladies. And all my guests loved them. Most of them were surprised to see mi @ the cocktail and even shock to see me there in KUA!! Ke kee¡K
The banquet went well. The timing etc was good, managed to rush up during the 2nd last dish & change into last gown & come down to farewell guests...

btw, to share I was told only on that nite we r supposed to serve tea for those who didn¡¦t come for the tea ceremony¡K so the bqt manager arrange a waiter to guide us & it went speedy. Fyi, we hv to serve for abt 8-10 pax¡K.

We had 2 nite stay @ the club it was lovely with the red roses everywhere & of course the jasuzzi bath tub¡K. Think will miss that most¡K

& thank god¡K the video montage went well¡K.

As for guests¡K. Even till the very last hour when I was doing my make up for the dinner, friends still called me up to inform me that they are not coming¡K coz¡¦ sick lah etc. some even played me out¡K no show no call. But I told myself not to be up set @ all. ¡K so ladies, please take note loh. Me got two secondary friends request to come with hubby in the end no show¡K waste 4 seats!! One call me on the day another don¡¦t even bother. Got AP lah. But it a no attending AP cannt cover cost¡K
