Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)


New Member
Hi Master, Can you advise if May 15 is a generally ok date for wedding banquet. It doesn't necessary have to be a good date as long as it doesn't clash. We plan to hold ROM at a later date.

Groom: 28 Dec 1972
Bride: 5 Dec 1982
Groom's Mom: Ox
Bride's Mum: Dog

Both of our dad have passed away.



Hi Master Tong, can you please advise what is a good date for marriage (preferably ROM + wedding banquet/customary) for 4Q 2015 and 1Q 2016?
Also, if we decide to ROM first then hold the customary wedding banquet?

Groom attended some Feng Shui talk held by Company as a free course, the master said 2015 is generally a bad year to get hitched...true?

Groom : 4th Sept 1986 (Tiger)
Bride : 18th Jan 1988 (Rabbit - before Lunar New Year)
Groom's Dad : 1961 (Ox but passed on)
Groom's Mom : 1952 (Tiger)
Bride's Dad : 1949 (Ox)
Bride's Mom :1953 (Snake - not sure if it's Dragon, birthday 20th Feb though)

Thank you! :)
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Hi Master Tong, can you please advise what is a good date for marriage (preferably ROM + wedding banquet/customary) for 4Q 2015 and 1Q 2016?
Also, if we decide to ROM first then hold the customary wedding banquet?

Groom attended some Feng Shui talk held by Company as a free course, the master said 2015 is generally a bad year to get hitched...true?

Groom : 4th Sept 1986 (Tiger)
Bride : 18th Jan 1988 (Rabbit - before Lunar New Year)
Groom's Dad : 1961 (Ox but passed on)
Groom's Mom : 1962 (Tiger)
Bride's Dad : 1949 (Ox)
Bride's Mom :1953 (Snake - not sure if it's Dragon, birthday 20th Feb though)

Thank you! :)

edited : typo


New Member
Hi GisT

you mean 2015 or 2016? can repost all your details again?

Hi Master Tong,
Groom - 4 March 1978 (goat)
Bride - 27 October 1988 (dragon)

Groom father - 22 May 1940 (dragon)
Groom mother - 10 April 1952 (dragon)

Bride father - 15 February 1952 (dragon)
Bride mother - 5 May 1954 (horse)

Do help to advise a good date in Mar 2015 for me. Would it clash with Qing Ming??
Thank you.
Hi Master Tong,

Can you advise what are the good dates for our wedding (both ROM + ccustomary same day) in 2016?

Groom: 28 Jun 1985 (Cow)
Bride: 21 Dec 1988 (Dragon)

Groom Father: Dragon
Groom Mother: Goat

Bride Father: Cow
Bride Mother: Dragon

Hi master tong

Would appreciate if you can advise us if 28 Nov is a good date. Doesn't have to be good date, as long as it doesn't clash.

Bride birthday: 17 Sep 1990 horse
Groom birthday: 11 Nov 1987 rabbit

Bride mum: rabbit
Bride dad: rat

Groom mum: ox
Groom dad: ox

Thank you.


Active Member
Hi Doobee

For May 2015, 3rd Lunar Qing Ming mth ends 17th May, so must be after 17th May but the only general good weekend in May 31st May clashes to Ox, hence cannot be used.


Active Member
Hi jgkc18

2015 is ok for both of you. So long as both of you are not Ox will do as Goat yr only clashes to Ox.

There is no reason why you cannot get married in 2015. If you are referring to Widow Year, that is NOT Feng Shui, but pure "pantang" or superstition with zero feng shui logic. I will write an article on this in the upcoming March issue of Style Wedding Magazine and you can read why this is just a myth

Q1 2016 tong shu will not be out till sept 2015. Now the only way is using bazi to select

For 2015 , here are the general good tong shu weekend dates

- 18/10, 5/12, 6/12, 12/12

Rest of the weekends all clashes or bad


Active Member
Hi Michelligence

The Tong Shu for 2016 will only be out in Aug/Sep 2015. Hence can only advise after it is out. Else now the only way and correct way is using bazi to select only as the tong shu dates are generic mass consumption dates only and does not factor both your birthday and time of birth


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

As you mentioned, good dates in the Tong shu are generic. Before the Tong Shu is out, the only way is to use bazi to calculate a date.
If we have used bazi to derive a date, even if the Tongshu stated that that day is bad, it isn't too bad for the couple right?

Appreciate your wise words.


New Member
Good day Master Tong,

We feel very fortunate to come upon your forum. Can you please advise us on a good wedding date for 2016?

Groom: Rat 1984
Bride: Dog 1982

Thanks you Master.


New Member
Hello Master Tong,
Please give me advice on good date for my wedding (planned on September 2015) and proposal (planned on July 2015). Details as follow :

(Me) Groom : 31 Mar 1988 (Dragon)
Bride : 10 Mar 1993 (Rooster)

My Dad : 1960 (Rat)
My Mom : 1960 (Rat)

Father in law : 1960 (Rat)
Mother in law : 1968 (Monkey)

Thank you very very much.


New Member
Hi GisT

These r the good Mar weekends dates before Qing Ming

8/3, 21/3

Hope this helps

Hi Master Tong,

Thanks for the advice. Is 29th Mar a bad date? Also, would like to check if there is an auspicious date and timing for Guo Da Li (should it be a week before)?
Groom - 4 March 1978 (goat)
Bride - 27 October 1988 (dragon)

Groom father - 22 May 1940 (dragon)
Groom mother - 10 April 1952 (dragon)

Bride father - 15 February 1952 (dragon)
Bride mother - 5 May 1954 (horse)

Thank you.

Kaili Beedo

New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Can I check which of the following are auspicious dates for my wedding in 2015: 6th Nov, 13th Nov, 20th Nov, 11th Dec, 18th Dec and 20th Dec.

Groom - 29 March 1986 (Tiger)
Bride - 13 September 1988 (Dragon)

Groom father - 10 Jan 1956 (Goat)
Groom mother - 15 October 1959 (Pig)

Bride father - 6 December 1957 (Rooster)
Bride mother - 1 October 1962 (Tiger)


Active Member
Hi Pleang

The Chinese almanac (tong shu) for 2016 will only be out in Aug or sept this yr 2015, hence I can only revert after it is out if you are looking at generic dates only. the only way to calculate now will be using both your Bazi.


Active Member
Hi dragonrooster

Proposal no need a date for it

For wedding in Sept, there is only 1 gd weekend after 7th mth, which is 26th Sept 2015

Hope this helps :)


Active Member
Hi GisT

29th Mar is already into Qing Ming period. 10 days b4 Qing ming is sweep tomb period so Chinese don't get married that periodd
Hi Master Tong,

Would you let me know if the below dates are suitable for ROM and also actual day (morning when groom come fetch bride only, there will not be any wedding lunch or dinner)

Groom: 19 Oct 1985 (Cow)
Bride: 8 Jul 1986 (Tiger)

Groom's father: Mouse
Groom's mother: Rabbit

Bride's father passed away
Bride's mother: Cow

ROM date 22 May 2015
Actual day 28 Feb 2016

And also if the timing given was 7am-11am, does it mean we have to complete the tea ceremony by 11am?

Awaiting for your reply.

Thank you :)


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Would you let me know what are the suitable dates for ROM and also actual day in June 2016?

Bride: 03 Oct 1985 (Cow)
Groom: 30 Jul 1981 (Chicken)

Groom's father: Ox
Groom's mother: Tiger

Bride dad: 8 Jan 1956 (Goat)
Bride mum: 9 Aug 1958 (Dog)

Thank you in advance for your reply.
Dear master tong,

Can you kindly advice if it's a good date for 21 nov 2015 or 01/01/16 for ROM + banquet .

Groom: 07/04/1990
Bride: 23/12/1991

Groom parents;
mum is 5 June 1969 rooster
Dad is 23 June 1966 horse

Bride parents;
Dad: 06/03/1962 tiger
Mum: 06/04/1964 dragon

Thank u very much.
Dear Master Tong,

Could you advise if 26th September 2015 is a good date for ROM + Banquet?

Groom's DOB: 17th Oct 1985 (Ox)

Groom's Father DOB: 18th Dec 1952 (Dragon)

Groom's Mother DOB: 19th Jan 1956 (Goat)

Bride's DOB: 10th April 1986 (Tiger)

Bride's Father DOB: 2nd Aug 1956 (Monkey)

Bride's Mother DOB: 12th Mar 1963 (Rabbit)

Thank you for your assistance.


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Can I check if 10 Oct 2015 is suitable for us to get married? Or do you suggest other dates in Oct 2015? Is 2015 good for us to get married?

Bride: 3 feb 1988 (rabbit)
Groom: 27 June 1987 (rabbit)

Bride's mum: monkey 1956
Bride's dad: divorced

Groom's mum: dragon 1964
Groom's dad: rabbit 1963

Thanks a lot!


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Could you advise on some auspicious dates for ROM solemnisation from October 2016 - January 2017? (Not sure when exactly my BTO will be ready) Really appreciate your help. Thank you very much!

Groom's DOB: 8 Dec 1982 (Dog)
Groom's Father DOB: 1949 (Ox)
Groom's Mother DOB: 1957 (Rooster)

Bride's DOB: 7 Nov 1988 (Dragon)
Bride's Father DOB: 1953 (Snake)
Bride's Mother DOB: 1956 (Monkey)

Have a great day!


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Appreciate your advice on whether these dates are suitable for ROM and Banquet. Thank you very much!!


Groom's DOB: 16 Feb 1987 (Rabbit)
Groom's Father: 1952 (Dragon)
Groom's Mother: 1951 (Rabbit)

Bride's DOB: 16 July 1988 (Dragon)
Bride's Father: 1949 (Ox)
Bride's Mother: 1956 (Monkey)

Thanks for helping!

Kaili Beedo

New Member
Hi Kaili Beedo

Only 18th Dec is a general good date and doesn't clash to anyone (clash Dog)

Hope this helps

How about 26 or 27 dec 2015?

Groom - 29 March 1986 (Tiger)
Bride - 13 September 1988 (Dragon)

Groom father - 10 Jan 1956 (Goat)
Groom mother - 15 October 1959 (Pig)

Bride father - 6 December 1957 (Rooster)
Bride mother - 1 October 1962 (Tiger)

Kaili Beedo

New Member
How about 26 or 27 dec 2015?

Groom - 29 March 1986 (Tiger)
Bride - 13 September 1988 (Dragon)

Groom father - 10 Jan 1956 (Goat)
Groom mother - 15 October 1959 (Pig)

Bride father - 6 December 1957 (Rooster)
Bride mother - 1 October 1962 (Tiger)

26th of March 2016? thanks!


New Member
Hi shanawawa,

Yes. It is a Chinese belief that you should not attend other people's wedding, funerals/wakes and child birth 3 months before and after your own wedding.

Hi Master Tong

Does this apply to the couples' parent? (i.e Understand that the tradition apply to couple getting married but how will couple's parent attending other people's wedding, funerals/wakes and child birth 3 months before and after affect the couple ?)
Hi Master Tong

Does this apply to the couples' parent? (i.e Understand that the tradition apply to couple getting married but how will couple's parent attending other people's wedding, funerals/wakes and child birth 3 months before and after affect the couple ?)

Hi Master Tong,

Is is only apply to the actual day? or both ROM n Actual day as well?

Hi asics64,

thanks for bringing this up, i'm also wondering this too....:)
Dear master tong,

I would like to ask if one of my Jie Mei Chinese zodiac clashes with my actual day zodiac, can she still be my Jie Mei ? Or what can I do in order to let her be my Jie Mel?



New Member
Hi Master Tong

I check if i can hold my wedding on lunar 11th month if a deceased parent is on lunar 11th month ? or if there is a certain number of days should we avoid?
Pls advise.


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Appreciate if you could advise us on the suitable dates for wedding AD (preferably Sat or Sun, Dec 2015). The details of Chinese zodiac for the groom and bride are as listed:

Groom: rooster (1981)
Bride: rat (1984)

Groom's father: snake (1953)
Groom's mother: sheep (1955)

Bride's father: rooster (1957)
Bride's mother: monkey (1956)

Another question I would like to ask is, generally, rat and horse clash right? I am the bride (rat) and my younger brother (horse), can he be the boy that open the car door for my husband (rooster) on our wedding day? or can he not?



Active Member
Hi fannfannhuang

by right 2015 clash Ox and 2016 clash tiger, so both are not gd years for wedding/rom

If no choice...

22/5 is a general good date and dont clash anyone
28/2/2016 clash Dog which is none of you, but have to wait till Aug 2015 for the tong shu to be out to check for general 2016 dates

Hope this helps :)
