Furama City Centre


New Member
hi charleen,

U may register from the Her World Mag or u can call direct to Furama for registration at 65315399 (this is my coordinator no. Ivy).
I hv not call them yet... hehe.

Hi Ade,

Is really very fast lor, just ROMed in Jan then few more mth will be my AD. And I din even manage to slim down...sob sob.
Now looking for ID, home applicances, wines for dinner, guest list and many more.
My 1st fitting will be in May as I hv not finalised my gowns. Going down to try my gowns again, let my hubby see first b4 decide. Hehe... so excited.

How abt u? What u done for the preparation?


New Member
Hi all

i think i may consider buying 2 piece outfit for the dinner instead if i really cannot find suitable dress... perhaps easier to find and can mix n match with others next time.

but will try the places you all suggested.

Hi Ade

I am going for the show on 30th. Since its free too.. keke. better call them up to arrange son.
let me know if you going

Hi Hazel
Allure is to ex for me.... i just need a presentable and nice dress.... thanks anyway.

I saw the application form in the bridal magazine and so sent in application and payment. the deadline is already over. But you may try your luck by calling them up to see if they have anymore vacancies for you to attend. They may just slot you in for free too!


New Member
Ade, Renee

I envy you gals so much... how i wish i can have my AD soon.... but cos my sis is getting married next jan, i cannot have mine earlier... actually i had planned for this year... sob sob....i feel so demoralised now you know.....

if you wana slim down i know of a diet that is q good.... its called the Monarch Diet. My boss took that and slimmed down q a lot and managed to maintain his weight... his friend tried and succeed too... i could see the diff before and after.

but keep me updated on how you gals doing...kpo.... hahhaaa


New Member
hi zhu nai,

Dun need to envy us or feel demoralised...will be ur turn very soon. I wish I had more time to prepare or at least slim down... hehe.

What kind of diet issit? I feel scare taking those diet thing, I tried drinking those powder stuff mix wif milk but not effective, maybe I not consistent. Now stick to jogging, swimming and yoga but result not gd either. Think I not discipline enough... haha.

Hv u gone to Blum to take alook for dress? There is one at City Hall.


New Member
Hi Renee

ya... hope i will get over it soon lah... its just something that i need to lament about and the forget... hhaaa thats me... when i canot get what i want, i feel upset easily.. keke

that diet is supposed to be quite safe actually... i see if i can get the writup or anything from my boss.... he is also into these sort of things... so far, i can see the effect and has been tempted to try... his friend i met before.. was q plump before then just last week when i saw him, my first reaction was 'wow, you slimmed down a lot huh?'... so i guess it really helps lah....

but exercise is the way to go lah.. i used to be very lazy too... then i started jogging and swimming...but still cun seem to lose weight.. so i guess its got to do with diet.. need to eat healthier i guess....

haven been to blum yet.. these few days will try and look around... i still have 2-3weekends to shop around...


New Member
hi zhu nai,

Diet does play apart in slimming or keep fit. Cannot overeat and the same time cannot dun eat at all. So difficult.
I wish I hv those skinny genes or high metalbolism in me... haha. I need to lose abt at least 5kg or more which I think is very very hard.
If u hv more details on the diet thingy, do let me know. Perhaps will try as last resort.

My coordinator always not ard, so drop her a mail for the bridal show tix.


New Member

Finally my coor called me, and will be going for the show. Dun need tix. But she told me nothing much to see lor, as the ballroom will be used for fashion show setup, chairs and food. Will not see any setup like the banquet kind. Just go see the show and eat... haha.


New Member

just go there and eat lah. By the way, which BS are they holding the show in conjunction with? or is it just furama alone?

by the way, is your coordinator good? this is very impt i think otherwise, they cannot deliver what we want. Actually i have a very close friend who said that she can do the setting for me if I want...as she will be my main coordinator and planner to help me handle my stuff.... do you gals happen to know if furama allows that? from what you gals mentioned before, i think the setting is q plain right? correct me if im wrong....

i remember reading somewhere that Albert is good isit???

Renee... i will try and see if i can get anything on that. you dun have to use that as a last resort. you can buy and then take it over a short period of time, dun do it intensively.. take it like a normal diet and i think it should not be too harmful to your body... im sure you dun want to look slim but yet haggard at the same time.


New Member
Hi Zhu nai,

Not too sure which BS as not mention on mag and I also din ask... hehe...

My coordinator is Ivy, the banquet mgr. I can't really comment much on whether is she gd or not coz if u hv read previous previous postings, there r some bad comments abt her. All these r up to individual judgement, u see for urself. So far my experience wif her still ok.
Albert is their banquet director or wat, senior than Ivy. U can look for Ivy if wan to... maybe can mentioned my name, Rachel... hehe...

Frankly I hv not seen their banquet setup b4, from what I know they hv only one theme - tealight candle which might bit plain. U may engaged outside florist to deco for u, think they allow. They r using fake flower setup. but Ivy said they might be some changes later this yr. I hope by then I hv more choice to select.

Ya, I dun wanna be too slim (dun think I can achieve the boney look). Coz I think I will look nicer on PS wif some fleshy, not too ba ba ... hehe.


New Member
I have called up my co-ordinator & he's sending me 2 tix for the wedding show...

I haven't prepare much...Just went to bought 'Si dian jin' with my parents... The others oni did research oni... Have to wait for FH to give the green light then can start action...1st fitting will be in July, so have to slim down b4 that...

Hi Zhu Nai,
Yup, u dun have to envy us...It feels a bit scary that time goes by very fast...
Albert is nice...Actually tot that he will be my co-ordinator, then i signed up with Furama.. But after that, he hand over to some1 else...He's now handling Riverfront...
I have seen City centre setup...A bit on the plain side. But the co-ordinator told me that with the LED effect, everything will be very nice..The whole thing a bit plain, oni a few tealight as the centrepiece...Hope that wat Renee's coordinator said is true..that they will have more themes...
Btw, what is the diet that u r referring to?
I also want to try...Expensive a not?


New Member
Hi Ade

when is your AD? and which is you BS? what did you buy for the si dian jin? do ple still buy gold???? cos i hate gold you know... i tot si dian jin is to be given by mother-in-law to you?oopss.. or did i remember wrongly.. hahaaha

a lot of traditions i dunno and my mother-in-law is so modern she dunno anything also... keke

so now who is your coordinator? the diet is q ex lah, about close to $300 i think, i cannot remember very clearly and Im not sure if i can still get it through my boss. i have yet to talk to him as he is out of town for these few days. I will check with him once he comes back. but like i mentioned to Renee, i think its q effective...


New Member
Hi Zhu Nai,

My AD on 1st Apr'05. ROM will be on 12th Dec'05. I signed up with Bridal Zone..How about u? My parents bought me a pair of earings, ring, necklace & braclet. People buy gold coz it's more value for $$, unlike daimonds or silver. Personally, i also dun like gold, but my mom said that maybe in future if in need of $$, at least got the gold to tide over..Whether your MIL give u the si dian jin, have to depends on her and what dialect u r in(I think if teochew then got give, correct me if i'm wrong). Some of them still give even if u r not Teochew. I also dun noe why my parents buy, they wan to give so i just take lor... They also bought a chain for my FH. The traditions differ for different dialects. Must depends on what dialect u and your FH r.

My coordinator is William. Haven't met him before, coz the person that Albert hand over my wedding to, just left Furama.. So for the time being, haven't met him yet... Maybe during the wedding show then go and find him...

Actually $300 is ok, better then going to those slimming centre, end up spending few thousands, but din slim down...


New Member
Hi Ade

I have not decided who to sign up with. Is your BS good in your opinion, in terms of overall package? Actually, i think i go more for quality rather than quantity. It can give me lesser photos but the skill and quality must be good. my sis went to ask Bright Studio and came back saying its q ex. the cheapest package is about $3000 and only has 15 photos, smemore no suit for the guy.

i haven been there personally though. Y, i think it depends on dialect group lah. anyway, i leave that to my parents lor..i guess they should know more...keke i hope

im hearong more and more not so good opinions about furama...im still looking for suitable locations now... sigh....


New Member
Zhu nai,

What kind of comments did u get? Anyway I cannot backup as I signed liao. Haha.

Hi Ade,

Guess I gonna buy another pair of shoes as my designer said I gotto wear at least 3 inches, else my EG will not good nice.


New Member
Hi Zhu Nai,
So far, i'm quite pleased with the service of my BS. Did recommended my friend to the same BS, but she is not really happy with them. My package is $2988, signed up with them during a road show.So far, they throw in quite a good package for us.
I also heard a lot of bad comments about Furama, but personally, I don't really judge on what people said. Everyone will have different opinion on different things, so they judge things differently. So far, my experience with Furama is quite ok...Haven't reali alise with them much.
Have u shortlisted the hotels that u r interested?


New Member
Hi Renee,
What's the height for the shoe that u bought at HK? I saw a 3.5 inches sandals at Metro on weekend. Almost ended up buying it, but however, it's not reali something that i wanted. Maybe KIV 1st. I'm looking for something with the front covered and pointed and around 3.5 inches high...


New Member
Hi Ade,

I looking for min 3 inches. The one my Mum got from Jap is 2.5 inches and my designer said is not high enough to bring out the elegant amd sexy of the dress. I quite agree too, as I am petite so gotto wear higher to look taller and slimmer. My legs still able to take 3 or 3.5 as long as the heels is broad and not those very thin heels. I like open-toes as my feet wet easily.
Actually I have a pair of 3 inches, my ROM heels but is kind of plain (cream col). If really to wear that, gotto buy those diamantel stripe to stick to make them shiny. My hubby said bring the ROM heels for 1st fitting, if really cannot then buy as still got time.


New Member
Hi Renee and Ade

The comments i heard were things like, its very plain setting, service not so good...but like what you said... this kind of thngs depends on individual and is very subjective... i will still consider furama... i want to see the place for myself before i decide if i like it....

i have not shortlisted any hotels yet... haven got the time to do so yet... recently was busy with finding quotations for renovation. but i will look into it these few weeks. during your search for venues, were there any other hotels that caught your eyes?

As for BS, also same thing, very subjective. if you read the forum ple say that everbliss is not good. but my friend is using and say its q ok.... i think if your demands are v high then its difficult to meet them and you end up being unhappy lor.

if you are petite, then you have to wear higher heels to make yourself stand out... especially if your FH is much taller. try the one you wore on yur ROM first then if really cannot then buy one. I dun think its that hard to get another nice pair..


New Member
Hi Zhu Nai,

I shortlisted afew only, Amara, M hotel and Suntec. Each has pros and cons. I nearly signed with Amara but in the end, chose Furama (black horse) due to some issue. I hv seen all hotel banquet setup except Furama and I like all them. Though Amara got counter-offer but we couldn't agree on certain terms so too bad lor.

Will wear that ROM heel for 1st fit then decide if need to buy. I spotted on at DY, design nice and price reasonable.


New Member
hi Renee

I will be attending a wedding at Amara on 8th May, and so will take the chance to see the setting and find out the price.. hhaaa... then I have anotehr one at Holiday Inn Park View on 29th May, another chance to see how it is. But these mean a big hole in my pocket.... both are relatives, so gotta give more $ in angbao...

DY shoes.....some are nice but some can look a bit 'auntie'. so you have to be careful of the one you choose. If you really need to buy, you can try OG, as we suggested the last time, they have q nice ones...sometimes, Charles and Keith also has nice one, depending on season... of cos if go to those shops specialised in wedding shoes, you will sre get nice ones, but higher price...


New Member
hi ZhuNai,
Amara is $789nett for weekends...
There will be a wedding fair on 30 Apr if I remember correctly.
Holiday Inn Parkview having $40 off per table. Promo ends this mth..


New Member
Hi Zhu Nai,

I shortlisted a few too, Regent hotel, Oriental and Pan Pac. But these places the price a bit steep, so in the end choose Furama. Oriental very nice & elegant, But the price far more steeper than the others. We scared no $$, so in the end, had to work something around our budget.

I think b4 u shortlist the hotels, come up with a budget 1st. Then go to those hotels that are within your budget. Liddat, won't waste too much time on finding the hotels.

Hi Renee,
I'm thinking of MTM my shoes. My friend went to Leaping Lizard to make hers and the price was $120 for a very simple design. She felt it was worth it even though she didn't wear it after her wedding. Wonder if it was a waste of $$$. What do u think?


New Member
Hi Zhu nai,

Amara is not bad either but is quite ex on wkend, menu is ok. Sometimes they r quite inflexible, becoz of this I chose Furama as we couldn't come to an agreement.
U gotto list your requirement for banquet, such price, accessibility, menu, perks... able to click with coorinator.
Take sometimes to source ard b4 u decide.

Hi Ade,

Is up to individual. But I heard from other BTB, that Leapin quality is not good and is ex which I nt sure how true issit. $120 for MTM is consider ok to me.
I will stick to my ROM 1st, coz I found some diamantel selling Spotlight, I can use them to enhance the look of my plain ROM heels. If not tall enough then buy another one....so many shops out there, surely can find a nice one.


New Member

How much is furama's weekend menu?8 or 9 course?Thanks a lot
for the wedding show,it start at 12pm?then from 12-3pm,just walk around?


New Member
Hi cool,

Furama Jade package wkend is $638+++ (Sat, sun & PH), wkday is $558+++(Mon-Fri)
They also hv a Silver package, wkend is $518+++ and wkday is $418+++
It is a 8 course dinner, by their Chinese Rest.
Their show start at 12pm, somehow I think will dilly dally abit so might start 1230...


New Member
hi ZhuNai,
think I would like to update U on my findings on Amara which I had visited today
I waited for quite some time for him to meet me.
Amara-didnt even talk abt the pkg..jux show us the ballroom & asked us if we got the pkg..I answered only pdf format.then he passed the hardcopy to me...& send us downstairs. Asked us to go home & read..call them if any questions. Ohh pls, since I had the pdf format, that means I have read through it else why I want to come down to take a look..maybe he thinks we are not potential as we said we hv abt 20~25tb. I didnt have any time to ask him any question. That was really a disappointment.

So ladies, U all would be attending the wedding show on next Sat?


New Member
hi renee,

thanks for the info,so the wedding show would end at 6pm ?
U noe how to calculate the +++?HOw much will the packages be after all the +++?around $750 for weekend?sorry i lousy with my maths


New Member
Hi Hazel,
Will be going down next to c c only.
I also kena some unpleasant svc with Amara b4, it seem to me that they r interested to serve u if u r really potential to them or taking their wkend. I remembered once when I told e coordinator I dun hv a confirm date and abt 20 tables, her face changed instantly. However I did took their ROM package and their svc staff and food were gd.

Hi Cool,
Yes, this is how u calculate the +++. But normally can bargain further for a nicer figure with hotel.


New Member
I am looking at weekend, 20~27tbs. Amara doesnt seems to understand that the amt would increase. *sigh...

Actually, wondering what to do bet 12~3pm at Furama?3hrs fregistration seems to be very long.


New Member
Hello all

On Furama's wedding show this weekend, I am also wondering what we can do from 12pm to 3pm.... maybe that time is meant for us to look around and ask any questions that we may have with the staff on duty that day... i realli dunno. Will you gals be going down on time or later????? hhhaaa typical singaporean... dun like to be too early...

i saw from magazines over the weekend that Amara is 789nett on weekends. Hazel, the service is really that bad??? oh my god.... then i think i have to be extra careful with them. But like some of you said, if more tables and on weekends maybe the service would be better right? cos mine will be on sat and i will abt about 30-35 tables.. hahhaaa.

I saw from magazines that Traders hotel is q reasonable too.. i think about 658 on weekends... anyone of you have been there to take a lool? I may be going there to see how the place is.

How;s the pricing for Pan Pan like? So far i have never seen its listing in magazines. but i am interested to find out the packages that Pan Pac has.

so who is going to the show this sat? Renee, Ade, Cool, Hazel, me......


New Member
PanPac is ard $800+,if U booked for next yr, think have to prepare for the increase of price.


New Member
Oh yes,
bet 12~3pm is for us to mingle ard with the exhibitors such as Double Up, Body Contours...etc...


New Member
Hi Hazel,

Hmm.... then I dun wanna go there so early maybe later, afterall I oredi got my BS. Going there is for fun since is FOC. If go there too early and nothing much to do, will be waste of time, scare hubby not happy waiting.


New Member
i will probably be there earlier than you gals, about 1pm.. cos i have more to look out for and ask too.

So i see you all there....wonder if we have xing ling gan ying.. can tell who is who at the session there... hhhaaakeke


New Member

furama called me this morning
I asked her about the schedule,she told me start at 12pm,then hi tea ard 3,maybe end ard 430....


New Member

furama called me this morning
I asked her about the schedule,she told me start at 12pm,then hi tea ard 3,maybe end ard 430....


New Member
Hi cool

the invitation card was sent and the program was stated in it. according to that, the show should end by 6pm, but i think it could be earlier. they called me and i asked whats the program for 12-3pm. as we expected, its for interaction with the exhibitors.. and we can go and see the bridal suite too, it will be opened that day. then maybe we can tok to the Furama staff on the dinner also.

so far anyone has gone for food tasting?


New Member
hi all... i was abt to sign up with Furama.. coz not much time left for me to choose each hotel..
i got the tix for this sat wedding show too..
my co-ordinator also ivy... will be meeting her these few days to check out the place...


New Member
Hi Zhu Nai,
Yup, Pan Pac price ard $800+ as mentioned by Hazel. I won't be going there aly.Oni wanted to c their setup... Dun have to go too aly coz the previous time been to Riverfront, they also drag till very late then start.Anyway, i have signed up with them, dun have to go too aly, unless u want to tok to the co-ordinator.


New Member
Hi Zhu nai,

Mine food tasting will be one/two mth b4 my AD (Oct). I tot of using the food tasting to celebrate Lantern Festival too if it falls on wkday, a get-together dinner for everyone.

Hi berry,

to this thread.
So when is ur AD?

I just wanna see the suite again and see the banquet setup if any.


New Member
Hi renee..actually plan my AD on 8jan06..but tat day was booked liao..the ballroom..left the small ballroom..i like their big ballroom..
may change date to another one but on same mth..
i saw their bridal suite last night..hee very very nice,nice scenery too? u pay deposit oredi?isit 3k?


New Member
Hi Renee

after you go for food tasting, remember to tell us how it is. the food tasting is for how many pax and dishes? many have said the bridal suite is great. i guess i really need to ahve a good look on sat. so look forward to this sat. i hope to get some good information there.

how many ballrooms does Furama has actually?is the grand ballroom the one just next to wah lok?


New Member
hi zhu nai...furama had 2 ballrooms... small ballroom on the 4th floor and grand ballroom on the 5th floor...
max tables for grand ballroom is 50... small one max is 25...
yes..the bridal suite is not that bad... nice scenery... can see explanade..and many places..


New Member
Hi berry,

I paid the deposit of 3k liao.

Hi Zhu nai,

Ya, Furama has only one grand ballroom on 5th and the smaller one aka function room is on 4th flr. So if u book the grandball, u will be the only couple using it, quite exclusive. They dun spilt it to cater for another couple with lesser tables.
I quite like the grandball as it is much bigger compared to Amara one.
Will let u know abt the food tasting outcome when due.


New Member
renee...let me know when u go for food tasting too..
when's your AD?
ya i like their grand ballroom too... i will book it unless i saw another one thats nice...


New Member

can someone share with me what to look out for in a dinner package? what are the items that are normally included and what we have to bargain for. Im not confident in talking to the hotels without knowing what I should have and what i can bargain for???

really appreciate some advice. thanks


New Member
Hi berry,

My Ad is 28 Oct.
Will update abt my food tasting experience.

Hi Zhu nai,

For me, I try to ask more for the following
- free flow of beer or extra barrel (coz some hotels dun)
- extra night stay at bridal suite (normal is 1 nite)
- waiver of corkage charge (coz some hotels dun)
- lower the per table price (try to give a better price after all the +++)
- increase the % of invitation cards, parking lot if possible
- full course food tasting (coz some hotel only provide 6 courses)
- pre-dinner snack for couple
- day-use room for ur helpers (so they can bathe n rest)
- some hotels give anniversary gift, see if can exchange for other perks

that's all I can think of... anyone to add on?
