JP - Chan Kai Yau


New Member
Hi Ladies, i had Mr. Chan as my JP for my ROM in OCt 2006, very happy with him, fluent and humorous.. thumbs up for him...

intro him to a close fren recently for her upcoming ROM, however i was told by her that Mr. Chan dun solemnize wedding on Sunday. she is kinda disappointed and so am i.

all we can do now is to look for alternatives and frankly, i duno who is gd.....


New Member
Cecelia> my ROM was 10th May 2008.

He's very good.. and we loved him...


New Member
Hi Ladies

I had called Mr Chan in Feb09 to invite him to solemnize my wedding in Oct09 and to start at 645PM. He agreed. However when I called him last night to request for his license number and also to re-confirm the timing; He told me that day was a hot date and he needs to go to other place to solemnize and can only make it after 730PM, which I was shocked coz the timing we agreed was not 730PM.

I am upset, do not know whether I should proceed to e-file and invite him to be my JP as I feel 730PM seems to be a bit late, as I worried what if he’s late on that day and I might not have time to mingle with my guests who arrived early. I am having solemnization together on my actual day. Any brides had experience with that?



New Member
happy_penguin, if this happens to me i will be upset too. hve u tried explaining to mr. chan that u actually called him in way back in feb to confirm yr invitation for him to be yr jp? see if it is able to shift his timing to start yr solemnization at 645pm...?

though you might feel that 730pm will be abit late, but i guess solemnization ceremony should be abt 15/20mins or so? u can still mingle ard with yr guests who arrived prior to the solemnization plus they can also witness the ceremony & there might still be abit of time left to chitchat with yr guests before the dinner starts?

that's my take. hope it helps.


New Member
Happy Penguin>> for me, i will b v stress up too.. bt dun wori.. think on the bright side.. it may b good this way too.. coz if u r hving chinese dinner ceremony.. u can solemnize in front of all ur invited guest.. so this may b a good arrangement in a way too..

u try to talk to mr chan again n c wat he gota say lah..

good luck.. dun wori too much k..


New Member
i got him as my JP for solemnisation on AD just now. and reading all the reviews here really put my heart at ease =)


New Member
Garfield>> im looking forward to meet him again on my ROM date.. he's really a nice man..

we ask if we nid to bring him to our venue.. bt he says he will go by himself.. we even ask if he nids any arrangements to bring him to our venue.. he says no nid he can go by himself.. he really ease us alot...

there's some whom i heard fm my colleagues and friends.. they even nid to 'booked' a cab to the solemnizer hse to bring him / her to the rom venue..
CH > He is really the best JP i ever seen and i am so honoured to have him as my JP .... in turn, many friends and relatives asked for his contacts too. To be frank, he did not pay me a single cent to promote for him BUT i don't know why, i just wanted to recommend him to any friends who are getting ROM soon.

Seriously speaking, he does not put on air, no special request for this and that, don't even need to reserve any "eating" seat for too ... even told us to save up our money. Such a nice JP, hard to find.


New Member
Hi everyone,

I just called him and he confirm w me. but he didn't mentioned when we suppose to meet up.. he only ask me to go online to apply after national day. so He will call me again to arrange ??


New Member
jonald> You got to ask him for his license number and e-file via ROM website. After e-filing, kindly ask him when can you guys sign the consent form =D


New Member
Hello.. I was rejected by 3 JP due to they cannot make it on my date and so glad that Mr Chan can make it.. I'm so happy.. He asked me to e-file after national day but will meet us on aug to sign the form for us. Hope he will be good as there's many good comment for him.


New Member
Mr Chan asked me to print out a form and fill. I couldn't find any form in ROM website. Can anyone help by telling me where to find the form?


New Member
hi Raine, the form is actually the consent form for our JP to sign and we hv to bring the form when we collect our wedding cert b4 our solemnization..

u can find the form in ROM webby..


New Member

After looking at the feedback here, i've decided to engage Mr Chan as my JP. Any kind soul willing to provide me his mobile? Oh ya.. will Mr Chan converse in English or Chinese?



New Member
hi, anyone know whether is there a need to amend online details for the time change in solemnization?
place, date & JP remains the same, only change the timing. do i need to amend online also?


New Member
I just called Mr Chan and he agreed to conduct our solemnisation in Dec! So happie! Hope we've made the right choice! =)

Btw, Mr Chan can converse both in English and Chinese. =)


New Member
YEs MR Chan can converse very well in both English and Chinese.. heard him solemnize in Chinese b4.. ive got him for my solemnization nxt mth.. so excited abt it..hehe.. :p


New Member
Hi All,

Believed Mr. Chan is nice a JP based from the forum..
Thinking want to invite him be my JP too and happy to know he can convert in English n Mandarin.
But like to check with you girls, will Mr. Chan mingle around with guests ? And will Mr. Chan bring some humours went conducting the events ?
Cos I don't the overall event feel tense and over formal..
mayshalws > I am sorry to say that JP Mr chan does not mingle around with guests ... as i personally felt that this is a very "shen sheng" (noble) job, he have to maintain the kind of professional and stern attitude.

Nevertheless, he will create abit of jokes but he definitely have to treat this solemisation seriously because conducting marriage for a couple is a lifetime and serious thing.
mayshalws > Mr Chan is my JP loh .... i like him very much! He created a stir during the ceremony, looked very very stern but can crack few real funny jokes.

My ROM is over le .... mine is in Jan 09


New Member
hee I have manage to meet up with Mr Chan yesterday..He was quite friendly and he make sure I understand what to do.....I seems to trust him alot...

I was not the only couple meeting to my surprise quite a number of couple arrange to meet up with him that day to sign the consent form....Think he is really popular.


New Member
yeah I so happy with my choice.....He is really pro and I told my htb we should be 100% trust him....I so scare some JP will tend to forget your important day and never turn up...BUT Mr chan is definitely so pro....dont know why just simpily so trust him...and got a reliable feeling from him
dzxz > U can have my words .... till now, images of how Mr Chan conducted my ROM solemnisation keep repeating in my mind even after so many months. Seriously, u must have a constant video guy to record down the whole process, very heart-warming yet professional.


New Member
My rom is going to be on 15 Jan 2010. Do u think its too early to call him now? When do you call him, like day or evening time?


New Member
Hi Esther...You can only call him at timing will be between 9 to 10pm Daytime he is not around de

Think is too early to call him cos that time when I call him in June (mine ROM is in NOV but got to register in AUG))...he do take note of my date but then ask me to call him again on aug (my actual month of register on line) for the license number.

So if u going to register on line, call him about 2 months before the month u going to register lo....
