Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)


New Member
Hi David,

Can advise us if 13/06/2009 is a good day to ROM?

1) Bride
Birthday: 21 Oct 1983
Animal Sign: Pig
Parents: Monkey & Snake

2) Bridegroom
Birthday: 12 Oct 1982
Animal Sign: Dog
Parents: Snake & Horse

Many thanks!


Active Member
Hi Staris,

For your ROM, what range of months are you looking at? I will only be able to provide you with very general Tong Shu dates.

If possible, avoid holding your AD in Tiger yr (unless really no choice). You can either hold it this yr or in 2011.

As for your cousins's wedding, normally about 3 months before and after your own wedding, you are not suppose to attend another person's wedding.

Hope this helps


New Member
Hi David
Thanks. we are looking at Aug, Oct & Nov 09 for ROM & AD.
Thinking of holding wedding dinner next year, is it alright?
Please advise. Thanks


New Member
Hi David

My hubby-to-be and I hope to get ROM & AD on 2010. We understand that the Tongshu is not out for 2010 but would like to know if 2010 is generally a good year for both of us and our families?

1. Bride - 29 June 1984 (Rat)
2. Groom - 08 Oct 1981 (Rooster)

Bride's mum is Rat and dad is Rooster.
Groom's mum is Rabbit and dad is Dog.


New Member
Hi David,
ROM is consider as legally married. Then cos 2010 clashes with my sign (ie Monkey) but if I have my AD in 2010 (after ox year), is it still bad if my rom is in ox year?


New Member
Hi David,

My bf is born in the year of the Dragon and I Monkey. We plan to get married in 2010. It clashes with both our sign rite?

What must we do if we want to stick to 2010? Please advice.

Thanks a bunch!


New Member
Hi Master David Tong,

My wife-to-be and I are thinking of holding our ROM and customary in any of the following months: Dec 2009-Mar 2010. Can you advise whether some of the following dates like: 12 Dec 2009, 16 Jan 2010, 30 Jan 2010, 6 Feb 2010, 6 Mar 2010, 20 Mar 2010 are suitable?

Date Of Births:
Bride: 3 Feb 1981 (Monkey)
Groom: 7 Nov 1978 (Horse)

Bride's Father: Sheep, Bride's Mother: Cow
Groom's Father: Horse, Bride's Mother: Pig

Thanks a lot!


New Member
Hi Master David Tong

would you be able to sugegst a few dates for ROM & customary dinner in 2010.

Here are some info. Thanks

1) Bride
Birthday : 13 Feb 1982
Animal Sign: Dog

2) Bridegroom
Birthday : 14 Jan 1974
Animal Sign: Cow

Will the tiger yr be alright for us?

Appreciate your reply.



New Member
Hi Master David Tong

Appreciate if you could give me some general dates for my AD/ROM. Am intending to have both in 4th quarter 2010, would the year of Tiger be good for us? Wat abt Ox year or Rabbit year?

For your ease of reference, please see below for
me and my bf birthdays, animal signs and parents' animal signs:

1) Bride
Birthday : May 1982
Animal Sign: Dog

2) Bridegroom
Birthday : Nov 1980
Animal Sign: Monkey

3) Bride's parents
Dad's animal sign : (Deceased)
Mum's animal sign : Dog (1958)

4) Bridegroom's parents
Dad's animal sign : (Deceased)
Mum's animal sign : Monkey (1944)

Thanks a lot in advance!


Active Member
Hi Staris,

20th Aug to 18th Sept: 7th lunar mth so cannot be used.

For Nov 09, all the general good dates clash to one of your animal signs, so no dates avail. this mth.

Here are some 'general' dates you can use:

- 11/8, 17/8, 3/10, 8/10, 16/10, 28/10.

Next yr will clash to Monkey, which is your birth year. If possible, don't do it next yr. Do it either this yr or Rabbit yr. Although ROM is more impt, whenever possible and if you get to choose, i will still ask you to avoid the year that clashes to your animal sign. Only use it when you have no choice...


Active Member
Hi juzgurl,

Generally yes you can get married in 2010. But a more accurate way is to see both your Bazi to decide. But generally the tiger yr don't clash to either of you, so all you need is to select a good day for it.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Lucy Tan,

Yes, 2010 clashes to Monkey. If possible, at the very least, hold yout ROM this yr (Ox yr) and you carry out your AD in Tiger yr. Reason being ROM is more impt as it is the day both of you are legally husband and wife. AD is just a tradition. But being kiasu a bit, as Chinese, I will still ask you to avoid Tiger yr for AD as personally, i want both AD and ROM to be held on a good yr if possible. If really not choice, then you split and do your ROM on a good yr.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi Raymond Quek,

Are those dates given by hotels? Reason i ask coz all these dates are not good dates for i suspect these are "left over"dates from hotels?

12/12, 16/1, 30/1, 6/2 are all not good dates for wedding.

For 2010 dates Feb and beyond, the tong shu is not out yet so i cannot advise you on general tong shu auspicious dates. All 2010 dates have to be selected using Bazi, which is the accurate and right method.

I can advise you only if that day clashes to any of you. For 6/3, it don't clash to any of you. For 20/3, it clashes to Pig, which is your mum, so cannot be used.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Suzy,

Tiger yr does not clash to either of you.

For 2010 tong shu general dates, i will not be able to advise you now as the tong shu will only be out in July/Aug period. The only way to do it now is using bazi to select the dates and it is the accurate and right way to do so. But as it is part of my consultation service that i provide to my clients, i can't provide this here in the forum or it will be unfair to those who paid for my service. Hope you understand


Active Member
Hi Vivian,

Ox and Rabbit yr is ok. But Tiger yr will clash to the bridegroom, so not advisable to use this yr.

For 2010 tong shu general dates, i will not be able to advise you now as the tong shu will only be out in July/Aug period. The only way to do it now is using bazi to select the dates and it is the accurate and right way to do so. But as it is part of my consultation service that i provide to my clients, i can't provide this here in the forum or it will be unfair to those who paid for my service. Hope you understand


New Member
Hi David,

I have a general question. Hope you can help. Is it true that siblings should not get married in the same year or rather should at least be 4 months apart? This is because my brother is intending to have the customary this year as well which is only about 1 month apart from mine. Btw he had rom a year ago while I will rom only late this year together with customary.

Thanks for your advice!


New Member
Hi David

My fiance will prefer to hold wedding dinner next yr, being a catholic he do not believe in such.
Thus can base on bazi calculation for next yr? can be done if we approach for ur service?


New Member
Hi David

My and my gal buddy are getting married in 2010.

Is it true that we cannot attend each other's wedding if both our weddings fall within 3 months of each other?

Please advise.


Active Member
Hi Xb,

Yes that is correct. Chinese believe that siblings should not get married on the same yr. By right, it should be 12 mths apart, but some cannot wait that long, so they "cheat" a bit by holding it on 2 different calendar years (eg one in Nov, and one in Feb)

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Staris,

Yes it can be done. Definitely it will be better as we will be selecting an auspicious day based on the bazi. Though of course i will still advise you if possible avoid Tiger yr. But if really cannot, then selecting a good date based on the bazi is the best we can do so as to ensure that day is specifically good for both of you only.


Active Member
Hi didee,

Yes that is correct. Normally 3 months before and after your own wedding, you are not suppose to attend other people's wedding, funerals, wakes, or child birth. Since your good friend is also getting married, i am sure she will understand


New Member
Hi David

Would like to seek your advice on a suitable wedding date in 2009. We are considering Sept-Dec 2009.

Our birth dates and parents' birth dates as below:
1) Bride
Birthday : Oct 1980
Animal Sign: Monkey

2) Bridegroom
Birthday : Apr 1975
Animal Sign: Rabbit

3) Bride's parents
Dad's animal sign : Dog (1946)
Mum's animal sign : Tiger (1950)

4) Bridegroom's parents
Dad's animal sign : Rat (1948)
Mum's animal sign : Rat (1948)

Thanks so much!


New Member
Thanks David.

Just to clarify, as my brother had already rom last year and only holding the customary this year which is close to my rom and customary, can I say that it's actually 2 different yrs then?


New Member
Dear David

Can i ask if it is ok for us to hold AD in 2010?

Groom: 1973 (Ox)
Bride: 1979 (Goat)
Groom's parents: Ox
Bride's parents: Snake

Thank you.


New Member
Hi David,

We are planning to get marry next as his brother is getting this Dec so we understand that there should be at least one year apart.

But I have read from you previous comment that it is not advicable for Monkey to get marry next year as it will clash with the Tiger.

So I would like to check, is it impossible for us to get marry next year.

Our birth dates and parents' birth dates as below and we are looking at these 2 dates, 7 Nov 2010 and 28 Nov 2010.

1) Bride
Birthday : 7 Jan 1983
Animal Sign: Dog

2) Bridegroom
Birthday : 28 Oct 1980
Animal Sign: Monkey

3) Bride's parents
Dad's animal sign : Tiger (1950)
Mum's animal sign : Dragon (1952)

4) Bridegroom's parents
Dad's animal sign : Ox (1949)
Mum's animal sign : Tiger (1950)

Thank you so much


New Member
Hi David,

Can please advice whether is it ok to hOld Solemnization & AW together on 13 Sept 2010 or 25 Sept 2010??

Groom: Rooster (1981)
Bride: Ox (1985)

Groom's parent: Horse (1954)
Bride's parent: Ox (1961)

Appreciate your reply.
Thanks sO much =)


New Member
Hi Master David

Am intending to have my AD + ROM on the same day in Nov or Dec of 2010. Is it Ok ? Appreciate if you could give me some general dates. Would the year of Tiger be good for us?

Below would me our information :

1) Bride
Birthday : 28 June 1981
Animal Sign: Rooster

2) Bridegroom
Birthday : 21 Oct 1981
Animal Sign: Rooster

3) Bride's parents

Birthday : 17 Aug 1953
Animal Sign: Snake
Birthday : 14 Mar 1954
Animal Sign: Horse

4) Bridegroom's parents
Birthday : 28 Oct 1952
Animal Sign: Dragon
Birthday : 21 Aug 1961
Animal Sign: Ox

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks in advance


Active Member
Hi Charlene,

For general Tong shu auspicious dates, you can use the following:

- 03/10, 08/10, 13/10, 25/10, 18/11, 30/11, 31/12 (all the good dates in Dec clashes except last day of the yr).

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi xb,

As this is more of a chinese traditional belief, many elderly took the AD into account (though ROM is more impt). So frankly, it really depends if your parents and his parents mind or not. If they mind, then his AD and your ROM/AD should be 1 yr apart.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Qiu Ling,

Yes Tiger and Monkey clash. If possible, avoid getting married in Tiger yr. This will be the best scenario. If you really must, then at least hold your ROM this yr, so only your AD falls into Tiger yr. BUT as i always mentioned, if you get to choose and not in a hurry, why not do it in the Rabbit yr?

7/11/10 does not clash to any of you. However i will not be able to tell you if it is a general Tong Shu auspicious date for wedding as the Tong Shu will only be out in July/Aug period.

28/11 is a bad day for wedding. Don't use this day.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi Kai Ying,

Both days does not clash to any of you
However i will not be able to tell you if it is a general Tong Shu auspicious date for wedding as the Tong Shu will only be out in July/Aug period. Right now, the only way and also the right and accurate way of doing it will be using Bazi to select dates. A date reflected auspicious in the Tong Shu may still be bad for both of you if the date chosen is not compatible wtih both your Bazi.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Elbarc,

Both your animal do not clash to Tiger, so you can get married in Tiger yr. All you need is an auspicious date. But if Tiger is a good yr for marriage for both of you, this we will have to look at both your Bazi. The animal sign alone is insufficient.

I will not be able to select general Tong Shu auspicious date for wedding for 2010 as the Tong Shu will only be out in July/Aug period. Right now, the only way and also the right and accurate way of doing it will be using Bazi to select dates. A date reflected auspicious in the Tong Shu may still be bad for both of you if the date chosen is not compatible wtih both your Bazi.

Hope this helps


New Member
Thanks David for your advice, i will discuss this with my bf.

However, if i hold my rom this year, will it crash with his brother wedding this Dec.


New Member
dear david, thanks for your reply.

understand your basic wedding package inlcuding ROM date is $100/- nett at this moment. however we already ROM. how will you quote instead? thank you.


New Member
Hi David,

We are planning to get marry next year(2010) as his brother is getting this Aug so we understand that there should be at least a few months apart.

But I have read from you previous comment that it is not advisable for Monkey to get marry next year as it will clash with the Tiger.

So I would like to check, is it impossible for us to get marry next year. Our ROM is this year (Ox) June 2009.

Our birth dates and parents' birth dates as below and we are looking at Nov or Dec 2010 for our AD.

1) Bride
Birthday : 24 Oct 1983
Animal Sign: Pig

2) Bridegroom
Birthday : 3 Jan 1981
Animal Sign: Monkey

3) Bride's parents
Dad's animal sign : Snake (1953)
Mum's animal sign : Rat (1948)

4) Bridegroom's parents
Dad's animal sign : Goat (1955)
Mum's animal sign : Dog (1958)

Thank you so much


New Member
Hi David,

My rom will be on 8/8/09 this year and is selecting on my AD date. is 8/8/10 a good date for us to get married? we really like it to be one year later and also because it is his b-day the next day. if not what about 25/9/10. What are the alternative dates and we prefer it to be a weekend.

1) Bride
Birthday : 14 March 1983
Animal Sign: Pig

2) Bridegroom
Birthday : 9 Aug 1982
Animal Sign: Dog

3) Bride's parents
Dad's animal sign : lamb (1955)
Mum's animal sign : lamb (1955)

4) Bridegroom's parents
Dad's animal sign : horse (1954)
Mum's animal sign : Dog (1958)

Thank you so much


Active Member
Hi Qiu Ling,

Yes it will. But in comparison, it is better than to do it in the Tiger year, unless you want to wait till the Rabbit yr, which is still far far ahead.

Reason i said so is coz you are born in yr of the monkey and tiger year will clash with you. This is part of the rule/formula for authentic date selection. Whereas for clashing of siblings if get married in the same year, this is more of a Chinese belief than date selection. To weight between these 2 factors, the former is more important and significant.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Annabel,

If possible, avoid holding your ROM and AD in Tiger yr. If this really can't be helped, at least do your ROM this yr and hold your AD next yr. However, since you are looking at Nov/Dec 2010 for your AD, why not postphone 2 more months and do it in the Rabbit year? It will be better that way


Active Member
Hi eunice,

8/8/10 is not a good day. Plus that month is not a good month for marriage. I will advise you not to use this date.

25/9/10 is a date that doesn't clash to anyone. However, I will not know or be able to select general Tong Shu auspicious date for wedding for 2010 as the Tong Shu will only be out in July/Aug period. Right now, the only way and also the right and accurate way of doing it will be using Bazi to select dates. A date reflected auspicious in the Tong Shu may still be bad for both of you if the date chosen is not compatible wtih both your Bazi.

Hope this helps.
