Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)


Hi master tong,
My bf and I intend to have our ROM and wedding banquet on 27 June 2015.

Our details are as follows:
Groom: dog (1982)
Bride: tiger (1986)

Groom dad: monkey
Groom mum: chicken

Bride dad: snake
Bride mum: chicken

Pls kindly advice if 27 June is a good date for marriage or can u suggest other dates in the first half of 2015


New Member
hi master tong

my bf & i intend to hold wedding in june 6 2015...

our details as following

Groom: monkey (1980)
bride: rat (1984)

groom dad : tiger (1950)
groom mum: dragon (1953)

bride dad : pig (1959)
bridge mum: rat (1960)

kindly advise if june 6 is a good dates or can u suggest any in dec 2014 or dec 2015 ??

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New Member
hi master tong
my bf & i intend to hold wedding in 2015 (except in Feb, June, Nov, Dec)

our details as following

Groom: rat (1984)
bride: rabbit (1987)

groom dad : tiger (1950)
groom mum: (1953)

bride dad : tiger (1950)
bridge mum: rat (1960)

kindly advise if june 6 is a good dates or can u suggest any in dec 2014 or dec 2015 ??



New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Would like to seek your advices on the following wedding dates in 2015:
07 mar 15
04 apr 15
16 may 15
30 may 15
27 jun 15
22 aug 15

Groom: 1981 (rooster)
Bride: 1980(monkey)

Groom dad: 1955 (goat)
Groom mum: 1956(monkey)

Bride dad: 1946(dog)- deceased
Bride mum:1951 ( rabbit)

Thank you for e help!


Active Member
Hi l0vechloe

Only 27 jun 2015 & 8 aug 2015 dont clash to anyone and potentially good. But have to wait till sept for tong shu to be out to check if it is a general good date. only way now is using bazi to calculate


Active Member
Hi limkx

27/6 is "potentially" a good date n doesnt clash anyone. But have to wait till tong shu out in sept before i can check if it is a general good date or not. Now only way is using bazi to calculate. Hope this helps :)


Active Member
HI yuniemadoka
6th june 2015 is a Po Ri,super bad date for wedding

Dec 2014 is Sui Po, bad mth for wedding in 2014. For 2015 general good dates, will have to wait till sept for the 2015 tong shu to be out before we can check (only way now is using bazi to calculate) :)


Active Member
hi JTee

6th june 2015 is a Po Ri,super bad date for wedding

For 2015 general good dates, will have to wait till sept for the 2015 tong shu to be out before we can check (only way now is using bazi to calculate). Dec 2014 is Sui Po, bad mth for wedding in 2014.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Will like to check with you for general dates for 2015.

Our details are as follow

Groom: rat (1984)
bride: rabbit (1987)

groom dad : tiger (1950)
groom mum: Goat (1956)

bride dad : Horse (1954)
bridge mum: Rooster (1957)

Can you advise any good dates within the June to Oct 2015? Prefer Weekends



New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Understand 2015 is Goat year, my boyfriend is born in the year of goat (1979), and I am in the year of dog (1982) We plan to get married next year 2015.
Please advise us if next year will be the good year for the 2 of us? And also will my boyfriend born in the year of Goat "fan Tai Sui" as well as me in the year of Dog?

Thank you.


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

As your advice previously (2012), we want to ask your advice again for any general date on 2015 that suit us. Can you calculate based on our ba zi ?

Our details :

  • Groom : 10 april 1986 (tiger)
  • Groom's dad : 24 feb 1947 (pig)
  • Groom's mom : 15 nov 1966 (horse)
  • Bride : 5 april 1987 (rabbit)
  • Bride's dad : 1960 (rat) - r.i.p
  • Bride's mom : 16 feb 1965 (snake)
Thank you in advance


New Member
Hi master tong,
Would to seek your advice for a good date in jun or dec 2015.

our details are as follow:

groom - pig 1983
bride - rabbit 1987

groom dad - tiger 1950
groom wife - dragon 1952

bride dad - rooster 1957
bride mum - ox 1961

prefer saturdays.

Appreciate your advice!


New Member
Hi master, can I check if there are different methods to calculating a good date using the ba Zi? My future m-i-l and myself went to 2 different masters and we returned with 2 totally different sets of dates. Now I'm pretty confused on who is more accurate.

I read from your advise that goat year is not good for the ox to get married. My fiance is born in the year of ox, does it mean that we shouldn't get married in 2015? Both masters did give us some dates to consider in 2015.

In addition, my grandmother just passed away. Will there be anything we should take note for our wedding due to this?

Thanks in advance for your valuable advise!


Active Member
Hi Slate

The tong shu for 2015 wil only be out in Sept this yr, hence if you are looking at general dates only, i can only advise after it is out :)


Active Member
Hi sueez

Yes , as different mastes have different techniques, there could be differences in dates. But there are some dates that are generally inauspicious and should be avoided.

If he is born Ox yr, by right not a good yr for wedding in 2015 and goat and ox clashes. If no choice, then we can only pick the good dates within the yr to do it (if really no choice, eg you need the cert for HDB)

You need to hold your wedding/ROM within 100 days or 1 yr later (some practice 3 yrs , depending on your family belief)


New Member
Hi Master Tong

Will like to check if 8 Feb 2015 is a good date for us to get married?

Groom: 1982 rooster
Bride: 1985 ox

Groom dad: tiger
Groom mum: dragon

Bride dad: ox
Bride mum: dog

Understand that goat year clashes with ox, but if we do it before cny (still horse year) will it be ok?


Hi Master Tong,

Can you kindly advise which of the below 4 dates will be suitable for us?

10 Jan 2015 / 11 Jan 2015 / 17 Jan 2015 / 18 Jan 2015

Groom : boar
Bride : ox

Groom dad : goat
Groom mum : rat

Bride dad : rooster
Bride mum : tiger

Looking forward to your reply! Many thanks!


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

My fiance and I would like to hold our ROM and Wedding Banquet on the same day in 2015.

We have two dates in mind :-
1. 25th July 2015
2. 8th Aug 2015

Appreciate if you could advise us the date that is ideal for us.

Groom: Year 1983, Pig
Bride: Year 1989, Snake

Groom's father: Year 1950, Tiger
Groom's mother: Year 1963, Rabbit

Bride's father: Year 1962, Tiger
Bride's mother: Year 1963, Rabbit



New Member
Hi Master Tong,

My finance and I are planning to hold our wedding ceremony in year 2015. However, we both are born in the year of Ox, and you mentioned in general, goat clashes with ox.

Will it make a difference to use Bazi technique to count for the dates in 2015? Or we should just avoid to get married in year of ox (as I would think zodiac calculation is always too general).

We went to an uncle who learns about fengshui, he uses a book (can't remember the name) and with the zodiacs of ours and our parents to count for a date, and he got us the lunar month/date of 9/16 (falls on guanyin's birthday). We are thinking to seek for another opinion which uses different technique, as the 3 dates he given are quite limited for selection (also depending on availability of banquet).
Generally, if using Bazi to count, how many dates will be given for a year's time?

Your kind advice is highly appreciated!

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Hi Master Tong,

My wedding is on 6th Sept 2014.

Brides is "Teochew" dialect
Groom is "Hainanese" dialect

Groom: Ox
Brides : Dragon
Mother in Law : Rat
Father in Law: Horse
Mother: Ox
Father: Rooster

Can I know what is the best timing for groom to fetch the brides?

I heard that "Teochew" dialect Cannot fetch if the sunrise is up. Is that true?

Thank you so much!!!! :)


New Member
Kindly help me to check if 30 May 2015 is a good date for us to get married?

Groom: June 1989 (Snake)
Bride: April 1990 (Horse)

Groom dad: 1965 (Snake)
Groom mum: 1971 (Pig)

Bride dad: 1963 (Rabbit)
Bride mum: 1962 (Tiger)

Kindly advice.

Thank you.


New Member
Hi master tong,
Would to seek your advice for a good date in 2015.

our details are as follow:

groom - rabbit 1987
bride - horse 1990

groom dad - chicken 1957
groom mum - dog 1958

bride mum - rat 1960

Appreciate your advice!


Hi Master Tong,

My fiancé & I are planning to get married in early (feb - march) 2016. Please advise a best date for us.

Bride & Groom: Horse

Groom's dad: Rooster
Groom's mom: Pig

Bride's dad: Dragon
Bride's mom: Pig

Thank you


Active Member
HI darkesttragedy

Both dates doesnt clash to anyone. But will have to wait till the tong shu is out in Aug/sept to determine if it is a general good date for wedding. the only way to determine is using bazi to select only.


Active Member
Hi feliz

Avoiding Ox yr is the best. Even if use bazi, we can only choose the best dates , but the yr is still bad, irregardless. So if you can choose, best to choose other years.

How many dates you will get depends on both your bazi and parents zodiac, so I can't tell you exactly how many dates there will be for the year without any calculations.


Active Member
Hi Huiting

It will be 5-7am or 9-11am

But for teochew, usually will be 5-7am as teochew fetch the bride has to be before daybreak (unless all your parents are modernised and dont really bother ;p)


Active Member
Hi judykuek

the fetch the bride timing is for the groom to step into the bride's house and fetch her back to groom's home and complete tea ceremony to his parents.


Active Member
Hi lazyhui

the 2015 tong shu (almanac) will only be out in Aug/sept this year, hence if you are looking at only general good dates, we can only advise after the bk is out. For now,the only way and correct way to calculate is using both your bazi


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

kindly advise if 24th Jan 2015 is a good date for wedding? Or Mar 7th, 14th and 21st are better?

Groom: Pig (1983)
bride: Rabbit (1987)

groom dad : Ox
groom mum: Rabbit

bride dad : Rooster
bride mum: rat

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New Member
Hi Master Tong,

My bf and I intend to have our ROM in 2015.

Our details are as follows:
Groom: cow (1985)
Bride: cow (1985)

Groom dad: dog (1946)
Groom mum: cow (1949)

Bride dad: dragon (1952)
Bride mum: dog (1958)

Can you please advise if 10 October 2015 is a good date for us?
Otherwise, we are also considering 8 August 2015 and 1 May 2015 , please advise which is the better 1.

Thanks so much!!!!


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

If I intend to have my wedding in Feb 2016, is it too early to check the dates now?

Kindly advise.

Thank you :)


New Member
Hi Master Tong

Can you please advise the best date for us in 2015?

Details as below:

Groom: rabbit 1987
Bride: dragon 1988

Groom father: ox 1961
Groom mother: snake 1965

Bride father: rooster 1945
Bride mother: snake 1953 (passed away)

Thank you in advance! :))
