Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)


Active Member
Hi sw33ti3

The tong shu for 2016 is not out yet (out in Aug 2015). So if you are looking at general dates only, can only check then. Else the only way now and correct way is using Bazi to check


Active Member
Hi vanityprinceess

21/11/2015 is a very bad day (Po Ri), cannot be used

1/1/2016 is also another type of Po Ri, a very bad day.

Both cannot be used at all


Active Member
Hi Doreentanlb

But right 2015 is a bad yr for wedding as clash to Ox which is groom. 2016 clash Tiger which is you, so 2016 is out too

If no choice..

26th Sept is a general good date and dont clash anyone (clash Pig)

Hope this helps :)


Active Member
Hi limgrace

the tong shu for 2016 will not be out till Aug 2015, so if you looking at generic dates only, i can only check after it is out. Right now the only way and correct way is using bazi to select only (for 2016 dates)


Active Member
Hi asics64

parents are ok to attend, but it really depends on how pantang they are. Some prefer not to. But most importantly is both of you


Active Member
Hi cherrieseason,

Everyday there will be one animal sign that clashes to the day. So if that day clash to your jie mei, then she cannot be jie mei at all, no workard.


Active Member
Hi megen2015

these r the only dates

- 6/12, 12/12

Yes rat and horse clash. But to determine if your bro can open car door is NOT by such a method. U must know that particular day clashes to what zodiac sign and that zodiac sign cannot open car door. So your FSM should tell you that.
Hi vanityprinceess

21/11/2015 is a very bad day (Po Ri), cannot be used

1/1/2016 is also another type of Po Ri, a very bad day.

Both cannot be used at all

Dear Master Tong,

I had an appointment with U next month de.. ^^ posted this before I managed to schedule with U by email.

Walao!! The dates I'm looking at all is PO RI.. Suay Max ahaha..
Hi fannfannhuang

by right 2015 clash Ox and 2016 clash tiger, so both are not gd years for wedding/rom

If no choice...

22/5 is a general good date and dont clash anyone
28/2/2016 clash Dog which is none of you, but have to wait till Aug 2015 for the tong shu to be out to check for general 2016 dates

Hope this helps :)
Hi Master Tong,

Thanks for the advice, 28 feb 2016 clash with Dog, my sister n bro-in-law is Dog, does that mean they have to be avoid on that day? or it is ok?

Thank you


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Appreciate if you could advise us on the suitable dates for wedding AD (preferably Sat or Sun, 2016. The details of Chinese zodiac for the groom and bride are as listed:

Groom: ox (20 Dec 1985)
Bride: tiger (29 Jun 1986)

Groom's father: monkey (2 Apr 1944)
Groom's mother: snake (31 Mar 1953)

Bride's father: rabbit (15 Oct 1951)
Bride's mother: rooster (16 Dec 1957)

I just read that 2015 is a bad year for ox and 2016 is a bad year for tiger. Will there be any available good dates for marriage then?

Appreciate your advice. Thanks!
Last edited:


New Member
Dear Master Tong,
Appreciate if you could advise us on the wedding date of 31st Dec 2015 and 1st Jan 2016. The details of Chinese zodiac for the groom and bride are as listed:
Groom: Dragon (27 Sept 1988)
Bride: Dragon (03 May 1988)
Groom's father: Ox
Groom's mother: Rabbit
Bride's father: Dog
Bride's mother: Monkey
Appreciate your advice. Thank you.


New Member
Hi Master Tong

Can you advise a good date for ROM
We plan to do it on groom's birthday 25th march 2015
Can u advice if it is a good date? If yes could u advice a good time?
Or else please advice an alternative day in March which u think would be the best!

Groom: 25th March 1984 (rat)
Groom's mother : 5 oct 1959 (pig)
Groom's father : 2 Jan 1053 (dragon)

Bride: 6th July 1984 (rat)
Bride's mother: 12 nov 1947 (pig)
Bride's father: 24 oct 1935 (pig) (passed away)

Thanks a lot in advance!


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Appreciate if you could advise if 5 March 2016 is a suitable date for ROM +AD?

Groom: Rooster
Bride: Rat

Groom's father: Snake
Groom's mother: Snake

Bride's father: Snake (Passed away)
Bride's mother: Rabbit

Appreciate your advice.
Thank you.


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Could you advise us on the wedding date for 5 Dec 2015, 19 Dec 2015, 26 Dec 2015 or 2 Jan 2016 for our wedding?

Groom: Ox
Bride: Dragon

Groom Birthday: 8 Apr 1985
Bride Birthday: 13 Jun 1988

Groom's Father: 3 Feb 1949
Groom's Mother: 21 Oct 1948

Bride's Father: 31 Oct 1945
Bride's Mother: 10 Mar 1954

Thank you for helping!! Appreciate it!


New Member
Hi limgrace

the tong shu for 2016 will not be out till Aug 2015, so if you looking at generic dates only, i can only check after it is out. Right now the only way and correct way is using bazi to select only (for 2016 dates)

Dear Master Tong,

Thanks very much for your reply! Will check with you later on this year.

Have a good week!



New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Please kindly advise whether Feb 6 2016 or Mar 12 2016 is a good date for ROM and wedding for us?

Groom: Sep 8 1979 Goat
Bride: Jun 14 1990 Horse

Groom's Father: Goat
Groom's Mother: Ox

Bride's Father: Dog
Bride's Mother: Ox

Thanks in advance!
Hi Master Tong,

"(by right 2015 clash Ox and 2016 clash tiger, so both are not gd years for wedding/rom) " from the above that you had mentioned.
what if rom date was this year but banquet date is next year(2016) for groom(tiger) and bride(rabbit) which is consider the auspicious year?

Thanks in advance.:)


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Could you advice when is the best year to get married please? We are going to book wedding date (ROM and banquet) but we are unsure 2015 0r 2016?

We are thinking dates: 8th August or 19th September 2015 (or 2016)

Bride - 8 September '85 (Ox)
Groom - 16 December '83 (Pig)

Please advice thank you very much!


Master Tong, I have a qns on the actual day custom. For the gold jewellery that the bride's family bought for the bride as 嫁 妆, do the bride need to wear them as she go over to the groom's place?


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Can you advice if 23rd September 2015 is a good day for ROM and if there is any specific time?

Groom: 30th December 1983 (Pig)
Bride: 4th July 1984 (Rat)

Groom Father: 29th April 1953
Groom Mom: 7th November 1953

Bride Mom: 15th January 1953
Bride Father: 6th June 1951

Thank you!


Active Member
Hi fannfannhuang

she just have to hide during the gatecrash or when you enter the hse, and after that they come out and everything will be ok. And they cannot be your bestman or bridesmaid


Active Member
Hi jjeanniee

Yes by right both yr are bad as they clash to your . So ideally is 2017. If cannot wait, then you just have to pick the best dates in that period using bazi, if possible

The tong shu for 2016 will only be out in aug/sept this year, so i can only check then if general dates only. Now the only way to select for 2016 dates in using Bazi to select


Active Member
Hi Debbyderrick

25th march is not a general tong shu good day

the best dates in march that dont clash your are

- 9/3, 13/3, 21/3

hope this helps :)


Active Member
Hi m1chie,

5th march 2016 doesnt clash to any of you, but the tong shu for 2016 will only be out in aug/sept this year, so can only check then if you looking at general tong shu dates only. Right now the only way to select is using Bazi only, for 2016 dates.


Active Member
Hi WinKris,

only 5th dec is a general tong shu good date but clash Rooster one of your parents,, so out.

Rest of the dates are not general good dates for wedding


Active Member
Hi abovelove,

both dates dont clash anyone. but have to wait till aug this year for tong shu to be out if you are looking at general dates only


Active Member
Hi candiesandlollipops

Both are bad. ideally your ROM should be 2014, then you can do banquet in 2015 or 2016 as ROM more impt. But now if your ROM is going to be in 2015 or 2016, it doesnt makes more difference (since both yrs clash to one of you )
Hi Master Tong,

In that case, as both 2015 and 2016 is not good year for us to do the rom. Does it mean we need to go through the bazi for a best date if we need to do it this year? Will it be better?

Thanks in advance :)


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

May I check if there's a need to calculate good dates for new BTOs for

i) first time stepping into the house after key collection
ii) Start of renovation
iii) Move-in

Are there any good dates in early Feb for first time stepping into the house ?

Thanks in advance!


New Member
Hi GisT

These r the good Mar weekends dates before Qing Ming

8/3, 21/3

Hope this helps

Hi Master Tong,

We are planning to ROM and hold our Chinese wedding on 29th March 2015. May I know if this is an inauspicious date, how should we avert this?
Would you be able to advise on a good timing?
Groom - 4 March 1978 (goat)
Bride - 27 October 1988 (dragon)

Groom father - 22 May 1940 (dragon)
Groom mother - 10 April 1952 (dragon)

Bride father - 15 February 1952 (dragon)
Bride mother - 5 May 1954 (horse)

Thank you.

Best Regards,


New Member
Hi Master Tong, can I enquire for the 安床 An Chuang customary, is it necessary to perform it before the wedding? Or is it okay to skip the An Chuang?

As my new flat will only be ready a few months after my wedding and I will be temporarily staying apart from my husband after the wedding, is it okay to only perform the An Chuang after the wedding when I move in my new place?

Is there a required minimum period that I am not allowed to move the bed/ move house after the An Chuang process is done?

Thank you very much in advance for your kind advice!


New Member
Dear Master Tong,
Appreciate if you could advise us on the wedding date of 31st Dec 2015 and 6th Feb 2016. The details of Chinese zodiac for the groom and bride are as listed:
Groom: Dragon (27 Sept 1988)
Bride: Dragon (03 May 1988)
Groom's father: Ox
Groom's mother: Rabbit
Bride's father: Dog
Bride's mother: Monkey
Appreciate your advice. Thank you.


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Can you kindly advise if 28 May 2016 and 15 Oct 2016 are suitable wedding dates for us? If not, can you suggest any dates in June or July 2016?

Groom - 24 Jul 1986 (tiger)
Bride - 5 Nov 1985 (ox)

Groom's father - pig
Groom's mother - dog

Bride's father - monkey
Bride's mother - ox

Thank you! Much appreciated

Kind regards,


Active Member
Hi etty12345

1) stepping into new hse date is pantang. By pure feng shui perspective it is not impt and has no impact. So pple do it for superstitious reasons

2) Move in and start reno dates are the most impt and have impact. But the house direction must b factored in to calculate the dates as the tong shu alone is useless. It doesnt factor in the house direction and hence unable to tell you if your house a certain month /year bad for reno and move in.

hope this helps


Active Member
Hi GisT

29th march is already into Qing ming period (usually 10 days before qing ming is sweep tomb period), so usually chinese dont hold wedding that period.
