Furama City Centre


New Member

Actually the $500 voucher can be exchange for food tasting. Give and take.. they take away the food tasting and give you $500 voucher. As most of the hotel comes with food tasting.

$638+++ neg to $650nett??? Sounds good but i dont know how good it is. You must be very good in your words.

My friend pay $750nett for a weekend dinner. As for perks, same as you. It's just that they changed the $500 voucher to food tasting.

I dont know worth it anot but ultimately, if the wedding dinner goes smoothly and the service are good.. then i think everything is worth it.

Agreed that the exterior of the hotel sux but since you already signed off with it then just enjoy and be happy.

Waiting for ex-bride of furama to comment about the Ang Bao thingy? Whether break-even, top-up or profit.



New Member
er... I meant that my wedding banquet is $650 nett including the food tasting, the $500 voucher, the free flow of beer etc.

Your friend also taking up Furama? how come so expensive?

anyway, once i told a few of mine friend that I have taken up Furama, they straight away told me that the banquet price is around $700 plus , so i dun think u need to worry abt the ang pao cos most of them will put in at least $60-100.


New Member

oic.. different package maybe.

Heard it's $750nett on weekend (Sat). Is it expensive? My friend are more worry that most pple will put in $60 cos it's an OLD hotel but they dont know it's a NEW ballroom. hee..

$650nett for vegetarian banquet, so $750nett for a non-vegetarian banquet should be not that expensive lah hor... overall the price still okay.

It's just that pple might think it's an old hotel so they will pao only $60... then in the end the couple have to top-up quite alot.


New Member
Well i didnt have break even. It is true that most guests gave onli $(50 to 60) and i had mine on wkend so was a terrible lost + if u read my previous comment on the hotel, was the worst experience i had! I have no gd thing to say abt the hotel just complains and nothing else!


New Member
they actually told me that the price is $638+++, that is ard $750 too, but I keep on telling them that it is too expensive and finally they give in and tell me to code them a price, I think i am lucky.

I did not go thru the wedding planner, my is the catering manager whom entertain me. perhap, next time, if your friend wan to have banquet in there, look for the catering manager.

I have even let some of my friend know that my banquet is worth $700 plus... hee hee...


New Member
Ivy, thanks for your input. My friend are much better now, they are not that concern about the angbao thingy already. Most impt is to be happy and enjoy the dinner.

Gal, good for you. I think that is quite a reasonable price for vegetarian dinner. So when is your AD?


New Member
Hi gal,
Mine is 28 Oct, a Fri.
I am with White link.
At the moment is taking a rest before another waves of preparation for the AD.... hehe.
I have another bridal package to offer...not sure if u r interested. U can PM if want.


New Member
Hi Ivy,
I am sorry that u had a bad experience with Furama previously.
I believed Furama will learnt from their mistakes and improve on it.
I hope I will enjoy on my AD.


New Member
Hi Jo,
If u have read the previous thread that Ivy posted, u will noe what she means. But it's up to your own personal opinion.. Everyone have different experience, so u can only judge when u have meet up with them.. Personally, so far, i felt that the people at Furama are quite nice... I haven't had my banquet, but i believe the constant communication with ur co-ordinator is very important (just like what Dappy(ex-bride at Furama)had said).


New Member
errrm... actually ivy, ur wedding day has oredi passed. so try to forgive and forget lor. though ur big day was screwed up by them, i tink they will try to improve. instead of discouraging others and making negative remarks, why don u try suggesting how they can prevent the same thing from happening?


New Member
Hi there,

i think the most important thing to ask for a neg. on price is to show them how sincere you are toward their package.
I went to a few places are some of them actually did lower down the price for me when i told them abt my tight budget etc, so i think it good that you told them abt your budget and problem so that they can help you. (and I m sure they are most welcome to attend to u.)


New Member
pls do not mention anything about my price when u all neg. for the package cos actually i m not suppose to let other know abt this. The reason why i post here is becos compare to other places, Furama did charge us quite high price as compare to others. But perhap mine is vegetarian meal, so they offer us a cheaper price.
I think they are being kind to me la.


New Member
Jo, BAD Choice means wrong selection of hotel to hold the banquet!

Renee, if they had learnt their mistakes they would not have allow the same mistakes to repeat in my banquet even after several times of warning & feedbacks before my banquet was held! Wish u all the best then, as i received many empty promises from them!!!

mushloom, to forget it, unless u tell me to remarry again! So that's impossible and this incident will follow me throughout my entire life!!! I will forever have no gd feedback for them. All my guests spread bad feedbacks n remarks abt them too!! I have seen n told the hotel coordinator for the whole year abt the things i already knw they will happen n what promised she made had not being carried out, how to trust n give them a chance! I'm just warning all future brides!

Ade, they are nice only before the event was held!


New Member
Hi Renee,
I haven't ROM. Will be on 12th Dec 2005. How about u? So how's your preparation for the wedding? Which BS u choose?


New Member
U really book ur banquet very very early.
I ROMed on 11 Jan 05. I signed after their wedding show, mine is Ivy Yio.
Currently not doing anything for wedding, after CNY will go BS to select gown. I am with Whitelink.

How abt u? U found ur BS?


New Member
Hi, just relise that my price is a weekday pricing which they offer us cos when we check with them, they give us two pricing and we mistaken it.
sorry for any inconvience cause to u all. anyway, we have book suntec city, so sorry again..


New Member
Hi Renee,
Yup, booked early at least dun need to worry on 1 more thing... FH and I signed up with Furama coz after looking at so many hotels, we found that we can communicate better with Albert... What we wanted was someone who can click with us and understand our needs...He's the Director of catering, was quite dissappointed when he said he will let someone else handle our wedding if he's not around in s'pore... Coz when we meet up with the other co-ordinator, we dun have that 'qin qie gan' with him...
I found my BS...Bridal Zone... Gown selection will be somewhere in july...so still have a long long way to go...in the meantime, still got time to go on diet...at least everything not that rush... Any idea on what kind of gown u wanted?


New Member
Hi Ade,
Ic, think I did speak to Albert b4 while looking for Ivy, quite a funny guy I say. If u r not comfortable with another person, try to change another if possible...hehe.
Enough time to diet and look slim... for me I dun much time left, perhaps less than 5 mths... din hv much idea on my EG, left it to my designer to crach his/her brain... haha.

Will u be ROM outside or within the registry?


New Member
Hi Renee,
Yup, Albert is a funny guy...that's y we r so at ease with him..
Most probably will be within the Registry... Actually intend to hold it in Furama Riverfront(Waterfall lounge), but we r afraid that not enuff budget...So save up on the $$$... ROM make-up and gown will get from my BS... ROM will be a small scale one,oni involve his family and mine, so thinking of using the food tasting for the high-tea..Heard from my friend that she spent more than 2k for her ROM...That's y, we r thinking of ways to save up.for ur ROM, how much u spend on it? haha...for your EG & WG, u dun have any idea on the design? U got look through the mags?


New Member
Hi Ade,
I spent abt 1.6k exclude purchase of rings. Mine was a small scale too, immediate families.
The Furama Waterfront looks very nice from the pictures.

I did looked thru mag, saw afew designs I liked. But still depend whether I find any I like at white link.

How abt ur hse? I guess not so fast hor since u will be ROM in Dec.


New Member
Hi Renee,
Ur ROM is at the registry too?
Your gowns r MTM or OTR? If MTM, can ask white link to make the design that u like...
My hse won't be so soon... We intend to apply for a new flat if kallang or old airport rd is still building..If not, will opt for resale instead... So for the time being, will move in with his parents 1st. How about u?


New Member
Hi ade,
I ROMed at Amara hotel.
My WG is OTR, EG is MTM. I dun hv much idea for EG, gonna get help from the designer.
I got my resale at choa chu kang, near my parents. Shld be collecting my key latest by Apr then can start to reno as my AD in Oct.


New Member
hi Renee,
Oh, u had your ROM at Amara... Heard that they r offering quite a nice package for ROM...
Lucky u, got your resale flat liao...So by the time u finished reno, it's already your AD... Everything just nice...
Btw, happy new year... This year u have to give out AngBaos liao..while it's the last year for me to collect mine... 8(


New Member
Hi ade,
Happy New Year!!!
Amara do hv attractive ROM package but think they increased the price liao. Their food n service are not bad...overall is sucessful for my ROM.

Ha! Ha! This yr I collect even more ang bao because I went to my hubby relatives which are many of them. Will only give out ang bao next yr or wat, AD not over yet mah... can siam


New Member
Hi Renee,
I tot that ROM must give out Angbao, till my godma told me that after AD then can give... Luckily, can collect for 1 more year...
Not sure if Amara increase their price, but i think they r offering $999 for their ROM package...
Looks like there's only the two of us in this thread...Have u decide on the theme and march-in songs for ur wedding?


New Member
U can start to give out ang bao in 2007... 2 more yrs... hehe

My ROM package was $999nett but heard from Amara thread mentioned now is $1299nett... not sure either.

Think so... only 2 of us in here... not sure where r the rest gone to... nvm we can still continue to chat here...

Furama does not hv any theme to choose... but hoping they will change the floral deco to real flowers instead of fake... I like their guest book esp the red...so tradition, <font color="ff0000">red red one</font>. They might change the gifts too.

I did shortlist afew songs...need to find some songs which hold great significance to us.

Need to exercise n slim down b4 my PS which I estimate due in Jun or Jul...which is abt 5 mths away... so hard to get rid extra fats my tummy n thighs.

Do u wanna view my ROM pic?


New Member
Hi Renee,
Sorry, MIA for a week liao... Was out of town... Yup, can share with me your ROM photos?

I tot Furama got a few themes to choose from? I din c b4 the red guest book.. Oni saw the ivory one b4. Furama dun have any flora arrangement on the guest tables,right? The other time when down to take a look, oni saw tea lights, no floral petals with it... Find their deco a bit on the plain side...I'm still looking for my songs too, but now cannot download songs, also dun noe where to go and look.


New Member
Hi Ade,

Not a problem, hope u enjoy yourself during the CNY.

I think they do hv a centre piece for the VIP tables. Will chk out the deco with Ivy... Guess their deco is not very fantastic either.
Ya, the copyright thingy is bit dangerous, better be safe then sorry... I only need 3 songs, 1st dish fanfare, 1st n 2nd march-in.

Can u leave ur email addy so that i can drop u the link to my ROM pic?


New Member
Hi Renee,
Opps, forgotten to leave my email.. [email protected] There is an _ in front of jp... Can't wait to c your pix.

I have decided on my 1st dish fanfare, but haven't on the 1st &amp; 2nd march-in. I'm thinking of compiling some songs to be played throughout the wedding too. got to look for songs for my montage too...U doing any photo montage? I was thinking if Furama is willing to add in more deco, coz the whole ballroom look a bit plain..


New Member
Hi ade,

Had sent u the link.

Furama giving me a photo montage. Need to find some pic of ourselves.

Called Furama today, said
one deco theme - tealight candles (might hv more theme, cannot confirm yet)
VIP theme - either ivory or red.
Centrepiece - tealight candles with flowers
Their ballroom quite big n pillarless, if wanna deco up, will be very nice.


New Member
Dont think much about the deco, if need to add on u need to pay to get agency to help! Furama is not of any help in that area!
