Hainanese Brides, anyone???


New Member
CSI: u wed gg back to work liao arh... oh... Cause the mummies having a mini gathering on wed. i'm gg.

I'm been up the whole nite... can't slp at all. too painful. juz prepared breaky for raymond - booking in camp for reservist this morn. i hope i can slp ltr... if my boy cooperates wif me.


New Member
Hey CSI, my boss will be on leave somewhere in mid March and I was telling Nellie that I can go down meet u gals for lunch @ RP. How about this?


New Member
csi, what sterilizer are u using? avent? any user manual?

the medela pump is really very very noisy.. oh can i ask something.. after baby latch on, continue to pump out, is there enough bm 1hr later after pumping.. just curious..

oh.. my baby forces a lot.. how come ah.. scared she has colic..


loinky, crystalz: No problem. Hope to see you all next time. Hehe. Haven see you all before yet.

petrina: Yup, bring to poor countries let them see how poor ppl are. You going to give birth liao? Never see u online today lei.

Huiz: Don't go RP la. Come City Hall. Hehe more central, so I can go also.


Active Member
yah, sure why not!
Let me know when...
City Hall, I'm also ok...but not sure if Nellie can or not.

I'm using the Pigeon sterilizer...have some user instruction lah...hehs.

Erm, after latch on, if I pump 1hr later, usually not much BM...

It's normal for baby to fart...mine farts a lot(sometimes like machine gun)...and very smelly too! hahahaha...


New Member
Dear all, i'll be holding my bb's full mth in early apr 08. prob on 5th or 12th. depending on my actual delivery date...

Location: CDANs - Bukit Gombak

Pls let me noe if anyone's gg... Tentative also can. cause i need to do headcount...


New Member
Hi Petrina,

you very KS leh. plan BB's full month already and venue has been set too.

I can't make it on the 12th. can't confirm 5th cos might be required to work that weekend.


New Member
nellie: no lah.. cause full mth need to do b4 actual DOB of bb. so i only have 3wks to do booking of chalet. if no availability, i'll need to hold it at my plc. then i'll need to noe how many ppl to accommodate...


Active Member
is it a must to do it before the actual date? a lot of my frens do after leh...I also did Louisa's one after actual date...coz before like, not really 1 month yet, dun want to bring baby out...plus own confinement might not have ended also leh. Heehee... Guess it's up to individual lah...


New Member
CSI: it's chinese tradition.. some dun mind. so they do it after...
tats y i also hope to deliver near wkend so at least already over 28days confinement..


New Member
CSI- does ur baby forces a lot when fart? is her stool watery? colour?

oh.. after confinement can anyhow eat? when can i eat seafood?


New Member
hi all, very sian now... in glens ward waiting for dilation... so hungry... gonna eat all forbidden foods b4 i deliver.. hahaha


Active Member

forces a lot? Sometimes she does lah...like, the air is there, but not coming out. Then she will squirm and scream and then "poot poot poot". Other times, it's a silent killer. hahaha.

her stool is kinda creamy-watery [more watery] (sorry, if any of you is reading this while eating. heehee...). Mustard colour. But past 2 times, it's a bit greenish.

Re food...I continued eating confinement food till 36 days after delivery...basically, until my body cannot tahan the heaty food anymore (was getting sore throat after that). I didn't anyhow eat lah. Seafood, I dunno. My ma says 100 days. but I already ate. heehee...(today is the 92nd day).

How? You popped? Er...dun think you can eat much before delivery also leh.


New Member
lance - got info from CARREFOUR on their WINE FAIR.

Details as follows;
a) Carrefour Plaza Singapura Atrium
b) 7 Mar - 16 Mar 08
c) Wine from all corners of the globe
d) Reds, Whites, Sparkling, Champagne
e) Extensive sampling
f) FREE DELIVERY with minimum spending of $150 in a single receipt


New Member
CSI-I ate prawns already.. opps.. 3 only.. cos dono if i can eat..

when to take 6 in 1? 2nd mth? cos i thought 1st mth have to take hep B (2nd dose).. dono if i should bring her to take Hep B 1st or wait till 2nd mth than take 6 in 1..

btw.. 6 in 1 consist of what actually..


petrina: If you are reading this. CONGRATS!!!

janf: Thanks, will check out the fair. Hehe.

Dear ah mais, details on Qian Hu trip:

Date: 23 Mar 08
Time to meet: 11am
Meetup Location: CCK MRT Station
Expected Expenditure: $10/half hour

Li Ann and Thomas
Sherrie and Wei How
Lance and Kelly

See u all soon!


New Member
thks all.. eh, epidural side effects r whole body itchy arh..
i so groggy i forgot to ask for itch medi till very late in the Nite. ard 3am. scratched myself like nobody's biz whole day yest.
this morn medi wore off so fast..


New Member
Congrats Petrina! Rest well and enjoy being a mummy.

Lance, sorry, me not attending. I have a wedding dinner to attend on that day, dont think I can tahan one full day of outing. Enjoy folks!


New Member
I see Lance's email reminds me that I haven suggest a date for the seafood outing to Msia.

How about Sun, 18th May? The next day is a PH (Vesak) so we can afford to sleep in on Mon if we are too tired


Active Member
I brought my gal for Hep B 2nd dose just after her 1st mth lorh. Dunno how come I never ask about the 6-in-1. hehs...but subsequent ones is 6-in-1 package. So her jabs are 5-in-1, until the time for the Hep B dose, then it will be 6-in-1 for that session. You can check with the PD when to take 6-in-1. Think can just call them up to ask generally, then decide from there...

heehee...feels like tons of ants running all over you right? hahaha. it's ok to scratch...just not so hard till you bleed.


New Member
CSI: ya manz... itchy like crazy.. scratch n scratch.. no bleed.. i showered in hosp... hot water felt better on itch. i took itch medi twice. then itch gone liao.

i was sitting on chair more often in hosp then lying in bed.. cause ryan was latching/slping...

i gonna do individual jabs for ryan..

i kinda regret inducing n all. cause the bill almost gave raymond a heart attack...
+ gynae said bb head totally not engaged.. no chance to enter pelvis as it wun fit at all. all the pain was for nothing..
i paid double of wat a normal elective c-sec had to pay..
n if i elected c-sec, i could have chosen date n time to deliver. n deliver later so ryan wun kenna jaundice...
though i delivered 38wks.. still he kenna...

sunned him today. he had red jaundice.. today looked abit yellow. tmr is PD appt.. pray tat he's well in normal range...

ryan quite naughty. always remove his mittens... mummies, urs will mah?


New Member
Petrina-how big was Ryan when he was borned? mittens too small for Ryan thats y drop off easily after moving around..

As for jabs.. i will go to my GP instead of polyclinic.. more convenient as the clinic is just downstairs..

is ur delivery natural or c-sect?


New Member
loinky: i let my boy wear long sleeves only when gg out. cause too much laundry to wash.. weather very bad.. i dun wan bacteria on damp clothes.. no sun lor...


Active Member
yup. Individual jabs also good. the difference is in the HIB jab. HIB is pacakged in (coz it costs a lot) with the individual jabs.

No regrets lah...Ryan is out already...and he's SOOOOOOO cute!! Who says all that pain is for nothing? It's to bring Ryan out into this world...

Jaundice: Almost all asian babies will get it. Dun worry about it. The dr at polyclinic told me, only start to worry if the jaundice reading is above 210 (not sure what's the equivalent in tens - some docs measure in tens...)

Yes, the weather these days is causing me a "laundry headache". But still must protect, and still must wash. Haiz. Today got good sun!
Washed all baby stuff (daddy at home to wash). The adults' clothes now one huge mountain...I'm gonna run out of work clothes to wear liaoz.


New Member
hi all,

i'm a new hainanese BTB..
will be rom-ing in sept 08 and AD next year sept..
any preparation tips for me for both/any of the 2 occasions?



New Member
Hi lena,

Welcome welcome into our midst!

There's a handful of us active in this thread (including one guy) and most of us meet up frequently. Except for one, the rest are married by now. Some are even mothers or mothers-to-be already

We surely look forward to seeing u in this thread more often and if possible, during our gatherings too

How's the preparations for both of your events going on? As there are so many aspects to planning for each event, I am at a loss where to start providing tips, if I am in any good position to offer advice, haha!

So how about posting your questions here? I am sure we would be more than glad to help you as much as we can. That's the spirit of kinship/clansmanship we have going on strong here!


Active Member
Hi Lena,

I know...hahaha. Just typed "BTB" out of habit in here...hahaha. What I meant was, how are they...hehs. Coz never see them log in much liaoz. heehee...


New Member
hi huey, csi, hazuki and all 'tong xiangs'!

thanks for all your well wishes..
so far.. i onli confirmed the following for my upcoming rom in Sept this year:
1) wedding rings
2) JP
3) venue
4) photo+videographer

still hunting for bs.. cos wanna get those package for 'rom' and 'ad' together.. so many bs to choose.. heard good and bad stories for many.. headache liao.. hmmm.. perhaps for a start.. many can recommend good bs which you all have engaged before?

as for AD.. i checked with most hotels.. for dates after june 09, the booking only opens after june this year.. thus.. now concentrate on rom 1st ba.. wait till the tong shu for next year is out in july.. then can check the good date for my AD next year.. likely to be in sept/oct as well.. ;)

oh ya.. btw.. for rom.. hainanese btb.. need to prepare anything? or is it onli for customary.. then need to go through the custom practises?



New Member
welocme to our thread, Lena!

concentrate on your ROM first. no customary to follow. Just do what you like. We'll help you with the AD stuff when your ROM is over.

As for the BS, CSI - do you still have the list of details? the one with our AD dates, BS and etc. If yes, please post it, then Lena can take a look which one to choose. Thanks


New Member
ya, lena.. customs is 4 AD only... finish ur ROM liao then c wat lists u need.. i can check if i still have prep lists.


New Member
Hi Lena,

Yes, Nellie is right. There's no rules to follow for ROM. As for AD, Hainanese do not have much customs but as the time nears we will dipense whatever knowledge/advice/experience we have.

I can still remember which AD and hotel some of us went to... so let me try and put them in record here....

Nellie J&C Bridal Arts House
Huey Silverlining Plaza Park Royal
Li Ann Silverlining Plaza Park Royal
Stacy Flamingo M Hotel
CSI Amanda Lee Marriot
Ivied La B*lle Carlton (* = 'e')
Petrina Bridal Concept Miramar
Lance(Guy) Bridal Concept Holiday Inn Parkview
Pris Bridal Concept Holiday Inn Parkview
Janice Bridal Concept Carlton
Sherrie Z Weddings Grand Hyatt
Christine Z Weddings TBC
Chrysallisph Thomson Weddings TBC

Haha, hope I havent gotten anything wrong.... and thanks to CSI for helping with some info and to Nellie for correcting me


Hi lena! Welcome! You romming in sept 08? My AD is in that month too. Hehe. Nice month to get married. Those package got a lot of shops providing. I took one of those packages also.

Huiz: Your info is correct from what i see. Hehe.


New Member
hey thanks nellie, hazuki and lance..

huey.. u're fabulous.. can rem all the details.. :D
seems like lots took up silverlining, bridal concept and Z weddings..

on my list.. i'm considering:
1) Precious Moments (becos I took my 21st makeover photos there before, the photographer and service was great.. but that's many years ago.. :p)
2) Yvonne's Creation (saw alot of good remarks on the forum of their excellent service)
3) French Bridal (saw a few gowns on the mag that I fancy from them)
4) Graceful Image (saw one gown that I really like on the mag)

havent visited any BS thou.. but maybe i can olso review on the BS u all took up.. any bad experience for any of the BS from u gals/guys?

olso.. i wonder.. would it be better to visit bridal shows instead of individual shops to checkout these BS..

cos, upcoming.. 19 apr there's a bridal fair at swissotel the stamford by styles wedding.. but i'm afraid that without visiting the individual shop to 'check out' their gowns.. i wont see the 'real thing'.. other than the package price.. cos.. i heard many advices to go physical try and see the gowns..

as for rom.. i guess the following are the only things i need to prepare?
1) wedding rings (done)
2) hotel (done)
3) JP
4) dress/suit
5) makeup/hairdo
6) shoes
7) bouquet
8) invitation cards printing/collection (partial - cos cards will be provided by the hotel.. but we are contemplating if we wanna print the inserts ourselves)

any more things to 'lookout' for ROM? hmmm...



New Member
ROM if u wan, u can do it separately. in case u dun like their services, u wun be forced to continue the AD package...

ROM packages r quite standard... Dress, make-up, bouquet. not sure if car is loaned.. I did my ROM n AD same day.

If not u can use ur above list n do ala carte.


New Member
Hi lena,

Haha, like I always say, anything outside the textbooks or outside the realm of work, I can remember quiet well ;-P

My personal opinion of YC isnt so good. Perhaps it could be the package my friend took, she herself also admitted that their gowns are quiet errrmm, old. However, if u take MTM, then I am in no position to comment liao.

Other than compliments, I am glad I have no complains with the BS, Silverlining that I went too. Show u some pics if u are interested. I am sure Li Ann will share the same sentiments with me, right gal?

Going to bridal fairs has its pros and cons. On the bright side, there could be some good discounts from them. On the other side of the coin, like what u say, u wouldn't see the "real" thing. Plus, they may use some hard sell techniques then.

As for your ROM, I believe u also have a post ROM reception all planned by now? Would u be having a pro PG too?


Active Member
Hi Lena,
If you have the time, you may want to go visit the individual BS first (esp those that would be at the bridal show), check out their gowns. Then sign up with them at the bridal show. Possible?

ROM....no idea, coz like Petrina, my ROM and AD were on same day.

JP...my SIL is a licensed solemniser. if you have no preference for any one, and are looking for one, I can help you ask her...


New Member
hi hazuki, true lor.. my hubby-to-be olso mentioned this before.. but.. as always.. i wanna save 'trouble & $' having to get individual items.. but anyway.. as i still have some time.. i'll prob hunt abit 1st.. worst case scenario.. i'll get ala carte..
thanks for your advice..

hi huey,
sounds like silverlinning can be a good choice for me to consider as well..
i would love to see your lovely photos if you could share with me..

for my ROM, i oredi more or less fixed on a photo+videographer.. from nick g0h.. u all heard about him before? he's charging $550x2 for 3hours of pg + vg.. that comes with 1 PG + 1 VG 80 edited photos + all raw photos + an album + 1 video highlights + all raw videos.. is that a reasonable package? cos over this forum, i did emailed some other vg + pg.. they're charging like $800~1k while there's olso $550 and $388 ones.. for similar packages...

hi csi,
after hearing much.. i think your idea is good.. that I should visit their shops 1st.. then sign later at the fair.. at least.. i can see what they 'really' have.. before they over commit to me.. :p
Oh ya.. JP wise.. my FIL to-be is a licensed JP.. so he will be our JP that day..
thanks for offering to help.. :D
