been so bz with work to update on my "look around" last wkend.
seems like FRF is really in good biz, all 3 ballrooms were busy with weddings.
I echo Bonjour's POV. Venus is consider grand, my folks like it a lot. Its pretty roomy for below 40 tables. The last wedding I went to had around 45 tables, so the rear area of the room was used to accomdate like 50-55% of the tables. maybe i need to upload the table layout to help u ppl understand better.
Jupiter is made up of 3 rooms i guess with the foldable partitions opened up. There's 2 screens on each end of the room for projection purpose, so even with the pillars, its still pretty within sight. March in is quite a short distance, considering its only 3 table apart from the entrance to the platform.
Funnily, i thot that Mercury was on the same floor as the other two. took me awhile to find my way up to the 5th storey. i came up from the elevator across the pool and its very pretty to look from afar. if you are fine with low ceiling, this is the place for you.
is it true that mercury is fully book for the weekends till end of the year? OMGosh!