Noble House


New Member
ok... its better to speak to a more senior person...
i was afraid of problems for banquet also.

hope everything is fine...


New Member
Yup Bee Geok, just remember to tell them that you wanna speak to someone who can make the decision, we spoke to Jonathan Toh, he s the VP for operations. Noble House is just one of the Tung Lok restaurants under his care.

Just my personal story, the food sampling was so bad that my Mum got upset and I quarrelled with my husband over it.

Ended up that my Sis called Noble House and get them to resolve the problem.

Over the phone, my Sis told them that we dun mind forfeiting the $2000+ deposit if they cannot resolve the problem esp where their food & service is concerned.


New Member
hi kaye i agree with you,i dont like joyce lee attitude also..i decide not to sign up with them..will be signing up with peony jade most proably=)


New Member
Hi Yu,

When i booked my banquet earlier this year, I din speak to Joyce. Nevertheless, I think ppl will start to complain about her... Eventually their mgt will take notice.

Peony Jade is located at where?


New Member
Hi Kristie,

Think should be new coz from the conversation we had with her during food tasting. She told us that she s working in Noble House for 1 yr liao.

Just remember not to speak to her, during ur food tasting. Her attitude really pissed ppl off. If its not my in-laws there, my family would have attacked her attitude liao!

Anyway, my ILs to blame partially also. My husband's BIL's comments made himself looked idiotic while my ILs also reluctant to top up $$ when they heard we want to change the menu. Ie, made ppl think that we re cheapskate => thus even lousier attitude.


New Member
but still they are in the svc line. shd always talk in a proper manner to the customers.

the person i liase with so far is Veron. Hope nothing will crop up till then. Otherwise, i think my hubby and father-in-law sure jump!!


New Member
Kristie, i know they re in the service line but it cant be help if some of their staff has this mentality of "dog eye see ppl down"...

Anyway, just dun speak to Joyce Lee. Its only the 2nd time my family went down and talked to their higher mgt. Then things got resolved.

During our food sampling session with Joyce Lee, we told her that our red wine is to be delivered the day b4 the banquet. She flatly refused and said no whereas her superior told me its okie and told us to ensure that the wines are labelled with our names etc. Also whatever request we wanted, she will say no to us. Like the table arrangement, we told her that we dun want No 4 to appear... She can give us a crap story... Faints!

Nvm, things written in the agreement for the banquet, she has the cheek to tell us that we cannot get it for free and we need to top up $$. I was so pissed off with her.

Just some pointers from my experience, its better to hv your food sampling session done on a week day and there is noone hvg a wedding banquet on that day. Also, try to avoid asking ppl like my husband's BIL who gave unconstructive comments.


New Member
thanks for ur advices.. will take note of them when I go down for the food tasting and finalising of the details.

Hope your wedding dinner in thee end turn out well?? (cant remember where is the thread whether ur WD is over or not). =)


New Member
Tinypooh, when is your big day? When r u going for your food tasting?

My actual day is on 27 Jan 07.

Keeping my fingers crossed that everything will be ok on that day.


New Member
my AD on 30 Sept 07. Food tasting wun be so fast.. initially heard a lot of good comments from friends abt NH, and it was Veron who attended to me. Found her quite okie. But recently read so many bad remarks.. kinda scary..

anyway, all the best for ur AD.. believe everything will turn out well.. dun b too stressed, just concentrate on being the star of the nite. =)

remember share ur pixs after ur wedding eh? hehe

P.S: U using which BS? What bout AD Photographer and videogrpher? Any recommendations? you can email or msn me at [email protected] to discuss


New Member
Hallo ladies,

Despite my unhappy experience with Noble House during the food tasting.

I will say, they re getting better now. I went to collect my invitation cards last Friday n realised due to my hotstamping request on the invitation cards. There is no map of directions to Noble House printed on the cards.

Jonathan resolved the issue by getting the printer to print the maps and i hv to slot them in as inserts.


New Member
hi ladies... me also booked NH
my actual day is 03 Dec 07...

jus wanna ask those who already have had ur AD... do u have guest sitting at the side, behind the pillars? are they able to see the projector?

and dunno whether they will change their deco next year...


New Member
hello ladies..
i would like to comment that the one and only muslim menu, the food is terrible and it cost 488 a table!


New Member
hi donicat,

seems like they wun be changing the deco next year. Spoken to Veron the other day, cos my AD on sept 07 too. =) Hope it helps.


New Member
hi all,

Will they provide some bites like fried rice to the bride and groom b4 the dinner starts?
Cause we may be very busy with the events and no time to sit down and eat during the event.


New Member
Mrs C, I think u can order and see whether they charged u for that.....
Btw, when is ur AD?

Tinypooh, i forgotten to email you on my BS & wedding details etcc... U see lah, i super forgetful....

My BS is Margaret Brides, i think I ala carte my wedding package. AD photographer & videographer is my hubby's frens.


New Member
Sorry got typo error again...

My wedding package is ala carte.. But with recommendations from Margaret Brides...

Just another complaint again... My hubby needs to reprint invitation cards. When we went down to collect, our "fave" person, Joyce Lee was there to attend to us again... The envelopes for the invitation cards are in the wrong colour... So, i voiced it out, Joyce told us that we gotta exchange it with the printers personally ourselves.

Nvm, and she sort of force me to fix a date for rehearsal (to test whether my laptop works & music etc)... Anyway, i told her that i fix again.....

Later on, we saw Jonathan... I immediately voiced out abt the wrong colours of the invitation cards. Guess what, Jonathan told us to collect the envelopes the next day. He will get the printer to send it down to Noble House.

Wow, i tell u... I just dun understand... I conclude that Joyce is simply lazy... Not willing to do the extra mile.... Just wonder y she is in the service line!


New Member
i think you guys are very kind to this Joyce... tahan-ing her till now.. Think if its me and hubby, would have gone straight to the manager and refuse to let Joyce serve us in future. Hehehe.. meannie hor.. but then, she is in the service line.. so she shd ve the basic mannerisms and protocol attitude to serve their customers manz.

Anyway Kaye, congrats once again to u...2 more weeks to ur AD... remember to show us pics yah... be focus on being the most stunning bride for that day!!


New Member
i think you guys are very kind to this Joyce... tahan-ing her till now.. Think if its me and hubby, would have gone straight to the manager and refuse to let Joyce serve us in future. Hehehe.. meannie hor.. but then, she is in the service line.. so she shd ve the basic mannerisms and protocol attitude to serve their customers manz.

Anyway Kaye, congrats once again to u...2 more weeks to ur AD... remember to show us pics yah... be focus on being the most stunning bride for that day!!


New Member
Hi Kaye...

dun be upset about the envelopes. Ur wedding coming soon. So be Happy k

Are u fixed to be attend by Joyce? Maybe can change the coordinator? Like ask for Joanthan?

I have booked mine in Jan 08. so its 1 yr away...


New Member
Tinypooh, I din want to be served by her... Its just so happen that she was there when i collected the envelopes lah...

Anyway, i will make sure that on my AD, she is not the one in charge. In fact, my parents had specifically asked Jonathan to be in charge.

Mrs C, i m not upset abt the envelopes.. More like pissed off with her attitude!

HEhe... I will be a happy bride... I won't bother myself over ppl like her... Got more impt things to do!

Mrs C, r u the same bee geok who got problem with changing ur AD for ur banquet?


New Member
ya, forget about her attitude. dun bother her la.

yes, me beegeok... that time was very angry with the other staff.
i go there ask for veron. didnt tell her i was angry or sad about the conversation with the other staff.
Then veron juz serve us without asking anything.
she is quite nice.
she show us the place, take us walk around and then take out the big big dates book to let us choose those dates that r not selected yet.
Then i choose jan 08.

So now not angry liao.. haha

u have ur food testing liao? How is it huh?


New Member
Hi Beegeok, my food tasting was done long time ago.. which resulted in loads of unhappiness.. (If u read my prev posts.)

Just remember, DIE DIE dun let that Joyce handle whatever aspect of ur wedding.... I found that some of the junior staff have better attitude than her...

Hehe, will be hvg my rehearsal tomorrow! Think if tmr, she is there.. I will ask someone to serve me instead. I also super meanie if i want to be!

Just cant take it when i spend $$ and still got to endure shit from ppl!


New Member
oh, read 'our' post liao. Now then relise that i spoke to you about it before... pai seh ah, i forget.

at least now they assured you that everything will be alright and changed the menu to your satisfaction right? thats gd...
i did ask for a change in one dish, but was rejected.
anyway, i haven have my food testing. Thats y, i wan to ask around. heehee

ya, spent so much sure have to 'enjoy' it... haha.
dun spoilt your day by those ppl.


New Member
Morn ladies!

My rehearsal was okie last Saturday! Just to share with you ladies, my laptop works! Even though, that Joyce told us not to use laptop!

Anyway, i had specifically instructed Jonathan abt not using Joyce. He got my idea.

I double confirmed things with Noble House on my wedding stuff during the rehearsal. Things like vegetarian food lah, the menu (coz i had menu changes), liquor & delivery of the wine etc etc


New Member
halo kaye...

Great to hear that!

Can share with me your wedding photo after ur wedding day?
BTW, how many theme or deco at noble house for us to choose?


New Member
Hi Mrs C,

Sure, will share my wedding photo after my wedding day...

I dun think there is any theme or deco to be choosen at Noble House... I think its a std one.. When i went for the rehearsal last Sat, there was a wedding dinner at nite. They re setting up the place... The deco is pretty good..

If u wanna look at my pre wedding album, u can go to


New Member
hi kaye

glad to hear that all went smoothly for your rehearsal. But dun understand why that Joyce ask u dun use laptop. If not laptop, den how to show the montage? weird lady.

Anyway, that aside, i look forward to seeing your lovely pixs soon... all the best!! =)


New Member
Thank kaye,

Nice photo u have, where is the place that u took ur wedding photo?

I remember noble house told me there r 2 theme/colour to choose???


New Member
Tinypooh, that joyce everything also says cannot! Dunno y also! Anyway, cant be bothered with her! HEhe!

Mrs C, i took my wedding photo at Singapore Art Museum & Labrabor Park...

Isit, got 2 theme/color to choose? Frankly speaking, i dun care much either... As long as that place is nice & classy can liao!


New Member
ya, agree... as long as the deco is nice...
haha... 10 more days to ur wedding.
BTW, how long in advance do we have to confirm the number of tables?


New Member
Beer wise, we swapped the hotel room & free wine for every 5 tables booked for 2 barrels of 20L or 30L beer...

Wine, we bought 2 cases of white wine and 7 cases of red wine.


New Member
Hi Ladies,

My banquet at Noble House went on smoothly. The general feedback was the food is superb.

The service was good coz we gave out angbaos to everyone inclusive of the kitchen staff b4 the banquet starts. I think we prepared 70 angbaos.

For the liquor, my hubby bought 8 bottles of brandy and 9 cases of wine. We consumed 6 bottles of brandy and 65 bottles of wine. I conclude that if your guests are good drinkers and the wedding is on a Sat. Ppl will tend to drink more.

Beer wise, we consumed an additional of 12 jugs on top of the 40litres of free beer. And 12 cans of stout.

I forgot to mention I had 44 tables. General rule of thumb, try not to have tables more than 35. We dun hv time to mingle with the guest and let alone makan.... I had to change after my 1st course!

Also hor, remember to get the parents settle the relatives seating arrangement & RSVP with the relatives... My ILs major screw up with the table arrangement!

Overall, everything was good!


New Member
Hi Kaye!!! u r back!
it may be abit hard to arrange seating with relative... but Great that everything went smoothly for u

any pic to share with me?
u changed the free wine to a barrel of beer?
i also thinking of changing the wine to a barrel of beer... not sure can anot.
did u change before signing or after?
wow 65 bottles of wine consumed...
think we will have to prepare more then 6 cases also.
how much is a jug of beer?


New Member
i'm considering noble house too! yet to recce the place.. after CNY

how's the decoration over at noble house like?

mrs c, see ya here again! =)


New Member
Hi Kaye, me new to this thread...and I've signed up with Noble House as well last month. Was wondering how the photographs will look like on the AD, mind if you could share your AD photos with me? Did u engage the pianist on your AD? Or anyone out there have engage one, if yes...can feedback


New Member
Hi ladies!

Yup, I m back!

Mrs C, I changed the wine to beer before i signed on the contract. But, i believe they could be flexible with that even after signing on the contract. Just ensure that you dun talk to Joyce Lee abt it.....

One jug of beer costs $32++... Just pray that the GST dun increases. We paid quite a fair bit for the GST & CESS.

Duchess, the deco is not bad. Their flowers are std, RED ROSES! Anyway, as long as the food and service is there... U dun hv to worry much!

I like their bubble & smoke effect! Its like in a dream!

Greece, my pianist is a family fren of mine. They told me that the piano is in great working order! The only problem is that ppl dun really appreciate their playing!

I got them to play Canon in D for my 1st March in.

I have yet to get the photos from my photographer. Will share with u ladies once I got it!


New Member
Oh i forget to mention one very impt fact.

Noble House DUN accept AMEX cards.

I din bring my wallet to the restaurant. My hubby maxed out all his cards and it was not enough. My best fren helped me to swipe the remaining $2K for the banquet.


New Member
hi d-duchess, i think i see u in everypost...
hahaha... we have same taste.

i think Noble house deco not bad.
have to depend on who serve u also.
at first i was disappointed with them about the dates then now ok liao... settled.


New Member
Mrs C, no choice.... One can of stout costs $8.50++...

Anyway, i think i m pretty generous with the guests. My hubby is stingy by nature. I told the restaurant to serve stout to my guests but its upon request from the guests. The main aim is to make them happy...

Anyway, I think most ppl dunno the mkt rate for restaurants. I received $50 angbao also... Which is not enough to cover the cost per table! Heng heng, my hubby side can cover the cost.

On average, inclusive of the liquor & GST, per table is abt 750. I took the most expensive menu but with changes to the dishes too.
